Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 18, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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A p ril 18, 1991), Page 3
N ews A round T own
This Week in History
W hile reading this, one might
ask her/hisself: “ How much do I really
know about African history?”
If your scope o f African his­
tory is lim ited, d o n ’t blam e yourself
exclusively: you have co-conspirators.
The schools, the libraries, and the texts
all contribute to the problem (namely,
by not contributing to the solution).
Picking up a copy o f “ W ho’s W ho in
South A frica” , I was shocked to find
that nearly every featured persona is a
white male! (I was also mildly stunned
to find th at-th o u g h controversy sur­
rounds Black newspapers carrying ciga­
rette ads that the first page was an ad­
vertisem ent for beer.) C ultural illiter­
acy, then, is perhaps a societally ac-
q u u e d - if not societally p u sh e d -p m b -
Some invaluable books for
matching u p ” on your Black history
are- Afro A merican H istory, by H er­
bert Aptheker; The Souls o f Black
Folk, by noted Black historian W .E.B.
Uu Bois: Black Leaders of the T w en­
tie th C entury. the University o f Illinois
Press; an d Slavery and Human Prog­
ress. by David Brion Davis.
The following are pioneers in
black history, in South Africa, who
were bom or died April 18-24.
A p ril 19,1903 w astheday that marked
the end of Edm und Bannerm an’s life.
His father had been lieutenant-gover­
nor o f the Gold Coast (G.C.) settle­
m ents, and his mother was Princess
Yiadom. Edm und Bannnerman be­
cam e secretary to the governors o f the
G.C. setdem ents, and soon was desig­
nated civil com m andant of Keta (a
town that is now along G hana’s east
coast). This position lasted only tem ­
porarily, as he was then transferred by
the governm ent to W inneba, to serve
the sam e post. Later, he went on the
practice law, com m and as adjutant-
general in the Anlo W ar in 1866, act as
private secretary to Colonel Edward
Conran, Britain’s commandcr-in-chief.
He received com m endations for his
bravery while com m anding a British
expedition. A dditionally, he became
proprietor and editor o f a Cape C oast
publication entitled the W est African
H erald. Edmund Bannerm an’s advice
was sought out by Gold Coast gover­
nors and other authority-heads. He
died at the age o f 71 in Tarquah House,
Jam es Town, Accra.
by Angelique Sanders
Asamoa, with an M.A. degree in moral
philosophy, a diplom a in education,
and ten years' experience as a pastor,
pushed for African languages in the
schools. He served as the first African
principal of St. A ndrew ’s Training C ol­
lege in G hana, and later went on to be­
come the first African principal of the
Presbyterian Training College in Ghana
(known as the oldest institution in the
country to train teachers).
A pril 21,1930 was the death date o f Sir
Frederick Gordon Guggisberg. Bom in
Toronto, Canada, Guggisberg first went
into army engineering and surveying.
He soon became the assistant director
o f a pioneer survey of the G old Coast
and Asante. His merits at this moved
him rapidly to Director o f Surveys. He
excelled as a cartographer, drawing maps
more detailed and accurate than any
others at the time. Though offered the
position o f Director of Public W orks in
the G.C. in 1914, W orld W ar I then
broke out, and Guggisberg served as
brigadier in Belgium and France. He
was honorably m entioned in dispatches
many times, and went on to be the
governor o f the Gold Coast, com m and­
ing awesome respect from those he
ruled. He founded Achim oto College
(which later becam e the University o f
Ghana) and spawned the first African
hospital on the G old Coast. The G ug­
gisberg Constitution o f Africa is a prod­
uct o f his mind. A fter eight months o f
serving as British G uiana’s governor,
he died o f illness.
A p ril 19, 1910-The Rev. Erasmus
Awuku A sam oa is bom . Asam oa was
an African dedicated to education o f his
people, spurred by the fear that the
British were purposely repressing edu­
cation from South Africans, in an a t­
tem pt to prevent them from “ rising
u p ” and seizing their rightful share of
power. This fear was further justified
when a * ‘conflict o f languages’ ’ arose
in the 1950s: the G.C. governm ent
attem pted to make English the primary
language of the schools o f Ghana.
Local Producer Wins National Award
Latina Duke, News Director of Grass-
root News, won the American W omen
in Radio andT elevision’s Fifteenth A n­
nual National Com m endation Award
for her production o f Teen Parent T ele­
Teen Parent Television won under
the category of Govemment/Non-Profit.
It was produced for the Portland Public
School’s Teen Parent Program during
the 1989 Sum m er School Session.
Thirty-five teen parents were involved
in the video, which was broken down
condition and addressed an area o f in­
terest and concern to w om en.”
Ms. Duke was in New York City,
March 15th, at the W aldorf Astoria
Hotel, where M s. Lesley Stahl, CBS
News W hite H ouse Correspondent,
presented her w ith the award.
Teen Parent Television is currently
airing on Cable Channel 11,27 and 33.
For more inform ation contact Mary
Karter, C oordinator, Portland Public
School Teen Parent Program at 280-
A frican A merican
F estival
J uly 18-22
K ing I Q ueen / P rince / P rincess
Support Our Advertisers!
Say You Saw It In The
Profile : Hattie Porter
Weeving Her Way to Happiness
into two com ponents: Business and
Career Music V ideo Focusing on Work
Skills; and How to Find a Job, which
featured two form er teen parents.
The Better Parent Posse reenforced
parental bonding, anti-gang messages,
and a video graphic on how to find a
friend. A ccording to Patricia Niekamp,
American W om en in Radio and Televi­
sion ’s President, “ Teen Parent Televi­
sion contributed to the advancem ent of
women by enhancing their image. It
presented a new perspective on the human
Portland Observer!
Ad Prices Effective 4/18 Thru 4/24/90
Hauie Porter o f Broadway Hairweev-
ers will be hosting The International
H airw eevers convention A ssociation
here in Portland, O R April 21-23 at the
Red Lion Inn (Coliseum).
This will be the first tim e the C on­
vention has been brought to the west
Hattie joined the convention in 1969
and has been an active m em ber ever
since. Hattie was the first to introduce
authentic hair weeving to Portland, and
she has inspired and encouraged many
hair stylists to becom e interested in au­
thentic hairweeving.
Hattie is w ell-know n throughout the
Pacific N orthw est for her unique serv­
ices. H er clientele ranges from Oregon,
W ashington, Idaho and Alaska. She
also has a special technique with clients
that have hair disorders due to radiation
treatm ent, tumors and other types of
hair losses. The slogan o f Broadway
H airw eevers is, “ W e can do it all, we
can even cover the bald.”
Broadway H airweevers Salon has
two very dedicated operators, Flenard
G risby and Carolyn Staudam ire and a
m anicurist, Pum cy Sims. Hattie stated
that w ithout the cooperation o f the op­
erators she works with she couldn’t
achieve the goals that they strive for.
H attie possesses no less than 18 cer­
tificates and 9 trophies for her training
safeway is in your Neighborhood to Stay
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Bake Shop
Hattie Porter
R aised D on u ts
and services throughout the years! She
is also a w eever for the Mens Club of
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fessional in every way so if you are
interested in inhancing your appear­
ance with added hair for thickness or
length, or if you need some o f the other
services such as curls, press & curl,
sham poo, blowdry-sty le cuts, etc., then
stop by Broadway Hairw eevers Salon,
5852 NE 42 Ave., Portland, 97218
Phone num ber is 503-281-9495.
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