April 18, 1990, Page 11 ROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIRECTORY , (Donnie s ACCESSORIES plus Jewelry African Sculpture ■ Masks African-American Books Framed African-American Prints Hand Painted Sweats, T-shirts Pants and Tops ONE on ONE Tax Service 317 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97211 (503) 289-0851 Valerie Currie Tax Consultant 925 N.E. B roadway P ortland , OR 97232 (503) 249-7204 Raleigh and Donnie Lewis R IA 1 WASHERS & DRYERS r ------------------- r ' . ’M | This Coupon Good For rental C d $15 OFF w a s h e r , • delivery & '¿NSTALLATION/EE $30. Delivery & Installation Portland 231-7413 Vancouver 693-4000 A G E N C Y EXECUTIVE MGMT ACCOUNTING HIGH-TECH ADMINISTRATIVE FINANCE BOOKKEEPING MARKETING CLERICAL/OFFICE SALES CONTROLLERS SECRETARIES DATA PROCESSING ENGINEERING 233— 55 'OC RE Multnomj» Surte <00 ..... Safe • Certified * Quality R.D. Sevier & Son, Inc. CAREER NETWORK INC a’ •’ . i - . It’s A Small World Garbage Service 1101 N.E. Alberta Portland, OR 97211 287-0262 225 N. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97217 285-9008 Linda Sevier Enrichedd ■ Stimulating Learning Environment »GkSf-.l»’ ’4/^' * ■ 4 Y • Carolyn Sims, Owner ‘ V•. J. z.'. "A good product is •our best advertisement' 'K m * « 236 S.W. Salmon, Suite A Portland, OR 97204 (503) 240-5323 McMurphy's PROGRESSIVE REALTY IN C . Buying Appliances Working or Not ORA L. HART, President 288-3233 283-4542 • 281-3038 317 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97211 Golden Rule LEE OWEN STONE (Beauty Sabm Coopertaive Preschool 120 NE Knott St. -281-5802 9 am-Noon Mon.-Fri. ACCEPTING NEW ENROLLERS! Call Jerri Broadbeck: 282-7081 Location: 2723 N.E. 7th 281-7053 Home: 282-0054 Ready to Serve You as Always! Mary Paris M ulticultural M cKinney I n s u r a n c e CARS $200.00- $200. 00- $200.00 PICKUPS Yes! We pay minimum $200.00 & Up on any car or pickup, any condition. Must be driveable, street legal, title. E .M . Motors 7333 N.E. Gltsan Portland, OR 10 A .M .- 6 P M . Including Sunday Auto Insurance SR22 Filing Fire Bonds Trucker Local & Long Distance 281-4577 4944 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Oregon Optimum Family Health Clinic 4601 N. Williams 281-6873 For Your Shopping Convenience The Urban League of Portland 10 North Russel St. Dr. Jewell Crawford, M.D. 4722 N.E. Glisan Portland, Oregon (503) 232-5879 ja ’bell’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 and 5287 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Open: Hon. taru Sat. GOING ST. MARKET - 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Urban Plaza) Portland, OR 97227 (503) 280-2600 LOSE WEIGHT NOW! The Safe & Easy Way 10-29 lbs. the First Month GUARANTEED! If serious, call Joseph at 287-3313 Broadway Hairweevers C U S TO M S EW IN G D ES IG N IN G & A L T E R A T IO N 5852 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97218 (503) 281-9495 OPEN: Tuesday thru Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. C U U T H IE H Patricia Trice • Fie Wash 319 N.E. Wygant Portland, OR 97211 (503) 282-3533 PLANNER Associate Planner-Advance Planning In charge of date management and in­ formation services for the Thurston County region. A key player in framing issues and providing data to shape major planning and policy decisions. Knowl­ edge of Lotus is required. GIS and R:Base background is desirable. This position requires a master’s degree in planning or a related field and three years experience with public planning (or equivalent). Call (206) 786-5480 for application materials (Thurston Regional Planning Council, Olympia, WA). Hiring Range: $2381 (step 1) to $2912 (step6) monthly. Starting salary depending on qualifications. Salary Range: $2381 (step 1) to $3213 (step 10). Application closing date: May 4, 1990. Equal Opportunity Employer If you are having problems with Love, Business, Marriage, etc., one call is all it takes, so don't wait, call today for a better to­ morrow. (818) 993-1996 13 & H’s Beauty Salon & Beauty Supplies HELP WANTED BARBER or BEAUTICIAN 231 N. Lombard ■ Suite 200 289-0205 The Portland Hilton Job Hotline 220-2560 Equal O pportunity Employer LA BO R: $8.25 TO $11.07/HR The City of Portland will be ac- :epting applications for LABORER 'riday and Saturday April 6 and 7,1990 it the Bureau of Maintenance, 2929 N. (erby, Portland, between the hours of 1:00 AM am 7:00 PM. The Bureau will tlso be presenting an Open House to :xplain more about the work of Labor- :rs and the Bureau. $28,188-$38,460 The Oregon Public Utility Commission has an opening for a fiscal auditor. This employee conducts financial, compli­ ance and rate case audits for compli­ ance with statutes and to verify finan­ cial date for use in rate regulation. To qualify, you must have two years of financial auditing experience including one year of experience auditing gov­ ernment agencies and a Bachelor’s de­ gree with 30 quarter (20 semester) hours in accounting and auditing, OR four years of accounting and/or financial auditing experience which included two years of financial auditing experience. The financial auditing experience must have included one year of experience auditing government agencies. For application materials, call 503/373-7949 or write PUC Personnel Services, Labor & Industries Bldg, Salem OR 97310-0335. Applications must be received by Bradley-Angle House, Inc. May 4, 1990 Domestic violence shelter night case manager, 40 hours p/w overnight $9600.00 per year plus benefits WANTED Closing date April 16,1990 Would you like to nurture America s Send resume and cover letter to: ihildren while staying at home and earn P.O. Box 14694 money? Become a Family Day Care Portland, Oregon 97214 ’rovider and provide child care in youi A.A./E.O.E. M/NE home. Call 285-0493. Employment NORTHWEST PIPE & CASING CO. r h is lo n g e s lo b lis h o d s te e l p ip e ■ n a n u fo c tu re r has im m e d ia te o p e n in g s f o r s k ille d JOB OPPORTUNITY Call our 24-Hour JobLine at 280-4727 for a listing of current openings at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. • Electricians M u s t h a v e O r e g o n S ia le S u p e r v i s o r s L ic e n s e •H e a v y Duty M aintenance M echanic/M illw right A p p lic a t io n s a v a ila b le a t: EMANUEL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CENTER A L ig a r y M e m b e r E q u a l O p p o r tu n ity E m p lo y e r. M F H 288-5429 y (A n y tim e ) Here is a program that meets human need with no funding. Where is your pocket book to help. They serve over 2,000 per month. Help!!! v W D r u q s c r e e n in g w il l o c c u r jeedy :rvice Best Cash Prices DAD'S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils iendly 1 0 4 N .E . R u s s e ll S t. ill for iole!!! I P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 1 2 (5 0 3 ) 282-5111 A l a b o r d is p u t e is in p r o q r fn u ^ ^ ^ o r lu n itc tm p H MENTAL HEALTH Therapist working with CMI adults. M.S.W. (or master's degree in social service field) and experience required. Send resume by 4/10/90 to: CCMH 6329 N.E. Union Portland, OR 97211 ATTN: Personnel * * •ta • a . - . f -• . -r '- ' .■i z s U M. J . Toys & Games, in c - 573 N. K illin g s w o r th S t . P o r t l a n d , OR 9 7 2 1 7 (5 0 3 ) 2 4 0 -5 3 7 8 da F s C I D (Consider It Done) Oil S ervice Heating Oils R e sid e n tia l C lean in g & H andym an S e r v ic e s 104 N.E. Russell St. Portland, Oregon Terrel Dukes-Elegan 2 8 2 -7 0 7 8 Alberta DeHaven 2 8 1 -7 3 8 6 282-5111 7; ‘ A ' • r. ' » - •V ’ Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote ;< •> > > ; £ J V*-.- Zi • 1 p á s te te Outreach Recruiter MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS • City of Portland Salary $2,817/mo-S3,077/mo The City’s Bureau of Personnel is seek­ ing a person to develop and actively pursue strategies to increase the repre­ sentation of minorities and women in City employment selection processes. Considerable field work serving as liai­ son to community groups, organiza­ tions, and individuals. Lead worker to affirmative action analyst. Requires: knowledge of recruitment techniques and sources; and skill in effectively im­ plementing an energetic and creative outreach recruitment program. Apply by: May 9, 1990. For applica­ tion forms/information contact, Port­ land Bureau of Personnel, 1220 SW 5th Ave., Room 100, Portland, OR 97204. Phone (503) 248-4352. Generous City benefits plan includes dependents. Women, minorities and disabled per­ sons are encouraged to apply. EOE Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for Medical Claims Analysts. This position is responsible for accurate and timely payment of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon’s medical claims. Experi­ ence necessary to perform this task will include: 1 year recent clerical work experience in a doctor’s office or hospital setting. Demonstrated knowledge of medical terminology and anatomy. This may be obtained through a classroom setting or office experience. 1CD-9/CPT-4 Coding A minimum of 6-12 months experience using a CRT in a production ori­ ented environment. Fast, accurate use of a 10-key calculator Previous claims processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is procesed immediately, place ad #147 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 SW Market Portland, OR 97201 b U ■ S l i f e p s i g o z Equal Opportunity Employer ELECTRICIAN II The Oregon Department of Transportation in Salem is now accepting applications for the following positions: Engineering Specialist (Entry) - $1232-$1617 Monthly Engineering Specialist 1 - $ M U ­ SI 870 Monthly Engineering Specialist 2 - S1539-S2O6O Monthly Assoc. Transportation Engineer - $1870-$2506 Monthly This recruitment will be used to estab­ lish statewide lists from which vacan­ cies will be filled. For recruiting an­ nouncements and applications, call or write: Executive Department Person­ nel Center, 775 Court Street, Salem, OR (503-378-3146). An AA/EEO Employer The Port of Portland has an immediate opening for four Electricians II at its Aviation Maintenance Department. These positions will be for approximately 6 months and involve mostly night shift. Primary responsibilities will be airport lighting system repairs and upgrade. The successful candidates will perform repairs, testing and replacement to field lighting, circuits, airfield and cable circuits, and field transformers. The successful candidates may also: 1. Perform other duties consistent with license. 2. Successful candidates will be required to possess at least a Limited Journeyman Manufacturing Plant License This is a bargaining unit position with a starting wage of $17.43 per hour. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employ­ ment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th Floor. Applicants residing outside the tri-county Portland metropolitan area. Clark County and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by calling (503) 231- 5000 ext. 700. All applications must be received by Friday 4-20-90, at 5 p.m. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer W 1 2 0 0 5 N . B u rg ard S h o p o ffic e is lo c a te d in p la n t a r c o a d ja c e n t t o th e e n t r a n c e o f T e r m in a l 4 »3 zr J? -0*0 INSURANCE AUDITOR - ra Saahir, President C ommunity C are JOBS/CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PSYCHIC K,4.. • VOICE TRAINING Act Now! For free voice test, call MARIO'S n STUDIOS J3 Z 246-4945 H olladay Park M edical Center 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue (503) 233-4567 ItG A C V / iculth Sweden Committed to Career Opportunity f o r A U Americans 24-Hour Job Line 23^-3116 An Equal O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer • * ’ ' " ’^ . 7 - ' - K A Legacy M em ber »» ». k •» . í »