Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 18, 1990, Page 10, Image 10

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The Oregon Department of Transportation, Highway Division, is seeking
proposals from Consulting firms to conduct an efficiency study for Mainte­
nance and Construction field offices, and to validate performance measures
cuirently used in a pilot productivity study. The study will consist of the
observation of ten field offices to evaluate existing procedures, identification
of areas where efficiency can be improved, a recommendation of procedural
changes, and an evaluation of performance measures currently used with
work groups under a pilot productivity study.
The successful consultant will enter into a lump sum contract in an amount
not to exceed $30,000.
If you are interested in being considered, a Request for Proposal can be
obtained by calling or writing
Bob Thompson, Consultant Liason Engineer,
309 Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97210;
telephone (503) 378-6563.
Proposals are due on May 11,1990.
Project Number: OR16p001001
Project Name: Clackamas Heights
Separate sealed bids for Siding installation and related improvements on
100 low income housing units will be received by The Housing Authority of
Clackamas County at the office 13930 S. Gain St., Oregon City, OR 97045
until 2:00 p.m., DST, May 15, 1990 and then at said offic cpublicly opened
and read aloud.
The information for Bidders, form of Bid proposal, Bid Bond, Contract,
and Performance Payment Bond, Plans, Specifications, and other contract
documents may be examined at the following:
Construction Data & News, 925 NW 12th & 1125 SE Madison, Portland
Impact 8959 Sw Barbar, Portland
Salem Contractor’s Exchange
2256 Judson St., SE, Salem
Copies of these documents may be obtained at the Housing Authority
office, by depositing $25.00 for each set. Such deposit will be refunded to
each person who returns such documents in good condition within ten days
af ter the bid opening.
Each bid shall be accompanied by Previous Participation Certification,
Non-Collusive Affidavit, and a certified check or bank draft, payable to The
Housing Authority of Clackamas County or U.S. Government bonds, or a sat­
isfactory Bid Bond executed by the Bidder and a Surety that is acceptable to
the Federal Government, in an amount equal to five percent of the bid.
The Contract will be awarded on the basis of the base bid unless it overruns
the amount budgeted for this work. In the case of such overrun, deductible al­
ternates will be taken by the LHA in numerical order as they are listed to the
extent necessary to come within the budgeted total. If there are no deductible
alternates or taking all deductible alternates the resultant will exceeds the
budgeted amount, the LHA reserves the right to reject all bids, or to secure ad­
ditional funds necessary to awarding the Contract.
If the total amount of the bid exceeds $25,000, the successful Bidder will
be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory Performance and Payment
Bond, or, separate performance and payment bonds, each for 50% or more of
the contract price, or a 20% cash escrow or a 25% irrevocable letter of credit.
Attention is called to the provisions for equal employment opportunity,
insurance requirements, and the payment of not less than the minimum
salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifications.
City of Camas
Department of Public Works
Camas, Washington
Sealed bids will be received by the City of Camas, Office of the Finance De­
partment, 616 NE 4th Avenue, Camas, Washington, unul 10:00 a.m. on April
24,1990, and will then and there be opened and publicly read for the construc­
tion of the improvement
All bids proposals shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, cer­
tified check, cashier’s check or surety bond in an amount equal to five percent
(5%) of the amount of such bid proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to
enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond within the
time stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to
the City of Camas.
Maps, plans and specifications may be obtained from the Office of the Public
Works Department upon deposit of the amount of $25.00. The $25.00
purchase price for the Documents is non-refundable. Return of the documents
is not required.
Informational copies of maps, plans and specifications are on file for inspec­
tion in the Office of the Public Works Department
The City of Camas Public Works Department hereby notifies all bidders that
it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this ad­
vertisement, Disadvantage and Women’s Business Enterprises will be af­
forded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not
be discriminated aginst on the grounds of race, color or national origin in con­
sideration for an award.
The improvement for which bids will be received as follows:
Bid Opening on Tuesday, April 24th, 1990 at 10:00 a.m.
The street improvement of SW 6th Avenue from Zillah to Park Street shall
include grading, applying crushed rock and asphaltic concrete surface, con­
structing concrete curbs, driveways, sidewalks, reinforced concrete retain­
ing wall, and installing storm sewer and catch basins.
The City of Camas reserves the right to reject any or all proposals if found
to be higher than the estimated cost and to waive any formality or techni­
cality in any proposal in the interest of the City.
City of Portland
Bureau of Transportation Engineering
City of Portland
Request for Proposals
Development Services Division
Organization and Fee Study
The Development Services Division is soliciting proposals from qualified con­
sultants or consulting teams to examine the current organizational structure of
the division, the current development related activities performed, the existing
fee structure and pricing policy. Estimated cost of project $50,000.
It is expected that consultant teams be able to:
1) Identify and implement organizational changes, required to achieve effi­
ciency, clarify work plan, consolidate management accountability, responsi­
bility and authority.
2) Develop and implement an equitable pricing policy and fee structure.
3) Revise City Code to reflect pricing policy and separation of authorities.
The City of Portland encourages minority/women business enterprises con­
tracts in its projects.
Copies of the proposal package and submission requirements are available at
Transportation Engineering Offices, Attention: Vic Rhodes, 2210SW 5th Ave­
nue, Room 802, Portland, Oregon 97204, (503) 796-7556.
Proposals are due to Development Services Office Monday, April 20,4:00 p.m.
In 24 Hours!
Can you picture yourself making at least
$5000 dollars a week, every week? If you
can, I urge you to read this article, it could
be worth thousands of dollars to you!
My name is Mark Preston I am 32 years
old and a self made millionaire A few
years ago I discovered a money making
method that changed my life forever. This
is not just another "get rich quick scheme."
This is a unique new system that is in
demand everywhere, yet few people even
know it exists.
Anyone can do it. Trust me. If you want
to make money, this system is for you
When 1 first started this money making
program, I was flat broke and at least
$10,000 dollars in debt. My family thought
I was crazy and said I should be out look­
ing for a "real job" That did not stop me.
1 was determined to make it with this fan­
tastic monev making plan I had discovered
I started at home on the kitchen table
with no capital Within a vear I was taking
in over $20,000 A WEEK. . . MORE THAN
heard me right, OVER A MILLION
DOLLARS A YEAR! I went from driving
an old beat up Pick Up to a Brand New
Lincoln Continental. I paid for it in cash
I bought a new home in a prestigious
neighborhood, a waterfront summer cot­
tage, and a Townhouse in Florida I do not
mean to brag, but these art mv results us­
in g this amazing money making system
Do not envy me, join me!
I knew then I had discovered a revolu­
tionary new money making program that
would continue to make me thousands of
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mvselt why everybody wasn't rich1 Then
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Once vou have learned how to use it,
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Vou will have financial security and peace
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r as nothing to do with real estate the
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It does not matter what your financial
situation is now Vou can start this money
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time with less than $15.00 In a few short
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manual is my unlisted telephone number
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cash start to roll in. With my money mak­
ing system, your success is guaranteed’
I am sure you are somewhat skeptical
at this point. That just shows you have
good business sense. Read what a few
people had to say about my money mak­
ing program.
Dear Mark,
I ordered your program 3 months ago and
started using it the day I got it. To say the least
I was shocked at the results. Last month 1
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Thank you so much.
N.C., Stuart, Florida
Dear Mark,
When I first saw your article I had my
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at least I'll be $25.00 ahead with your
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from being flat broke in July to practically a
millionaire in December' If I can do it, anyone
J.S., San Diego, CA
Dear Mark,
Before I ordered your money making method,
I was slaving awau cutting lawns for $4 00 an
hour A t 79 years old my future looked bleak
Last week I made over $14.000 in less than 20
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Thanks for a new life!
I B., Loudonville N Y
Your life can change now by taking
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master the program If you can see
yourself being rich, you will be rich! I
make it easv for vou Included in mv
Sealed Proposals will bereceived at the Bureau ol Purchases and Stoes, Room
1313, Portland Building, 1120 SW Fifth Ave., Portland, OR 97204 for the
(Projects) detailed below until 2:00 P.M. on the dates indicated.
Plans and Specifications may be obtained at the above address. For additional
information, telephone Buyer at number listed.
Unless otherwise stated ip the individual proposals listed herein, no proposal
or bid will be considered linless accompanied by a bid surety for an amount not
less than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate amount of the proposal.
The City encourages bidding by MBE’s and FBE’s and will asist such firms to
understand and participate in formal bidding process.
NON-DISCRIMINATION: No proposal or bid will be considered unless the
bidder is certified as an EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed by
Chapter 3.100 of the Code of the City of Portland.
12", 8", 6" Water Main in NE Columbia Blvd, SW 4 Ave, S W Collins St.
Call Michele Ackerman, 796-6854. Prcqualifiction in Classification 11-
Water Lines Required.
Construct Farragut Park Ballfield Lighting. Call Carlton Chayer, 796-
Provide Electrical Service Concession Privileges at Waterfront Park
Call Carlton Chayer, 796-6855.
SW 4 Ave twin Ornamental Conversion. Call Michele Ackerman, 796-
6854. Prequalification in Class 18-Outdoor Illumination Required
Improve Strees within SE Reedway/57 Dist. HCD Project. Call Michele
8673 Ackerman, 796-6854. Prequalification in Class 2-Street Improvement
$25.00 CASH B O N U S
I am so sure that my money making pro­
gram will work for you, I am going to offer
you a guarantee that no one else can You
either raise $15,000 using mv monev
making system, or 1 will send you a cer­
tified check for $25.00. That's right, $25.00
just for giving my monev making program
an honest try. The only reason I can offer
you a guarantee like this is because I know
you are going to make alot of money copy­
ing my money making system So much
money that 1 am putting up $25.00 to prove
it to you. Its that simple. You have nothing
to lose and everything to gain. The risk is
It is not too late for you to start making
money with my program Do not be
stopped by your fears. The single most
limiting emotion m you is the fear of
failure. I urge you to fill out the coupon
below* and send it to me today. I will do
everything in my power to see that mv
money making program works for you
There is no risk on your part. Order Now!
The supply of my material is limited
Orders will be filled on a first-come, first
serve basis Don't miss this opportunity.
1 may not otter it again.
To order, simplv fill out the coupon
below, or write your name and address on
a piece of paper and enclose $12.00 plus
$2 for shipping and send it to:
Mark Preston
145 Wolf Road
Suite 700
Albany, New York 12205
O k Mark
I want to make big bucks b\ copying vour monev making program I know
I cannot lose because vou. program is backed by your $25 CASH BONUS
G U A R A N IT f If i am unhappy w ith this manual foi anv reason, I mav return
it for mv w f \ b a , k O r that basi- here is mv $12.
Mark Preston
145 Wolf Road
Suite 700
Albany, NY 12205
N a m e ___________________ ._________________________________
A d d re s s ___________________________________________________
C ity __________________State__________________ Z ip __________________
Please add $2.00 to help cover the postage and handling costs of vour manual
c 19U0 M P Associates
The Oregon Departmentof Transporta­
tion, Highway Division, Environmental
Section, is seeking S tatements of Quali­
fications from consulting firms (to do
research and documentation in the field
of biology on selected highway con­
struction projects throughout the State
of Oregon). The Division will engage
two or three firms to perform these
Successful Consultants will enter into
flexible personal service contracts. The
Environmental Section will assign work
on a project-by-project basis. Normal
notification prior to the commencement
of work will be six weeks.
The total combined value of these two
year contracts will be $200,00 with an
option for renewal if both parties agree.
If you are interested in being consid­
ered, a Request for Qualifications can
be obtained by calling of writing
Bob Thompson, Consultant Liaison
Engineer, 307 Transportation
Building, Salem, OR 97310;
Telephone (503) 378-6563.
Statement of Qualifications are
due on April 20, 1990.
The Oregon Department of Transporta­
tion, Highway Division, Planning Sec­
tion is seeking proposals from qualified
Consultants to perform a Multimodal
Planning Study on the US-30 Highway
Corridor between Astoris, Oregon and
Portland, Oregon. The purpose of the
study is to identify the best and most ef­
ficient transportation investment strat­
egy for the corridor based on an analy­
sis of the economy of the Lower Co-
lumbis Rivcrt Region which is served
by US-30. The successful consultant
willentcr into a personal service con­
tract. The study is scheduled to begin in
June 1990 and be substantially com­
pleted in December 1990. Tentative
costs for the study are between $50,000-
$100,000. If you are interested in being
considered, a Request for Proposals can
be obtained by calling or writing
Bob Thompson, Consultant Liaison
Engineer, 309 Transportation
Building, Salem, OR 97310;
Telephone (503) 378-6563.
Proposals are due on April 26,
Bureau of Police
Managment Consulting
Proposals Due April 20, 1990
Sealed proposals will be received at the B ureau of Police, J ustice Center, Room
1552,1111 S W 2nd Avenue, Pordand, Oregon 97204, for a management con­
sulting services package to faciltate the implementation of community Polic­
ing beginning on May 1,1990 and continuing for one to five years. Respond­
ers must be able to provide on-site service to multiple projects and locations
and quickly develop workplans and training programs. Responders should
possess a thorough knowledge of the current dynamics of the Portland Police
Bureau, local government and citizens’ organizations.
For additional information, contact Captain Tom Potter at (503) 796-3126.
The Portland Police Bureau reserves the right to reject any and all bids and
to award the contract as it deems to be in the best interest of the City of
OHSU Nursing Facility
Portland, Oregon
Bid Date: April 25,1990 at 3:00 p.m.
Kiewit Construction Company
P.O. Box 1769
Vancouver, WA 98668
(206)693-1478 (503)284-4687
FAX (206) 693-5582
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small
businesses, minority and women-owned businesses and disadvantage business
60 Bed Support Building
Vancouver, Washington
Bid Date: May 2, 1990 at 1:30 p.m.
Robinson Construction
CCB #3147
7320 SW Hunziker Rd., Suite 300
Tigard, OR 97233
(305) 639-8021
FAX (503) 620-3428
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small
business, minority and women owned business, and disadvantage business
Capitol Mall Parking Structure Phase II
Salem, Oregon
Bid Date: May 4, 1990 at 3:00 p.m.
CCFB # 00377
1740 NW Flanders St.
Portland, Oregon 97209-2283
(503) 226-3991
FAX (503) 228-3019
We arc an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from small
business, minority and women owned business, and disadvantage business
Health Sciences Building-Nursing
Bid Date. April 25, 1990 al 3 p.m
Marion Construction
P.O. Box 12218
Salem, OR 97309
(503) 581-1920 FAX (503) 399-0823
We arc an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small
businesses, minority and women-owned businesses and disadvantage busi
ncss enterprises.