Ebony Fashion Fair Fashion Magic 89/90 See Entertainment, Page 4 African American Festival July 18-22 ERVER PO RTL April 18, 1990 "The Eyes and Ears o f The Community” Volumn XX, Number 15 Ex-Skinhead Ties Metzgers to Killing By Professor M cKinley B urt The most recent article in this “ Im­ migration Series” concluded with a revelation of the spurious and scandal­ ous nature of those highly publicized “ intelligence” tests given to U.S. Army recruits in 1980. “ Expert consultants” (includiing the University of Chicago) concluded that a genetic disability was responsible for the low scores of Blacks and Hispanics as compared to whites: out of a possible 100 points, white 59, Hispanics 23, Blacks, 17. Refer to the April 4 edition of this newpaper. What I did to expose the falsity and sloppiness of this genetic extrapolation was to go back to World War I tests of this population, and using the govern­ ment’s own statistics, came forward in time to the flawed conclusions of 1980. By using comparative educational and literacy criteria and performance of white immigrants, I was able to demonstrate that, early on, Blacks showed a marked superiority in so-called I.Q. and liter­ acy statistics when the performance of Blacks in the northern states was com­ pared with that of whites in the southern states. The 'environmental implica­ tions' were obvious. And when the achievement of Blacks overall was compared with that of for­ eign-bom whites of all the states, the (the Blacks) exceeded in literacy by 100 to 400 percent. The same govern­ ment sources (cited) further stated that, in the countries-of-origin of these cen­ tral and Eastern European immigrants, the rates of illiteracy averaged 50 per­ cent or better. Adding further signifi­ cance to the minority accomplishment was the fact that in the World War I era the army was using the infamous and often repudiated “ Alpha and Beta Tests” . Now, even a well-rounded idiot (even Shockley or Jensen-of I.Q infamy) would be aware that “ Black genes” could not have changed in the three short genera­ tions between 1914 and 1980 (Black immigration to these shores was practi­ cally nonexistent). So what factor(s) are responsible for the catastrophic de­ generation in the cognitive and func­ tional performance of Blacks by the 1980 date? It is perfectly obvious that major social and psychological trau­ mas must have intervened. This we now know to be correct-but what was the operational nature of the process / been on the part of many Blacks a dis­ To explain this, we need not look solution of the hope ambition and mo­ any further for a model than our citaion tivation which inspired their high-test­ of the pitiable educational and social ing forefathers to pursue the vaunted condition of the white European immi­ “ American Dreams” . Nor that there grants at the time they first entered the have been major disruptions of family American “ melting pot” . But melt life and relationships. And wouldn’t they did-w ere allowed and encouraged you expect that gangs of the children of to do so. But as we stated in the previ­ these disillusioned and poverty-stricken ous article, “ the first generations of would turn their frustrations inward adn these immigrants suffered from many war upon each other-to the death! While social prejudices and employment third-generation and older European im­ discrimination...these people, in turn, migrants, who have found “ rooms at became as a group the most racist and the inn” scream “ What in the world is violent of those who fought against your problem ?-pull yourself up by the Black union membership, job promo­ bootstrap like I did!” tion and desegregation in housing and Perhaps Blacks should develop an schools. ’ ’ Their attitudes closely fitted “ Existentialist” literature like the Eu­ the findings of the 1920s and 1930s re­ ropean colonialists and exploiters of search upon persons with an inferiority the world who claim they cannot under­ complex, “ becomes a hostile person stand how man came to lose his spiritu­ and expresses his hostility toward so­ ality and humanity. These are the people cially approved scapegoats...submissive who (seeing no hope for mankind in the to those above h im in the pecking order, world they created) declared that ‘ ‘God and more exploitive toward those be­ is dead!” low him.” O f course, not one of We have it then that the concept and America’s millions of Blacks needed structure of immigration to these shores is not simply a benevolent process of psychologists to tell him this. Clearly, then, the arm y’s 1980 test welcoming hordes of ‘ ‘ huddled masses, results indicated that American racism yearning to be free” , but a ferociously has driven the quality of life for a large pragmatic exercise in the development segment o f the Black population back of a continent-a process where race, in time to a point such that they can no quotas, prejudices, education, assumed more compete today than could those intelligence, differentiated opportuni­ earlier white sojourners to these shores ties, and “ melting” potential always compete with the forefathers of these have been critical elements. Present Blacks. The * ‘operational nature of the day immigration policy and law is a mi­ process” ?...We know that among the asma of politics and guilt, something causes of the “ time reversal” was the we will examine in next week’s article. continued employment bias and other In closing here let us take a brief look at economic discrimination inflicted upon the methodology that will be used in a rapidly burgeoning (and unmelted) this assessment ghetto-bound population-accompanied We will begin by quoting the ‘ ‘grass­ by failing educational systems in the roots” opinions of the Black “ man-in- inner-cities. Yet, the nation as a whole the-street’ ’ in respect to the impact of seemed completely oblivious to these several categories of immigrants upon his economic welfare: Asianl (includ­ incendiary conditions until the Watts ing East Indian; Hispanic; a European Riots of 1964. And this, despite a long upscale of skilled-worker influx under series of scathing and searing protest pressure of White House policy and literatures: “ Native Son, The Invisible elements of the Kennedy-Simpson Im­ Man American Dilemma; Why Johnny migration Bill; and an anticipation on Can’t Read; The Miseducation of the the part of some that an acceleration of Negro” , and many others. the exodus of Jews from Russia will see Accordingly, there should be little surprise that a so-called “ underclass” a greater competition for professional has arisen among Blacks, seemingly level jobs in the major eastern urban centers like New York. permanent and with no way out. Nor Continued next week should there be surprise that there has African American Celebration Comes to Portland T he N o rth /N o rth e a st c o m m u n ity p ro u d ly announces P o rtla n d ’ s firs t an­ nual A fric a n A m e rica n F estival to be held Ju ly 18-22. The A fric a n A m e rica n F e stiva l grew o u t o f a v is io n fo r the N /N E c o m m u n ity b y a g ro u p o f concerned citize n s. The vis io n in v o lv e d the cre a tio n o f c iv ic fe s tiv a l a c tiv itie s th a t encourage the participation o f a ll citize n ry, businesses, churches, p riv a te clu b s , and co m m u ­ n ity organizations. T h e re fo re , the A f r i ­ can A m e ric a n F e s tiv a l’ s goal is to p ro ­ m ote the c u ltu ra l, e d u ca tio n a l,a n d eco­ n o m ic developm ent in the N /N E co m ­ m u n ity . I t w ill also pro m o te u n ity , and secure p a rticip a tio n and support o f resi­ dents as w e ll as businesses o f the broader co m m u n ity in the M e tro p o lita n area through se lkd e te rm in a tio n . M o s t im ­ p o rta n tly, such a c tiv itie s w ill preserve the ric h , diverse and u nique cu ltu re o f A fric a n A m ericans. P rio r to th e ir o ffic ia l com m ence­ m ent in Ju ly, the A fric a n A m e rica n F e stiva l w ill gain experience as w e ll as exposure b y p a rtic ip a tio n in the 1990 P ortla n d Rose F e stiva l in June. There are fo u r events on the agenda w h ic h w ill keep them busy, and get them o f f to a ru n n in g start, m a rch in g in the rig h t d ire ctio n . Speaking o f m a rch in g , on June 2 ,1 9 9 0 , a p p ro xim a te ly 125 A f r i­ can Am ericans representing N /N E Port­ land w ill “ stru t th e ir s tu fF ’ in the an­ nual Rose F estival S ta rlig h t Parade. F rom June 1-10,1990 the A fric a n A m e ric a n F e stiva l in cooperation w ith the B la c k Studies D epartm ent a t P o rt­ land State U n iv e rs ity w il l present an e x h ib it d e p ic tin g the H is to ry o f A fric a n A m e rica n s in O regon. T h is e x h ib it, designed b y the O regon H is to ric a l So­ c ie ty under the d ire c tio n o f D r. D a rry l M iln e r o f P SU , w ill be on d isp la y a t the O regon L o tte ry /K O IN O regon P a v il­ io n Stage, P o rtla n d ’ s A fric a n A m e ri­ can y o u th w ill shine as the A fric a n A m e ric a n F e stiva l in cooperation w ith S elf-E nchancem ent (a n a tio n a lly rec­ ognized and accom plished program fo r w o rld w o u ld p ro b a b ly agree that the fir s t year is the m o st ch a lle n g in g , and th e A fric a n A m e rica n F estival A ssocia­ tio n is no exception. W o rk in g d i li ­ g e n tly since A ug u st 1989, The A fric a n A m e rica n F e stiva l has gone through a. m etam orphosis fro m a v is io n to re a lity in the fo rm o f fu n -fille d events and fe s tiv itie s schedules to com m ence July 18,1990. T h e firs te v e n t o f the fe stiva l, the selection o f the A fric a n A m erican R o ya l C o u rt, holds the m ost s ig n ifi­ cance n o t o n ly to the fe s tiv a l its e lf but m ore im p o rta n tly to the co m m u n ity. A y o u th ) under the d ire c tio n o f T o n y K in g and Q ueen/Prince and Princess w ill re ig n o v e r the A fric a n A m e rica n H opson and R ay L e a ry w ill present a F estival and represent the e n tire com ­ Y o u th A ch ie ve m e n t A w a rd s Program . The program w ill o ffe r lo c a l entertain­ m e n t in song and dance and aw ards w ill also be g ive n to outstanding y o u th be- O n J u ly 18th fro m 6 :3 0 to 10:3<>. « the A ir p o rt Sheraton i the R oyal C ourt w ill be crowned at the First Annual twc< i . the ages o f 10 and 14. T h e title o f the B la c k N a tio n a l A n ­ R o y a l C o u rt C o ro n a tio n and Press Re­ cep tio n . J u ly 21st is “ Parade D a y ." them , L i f t E v e ry V o ic e and S ing, is a v e ry appropriate w a y to describe the T h e c o m m u n ity w ill w itness a mass parade th a t w ill flo w through the heart o f the c o m m u n ity b e g in n in g a t 10:00 fo u rth A fric a n A m e rica n F estival event fo r 1990 sanctioned b y the P ortland Rose F e stiva l. O n June 16th, the C ity o f P o rtla n d is in v ite d to jo in voices w ith talented artists fro m around the P a cific N o rth w e st in a G ospel Jubilee. T h is g lo rio u s event w ill present the e v o lu ­ tio n o f G ospel m usic in the b e a u tifu l setting o f the A rle n e S chnitzer C o n ce rt H a ll. F estival A ssociations a ll o ve r the I m u n ity at various lo ca l and state events, i a.m . at Jefferson H ig h School and end­ in g at F e m h ill Park (N E 4 2 n d and K illin g s w o rth ). T h e e n tire P ortland c o m m u n ity is in v ite d to share and p a rticip a te in tins unique fe s tiv a l th a t w il l p ro ve to inspire u n ity in the c o m m u n ity . T h e A fric a n A m e rica n Festival A ssociation is lo o k ­ in g fo rw a rd to seeing each and every­ Former national president o f W A JR. Skins says Metzgers encouraged violence against blacks and Jews San Bernardino County, C alif- White supremacists Tom Metzger, his son John, and the White Aryan Resis­ tance (W.A.R.), the organization they run, have been tied to the 1988 mur­ der of an Ethiopian student who was beaten to death with a baseball bat in Portland, Oregon. In a sworn affidavit, ex-Skinhead leader Michael Barrett says he and Dave Mazella, acting as agents for the Metzgers, went to Portland to organize a Skinhead group called the East Side White Pride (ESWP). While in Portland, Barrett claims he and Mazella kept in almost daily contact with the metzgers. he also says that both Tom and John Metzger encour­ aged him and other Skinheads to use violence against blacks and Jews. The night of the murder On the night that Mulugeta Seraw, the Ethiopian student, was murdered, Barrett says he and Mazella met with ESWP members and “ got them all fired up on W.A.R. and the Metz­ gers’ hate filled beliefs.” Barrett later learned that Skinheads attend­ ing the ESWP gathering had beaten a black man to death that night just a few blocks from the meeting place. When Dave Mazella telephoned the Metzgers about the murder, ac- cording to B a rre tt’ s statement, “ T om (M e tzg e r) to ld us to keep o u r m ouths shut and n o t to ta lk to p o lic e .” C enter la w su it seeks damages fo r m u r­ dered m an’ s fa m ily The L a w C enter has file d a c iv il su it against the M etzgers, W .A J L , and tw o Skinheads w h o m urdered M ulu g e ta Seraw. F ile d on b e h a lf o f die Seraw fa m ily , the su it seeks substantial m oney damages against the defendants. I f a ju ry holds the M etzgers lia b le fo r the murder, it could break W A R . , die most active, in flu e n tia l and dangerous w h ite suprem acist o rganization operating in A m e rica today. B a rre tt’ s a ffid a v it is the m ost dam ­ aging evidence fo u n d so fa r that lin k s the M etzgers w ith the Seraw m urder. As the form er president o f W A JR. Skins, a group set up by T o m and John M e tz ­ ger, B a rre tt’ s jo b was to re c ru it S kin ­ heads in to the w h ite suprem acist m ove­ ment. W h ile he was in P o rtland, B a rre tt says he to ld the E S W P Skinheads that “ blacks and Jews w ere the enem y o f the ‘ W h ite A rya n R ace’ . . . and to be sure to beat the h e ll o u t o f yo u r en­ e m y.” B a rre tt says he to o k fiv e base­ b a ll bats w ith h im to P ortland. H e described the bats as “ the weapons o i choice o f the Skinheads.” Photo by 8nan Smaie/Sharps Hooter Studios Tom Metzger T h e C e n te r has accused W h ile A ry a n Resistance (W .A .R .I leader Tom M etzger and his son John w ith sending agents to encourage Skinhead violence against blacks and Jews in Portland, Oregon. A cco rd in g to a Los Angeles T imes story, M e tzg e r scoffed at the idea that he supplied B a rre tt w ith the baseball bats. “ 1 guess he m ust be a teal fan o f b a s e b a ll," M e tzg e r is quoted as say­ in g in the T im e s story. T o m M e tzg e r claim s that neither he, his son John, n o r W h ite A rya n Re­ sistance had anything to do w ith the m urder o f M u lu g e ta Seraw and bear no re sp o n sib ility fo r i t Seventeen New Faces Among the 100 Most Influential U.S. Blacks Seventeen individuals of promi- nence and accomplishment have newly earned selection to the 1990 presen- tation of the “ 100 Most Influential Black American,” in the May Eb- ony. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. The panel of Ebony editors has chosen the nation’s 100 most eminent and powerful Black men and women for 19 consecutive years, beginning in 1971. The criterion for selection hinges upon an individual’s ability to greatly influ- David N. Dinkins Thomas A. Duckenfield Harry T. Edwards Minister Louis Farrakhan Joseph Jerome Farris William H. Gibson Jr., D.D.S. Joseph W. Hatchett Nathaniel R. Jones Rt. Rev. James H. Mayo James M. McGee Theodore McMillian Lawrence W. Pierce Vivian Pinn-Wiggins, M.D. Cecil F. Poole Dr. Henry Ponder Michael White Carter D.Womack ence the lives, thinking and actions of i^g g portions of the nation’s Black population. The 17 new persons receiving this year’s honor are (in alphabetical or- der): Mayor, New York City President, National Bar Association Judge, U.S. Ct. of Appeals, Dist. of Columbia Natl. Rep. of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, Nation of Islam Judge, U.S. C l of Appeals (Washington) President, National Dental Association Judge, U.S. Ct. of Appeals (Florida) Judge, U.S. Ct. of Appeals (Ohio) Pres., Council of Bishops, A.M.E. Church Pres., Natl. Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees Judge, U.S. Ct. of Appeals (Missouri) Judge, U.S. Ct. of Appeals (New York) President, National Medical Association Judge, U.S. Ct. of Appeals (California) General President, Alpha Phi Alpha Mayor, Cleveland, Ohio National President, Phi Beta Sigma PCC Announces Award of Workforce 2000 Grants Portland Community College has been chosen to receive $1,410,000 in Workforce 2000 grants to fund special vocational programs and is participat­ ing in a third major grant from the same state funding force. A $600,000 award will be used to es­ tablish a community-based skills cen­ ter at the college’s Cascade Campus in North Portland. PCC will operate the center in cooperation with the Private Industry Council, State Employment Division and Northeast Workforce Center to provide targeted training pro­ grams for up to 300 individuals, ini­ tially. Job, life and basic skills training will be designed to help participants suc­ ceed in the work force, said James A. Van Dyke, PCC vice president for edu­ cational services. Job skills training will be in building one there. I trades, business technology, electronic assembly, medical support and customer service and will be geared to the staff­ ing needs of employers in North and Northeast Portland. Life skills training is to help each participant establish a personal work ethic. The students will also study reading, writing and mathe­ matics as needed to improve their basic skills. First students are expected to start training in mid to late June, said Donald W. McInnis, executive dean of Cas­ cade Campus. Cost of operating the skills center for 15 months will be nearly $1,800,600. In addition to the Workforce 2000 fund­ ing, the center will receive support in money and in-kind contributions from PIC, the Northeast Workforce Center, State Employment Division and PCC, Van Dyke noted. The Portland Area Vocauonal/Tech- nical EducationConsortium, of which PCC is a member, has received $810,000 in Workforce 2000 funds for use in 2+2 vocational/technical articulation pro­ grams, student leadership development, business and industry internship and the purchase of state-of-the-art com­ puters and equipment. Funds will be available from April 1,1990 through June 30,1991. PAVTEC-member high schools throughout the five-county PCC dis­ trict provide two years of training in various vocational/technical programs that lead into two further years at PCC to prepare students for entry-level jobs in local businesses and industries. For this reason, the articulation program is often described as a 2+2 program.