HageS Portland Observer April 11, 1990 OF NUTRITION DINNER TRIBUTE BENEFITS JACKIE ROBINSON FOUNDATION -- Comedian Bill Cosby (center), master of ceremonies at the 1990 Jackie Robinson Foundation Awards Dinner in New York City, evokes laughter from Rachel Robinson, Jackie's widow, and August A. Busch III, chairman of MEET THE MAN WHO WILL TAKE A STAND FOR YOU• ! ! You are invited to meet Ed Washington, hear and discuss the issues affecting district 19, NE Portland & the state as we go into a new legislative era. Please RSVP: 284-1743 (this is necessary for secu­ rity clearance onto the base). The statistics are s t a r t l i n g - m any A m erican children are oil the track when it comes to nutrition a n d fitn e ss h a b its th a t lead to healthy adulthood Consider these facts: . , ,. • more th a n half of our kids have at least one risk factor lor h e a rt disease; • 50 percent of A merican chil­ dren a re n ’t getting enough exercise to develop healthy hearts and lungs; • 83 percent of children be­ tw een ages 7-14 show tat streak s in th e ir arteries. Concerned paren ts can m ake a trem endous difference in th e ir chil­ d ren ’s lifelong health by teaching them about good n u tritio n and in­ volving them in activities th a t pro­ duce fitness For exam ple, the four food groups—meats, dairy products, fruits and breads—are still im por­ tant. Teach your children the groups and encourage them to e a t foods from each group daily. Also, be sure your child is in ­ volved in some form of regular phys­ ical activity—not ju s t th e physical education class or football team , w here they may spend a lot of tim e sitting or w aiting. (The “lifetim e sports of swim m ing, biking and running are good, aerobic ac­ tivities. ) Colonial and Rainbo Bakeries, THANK YOU. AND REMEMBER TO VOTE ON M AY 1 5 t h ! ! ! SLICED BACON BAR-S OYSTERS FRESH PACIFIC M E D IU M SIZE 10 oz. JAR FRESH RED SNAPPER FILLETS Good Source of Complex C arbohydrates, Calcium , Iron, $039 the board and president of Anheuser-Busch Companies, at a reception POUND prior to the fund-raising gala held at the the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. The dinner, chaired by Mr. Busch, was attended by more than 1,000 business leaders, civic and sports figures and raised over $300,000 for Foundation programs that provide educational opportunities and leadership development skills for aspiring minority youths. The Jackie Robinson Foundation, founded 17 years ago by Mrs. Robinson, perpetuates the memory and achievements of baseball great Jackie PUBLIC NOTICE A Story Of Dedication The rise of Angel (Angie) Eche­ v a rria from th e grin d in g poverty of New York’s Spanish Harlem, where he w as raised, to th e p resident of a m ulti-m illion dollar business w ith grow ing global in terests, is a story of dedication. t v - G6g7BBgg ® Dedication and determination en­ abled him to rise above the poverty of his childhood.________________ T h a t financial success tu rn ed into a dedication to im proving th e lot of deprived an d handicapped children. Increasingly, E chevarria, presid en t of th e Los A ngeles-based Som m a M attress Co., h as devoted g re a te r p a rts of h is tim e in reach ­ ing out to help all creeds and races. In 1987, he w as recipient of the C ity of Hope “H u m a n ita ria n of th e Year" aw ard w here he estab lish ed th e Angel M E ch ev arria Research Fellow ship to fight ch ild ren ’s dis­ eases. The Portland Observer newspaper is owned and operated solely by the Exie Publishing Company of Portland, Oregon. Exie Publishing Company has no affiliation with any other publication in Oregon and the public should be aware that any notices or statements by parties or individuals claim­ ing such affiliation is unauthorized. Questions pertaining to the aforementioned should be directed to the business office of the Observer at 4747 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland, Oregon, 97211. Telephone (503) 288-0033 or FAX (503) 288-0015. eeeeaaeaaawaeeeeeeel ■■■■■■■■a 11111 I 11 I I IM IH U m U IM M »« I I I I t I t i l l H i i l i i n i u i ia ONE on ONE Tax Service $029 SEAFOOD FLAKES $039 IMITATION RAB MEAT) Low in Sodium—Cholesterol-Free g u v ________ Enriched white bread helps kids get important nutrients like com­ plex carbohydrates, iron and ribof­ lavin—and it’s cholesterol free POUND WILLSHIRE FARMS SAUSAGE bakers of cholesterol-free enriched w hite bread, offer a program th a t can help p a re n ts teach th e ir chil­ dren about nutrition, fitness, health and well-being. Their three-part Col- onial/Rainbo B read IronK ids pro­ gram , targ eted a t youngsters 7-14, includes a series of tria th lo n s for children, held in 13 cities th is year. T here’s also a children’s club w ith a free bi-m onthly new sletter on health and fitness,“Proudtalk,’’ and an education program, free to teach­ ers of grades 2-8. For a free booklet on children s n u tritio n and fitness, or more infor­ m ation on the Rainbo and Colonial IronK ids program , write: Rainbo/ Colonial IronKids, P.O. Box 660217, Dallas, TX 75266-0217. Cj SMOKED or POLISH Regular or Lite 4 Q POUND JIM M Y DEAN SAUSAGE WANT TO BUY YOUR OWN HOME? M O VE SIX SPACES FORWARD. (It’ll take just a few minutes to see if you can afford a H U D home!) Have Your Return Prepared by a former IRS Agent. * Reduce Your Taxes To The Lowest Level. • Professional 1040 Computer Generated Individual Return. Corporate, Partnership and Payroll Tax Returns. At ONE on ONE Tax Service YOU Receive Personal Prompt and Courteous Service! Phone: 289-0851 317 NE Killingsworth eeeeaaeaaaaaooeeeea il n i m a ■ • ■ •■ ■ ■ « ■ a a a ■ ■ • e e e e a a a a a a a a a a a Valerie Currie, Tax Consultant If you’ve worked for two years for the same employer (or in the some occupation) and you have o good credit record, move ahead 1 space. START Stop here and compute your Ad|us»ed Income. That’s your total gross monthly income, less federal withhold­ ing taxes. Write your answer here and move on. a i a a aa i i a a a i a aa m a aa e a a a a i m Multiply your Adjusted Income (from space 2) by 0.38, then subtract $150 and write the answer here Then move on to the next space. 1704 N.E. 14th (8 Broadway) (503) 282-3681 We Love Phone Orders either space 3 or spoce 5 here As a general rule, that's the maximum amount you can afford for a monthly house payment (including property taxes). YOU DID IT!«*. number in space 6 is more than $ 5 5 0 , then chances ore good that HUD has on affordable home for you Your next move is to coll your real estate ogent Low monthly payments ond 3% down! a ia ia a a a a aaaa Portland's Greatest Sub Since 1971 ) ■ Write the smaller amount of Add up all your monthly debts (cor, loan, credit purchase, credit card, child support ond alimony payments you owe every month) ond then odd $150. Fill in the total here and go to space 5. Most of our HUD homes ore opproved for FHA Mortgoge Insurance, which mokes them more afford­ able than ever Plus, HUD s bid process is easy. For listings of HUD homes available now, look for our big real estate classified od in every Sunday Oregonian oHUD ir DEPARTMENT OF MOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT SJOERD CLOO « 1989 by HUD. Portfond OHtco You're almost home. Multiply your Adjusted Income (from space 2) by 0.53, subtract the amount on space 4, and write the result here. N ow move along. P LE A S E N O T E Ind^tduol circumstances *ory