*4+ April 11,1990 Portland Observer Page 3 EASTER SERVICES Ainsworth Rev. Paul Spunlock Pastor United Church of Christ 2941 N.E. Ainsworth, Portland, Oregon Celebrate Easter with us and our new pastor Sunrise Service at 6:30 a.m. Breakfast sponsered by the Men at 7:15 a.m. Worship Service at 11:00 a.m. Special M usic during worship service includes: Solist Lessie W illiam s Portland Symphonic Choir Solist Florence Sim s Ainsworth UCC Special guests and church choir accompanied by Louise Cambric IP e D r. J a m e s E. M a r tin , S e n io r P a s to r 116 N .E. S c h u y le r • (503) 284-1954 3 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICES 8:00 A.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 A.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE 12 JO P.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE CHURCH SCHOOL: SATURDAY MORNING 9 A.M. TO 10 A.M. BIBLE STUDY: 10:30 A.M. -1 2 NOON - WEDNESDAY 6:30 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. - WEDNESDAY ’>J J - GREATER ST. STEPHEN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH * : ■ i l * 'J MT SINAI COMMUNITY BAPTIST We invite you, your fam ily and friends to worhip with us Easter Sunday 3922 North W illiams Avenue (503) 281-6337 or 287-6691 Rev. Donald Frazier Pastor 602 N.E. Prescott Portland, Oregon 972121 Phone (503) 282-6773 A church with a mission' Rev Robert E. Houston, Sr., Senior Pastor S u n d a y A p r i l 15th S u n -R is e W o rs h ip 6 :0 0 a .m . MT. OLIVET BAPTIST “ “ I CHURCH i » * .»1 welcome you to worship the Lord at: Teacluntj Churcfi "With A ‘£¿acíiing M inistry.' ß C h u rc h S c h o o l P ro g ra m 9 :3 0 ,a.m . I f You Have The Faith - God Has The Power 1552 N. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon C h ild re n 's P ro g ra m 9 :1 5 a .m . M o r n in g S e rv ic e 11 :00 a .m . S e rm o n "T h e G re a te s t L o v e o f A l l " Where: we preach Jesus Christ we teach the Bible we reach and care for people ANTIOCH MISSIONARY BAPTIST 5935 N. Minnesota, Portland, Oregon ★ ★★★★★★★★★ ★ John 3; 16 ! -k ★ ★ -k 4236 N .E. E ig h th A v e n u e (c o rn e r o f 8 th & S k id m o re ) P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97211 (503) 287-0261 P h illip S. N elson, P a s to r Service THE FAITH TABERNACLE CHURCH 7015 N.E. 23rd Portland, Oregon Phone: (503) 284-7563 Bishop Grace C. Osborne Pastor Sunday morning Service at 11:30 a.m. Easter Program 7:30 to 8:30 JhllL Sermon by Bishop Osborne "Breaking O ut Into the 1,0111 Speaker: Dr. Dearden o f British C olum bia 8:30 to 9 3OJ2JR Come Celebrate With Us Miracle of Easter the P ie d m o n t P resb’v te r ia n C h u rch 5760 N.E. Cleveland Ave. Apnl 15th, 10:30 AM Worship * Childcare provided Our weekly schedule includes alight breakfast with informal liiblc discussion for all ages at 9:00 AM Piedmont — A neighborhood place for hope, direction, & loving care-through: Special & Ongoing Programs • Ttitoring • Saturday Children’s Program Loaves & Fishes • Covenant Players • Used Clothing Room -k -k -k -k ■k * -k Rev. Felton Howard Pastor Sunday April 15,1990 Sunrise Easter Service at 6:00 a.m. Worship Service at 11:00 a.m. Special Easter Program at 5p.m You are invited a nd welcomed to each service. * “HE’S ALIVE” * * We invite yo u to our Easter * the City of Portland is cordially invited to attend an 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- EASTER CELEBRATION APRIL 15, 1990 3:30 PM at the Pioneer Square D ow ntow n Portland * 4- PORTLAND MIRACLE REVIVAL 4828 N. Williams, Portland, Oregon , Phone 281-1874 Bishop Waiter s c o u rasiu i Special Easter Service Sunday A pril 15th at 12 Noon Special Music and Singing Program Double Hitter message delivered by Bishop W alter Scott & Evangelist Doris Scott, "HE WAS MOKE THAN A CARPENTER" Everyone is i n v i t e a * Sponsored b y Maranatha Church ALBINA CHURCH OF GOD 4- 4- 5522 N. Albina Portland, Oregon Rev. Irvington Pastor Easter Sermon: "God O ur Defense" * * Subject: “The Only Hope We Have” * PastorWendell H. Wallace * -k Songs o f inspiration will be provided by -k the choirs o f Maranatha Church. Invite -k friends, relatives, neighbors and to h are witness to the -k co-workers Miracle, Healing Powers o f JESUS CHRIST. -k Easter Service at 11:00 a.m. Special Singing Annual Musical Extravaganza: "He Got Up" featuring Brass of Seattle Everyone is welcome to come The Church Designed to Help You ST MARK BAPTIST CHURCH 103 N.E. M orris Street P.O. Box 12214 Portland. Oregon 97212 Rev. Joe S. Hardie Pastor Church (503) 287-7457 Easter Sunrise Service 6:00 a.m. Sermon: "The Dawn o f Foster" . * Service 11:00 a.m. Sermon: "The Risen Saviour Tbt Public Is Cordially Invited To Attend IRVINGTON COVENANT CHURCH FELLOWSHIP CHURCH OF GOD 1712 N .E . l l l h 5131 N.E. 23rd, Portland, Oregon My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me. And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.— And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of hell gat hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow.— Reproach hath broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness: and I looked for some to tako pity, but there was none; nnd for comforters, but I found none.— I looked on my right hand, and behold, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul. P o rtla n d , O re g o n Henry G. Greenidge Pastor Easter Revival April 11.12. 13, & ends on th c l& h Rev. Joseph & V iola Brazil will close the Revival at the Sunday morning 11:00 o'clock service Special Easter Progam Sunday 7:00 p.m. Do The Right Thing! J Bring your children and join us fo r a special Everyone is Invited to attend CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD Easter Celebration 6401 N.E. 10th, Porland.Oregon 97211 S u n d a y S c h o o l 9 :3 0 a.m . W o r s h ip S e rv ic e 1 0 :3 0 a.m . Featuring: The Children C hoir W orhip Singcrs And Pastor Henry Greenidge sharing a message of Hope! .... (503) 284-5171 Rev. T.N. Noffa Pastor Youth Revival April 16th-20th at 7:30 p.m .. April 22nd at 3:30 P.m. Evangelist Gerald Balleu , Soloist & M usician, of Kanas C ity, Mo. is tlic Revival Speaker Easter: "Old Ship Of Zion" Program 4 ■ Phone: 249-0347 Rev. James Coleman Pastor Perfect through sufferings. ' fc’ Church phone 284-7594 Home phone 283-4382 Your are invited to worhip with the new Testament family For information Call: (503) 284-7563 Jesus Loves You! i f ® 1237 N.E. Failing Portland Oregon 97212 JOHN OR VIVIAN PARKER The entire Community is invited to share with us in this Sacred Service g Call 286-9624 God Bless You! * • I Elder Leon Brewer, Jr. Pastor PRISON MINISTRIES, INC. P.O. BOX 12396 PORTLAND, OREGON 97212 B re a k fa s t spo n so re d b y th e M is s io n M in is t r y 7 :0 0 a .m . ' - VI NEW TESTAMENT Prisión Ministries E a s te r S u n ris e 6 :0 0 a.m . V 9 » , Morning message by Pastor Rev. Roy L. Tate Dr. T.L. Lewis P a sto r /•I Rev.& Mrs. Donald Frazier CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST N ight Service at 7 p.m. Message: The Seven Last W ords o f Christ (5 0 3 ) 2 8 1 -4 9 2 5 o r 2 8 7 -9 8 1 4 v -;.i »4 S u n d a y M o r n in g W o rs h ip 11 :0 0 a,m , Childrens M inistry at 11:15 followed by our dynamic Choir 106 N E . Iv y , P o rtla n d , O re g o n • S u n d a y S c h o o l 9 :3 0 a.m , CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH * MORINING STAR BAPTIST CHURCH 14 . Are you where you want to be? We cordially invite you to our Easter Sunday Services Transportation available 'fb I t is tim e to s h in e f o r C h ris t "God is Mighty in 1990" ^ c s s u rc c ^ o n S u n d a y *<•1 A re y o u re a d y? D o y o u na iv e y o u r tic k e t? M o r n in g W o rs h ip 1 1 :0 0 a .m . Radio M inistry Each Sunday, 8:00 A M . - KBMS (g rp rü n g ii O" * ; I.5» •<* r . - ft*/, I