Page 10 Poi Hand Observer April 11,1990 ___ ___ JOBS/CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING COORDINATOR, CON- TINTING EDUCATION AND CONFERENCE SERVICES The College of Forestry at Oregon State University invites applications for the position of coordinator of its con­ tinuing education service office. The purpose of this position is to coordinate the planning, organizing, and marketing of the College's extensive outreach pro­ gram of instructional workshops, research conferences, and professional institutes. Bachelor's degree in forestry, natural resources, or adult education preferred, with three years' demonstrated experi­ ence in the design and implementation of instructional workshops. Master's degree may substitute for experience. To apply, send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and three current letters of refer­ ence to: Pam Henderson, College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Peavy Hall 104, Corvallis, OR 973315710. Oregon State University is an Affirma­ tive Action Equal Opportunity Employer and complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Applica­ tions from women and minorities are encouraged. Oregon State University has a policy of being responsive to the needs of dual-career couples. Equal Opportunity Employer. MENTAL HEALTH C-IV FAMILY COUNSELOR ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR $l,393-$l,450 Month Plus Excellent Benefits CODA INC. seeks family counselor in the family services program. Re­ sponsibilities include assist in de­ velopment and operation of outpa­ tient family programs, possibly supervise some staff, conduct par­ ent training, family assessment and treatment in individual, group and family therapy. Perform consulta­ tion, coordination and liaison with C'SD schools and medical provid­ ers. Develop, implement and moni­ tor program policies and procedures. TO QUALIFY: A Master’s degree in a human services discipline is re­ quired. 2 years supervised human services experience strongly desired, preferred candidate will have knowl­ edge of chemical dependency is­ sues, family treatment and supervi­ sion. TO APPLY: Submit standard CODA application form and screening question responses to the address below. Application materials avail­ able at CODA, INC., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Phone 239- 8400. The Port of Portland has an immediate opening for an Administrative Coordi­ nator for Public Relations to provide administrative services to the Public Affairs program, which includes Gov­ ernment Relations, Publiée Informa­ tion, and Community Relations. The successful candidate will: 1. Provide complete administrative support to entire department. 2. Keep informed and up- to-date on Port business and sensitive issues, responding to public and media in a timely and professional manner. 3. Be responsible for complete coordi­ nation, development, progress, and follow through on a broad scope of Pub­ lic Affairs prefects, 4. Assist Commu­ nity Relations staff in the community education program. 5. Coordinate and track legislation to facilitate the Gov­ ernment Relations program. 6. Re­ spond to telephone and written requests for Port information on a variety of sub­ jects. 7. Arrange the printing and sort­ ing and supervise distribution of news releases, brochures, and publications. Preferred qualifications include: Course work in filing, typing, office procedures, and business correspon­ dence, or equivalent experience. Ability to handle situations under dead­ line conditions and work well with de­ tails. -Ability to organize and follow through with projects and to speak be­ fore groups. In addiuon to a starting salary range of $17,502 to $19,711 per year, commensurate with experience, the Port offers a comprehensive benefit package. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employ­ ment Office, 700 N.E. Multnomah, 14th Floor. Applicants residing outside the tri-county, Portland metropolitan area, Clark County, and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by calling (503) 231-5000, extension 700. All applications must be received by Friday, April 13, 1990 at 5:00p.m. The Port is an equal opportunity employer, An Affirmative Action! Equal Opportunity Employer Manufacturing Converting Shift Supervisor James River Corporation, a major pulp and paper manufacturer, is looking for a Shift Supervisor for its Paper Con­ verting Plant. This person supervises the daily operation to insure quality and producuon/waste standards are achieved in a safe.cost-effective way. Responsi­ bilities also mclude coordinating equip­ ment repairs with maintenance depart­ ments, and participating in off-shift task groups and special assignments. Ideal candidate should have a technical de­ gree (Engineering, Paper Science), and five years supervisory experience, plus good communication and organization skills. The Wauna Mill is located on Oregon Highway 30, midway between Longview and Astoria. Address resu- mesto: Shelley Prouty.Rt. 2 Box 2185, Clatskanie OR 97016. Equal Opportunity Employer. James River Corporation GEOLOGIST 2 Engineering Geologist) $2060-52765 Monthly) The Oregon Department of Transpor­ tation, Highway Division, is accept­ ing applications for the above position located throughout the state. There is currently a vacancy in Port­ land. Major duties include: gather geologic data and prepare reports; technical supervision of drill crews; inspects and interprets cross sections and soils. Contact ODOT Personnel, 120 Transportation Bldg., Salem, OR 97310, (503) 378-6281 , for employment ap­ plication and recruiting announce­ ment. APPLY NOW, this recruit­ ment will close April 20, 1990. AN AA/EEO EMPLOYER PHYSICAL THERAPIST SUMMER SCHOOL 31 Days (5/hrs.-day - 5/days week) To assess fine motor/functional skills; to develop prescriptive programs; to provide instruction and/or therapy as indicated. Appl. Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED. 4/20/90 by 2pm for firstscreening Call 257-1501 Jeaneen, for Multnomah Education Service Dis­ trict application form and additional in­ formation or come to Multnomah Education Service Dis­ trict Recruitment Office, 11611 N.E. Ainsworth Circle, Portland, OR. An Equal O pportunity Employer OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST SUMMER SCHOOL 31 Days (5/hrs.-day - 5/days week) To assess fine motor/functional skills; to develop prescriptive programs; to provide instruction and/or therapy as indicated. Appl. Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED. 4/20/90 by 2pm for firstscreening C all257-1501 Jeaneen, for Mulnomah Education Service Dis­ trict application form and additional information or come to Multnomah Education Service Dis­ trict Recruitment Office, 11611 N.E. Ainsworth Circle, Portland, OR. An Equal Opportunity Employer EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Major non-profit organization seeks well- organized individual for responsible po­ sition reporting directly to the President. Will provide administrative support to the Executive Division with a high de­ gree of skill, accuracy and confidential­ ity. Individual will provide telephone support, arrange for Board of Directors COUNSELOR and other volunteer meetings and pre­ UPWARD BOUND PROGRAM MIN. B.A., RECRUITMENT/COUN- pare meeting minutes. Must have five or SELING EXPERIENCE WITH AT- more years experience in office proce­ RISK SECONDARY STUDENTS NEC­ dures. Typing 70wpm and shorthand or dictaphone experience required. Com­ ESSARY. SALARY: $20,664-21,000. POSITION petency with DisplayWrite 4 and/or Lotus CONTINGENT UPON FUNDING. AP­ 1-2-3 and ability to work quickly and ac­ PLICATION AVAILABLE IN SHAT­ curately. Demonstrated strong commu­ TUCK HALL, ROOM 239, OR CALL nication, interpersonal and decision mak­ ing abilities and experience in handling 725-4010. APPLICATION DEADLINE: APRIL sensitive and confidential information. Salary minimum S17,000 plus excellent 30, 1990, 5:00PM. PSU is an Equal Opportunity/Affirma- benefits. Send resume by April 18 to: Carolyn Lewis United Way/Columbia- tive Action Employer. Minorities, Willamette 718 West Burnside Port­ women, and (embers of other pro­ tected groups a. e encouraged to apply. land, Oregon 97209 228-9131 Equal Opportunity Employer. AN AA/EEO EM PLOYER II-51 WENT TEAM LEADER OPPORTUNITIES GROW WITH THE HOME of the WINNER! IMMEDIATE PO SITIONS AVAILABLE (That’s what wc call our managers) BURGER KING Exciting advancement opportunities for exceptional team leaders in our rapidly expanding company. We stress team building and leadership: Ibis is why our management carry ih« title Team 1-cader. We are a company that has shown steady growth and success within the Greater Portland area since 1972 and are continuing tu grow through expansion We are dedicated to being the best If you are also build you carecí with us. We need energetic ASSISTANT TEAM LEADERS AND RESTAURANT TEAM LEADERS who work to highest standards and are prepared to accept more Excellent refer­ ences rcuuircd. Our salary and benefits package is outstanding Send resume or come ny and apply at Restaurant Management Northwest, Ine. Attention Stan Stambaugh Director of Human Resources 1410 SW Jefferson Portland, Oregon 97201 De Art An Equal Opportunity Employer PROGRAM DEVELOP­ MENT SPECIALIST FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION The Specialist will design, develop, mar­ ket, implement, and manage programs in collaboration with faculty and other academic units and establish programs for new and existing markets. Also, the Specialist will advise and counsel stu­ dents with regard to University proc­ esses, requirements, and programs. QUALIFICATIONS: Evidence of suc­ cess in program development; experi­ ence advising students; strong commu­ nication skills; Master’s degree required. Applications for either of these two Program Development Specialist posi­ tions are due April 27, 1990. Send cur­ riculum vitae, four references, and letter of interest highlighting qualifications and perspective on the role of continuing education within an urban university. For complete job descriptions, contact: Barbara Scott, Chairperson, Program Spe­ cialist Searches Portland State Univer­ sity PO Box 1491, Portland OR 97207 (503) 725-4800 Portland State Univer­ sity is an Equal Opportunity and Af­ firmative Action employer. Women, minorities, and other protected groups are encouraged to apply. CORRECTIONAL OFFICER Supervise and control inmates in an adult correctional institution. Beginning sal­ ary $1677 per month plus liberal bene­ fits. Current positions in Baker, City, North Bend, Pendleton and Salem. Future positions in Portland and Ontario. Exams will be held in Portland on April 28, May 12, May 16, plus additional dates in Sa­ lem, Ontario, and Pendleton. Applications available at Urban League of Portland, Employment Divi­ sion offices, or contact: Department of Correction Personnel 2575 Center Street NE Salem, OR 97310 503/ 378-2497 INSURANCE SR. Medical Underwriter I Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is accepting applications for a Senior Medical Underwriter. The Sr. Medical Underwriter will perform the following duties: -Determine underwriting risk on new non-group enrollment -Review health statements to determine enrollment eli­ gibility -Analyze medical data to elim i­ nate risk Qualified applicants will have a minimun of three years experience in underwritin individual health and/or life insurance with a strong medical back­ ground or a degree in Nursing, and will possess excellent demonstrated commu­ nication skills. Leadership and problem solving background and the ability to handle daily stressful situations in a pro­ fessional manner is a must. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an ex- cellentemployee benefits package, flex­ time work hours, and competitive sal­ ary. Pre-employment drug screening re­ quired. To assure your resume is proc­ essed immediately, place as #178 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dcpt., Fifth Floor 100 SW Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH C-III Family Counselor $1232-S1300 month plus excellent bene­ fits. CODA INC. seeks counselor in the family services program to provide struc­ tured intensive outpatient treatment to adults referred by the Childers Services Division. Responsibilities include diag­ nosis, evaluation, and treatment to clients including individual, group and family counseling. Conduct of structured edu­ cational groups, consultation, coordina­ tion and liaison with CSD. Shift re­ quires some evening work. To qualify: Bachelor’s degree in a human services discipline and two years supervised human services experience are required. Knowl­ edge of chemical dependency and expe­ rience in the treatment of chemical de­ pendent women very strongly desired. To apply submit standard CODA appli­ cation form and screening question re­ sponses to the address below. Application materials available at CODA INC. 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Phone 239-8400 MENTAL HEALTH C-IV Drug T reatm ent Services 2 Positions Open Starting salary $1393- $1450 plus excellent benefits. CODA Inc. seeks qualified counselors in the Drug Treatment Services program to provide structured intensive outpatient treatment to complex cases including pregnant women. Responsibilities in­ clude diagnosis, evaluation and treat­ ment including individual, group and family counseling. Complex cases re­ quiring advance clinical expertise. Con­ sultation, coordination and liaison with community health officials, assistance in clinical supervision of the program. Preferred applicant will have graduate training in human services and two years supervised human services experience. To apply submit standard CODA appli­ cation form with screening question responses to address below. Application materials available at CODA INC. 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Phone 239-8400 Equal O pportunity/A ffirm ative Action Em ployer COUNSELOR PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT AFFAIRS, ACCESS AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM MI­ NORITY STUDENT RECRUITER POSITION 0.50 ftc 12 MONTH Min. BA/BS, experience in higher education admissions or related field w ith demon­ strated knowledge of admissions proce­ dures and practices generally followed in post-secondary education. Ability to recruit and counsel ethnic minority stu­ dents is necessary. Position announce­ ment and position description available in Shattuck Hall Room 329, or call 725- 4457. Application deadline is 04/19/ 1990 at 5:00 pm. Christian injured worker, went back to school, received BS in HC Administration. Have excellent past track work history, looking for management position. Please call Tony Washington at The Portland Observer, 288-0033. MENTAL HEALTH TEACHER SPECIAL EDUCATION - SUMMER SCHOOL TREAT­ ABLE MENTALLY RETARDED PROGRAM OTHER HEALTH IMPAIRED PROGRAM (4 hrs. day - 5 days week) (4 1/2 hrs. days - 5 days week) To provide direct instruction to stu­ dents. QUALIFICATIONS: Valid Oregon Teaching Certificate. Handi­ capped Learner of Severly Handicapped Learner Endorsement preferred. APPL. DEADLINE: Open Until Filled 4/20/90 by 2pm for first screening. Call 257-2501 Jeaneen, for Multnomah Education Service District application form and additional information or come to Personnel 11611 N.E. Ainsworth Circle, Port­ land, Oregon. An Equal Opportunity Employer C-IV FAMILY COUNSELOR $1393-$ 1450 month plus excellent bene­ fits. CODA INC. seeks family coun­ selor in the family services program. Responsibilities include assist in devel­ opment and operation of outpatient family programs, possibly supervise some staff, conduct parent training, family assess­ ment and treatment in individual, group and family therapy. Perform consulta­ tion, coordination and liaison with CSD schools and medical providers. Develop, implement and monitor program poli­ cies and procedures. To q u alify -a Mas­ ter’s degree in a human services disci­ pline is required. Two years supervised human services experience strongly de­ sired, preferred candidate will have knowl­ edge of chemical dependency issues, family treatment and supervision. To apply submit standard CODA applica­ tion form and screening question re- COUNSELING sponses to the address below. Applica- Case Mgr., New Directions beginning üon materials available at CODA INC. salary $1109-$1200 mo. plus excellent 2 1ONE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Phone benefits CODA INC. seeks qualified 239-8400 Case Manager at New Directions Tran­ Equal Opportunity/Affirmative sitional Adult Treatment Facility. Du­ Action Employer ties include diagnoses and treatment to a caseload of clients, individual and group PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY counseling and therapy, therapeutic ac­ DIVISION OF CONTINUING tivities for clients, client records. Typi­ EDUCATION AND SUMMER cal work week is Mon-Fri, swing and SESSION - ASSISTANT DEAN day shift. Associates degree in health The Assistant Dean works with the Dean services related field or CCDC certifica­ to foster the development of Continuing tion and one year of supervised human Education and Summer Session programs services experience are required. To on- and off-campus, to build alliances apply submit CODA application and with other academic unity, to enable the screening question responses to address effective leadership of DCE/SS staff, below. Application materials available and to initiate new programs in specific at CODA INC. 210 NE 20th, Portland, academic areas. QUALIFICATIONS: OR 97232. Phone 239-8400 Administrative experience in fiscally self Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Ac­ supporting programs is essential; evi­ tion Employer dence of success in program develop­ ment; strong communication skills; rec­ ASSISTANT PROFESSOR FOR­ ord of scholarly research or professional EST RESOURCES AND FOR­ activities; Master’s degree required, doc­ ESTRY MEDIA CENTER ORE­ torate preferred. Applications due May GON STATE UNIVERSITY Position opening for an Assistant Pro­ 4, 1990. Send curriculum vitae, four references, and letter of interest high­ fessor of Forest Biology who also can lighting qualifications and perspective serve as Director of the Forestry Media on the role of continuing education within Center. The incumbent will teach un­ an urban university. For complete job dergraduates in Forest Biology, Den­ description, contact: drology, and related courses; coordinate Mariis R. Miller, Chairperson, Assis­ activities of the Silviculture Institute; tant Dean Search Portland State Uni­ and direct activities of the Forestry Media versity PO Box 1491, Portland, OR Center. Instructional assignment is 50%, 97207 (503) 725-4800 with the remaining 50% split between Equal Opportunity/Affirmative the two other activities. PH.D. in teach­ Action Employer ing, experience in instructional design, experience in supervising employees, ICES DIVISION (AFS) and experience in program planning and SALARY ($3050-$4298 MONTHLY) administration required. Position avail­ Excellent Benefit Package State of Ore­ able July 1,1990. Application deadline gon, AFS needs an energetic and inno­ May 25, 1990. Send letter, curriculum vative person with quality management vitae, university transcripts, and three skills for the Assistant Western Region letters of reference to Perry J. Brown, Manager position in the Western Region Dept. of Forest Resources, Oregon State office in Salem, Oregon. QUALIFICA­ University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5703. TIONS: ...three years of management Oregon State University is an Affirma­ experience in a public or private organi­ tive Action Equal Opportunity Employer zaron which included responsibility for and complies with Section 504 of the development of program rules and poli­ Rehabilitation Act of 1973. cies, long and short range plans, pro­ Applications from women and minori­ gram evaluation and budget prepara­ ties are encouraged. Oregon State tion. Graduate level coursework in man­ University has a policy of being re­ agement may be substituted for up to sponsive to the needs of dual-career one year of the required experience. couples. Your experience and training must clearly demonstrate how you have gained the Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action ' knowledge and skills identified in An­ Employer nouncement #OC900355 from Personnel Center, 775 Court Street, Salem, FOOD SERVICES Oregon 97310. PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS APPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, Nutrition Services Dept Snack Bar Man­ APPLICATIONS MUST BE POST­ ager Pantry/cashier position in cafete­ MARKED BY APRIL 24, 1990 TO ria-style restaurant/catering dept. 1 year BE ACCEPTED. FOLLOW THE DE­ exp. orequiv. training. 12 mo., 8 hrs. M- TAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON THE F; $6.61/hr., excel, benefits fully paid. ANNOUNCEMENT. Applications accepted through 4/13/90. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM­ Apply Personnel Services, Blanchard Edu­ PLOYER cation Service Center, 501 N. Dixon, Ptld. Equal opportunity - affirmative action GENERAL OFFICE employer Colonial Pacific Leasing, a Pitney Bowes Company, is recruiting for several posi­ tions requiring general office and cus­ ART DIRECTOR. This creative, take-charge position re­ tomer service skills. If you possess quires minimum two years experience strong clerical skills and/or experience as a broadcast artist. Must have exten­ in a customer service position, please sive knowledge of graphic layout for forward your resume to: print commensurate with ability and ex­ Manager, Human Resources - OB P O. Box 1100, Tualatin, OR 97062. perience. Send resumes to Dennis Upde- graff, V.P. Programming and Opera­ Colonial Pacific Leasing is an affirma tive action/eqaul opportunity em­ tions, KPDX-TV, P.O. Box 49, Port­ ployer. land, OR 97207. No phone calls. Holladay Park Medical Center _ ■ _ LEGACY 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue (503) 233-4567 / kulth Syslcnt Committed to Carter Opportunity Tor A tt Americans 24-Hour Job Line 239-3116 An Equal O pportunity Employer A Legacy Member