Page 8 Portland Observer April 4, 1990 JOBS/CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BIDS/SUB-BIDS RECEPTIONIST/PBX OPERATOR For private, non-profit, social services agency. Full-time position. Heavy phone work, must have previous experience in both reception & switchboard procedures. Must take accurate messages and have a per­ sonable phone manner. Light typ­ ing skills preferred. Obtain appli­ cations at 2301 N.W. Glisan, Port­ land, Oregon. $5.25 and up per hour, DOE. Equal Opportunity Employer RADIO DELIVERY PERSON Part-Tim e Exceptional knowledge of metro area, clean driving record with valid O.D.L. Ability to work under pres­ sure. Send resume to: Atten.: Ellen B urns KGON Radio 4614 SW Kelly P ortland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer CLERICAL ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SPECIALIST 1 For the Personnel/Financial Services Unit of the Legislative Administra­ tive Committee. Full Time posi­ tion performs a variety of skilled clerical tasks. Preference will be given to applicants who possess word processing skills. Salary range: S1,304-$ 1,694 per month. A Legis­ lative Administration Committee application is required. Application materials must be received by 5 P.M., April 9, 1990. Contact Personnel Services, Legislative Administration Committee, S401 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310. (503) 378-8530, FAX: (503) 373- 1527. Equal Opportunity Employer INVESTOR REHABILI­ TATION LOAN SPECIALIST PORTLAND DEVELOP­ MENT COMMISSION Housing Department $28,980-$35,952 Mihimitfn three years in direct loan origi­ nating and underwriting of debt financ­ ing of projects involving the purchase and/or construction of income property. Must have demonstrated knowledge of real estate financing terms, techniques, and strategies related to income prop­ erty. Requires a good understanding of rental housing factors including prop­ erty management, determining market rents, typical operating expenses, pri­ vate and public financing programs. Lotus 123 or VP Planner proficiency required. To receive a complete description and application packet, contact The Port­ land Development Commission, Human Resources Section at 796-6819. Closing date-April 20,1990. TEACHERS Portland State University, Upward Bound Summer Session, June 20 to August 8, 1990. Writing, math, career, active learning projects. For application packet, send resume and letter specifying area of interest to: Upward Bound/PSU, PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207. APPLICA­ TION DEADLINE: APRIL 20, 1990, 5:00 PM. PSU is an Equal Opportunity! Affirmative Action Employer MULTNOMAH COUNTY Juvenile Groupworker - 4 10.70per hour; responsible for guidance, security, trian- ing and general care of delingquent and disturbed children and adolescents in a juvenile detention home; requires two years of realted experience; two years of relevant college-level coursework may be substituted for one year of the re­ quired experience. Juvenile Counselor - 411.35 per hour, performs counseling adn casework pro­ viding social and legal services to chil­ dren and families; primary concern with the welfare of delinquent, dependent, abused or neglected children within the framework of the juvenile code; requires one year of related experience and a relevant BS. W HERETO APPLY: Multnomah County Employee Serv­ ices, Room 1430, 1120 Sw Fifth Avenue, Portland, OR 972^4 •‘An Equal Opportunity Employer” II The Private Industry Council xroi.t «U CauM/« ite Cd« * AmanU EMPLOYMENT The Private Industry . Council (TPIC) Is an organization pro­ viding employment and training services to economically disad­ vantaged individuals. TPIC is re­ cruiting for the following tem ­ porary full-tim e positions for its summer youth program. TRAINING LIAISON Responsible for Implementation and/or management Of specific employment and training com­ ponents to ensure prtogram per­ formance and quality of service. Involves problem-solving, tech­ nical assistance and work site development. May involve de­ velopment, negotiation and management of service con­ tracts. Preferred qualifications: two years post-secondary edu­ cation, three years employment counseling, and one year super­ visory experience; effective oral and writtrn communication skills; valid driver's license and reliable transportation. Position durations: Begin April through June, 1990; end no later than September 30, 1990. Salary: $7,68 per hour. ADVOCATE Responsible for identification and recruitment of youth for summer program, classroom support, counseling and guidance, and participant monitoring. Preferred qualifications: High school diplo­ ma; Bachelors degree preferred; two years experience working with youth and/or in an training em ploym ent education ■ ¡in capa city; effective oral and written communication skills; crisis in­ tervention skills; valid driver's li­ cense and reliable transporta­ tion; availability during ffexible working hours. Position dura­ tions: Begin A pril/M ay 1990; end Auguest 31,1990. Salary $8.00 per hour. Include resume and cover letter with official TPIC applica­ tion. CLERICAL ASSISTANT Provides client reception, tele­ phone reception and clerical support. Preferred qualifications: high school diploma or GED, three years experience in office support position, accurate typ­ ing, word processing experience, multi-line phone operator ex­ perience, effective oral and w rit­ ten communication skills, ability to work with variety of people and meet multiple deadlines. Po­ sition duration through August 1990. Salary $6.50 per nour. TRAINER Responsible for administering training curriculum to trainees, monitoring training sites, train­ ing contractors on competency system and assisting youth in summer employment. Preferred qualifications: two years post-secondary education, two years working with youth and/or employers in employment, training or education capacity. Position duration May through July 1990. Salary $7.68 per hour. ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE Involves direct work with employ­ ers to determine appropriate iob placements for TPIC youth. In­ cludes Initiating contacts with employers, servicing accounts, assisting youth in completing various steps toward unsubsi­ dized employment, and main­ taining positive relationships be­ tween employers, hired y °uth and TPIC. Preferred qualifica­ tions: Bachelors degree with malor coursework in business, marketing or related field, two years business experience, background in public relations or lob development, excellent com- muncafion skills, valid driver's license and reliable transporta­ tion. Position duration April through August 1990. Salary $7.68 per hour. OPERATIONS ASSISTANT Coordinates time card and paper work distribution for TPIC con­ tractors in Washington County; serves as payroll trouble-shoot­ er. Preferred qualifications: high school diploma, one year study in business or social service field, two years experience in employment or social service field with demonstrated experi­ ence in payroll or client tracking; effective oral and written com­ munication skills; valid driver s license and reliable transporta­ tion. JTPA experience preferred. Position duration April through August 1990. Salary $7.68 per hour. Applicants applicants must submit official TPIC applications before 5 PM, _____________________ - I I O l . , O U I1 C M UU , Portland, OR 97204. , FAX 241-4622. No phone calls please. Affirmative Action - Equal Oppor- funitv Employer. POLITICAL Note: Help stow modem progress, write in a black gov- enor of Oregon on May 15,1990, don t vote Republican or Democrat, but vote Independent. Contrib ution paid for by committee to elect Robert L. Forthan, US Bank Acct. number 180-6018-808. RADIO SALES REPRESENTATIVE With minimum 2 years Media Sales experience. Send resume to P.O. Box 14957, Portland, OR 97214. Equal Opportunity Employer M ultnom ah County SOUTHEAST GUARDRAIL REPLACEM ENT Bids Due April 17,1990 at 2:00 P.M. Bid No. B61-250-4470 Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Purchasing, Multnomah County Purchasing Section, 2505 S.E. 11th Ave.. Portland, OR 97202 for: Project No. 1102 -- Removal and replacement of guardrail at various locations Plans and Specifications are filed with the Purchasing Director and copies may be obtained from the above address for a $5.00 non-rcfundable fee. CHECKS AND MONEY ORDERS ONLY. Plans and Specifications will not be mailed within the Tri-County area. PREBID CONFERENCE: NONE PREQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS Pursuant to the Multnomah County Public Contract Review Board Administrative Rules (AR 40.030) Prequalifi­ cation shall be required for this project for the following class(es) of work: Mis­ cellaneous Highway (guardrail, median barriers, curbs, retaining Walls, walks, fences, riprap.) Prequalification applications or statements must be prepared during the period of one year prior to the bid dale. Prequalification application and proof of pre- qualification by the Oregon Department of Transportation must be actually received or postmarked to Multnomah County Purchasing Section by not later than 10 days prior to bid opening. All bidders must comply with the requirements of the prevailing wage law in ORS 279.350. Details of compliance are available from Larry Weaver, Purchasing Section, Department of General Services, 2505 S E 11th Ave. Portland, OR 97202, (503) 248-5111. Contractors and subcontractors must be licensed for asbestos abatement work if the project involves working with asbestos. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to Multnomah County, certified by a responsible bank, or in lieu thereof, a surety bond for an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the aggregate proposal. The successful bidder shall furnish a bond satisfactory to the Board in the full amount of the contract. Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Lillie Walker, Director Purchasing Section NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS City of Camas D epartm ent of Public W orks Cam as, W ashington Sealed bids will be received by the City of Camas, Olfice of the Finance De­ partment, 616 NE 4th Avenue, Camas, Washington, until 10:00 a.m. on April 24,1990, and will then and there be opened and publicly read for the construc­ tion of the improvement All bids proposals shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, cer­ tified check, cashier’s check or surety bond in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond within the time stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the City of Camas. Maps, plans and specifications may be obtained from the Office of the Public Works Department upon deposit of the amount of $25.00. The $25.00 purchase price for the Documents is non-refundable. Return of the documents is not required. Informational copies of maps, plans and specifications are on file for inspec­ tion in the Office of the Public Works Department. The City of Camas Public Works Department hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this ad­ vertisement, Disadvantage and Women’s Business Enterprises will be af­ forded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated aginst on the grounds of race, color or national origin in con­ sideration for an award. The improvement for which bids will be received as follows: Bid Opening on Tuesday, April 24th, 1990 at 10:00 a.m. The street improvement of SW 6th Avenue from Zillah to Park Street shall include grading, applying crushed rock and asphaltic concrete surface, con­ structing concrete curbs, driveways, sidewalks, reinforced concrete retain­ ing wall, and installing storm sewer and catch basins. The City of Camas reserves the right to reject any or all proposals if found to be higher than the estimated cost and to waive any formality or techni­ cality in any proposal in the interest of the City. DATA PROCESSING PROFESSIONALS There’s A Million Reasons Why We Speak Your Language! Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon, a major health insurance company provides health insurance to over one million people. Your expertise in new development and large scale enhancements will help all of them. Several large projects and new business efforts will be requiring individuals with experience working in a large scale IBM mainframe environment. All positions require strong communication, interpersonal and user skills. Candidates must also have experience in the following: * VSAM *TSO/ISPF * COBOL * OS/JCL X.. •- K. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed proposals for the Construction of the JAE Leveton-OKI/Leveton Sw 108th Avenue Project-Phase II will be received by the City of Tualatin (county of Washington, State of Oregon) until Thursday, April 19,1990, at 2:00 p.m., local time, at the Tualatin City Offices, 18880 S.W. Martinazzi Avenue, Tu­ alatin, Oregon, 97062-0369 and then will be publicly opened and read. Bids will not be received after such date and time. The City Engineer, Michael McK- illip, and the Civil Engineer, Michael Stone, are the person designated to receive bids. Major items of work include 685 tons of asphalt pavement, 24,000 square yards of concrete pavement, 6,300 lineal feet of storm drain, 4,900 lineal feet of water line, 300 lineal feet sanitary sewer, 14,000 lineal feet of power and telephone conduit, 29 street lights, and related appurtenances and work. Contract Documents may be examined at the office of the City Engineer, City Offices, Tualatin, Oregon. A copy of said documents may be obtained at the Tualatin City Offices, upon a deposit of Twenty-Five dollars (S25.OO) for each document. The deposit will be refunded on the return of undamaged bid docu ments within ten (10) days after the bid opening. Bidders must be prequalified with the City of Tualatin in compliance with Chapter 279 of Oregon Revised Statues. Prequalification applications shall be filed no later than seven days prior to the bid opening date. Proposals must be made upon the proposal forms bound in the Contract Docu­ ments and must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond payable to the City of Tualatin (County of Washington, State of Oregon) in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount bid. This is a contract for a public work subject to ORS 279.348 to 279.363 or the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C.276a) and no bid will be received or considered unless the bid contains a statement by the bidder as part of the bid that the provisions of ORS 279.350 or 40 U.S.C. 276a are to complied with. The bid must indicate whether the bidder is a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029. Prior to submission of bids, contractors shall register with the Construction Contractors Board, and thereafter comply with the requirement of ORS 701.035 to 701.137. The Contractor or Subcontractor is not required to be licensed under ORS 468.883 for asbestos abatem ent Attention is called to the fact that not less than the prevailing rate of wage must be paid on this project in acordance with ORS 279.350, and that the Contract must ensure that the employees and applicants for employment arc not dis­ criminated against because of their race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The City of Tualatin reserves the right to reject any bids not in compliance w ith all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject tor good cause any or all bids upon a finding that it is in the public interest to do so. Bids cannot be withdrawn within thirty (30) days after the actual date of bid opening. For further information, please contact Jory M. Abrams, P.E., at CH2M Hill N.W. Inc., 2020 S.W. Fourth Avenue, 2nd Floor, Portland, Oregon 97201, phone number (503) 224-9190. Dated this 29th day of March, 1990. CITY OF TUALATIN (County of Washington, State of Oregon) Published March 29, April 5, & 12, 1990. 2208CB-3Th ELECTRICIAN II The Port of Portland has immediate openings for four Electricians II at its Aviation Maintenance Department. These positions will be for approximately 6 months and involve mostly night shift. Primary responsibilities will be airport lighting system repairs and up­ grade. The successful candidates may also: 1. Perform a. b. c. d. e. f. g. repairs, calibrations and replacement to the following: Frequency converters Honeywell fire alarm systems Automatic parking devices Simplex clock system Field lighting regulators Programmable Logic Control Security systems 2. Install all necessary construction to add additional systems. Successful candidates will be required to have a General Journeyman’s license. This is a bargaining unit position with a starting wage of $17.43 per hour. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14 th floor. Applicants resid­ ing outside the tri-county Portland metropolitan area, Clark County and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by calling (503) 231 -5000, ext. 700. All applications must be received by Friday, April 6,1990, at 5:00 pm. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer LEAD ANALYST 0 Requires extensive background in the development of CICS based sys­ tems and demonstrated success in a project management role. PROGRAMMER ANALYSTS Requires a minimum of 2 years experience in performing systems analysis and design, coding, testing and implementation assign­ ments. CICS skills a definite plus. Speedy Service Friendly PROGRAMMERS Requires a degree in Computer Science or at least 1 year of experience performing program design, testing and implementation assign­ ments. In addition to significant technical challenge and professional growth, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #123 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Oregon Best Cash Prices I : DAD’S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils 104 N.E. Russell St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 Call for Quote!!! Say You Saw It In The . . . . Portland Observer Support Our Advertisers Human Resources Dept., 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market ♦ Portland, OR 97201 We Can't Spell S ccess Without U! An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer T % CITY OF TUALATIN CONSTRUCTION OF JAE/LEVETON-OKI/LEVETON SW 108TH AVENUE PROJECT Bids due 2:00 pm, April 19 Ai * • ■ ’ >;< ••