Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 04, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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A p r il 4, 1990 P o rtla n d O bserver Page
This Week in History
Led by both the pow erful and the meek,
the week o f A p ril 4-10 played a strong
role in the repression o f-a n d exaltation
of--the A frica n Am erican population.
A p r il 4, 1928-This is the birthdate o f
Maya Marguerita Angelou. Angelou
tried her wings a t-a n d flew w ith suc­
cess in -m a n y careers, including w rit­
ing, producing, directing, singing, danc­
ing, lecturing, and editing. She was
idso active in pushing for c iv il rights.
A p r il 9, 1940-A ten-cent stamp is is­
sued in commemoration o f Booker T.
Washington's furtherance o f Black rights.
A p r il 4, 1967-A year short o f what
shall be his death, Dr. M artin Luther
King, Jr. announces at a press confer­
ence his plans to conscientiously object
the Vietnam W ar through a nationwide
educational campaign, teaching students
in an e ffo rt to "awaken the conscience
o f the nation."
A p r il 9 , 1967-In what seems almost to
preview the tragic Kent U niversity
incident o f three years later, police shoot
at Black students demonstrating at Fisk
University. Several demonstrators were
injured; no one died.
A p r il 4 , 1968-Dr. M artin Luther K ing,
Jr. is assassinated at the age o f 39. A
Baptist m inister, he w a s-a t the age o f
35-th e youngest person ever to earn
the Nobel Peace Prize, due to his great
achievements toward peace, equality,
and c iv il rights. The successful ending
o f the Black bus boycott was a result o f
the leadership o f Dr. King. His life
accomplishments number many, but
what is immeasurable is the difference
King made in setting an example fo r
generations to come. M inorities o f all
kinds w ill remember this pioneer o f
human rights, and live w ith his im m or­
tal words "W e shall overcome" etched
in m ind and soul.
A p r il 5 , 1968-Lyndon Johnson cancels
talks w ith North Vietnamese officials
in order to meet w ith c iv il rights lead­
ers, because he felt the need was greater
there. Johnson feared riots, looting,
and c iv il disorder in reaction to King's
assassination. The then-president also
declared A p ril 7 a day o f national
mourning. "The life o f a man who
symbolized the freedom and faith o f
America has been taken," said LBJ.
"B u t it is the fiber and fabric o f the
Republic that is tested...my heart went
out to his peoplc-espct tally to the young
Americans w ho-I know-m ust wonder i f
they are to be denied a fullness o f life
because o f their skin.
"The dream o f M artin Luther King has
not died w ith him ."
A p r il 8 , 1970-Members o f the National
Urban League, the N A A C P , and the
Southern Christian Leadership Confer-
ence, enters a New Y ork C ity Church
w ith tw elve follow ers. "W e come to
you as C hrist came on Palm Sunday,"
W illiam s told the pastor. "H ow can the
church continue to preach the gtospel
o f Jesus and continue to have holding in
big companies that oppress people in
South Africa? How can the church
continue to live a lie?" Police entered
The New Immigration, Part IV:
on to say the hanging was a result o f
South Africa's white supremacist ru l­
ing party's desire to "intim idate the
African population." West Germany's
Social Democratic Party calls the slaugh­
ter one o f "merciless cruelty" and pre­
dicted it would "unleash shock and b it­
terness throughout the w orld."
Everyone is or has been a m inority:
though you m ight not be Black, or a
B uddhist, or a female, or Hispanic, you
once w e re -o r are n o w -h e ld back due
to age. H opefully, every man, woman,
and child reading this w ill think o f
M artin Luther K ing, Jr. today, on this
22nd anniversary o f his death, and
remember what he has done for you.
King spent his life fighting racism, and
even suffered death at the hands o f a
racist. One day the bigotry w ill end,
and men everywhere w ill unite. Thank
you, M artin Luther.
Dakota Negroes are less illiterate than
Mississippi W hiles. The Negroes o f
these seven states are less illiterate by
100 to 400 per cent than the foreign-bom
whites o f all the Slates, save one.”
And also:
“ Negro illiteracy in C alifornia is 3.1
per cent; Minnesota: 2.0; New York:
2.5; Nevada: 1.5; South Dakota: 2.2;
Oregon: 2.5; Washington: 2.9. The i l l i t ­
eracy o f the Native Am erican W hites o f
W hite parentage is, V irginia: 5.0; West
V irginia: 3.8; North Carolina: 5.7; South
Carolina: 5.2; Georgia: 3.4; Kentucky:
5.9; Tennessee: 5.4; Alabama: 4.9; L o u ­
isiana: 7.8; and New M exico: 8.2 (U.S.
Census, V o l. II, pg. 1229)”
And for that Eastern and Southern
European Region B -th at the Anglo Saxon
m ajority so despised in their literature
and im m igration quotas (and so loves in
today’ s era o f peristroika and glasnost),
Continued from front page
we have this revelation from the Key
1929 “ B ulletin No. 4 o f the U.S. Depart
ment o f the Interior, Illiteracy in the
Several Countries o f the W o rld .”
“ Servia, 48 per cent, Bulgaria 55;
Portugal, 50-70 per cent; Hungary, 10-
20; Finland, Lithuania, Poland, 30-40;
Italy, 20-30; Russia, 50-60. ‘Greece,’
says the report, is considerably in excess
o f 50 per cent.”
“ Spain, Italy and
Bulgaria show comparatively high rates.”
Now, given that critica l in fo rm a tio n -
much available to the army its e lf-a n d
given the highly vaunted skills o f re­
search and careful documentation claimed
by the U niversity o f Chicago and the
consultants listed b e lo w -it is almost
unbelievable (almost) that, together, they
could come up w ith the fo llo w in g flawed
and misleading report used by the media
and racists to support their preconceived
notions. The unsupported conclusions
are crim inal in impact.
From the Washington Bureau, L .A .
Times/Washington Post News Service:
W A S H IN G T O N - The Defense
Department released Monday an inde­
pendent analysis o f its nationwide youth
achievement test that cited possible ge­
netic factors as one reason for the rela­
tive ly poor performance o f blacks and
Latinos in the test.
The results o f the department's test,
inwhich whites scored three times higher
than blacks and twice as high as Latinos,
have "substantial implications for voca­
tional opportunities and attainment, the
report said, because they show that blacks
and Latinos continue to be isolated trom
the American mainstream “ both repro­
ductively and cu ltu ra lly.”
The test, the results o f which were
o ffic a lly released Monday, was an as­
sessment o f nearly 12,000 blacks, whites
and Latinos 18 to 23, measured in a bat­
tery o f tests adminstered during the sum­
mer o f 1980.
The test results showed a median
score, out o f a possible 100 points, o f 59
for whiles, 23 fo r Latinos and 17 for
The Pentagon’ s test and the sample o f
youths it tested were certified as statisti­
cally valid and unbiased by the National
O pinion Research Center.
Two researchers associated w ith the
center and the U niversity o f Chicago,
who analyzed the test data, said the rela­
tively poor performance o f blacks and
Latinos indicated that neither group has
been fu lly integrated into white society.
A t the same tim e, the researchers said
"■j,. i > s
V a ? .*
in a report distributed by the Pentagon,
‘ ‘ the fact that these socio-cultural groups
are also in large degree reproductively
isolated. . . raises the possibility that the
differences in test performance arise from
differences in the respective gene pools.”
Someone turned o ff the heat under
the “ M elting Pot” . There s till is no
. J
E N — '
L r f.* ■
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room at the inn fo r some.
Concluded next week.
S a fe w a y,., P roud to be
P a rt o f Your Life!
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A p p ro x.
5-Lb. Pack
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and arrested W illiam s.
A p r il 5, 1971-City o fficia ls in Lacka-
wanny, N .Y . attempt to prevent A f r i­
can Am erican housing being b u ilt in a
predominantly white neighborhood. The
Supreme Court ruled unanimously
against the officials, and construction
was underway.
A p r il 6 , 1979-Approxim atcIy 200 A f ­
rican students protesting a hanging are
chased by police brutally swinging heavy
clubs. The demonstration, which took
place in Pretoria, was a conscictious
objection to the white m inority govern­
ment hanging Black student Solomon
Mahlangu. A Soviet news agency called
Mahlangu's trial and consequent hang­
ing a "m ockery o f justice" because he
was innocent, and had not fired at two
whites, as accused. The agency went
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