........... April 4 ,1 9 9 0 Portland Observer Page 3 Reverend Sharpton, C harging Get The Love You Want And Deserve: Do P rosecution W ith “ Foul Play” in Yusuf Not Compromise Yourself. . . H awkins Case, Leads 500 People in by Ullysses Tucker, Jr. Several months ago, I was intro­ that was free o f all the materialistic/ B ensonhurst D em onstration duced to a “ pen pal' ’ by a mutual entity TOWN SINCE'1908 ’ 10 limu QliA.IlilltS 8,1990 FRESH FRYERS TjgSdgn O R EG O N G R O W N /FARMS WHOLE FRYERS PACKED IN BAGS FIRST THREE FRYERS POUND tkltyixten FRESH FRYER PARTS SPLIT FRYER BREASTS $919 DRUMSTICKS T H IG H S » «■ „„M, 1— 1 $1 $-| 69 39 I always find Blacks in crimes against whites,” continued the outspoken minister, adding that the killing of Hawkins, “ a cold-blooded murder mourned by the governor, mourned by the mayor, mourned by mayoral candi­ dates--now it seems that no one will pay for it. What will they tell Black people now? That Yusuf did it to himself?” The refer­ ence was to the Tawana Brawley case, where a grand jury led by New York State Attorney General Robert Abrams concluded that Ms. Brawley, who had been kidnapped and raped by white law enforcement offi­ cers in Wappingers Falls, had fabricated the story and left herself in the brutalized condition she was found in over two years ago. Reverend Sharpton and attorneys Maddox and Mason served as advisors to the Brawley family. The trial of Hawkins’ accused killers is scheduled to begin on Monday in Brooklyn supreme court, but District Attorney Hynes is said to be seeking a postponement so that Mr. Vento can be located. The Hawkins family has charged that both Mr. Hynes and his predecessor. New York City Comptrol­ ler Elizabeth Holtzman, violated an agree­ ment both district attorneys had reached with the Hawkins family by making a deal with Mr. Vento in exchange for his testi­ mony against his friends. Mr. Vento was one of the 30 youths who attacked Mr. Hawkins last summer. Reverend A1 Sharpton, charging that mishandling of the Yusuf Hawkins murder case by the Brooklyn District Attorney's office has left the case in “ serious trouble” , led 500 marchers through the streets of Bensonhurst in protest. Demonstrators from Reverend Sharpton’s United African Move­ ment were joined at the rally's starting point at the Slave Theater in Brooklyn’s Bedford Stuyvesant community by 100 supporters brought by the New Alliance Party. The sixteen-year old African Ameri­ can youth was killed by a mob of 30 young white men last August when he and two friends came to the all-white Bensonhurst neighborhood to look at a used car. Seven of the Bensonhurst residents have been indicted in the case. Yusuf’s mother Diane Hawkins, his father Moses Stewart, Hawkins family at­ torney Alton Maddox, Jr., attorney C. Vernon Mason, and Dr. Rafael Mendez of the New Alliance Party led the march with Reverend Sharpton. The demonstration was a response to the announcement earlier in the week by Brooklyn district Attorney Charles Hynes that a key prosecution witness in the Yusuf Hawkins murder case, John Vento, has been missing since December. ‘ ‘It seems that this case has never been taken seriously by the District Attorney's office,” said Reverend Sharpton after the rally. “ It is amazing to us that they could MEMBER OF.UNITED GROCERS Specials Effective TUES. thru SUN. APRIL 3 thru 8, 1990 (Ybur money’s worth and a whole lot more?) TWICE THE CAPACITY egotistic trappings that alter the com­ and to my surprise, it has developed into munications process or create ulterior a very healthy friendship. A bit skepti­ motive for wanting to interact with a cal in the beginning, I am now most person. It was not the type of automo­ happy with our personal growth and bile we drove, how much we earned an­ interaction shared to date. nually, what neighborhood we lived in, Regardless of the outcome, both of our net worth, or all the other elements us agree that we will be good friends for some people gravitate towards. The op­ the rest of our lives. Most relationships portunity to communicate with another should end that way. How many times human being openly and honestly ranks have you seen relationships end in bit­ very high on my list. It is a great terness, great pain, and hostility? In feeling. Because of the distance and many cases, families are divided, kids lack of insight about the physical attrib­ get caught in a “ tug-of-war” between utes about each other, we were allowed parents, and eventually, everybody loses. to grow. No worries about dressing to Yes, everybody is affected when rela­ impress, mindless intellectual games, tionships end in confusion and high or fears about jumping into each other’s drama. pants before it was time. When the communications process By not being threatened by each started between my “ pen pal” and I, other, we were able to share our dreams the sharing of thoughts and ideas was and pain. My graduate school advisor very general. More like two boxers once told me that people have the feeling each other out in the early going tendency to self-reveal more with strang­ or early rounds. Later, it became real ers than to those they know. The real honest, very open, free, objective, and threat comes when people, who they more importantly, we learned to trust do reveal to, use what is revealed against each other with our feelings or ‘ ‘emo­ them for individual gain. Feelings are tional baggage” from past encounters very fragile. The last thing people or our childhood. We all have emo­ need is for another to stomp on their tional baggage whether we acknowl­ heart with a spiked heel or “ trample edge it or not. Some people deal with it their feelings in the mud.” No one and others suppress it to the point where likes to hurt or have their shortcomings it affects their ability to communicate used against them. This is probably positively, with other humans. why people are very selective about We established a sold friendship base sharing their “ baggage” or feelings because it m ight scare away a potential mate. With my “ pen pal” , we have ex­ plored our experiences as children together, talked about our families, the neighborhood we grew up in, whether our family said grace at the table or not, our educational background, mates of the past, likes and dislikes in people, and a host o f other elements essential to understanding another human being. If more people took the time to listen, ask questions, trust, and share more, there would probably be fewer misun­ derstandings. Too often, individual selfishness and needs prevent interac­ tion that is positive and growth-ori­ ented. Expectations, be they sexual or demanding a committment before it is time can lead to stress, ill-advised decisions or choices can be the Kiss of Death in a relationship. Why be a victim o f such pressures and eventu­ ally regret your actions? These decisions can lead to unhealthy relationships, divorce, and separation. There is nothing worse than a “ bone- head” or “ deadend” relationship. People should hold tight to their con­ victions in the mate selection process. We all know what we want in a mate and the type of person we think we deserve. So, why compromise what you want? When one does establish a set of convictions, there will be mo­ ments of doubt and loneliness. The flesh gets weak, allow people into their per­ sonal space for all the wrong reasons, and then they wonder what went wrong. People need to keep the faith. ‘ ‘Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen...’’(Hebrew 11). What is worse, being alone with somebody you do not care about or alone, but not lonely? Hold tight for what you want in the mate selection process. Do not compromise what you w ant The ability to communicate with some­ one openly and freely cna definitely lay down a solid foundation for the future. Be it permanent mate or life-long friend, I’m glad that 1 took the time to experi­ ence a wonderful growth process with­ out expectations, emotional reconstruc­ tions, or selfish motives. More people should. . . 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