< «»*«»»-«* -«• . ■ * a~>~- +*•*> *» *•««»••-»• 4» » - * w -^ «4<» 4* ■ 1 —9» March 14, 1990 • Portland Observer • Page 5 Scripture o f the ‘Weehj Hebrews Chapter 11 Strengthen Jour (faith Through (Prager A n d ‘S egufar Church ‘Worship BIBLE QUIZ BOOK Insight From The Word 20. Hidden Words—Places Find the names of thirty-five Biblical places in this s H E B R O E B E N O E A A A C G S A Y R 1 H A B T T A L D E S L A N T E L R A L T N E R P 1 U R A G U H 1 S T L N E B 0 H Y S C M M L H L C G U 0 U H C M D G J S E 1 1 A E A F A R A A T N L E F A L S G M H N F G B P F L E R L C M C P A H E A S R E O Y N 1 R R O A D u L A M A P R M T U C Y E A J D M N A 1 V N N A E O H E 1 A K z K Z N T R B A H G L O A S N P M F A Y O 1 O U C D A A F N B E T H E L N R A M E 1 P S S Z J J A M X N A Y H U 1 W P S N U K A L P M A D O D P R N o O P H R Y G 1 A 1 R N R B 1 1 J s L O B E R E A N O M C E F Z 1 O N K 1 R J A T H J E A R 1 M 20. Hidden Words—Places A-N-N-O^U-N-C-E-M-E-N-T Hughes United Methodist Women Invites You and Your Friends to their Women’s Day Program Sunday, March 18th 3:00 P.M. I l l N.E. Failing Portland A SSO S BEREA BETH EL B ETH LEH EM CALV ARY CAN AA N C A PE R N A U M CARM EL C Y PR U S D A M A SC U S EBAL EG Y PT GALATIA G A L IL E F G AZA G E T H SEM A N E G IL G A L Speaker: R ev. Denise B ell T h em e: ‘‘Nurturing Our Spiritual Life" Ä speedy Service HEBRON JE R IC H O JE R U S A L E M JO P P A JO R D A N K1RJATHJEA R1M M A C ED O N IA M O R IA H NAIN N A ZA R ETH NEBO NOB PH RY G IA SA LA M IS UR ZIN ZION Z IP H R O N (Answers Io puzzle on Page 2) Best Cash Prices 1 DAD’S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils 104 N.E. Russell St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 Call for Quote!!! /T Jesus Loves You! B a tagte SE & The Sunday School lesson for M arch I S i n the international series w ill be John 18:1-14. D uring the few w eeks before Resurrec­ tion Sunday ( ‘‘E a ste r" ), the church tradi­ tionally calls believers to consider the aw esom e sacrifice o f Jesus C hrist on the cross. I only w ish m ore o f us w ere really listening to th at call, for the truth that ‘‘C hrist cam e into the w orld to save sin­ ners, o f w hom I am the w o rst” (I Tim othy 1:15) has become so comm onplace, so trivi­ alized, that we d o n ’t often let its full im pli­ cations hit us personally. A nd, as a result, w e really d o n ’t let the w orld know w hat a w onderful S avior we serve, and what a gracious M aster he is. The next four Sunday School lessons presen t C hrist Jesus as he prepared to su r­ render his life for the sins o f the w orld. W e w ill have a chance to see him through the eyes o f the m en w ho w ere involved in his death, and consider their responses to him . First, we w ill look at Judas the traitor. Can you imagine the thoughts racing through h is m ind, as he led a detachm ent o f R om an soldiers and Jew ish officials into G ethse- m ane (John 18:2-3). T he sm all grove o f trees, on the eastern slope o f the M ount o f O lives, m ust have brought back many wonderful m em ories-m em ories which now surely troubled him deeply. Jesus usually cam ped out overnight w ith his disciples in this place, on differen t trips to Jerusalem o v er his three years o f m inistry. They could see the T em ple right across the K idron V alley , only a short w alk from the w est side o f Jerusalem . Y et, their location had given them privacy to pray together, to laugh and fellow ship with each other, and to hear the m arvelous w ords o f Jesus as he taught them in the quiet o f the night, around their cook­ ing Fire. A nd then on this particular night, Jesus had had som e o f the disciples prepare a room for them to eat the P assover m eal, together, in the city. He knew w hat was going on in Ju d as’ heart: trie turm oil, the unresolved sins o f theft and greed (12:4-6), the idol o f money Judas secretly worshipped w hile he also tried to follow Jesus. B ut th€ T eacher did not betray h im , or even directly confront him . He did let Judas know that he knew , b u t som ehow none o f the other d is­ ciples caught o n (13:18-30). W as Jesus shielding their m inds from a full under­ standing, as he has done before? How could he be so confident, facing a traitor in his inner circle? Judas had to p u t these thoughts out of his m ind for the present. He had throw n in by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears his lot w ith the ch ief priests, and they paid well for his services. B ut I doubt Judas could keep from w ondering w hat he had m issed after h e ’d left the upper room -som e rich parables o f life in G o d ’s kingdom , som e beautiful w ords o f peace and joy, m ore o f those priceless pearls o f w isdom ? (How could you call them priceless? Judas, what about 30 pieces of silver for the Teacher’s life?) So Judas was leading the soldiers and Jew ish officials rig h t to the spot he knew Jesus w ould be tonight. He had thought he was so clever, w hen he first chose this tim e and this place to betray the M aster. B ut now it seem ed so hollow , so pointless. Jesus was ready to be arrested--he was even ready to die. Judas heard his voice in the distance: * ‘ W ho is it you w ant? ” (18:4) Had he really expected Jesus to run and hide? W hy had he betrayed him into the hands o f his enem ies, anyway? The m oney. It seem ed ludicrous now , to m easure the M aster’s worth in silver coins. B ut still, Judas loved that money. A nd his pride undoubtedly kept him from adm itting his m istake, his divided loyal­ ties. So he w ent through the m otions of leading the arm ed cohort into the quiet garden, maybe over 200 m en to arrest one unarm ed man w ho had been teaching in plain sight in the Tem ple every day that week. He identified Jesus with a kiss--that was his idea, too (m ark 14:44). B ut there was no sense o f satisfaction, no relief that it was over. Only a sense of som ething terri­ bly gone wrong. Do you think you could n ever betray the Son of God? L ook carefully at Judas. By all signs, Judas was a dedicated disciple of Jesus, and he used his considerable gifts for the furtherance of the kingdom of heaven. He followed Jesus. He was one o f the tw elve disciples w ho w ent out and did m iracles in hisn am e (M atthew 10:4-8). B ut Judas was also trying to serve another m aster- Jesus had called it ‘‘M am m on” or m ateri­ alism (M att. 6:24). I'm afraid m any of us w ho call our­ selves C hristians also arc suffering from divided loyalties. T here may be an area of life you really d o n ’t want to surrender to Jesus, or a particular love o f the w orld you c a n 't give up. If you don’t take care o f it, you will surely live to regret it. Satan will find a way to appeal to you and com prom ise your te stim o n y -an d m aybe even destroy your walk with the Lord com pletely. T hat’s w hat happened to Judas. L et’s m ake sure it do esn ’t happen to us. HUNDREDS OF WIGS FOR YOUR EVERCHANGWG LIFESTYLES • NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • MICHAEL WEEKS Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 BETTY CABINE PROPRIETOR Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor 11: 30-6 rDO em ber o f the U rban League o f Portland. He was quite w ell know n and respected among his business colleagues. TUfS-SAT EVERYTHNG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY WIGS UNDUE HAB ORNAMENTS HAB BEADS & BEAUTY SUPPLES AUTO INSURANCE TOO HIGH!!! MRS C’S EBONY ESSENCE COSMEBCS ZURI COSMETICS 1 0 0 % HUMAN HAB FOR 7th & FREMONT (7 0 7 N.E. FREMONT) HOWTO SAVE-A-TORTühE-ON YOUR-AUTO-INSURANCE r F - ■ T a il a t MHT a w u t ■ U M K C a il STO IP b l i i ’ ! N III HIPPI I III 1 a A THE COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE BUYER'S GUIDE THAT SHOWS YOU QUICK EABY AND GUARANTEED METHODS FOR REDUCING YOUR AUTO INSURANCE PREMIUM ■ «a h a» a w Alexander A. It Find out how to BUY Insurance at an ECONOMICAL RATE or SAVE MONEY on Your Existing Policy. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. Send $11.95 + $1.00 Shipping to: R & B P ro du cts 1 1 8 3 5 S.W . R o bbin s D r . B e a v e r t o n , OR 9 7 0 0 5 à He w as a m em ber o f Bethel A.M .E. C hurch, Portland, O regon and attended BEAUTICIAN & STUDENT DISCOUNTS BRAIDING & WEAVBG (Continued Next Week...) Mr. Vernon C. Butler Born: Nov. 19,1911 Died: March 7,1990 V em on w as a lifetim e m em ber o f the ¡JNAACP, Portland C hapter, as well as a AND OTHER NAME BRANDS him , A braham obeyed. A w ay he w ent, not know ing w here he was going. Sarah, the w ife o f A braham , too, had faith, and because o f this she w as able to becom e a m other in spite o f h er old age, for she realized that G od, w ho gave her his prom ise, w ould certainly do w hat he said. W hile G od w as testing him , A braham still trusted in G od and his prom ises, and so he offered up his son Isaac, and was ready to slay him on the altar o f sacrifice; yes, to slay even Isaac, through w hom G od had prom ised to give A braham a w hole nation o f descendants! All these persons o f faith died w ithout ever receiving all that G od had prom ised them ; but they saw it all aw aiting them on ahead and were glad, for they agreed that this earth was not their real hom e but that they were ju st strangers visiting dow n here. A nd quite obviously w hen they talked like that, they were looking forw ard to their real hom e in heaven. If they had w anted to, they could have gone back to the good old tim es o f this w orld. B ut they d id n ’t w ant to. T hey w ere living for heaven. A n d jio w G od is not asham ed to be called their G od, for he has m ade a heavenly city for them . It w ould certainly take too long to recount all the accounts o f faith throughout B iblical history, but through it all they continued to trust in God. They w aited and depended upon the Lord and His prom ises. So, w hy is it necessary for us to see? A nybody can believe when it is seen. B ut, faith causes us to depend on unseen e v i­ dence because G od said it. T here will be times w hen your fellow w orkers, fam ily m em bers, and friends w ill think that you are truly crazy fo rn o tp an ick - ing and pulling your hair o u t-in ste a d o f rem aining calm in the m idst of a storm ; but, with faith from G od . . . you can overcom e all obstacles placed in your path. God gives us a peace that an unbeliever ju st cannot understand. Just put on your gospel fight­ ing clothes. Faith looks at what G od has said and not on our condition. If w e w ould go on w hat we see, alone, we w ould never accom ­ plish anything. W e can have the sam e kind o f faith that A braham had if we w ould ju st B EL IE V E and put all our trust in C hrist Jesus. In Memory O f. . . The fam ily later m oved to Stephen­ ville, Texas in the early 1920s, w here he began his schooling. He later cam e to Port- |la n d in the early 1940s. W ithin a short : period, after arrival he went into business for him self for the duration of approxi­ m ately thirty-five years. WHOLESALE & RETAIL ( c o r n e r o f 8 t h & S k id m o r e ) Long faces, silent tears and signs o f open frustration are all signals show ing defeat. If you are a servant o f the Lord, d o n 't let it happen to you. Satan is a d e­ feated foe and each o f you have the pow er to overcom e. T here are several things that we must know about the evil one, as he lurks about our lives. Put on your gospel fighting clothes. 1. He deludes us with facts by sight. W e, C hristian B elievers, d o n ’t have to see to believe. F or-G od put faith into our hearts. Faith overcom es w hat our eyes see and d o n ’t see. W e d o n ’t have to see to believe. W hat is faith? It is the confident assur­ ance that som ething we w ant is going to happen. It is the certainty that w hat we hope for is waiting for us, even though w e cannot see it up ahead. M en o f G od, in days o f old, w ere fam ous for their faith. By faith—by believing G od—we know that the w orld and the s ta rs - in fact, all things- - were m ade at G o d ’s com m and; and that they w ere all m ade from things that c an ’t be seen, such as: atom s, electrons and etc. It was by faith that Abel obeyed G od and brought an offering that pleased god m ore than C a in ’s offering did. G od ac­ cepted Abel and proved it by accepting his gift; and though A bel is long dead, w e can still learn lessons from him about trusting in God. Enoch trusted G od, too, and that is why G od took him aw ay to heaven w ithout dying; suddenly he w as gone because G od took him . Before this happened G od had said how pleased he was with Enoch. You can never please G od w ithout faith, w ithout depending on him . Anyone w ho wants to com e to G od m ust believe that there is a G od and that he rew ards those w ho sin ­ cerely look for him. N oah was another who trusted God. W hen he heard G o d ’s voice w arning about the future, N oah believed him even though there was then no sign o f a flood, and w asting no tim e, he built the ark and saved his fam ily. N oah’s belief in G od was in direct contrast to the sin and disbelief of the rest of the w o rld -w h ich refused to o b e y - and because o f his faith he becam e one of those w hom G od has accepted. A braham trusted G od, and w hen G od told him to leave hom e and go far away to m other land w hich he prom ised to give M r. V em on C. B utler w as bom in f C rockett, Texas on N ovem ber 19, 1911 to G eorge and Paralee Butler. He was the seventh child o f eleven children. MRS C’S WIGS 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue t Put On Your G o s p e l F ig h tin g C lo th e s hy Michael Lindsey, Dean of North Portland Bible College V 1 L Hito f regularly until illness prevented him from doing so. H is fraternal affiliations consist o f m em bership o f A cacia Lodge N um ber 6 F& A M , W illam ette C onsistory, N um ber 23, A .A .S.R. P.H .A., M ina T em ple, and #68 A .E.A O .N .M .S., Inc. H e served in the Scottish R ite body as. an active mem ber for ten years in the United Suprem e C ouncil o f the A .A .S.R ., P.H .A ., N .J., Inc., serving as the D eputy fo r the State o f O regon—1979-80, as w ell as, being a Past Potentate o f the Shrine, and a Past M aster o f his lodge. He leaves to m ourn one brother, Eddie butler, Sr. o f Portland; tw o sisters, M abie C anada o f Portland and Ruby D eiz o f C o­ lum bus, O hio; and a host o f nieces, n ep h ­ ew s, - cousins, . ------ and friends. 'A ‘Teaching Church 'With A (Reaching (Ministry. MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH D r . J a m e s E . M a r t i n , S e n io r P a s to r 116 N.E. Schuyler ARANATHA HURCH 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland Oregon • (503)284-1954 3 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICES 8:00 A.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 A.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE 12:30 P.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE CHURCH SCHOOL: SATURDAY MORNING 9 A.M. TO 10 A.M. BIBLE STUDY: 10:30 A.M. -1 2 NOON - WEDNESDAY 6:30 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. - WEDNESDAY Radio Ministry Each Sunday, 8.-00 A M . - KBMS Hair Design with a Personal Touch La Sandra (Sandi) now at Sunday Services Sunday School TC & Company Hair Design 9:00 A.M. Morning Worship 10:30 A.M. Specializing in: Maranatha School o l Ministry • HAIR W EAVING L O N G H A IR • ETHNIC H A IR COLOR 6:30 P.M Mid-Week Services - Wednesday 7:30 P.M R e v . W e n d e ll H . W a lla c e S e n io r P a s to r 1126 SW MORRISON 295-0424