March 7,1990 • Portland Observer Page 9 JOBS/CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING VOLUNTEER PROGRAM SUPERVISOR Salary: $1,872-$2,513/Monthly Excellent Benefit Packages ADULT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION ANNOUNCEM ENT NUMBER OC900 Adult and Family Services Division is recruiting for a qualified person who will be responsible for provid­ ing services to clients of Adult and Family Services, Children Services, Senior and Disabled Services, Divisions and coordinating indi­ vidual volunteer and community resources. The Volunteer Program Supervisor plans, develops, directs and evaluates volunteer services projects to supplement or enhance agency client services or service delivery and encourage community involvement in agency programs. There are current half-time openings in Medford, Oregon and Portland, Oregon with potential openings in the Mid-Willamette valley. If you are interested in these particular openings you should apply within the next two weeks. This announce­ ment will also be used to fill other (statewide) openings as they occur. QUALIFICATIONS: You must have . . . three years progressively re­ sponsibility experience demonstrat­ ing knowledge of Volunteer Pro­ grams, supervisory techniques, written and verbal communication skills, program management skills and skills in community resources and public relations. TO APPLY: Obtain an application (PD100) and the announcement at Personnel Center, 775 Court Street, Salem, Oregon 97310. Indicate the announcement number, OC900, the class number, C6682, and title of the position applied for on the PD100 in the box provided. Follow the instructions on the announcement. Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH MANUFACTURING OREGON STEEL MILLS Oregon Steel Mills, a “ world class" producer of steel plate, is seeking a few outstanding individuals to begin careers in our manufacturing organization. Qualified applicants should: * Possess a stable work history in a manufacturing environment * Safely perform physically strenuous duties. * Desire to participate in decision­ making process. * Desire to increase personal earnings through stock ownership, profit sharing and meritorious perform­ ance. * Additional welding, grinding and forklift operating experience help­ ful. Applications are being accepted ONLY at either an Oregon State Employ­ ment Division office or at the Vancouver Office of the Washing­ ton State Employment Security Department. Please do not apply directly at Oregon Steel Mills. Equal Opportunity Employer! Women and Minorities Encouraged to Apply PROGRAM MANAGER POSITION METRO REGION CHILDREN’S SERVICES DIVISION (CSD) Children’s Services in Multnomah and Clackamas County is seeking can­ didates for the following positions: * Manager - Albina Neighborhood Office * Manager - Special Services Depart­ ment * Manager - Inner East Neighborhood Office * Manager - Clackamas Branch Office Included within the requirements for all of the above positions, is the following: 1) Minimum qualifications: Four years of management experience in a public or private organization which included responsibility for devel­ ASSISTANT DIRECTOR opment of program rules and poli­ Oregon Arts Commission cies, long- and short-range goals Manage grants programs, fiscal and and plans, program evaluation and budget responsibility, public infor­ budget preparation. mation, office supervision. Start- ' 2) Experience in operational require­ ing salary $30,156 plus benefits. ments of a social service agency Contact Oregon Arts Commission, that include hiring, budget man­ 835 Summer Street NE, Salem, OR agement, community relations, and 97301. Phone: 378-3625, for an­ agency policy implementation in a nouncement packet. Deadline: 3/ metropolitan setting. 23/90. 3) Preference will be given to appli­ Equal Opportunity Employer cants reflecting experience and background in those areas similar ELIGIBILITY WORKERS to those of the program. The Private Industry Council is recruit­ Salary is dependent on background and ing for temporary, full-time eligi­ experience. bility workers. This position deter­ TO APPLY: Applications (PD 100) mines applicants eligibility in The may be obtained from the State of Private Industry Council Summer Oregon Personnel Center, 2850 S.E. Youth Employment Program; col­ 82nd Avenue, Portland, OR 97266 lects income and demographic in­ (PCC Bldg.). Business hours are formation based on funding require­ 8:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 5:00, ments and state and federal guide­ Monday through Friday, completed lines; reviews documents, verifies applications must be sent to the information and schedules appoint­ Executive Department, Personnel ments. Involves heavy contact with & Labor relations division in Sa­ applicants and some travel in lem (address is on the back of the Washington and Multnomah coun­ application). For additional infor­ ties. The positions will begin im­ mation, contact Debbie Wharton at mediately and will run approxi­ (503) 238-7510. mately through July or August, 1990. Recruitment Opens: February 27,1990. Preferred Q ualifications: Two years R ecruitm ent closes: March 12, 1990. post secondary education and two CSD is an Affirmative Action! years experience interpreting fed­ Equal Opportunity Employer eral regulations and working with economically disadvantaged popu­ REGION ENGINEER lations; effective oral and written Salary: $3,714-$5,225/Monthly communication skills; good inter­ Located in LaGrande. Directs the far personal skills with culturally di­ eastern Oregon highway region, 337 verse populations; word process­ employees, plans programs, acts as ing and data entry skills desirable; media spokesperson, conducts valid driver’s license and reliable meetings and hearings, mediates transportation. Fluency in Spanish disputes, and develops and moni­ is desirable for this position. tors regional budget. For applica­ Salary Range: $7.44 to48.78 per hour. tion, write or call ODOT Person­ Closing Date: 5 P.M., Friday, M arch9, nel, 120 Transportation Bldg., Sa­ 1990. lem, OR 97310, (503) 378-6281. Applications available at The Private Apply now. Applications must be Industry Council, 520SW6Ü1 Ave., received by 5:00 p.m., March 19, Suite 400, Portland, OR 97204. 1990. An Affirmative Action/ An Affirmative Action! Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Opportunity Employer ATTENTION: EXCELLENT INCOME R HOME ASSEMBLY WORK. MF O. CALL 504 646 1700 DEPT. P848 RADIO E ntry level position ln new s and talk radio production. R ésum és only to Personnel, P.O. Box 14957, Porlland. OR 97214 ATTENTION: EASY WORK EXCELLENT PAY! Assemble products at home. Details. (1) 602-838-8885, Ext. W- 12859. Equal Opportunity Employer Attention Excellent Income For Home Assembly Work For information call: 504-646-1700, Dept. P848 PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY PORTLAND, OREGON DRIVER PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2 TENURE TRACK FACULTY POSITIONS Are you looking for a challenging and rewarding job? Part time bus driv­ ing positions, excellent wage, lim­ ited benefits provided with sum­ mers off. If you have a good driv­ ing record, enjoy young people and are able to work split shift, please apply to: Portland Public School Dist. Personnel D epartm ent 501 N. Dixon, Portland Equal Opportunity Employer Assistant Professor, Tenure Track, K- 12 Teacher Education, Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction. Respon­ sibilities include teaching, coordi­ nating field experience, supervis­ ing student teachers, and conduct­ ing research in an appropriate field. Doctorate with potential for or record of research and scholarship; evi­ dence of experience of at least 3 years successful public school K- 12 teaching; evidence of appropri­ ate experience in urban, multicul­ tural settings. Strong preference will be given to candidates with the ability to relate to an ethnically diverse student population. EDUCATION FOUNDATIONS/ SOCIAL SCIENCE Teaching to include such courses as social and cultural foundations of education, social studies methods. Other possible assignments include: multicultural education, and/or classroom management. Teaching strengths in the social and cultural foundations with a specialty in the social sciences is preferred. MATH/SCIENCE/ TEACHER EDUCATION Teaching to include such courses as elementary math and science meth­ ods, middle school math methods, secondary math methods, and sec­ ondary science methods; other possible assignments include teach­ ing and learning, integrated ele­ mentary methods, multicultural education, instruclion/technology. Strong background in teaching and learning preferred. Submit detailed letter of application, curriculum vita, and 3 professional references to Chair, Search Com­ mittee, Curriculum and Instruction, Portland State University, PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207, Applica­ tion review begins March 9, 1990 and will continue until position is filled. PSU is committed to increasing the ethnic and cultural diversity o f the faculty. PSU is an AAIEEO employer. TRAINER The Private Industry Council is recruit­ ing for a Trainer for the Northeast Employment and Training Program office. This position is responsible for training participants in effec­ tive job search and personal skill building techniques,testing and interviewing individuals with employment barriers to assist them in selecting vocational goals, and placing individuals in appropriate training programs. P referred requirem ents: Bachelors degree with major course work in education, counseling, or closely related field; two years work expe­ rience in classroom instruction, employment interviewing, counsel­ ing, vocational guidance and/or curriculum planning; know ledge of vocational testing; experience working with economically disad­ vantaged populations. Qualifying experience may be substituted for education. Salary range: $18,263 to $27,831 plus excellent benefit package. Closing date 5 PM, Monday, March 12,1990. Applications available at The Private Industry Council, 520 SW 6th Ave.,Suitc 400, Portland, OR 97204. An Affirmative Action! Equal Opportunity Employer ATTENTION!! HIRING!! G overnm ent Jobs Y our Area M any immediate openings without waiting list or test. $17,840 $69,485. Call 1-—602-838-8885. Ext. R12859. SIGN \ I l RE L O W S \ \ \IE \B I I Rl (, NUDI I SS OI < Rl DI I . . . PROCESSI I) IN 4S IIOl RS! ( AI E 1.309) 828-6948 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS MENTAL HEALTH C-IV FAMILY COUNSELOR Salary: $1393-$1450/Month plus excellent benefits CODA, INC. seeks family counselor in the family services program. Re­ sponsibilities include assist in de­ velopment and operation of outpa­ tient family progiams, possibly supervise some staff, conduct par­ ent training, family assessment and treatment in individual, group and family therapy. Perform consulta­ tion, coordination and liaison with CSD schools and medical provid­ ers. Develop, implement and monitor program policies and pro­ cedures. To qualify: A Master’s degree in a hu­ man services discipline is required. 2 years supervised human services experience strongly desired, pre­ ferred candidate will have knowl­ edge of chemical dependency is­ sues, family treatment and supervi­ sion. To apply: Submit standard CODA ap­ plication form and screening ques­ tion responses to the address be­ low. Application materials avail­ able at: CODA, INC. 210 N.E. 20th Portland, OR 97232 (503) 239-8400 An Affirmative Action! Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH C - lll FAMILY COUNSELOR Salary: $1,232-$1,300/Month plus excellent benefits CODA, INC. seeks counselor in the family services program to provide structured intensive outpatient treat­ ment to clients including individ­ ual, group and family counseling. Conduct of structured educational groups, consultation, coordination and liaison with CSD. Shift re­ quires some evening work. To qualify: Bachelor’s degree in a human services discipline and 2 years supervised human services experience in the treatment and experience in the the treatment of chemically dependent women very strongly desired. To apply: Submit standard CODA ap­ plication form and screening ques­ tion responses to the address be­ low. Application materials avail­ able at: CODA, INC. 210 N.E. 20th P ortland, OR 97232 (503) 239-8400 An Affirmative Action! Equal Opportunity Employer PROGRAM COORDINATORS TRANSITION HOUSE COORDINATORS P ro v id e s s u p p o r t a n d r e f e r r a ls , e m p o w e rin g r e s id e n ts io a c h ie v e self-suffidei icy; supervises voh inteers; netw orks with com m unity resources; highly In d ep en d en t, self-contained, n ew p o s itio n . C u r r e n t d riv e r s lic e n s e r e q u ir e d . 4 0 h o u r s p e r w e ek , 2 e v e n in g s . $ 1 4 ,0 0 0 p lu s 1 xi rlils. Appli-.inlsnn islbepiKtmarked by M a rc h 7. ADVOCACY COORDINATOR F o r W o m e n s p a c e p ro v id e s c a s e m anaga nci it ;u xlathix-xy. supervises volt inteers. Providescrisis intervention a n d s h e lte i coverage. C u rre n t d riv e r s lic e n s e r e q u ir e d . 3 0 h r s / w k.$10,500plusbenefits. Application m u s t b e p o s tm a r k e d M a rc h 2. In form ation m e e tin g , February 2 6 , 7 :0 0 -9 :0 0 . C am p b ell S e n io r C en ter. WOMENSPACE, s h e lte r for a b u s e d won ten and children, tsanafllrmatlve em ployer. P.O. Box 5 4 8 5 , E u g en e, OK 9 7 4 0 5 C all 1 8 5 -8 2 3 2 Tor lo b a p p lic a tio n . GERIATRICS MENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST .5FTE OUTREACH POSITION To provide assessment, brief therapy referral and consultation to the aged. Works collaboratively with ASD Master’s degree, with experience in mental health assessment and treatment of the elderly. Comprehensive salary, excellent bene­ fits. Minorities encouraged to apply. Resume to: Kim Burgess N/NE Community Mental Health 4950 N.E. M.L.K. J r . Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 249-006 Closing 3-16-90. Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH PART TIME C -ll CHILD CARE WORKER Salary: $550-$600 per month plus excellent benefits CODA, INC. seeks part time (20 hours week) child care worker. Incum­ bent will provide child care to in­ fants and children of clients receiv­ ing outpatient drug and alcohol treatment. Responsibilities include organization of social, educational, and recreational activities for in­ fants and children, parental rela­ tions, consultation with primary counselors. The hours are gener­ ally 12-5pmon Mon.-Wed.-Thur.- Fri. There is potential for this to beome a full time position. To qualify, higher education in child development is required (degreed applicants preferred), as is 2 years experience in professional child care/ child development. To apply: Submit standard CODA application form and screening ques­ tion responses to the address be­ low. Application materials avail­ able at: CODA, INC. 210 N.E. 20th Portland, OR 97232 (503) 239-8400 An Affirmative Action! Equal Opportunity Employer ATTORNEY SUPERVISOR, CIVIL CLINIC U of O Law School Responsibilities: Teaching case han­ dling practices and substantive law in classroon and through supervis­ ing clinic cases at Legal Aid. Some responsibility for own small do- mestic/housing caseload at Legal Aid. 8-12 students per semester, each with about 6-8 activge cases per term. Qualifications: Three years minimum of Legal Aid or general practice experience. Oregon State Bar membership. Basic understanding of domestic, consumer, housing and employment law. Opening/Closing Date: Currently tak­ ing applications. Closing date March 30,1990. Salary/Benefits: $23,400 plus, de­ pending on experience. Medical, dental, life and disability insurance. Vacation and sick leave. Applications: Send resume and refer­ ences to: L aurence H. Hamblen Lane County Legal Aid Service 376 East 11th Avenue (503) 342-6056 Equal Opportunity Employer NURSE PART TIME CLINICAL NURSE 20 hours per week M onday-Friday Beginning Salary: $1,100-$1,200/Mo. CODA, INC. seeksqualified applicants for a part time clinical nurse posi­ tion. Duties include medical and psychiatric triage, alcohol and drug assessment, caseload of pregnant clients, implementation of WIC program, provision of health edu­ cation to staff and clients, dispensing and monitoring client medications. Qualifications: unincumbered Ore­ gon RN license, 2 years medical/ psychiatric/drug dependency expe­ rience. To apply: Submit standard CODA ap­ plication form with screening ques­ tion responses to address below. Application materials available at: CODA INC. 210 N.E. 20th P ortland, OR 96232 (503) 239-8400 An Affirmative Action! Eaual Opportunity Employer PROGRAM REPRESENTATIVE With the Oregon Water Rescurces Dept. to provide staff support for the Governor’s Watershed Enhance­ ment Board program. Background in water-related management ex­ perience is desirable. Salary $2243- $2845 per month. For more infor­ mation, contact Barbara Mack, 378- 3741 by March 12, 1990. Equal Opportunity Employer SALES & MARKETING SECRETARY Pope & Talbot, Inc. needs a secretary! Applicants should have two to three years training beyond high school in secretarial science/information processing or equivalent and four years secretarial experience. Typ­ ing skills of 60 wpm, and short- hand/speed writing training up to 60 wpm. Excellent grammar skills and the ability to compose letters and reports. This position will require PC word processing Lotus knowledge. The applicant will need to demonstrate organization, interpersonal skills, initiative and professionalism. Previous experience in a MARKET­ ING ENVIRONMENT and SALES ENVIRONMENT a plus. If you are interested in this position, please call Pope & Talbot, Inc, at 228-9161, Ext. 467 to request an application packet, or come by in person before the closing date of March 16, 1990. Pope & Talbot, Inc. 1500 S.W. First, Suite 200 Crown Plaza Building Portland, Oregon 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer APPLICATIONS PROGRAMMER Major Portland-based pulp, paper & wood products company is seeking an Applications Programmer. This position is located in Halsey, Ore­ gon and reports to our Corporate Headquarters located in Portland. Initial responsibilities will include installation and programming (RPG) maintenance of packaged software on AS/400; and momtonng/resolv- ing operational technical, and net­ work problems for on-site AS/400, System/36, and PCs. Future re­ sponsibilities will include program­ ming and implementation of finan­ cial, sales, and manufacturing ap­ plications on IBM mainframe and midrange computers. Business degree, proficiency in batch CO­ BOL, RPG, and 1 -2 years business data processing experience highly desirable. Challenging informa­ tion systems environment offering career path opportunities and com­ prehensive benefits. If you are interested in this position, please call Pope & Talbot, Inc. at 228-9161, ext. 467 to request an application packet, or come by in person before the closing date of March 28, 1990. Pope & Talbot, Inc. 1500 S.W. First Suite 200 Crown Plaza Building Portland, Oregon 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer RESTAURANT ASST. RESTAURANT MANAGER The Portland Hilton Seeking dynamic individual to assist manager of food and beverage. Instrumental in hiring, supervision, and scheduling of staff. Excellent communication and organizational skills required. Prior supervisory skills necessary. Applydirect: Mon.-Thurs.9 noon,921 S.W. Sixth. Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH RESIDENTIAL ON-CALL BACK UP WORKERS CODA, INC. seeks qualified applicants for on-call back up workers to pro­ vide sole facility and client super vision at residential treatment cen ters. Variable shitts. Experience with residential or alcohol, drug clients required. $5.48 hour. Application materials and screen­ ing questions available at: CODA INC. 210 N.E. 20th Portland, OR 96232 (503) 239-840 Affirmative Action! Equal Opportunity / mployei