_____________ — — ___________________February 21, 1990 Portland Observer Page 9 JOBS/CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SECRETARY/WORD PROCESSOR DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT H ie Private Industry C ouncil (TP IC ) is recruiting fo r a Secretary/Word Proc­ essor fo r T P IC North East Em ployment and Training Center. This position is responsible fo r reception, document de­ velopment and clerical support to staff. Preferred requirements: High School diplom a o r G ED; Three years’ experi­ ence in general o ffice setting including tw o years’ w ord processing experience; excellentgramm ar and spelling; fa m ili­ a rity w ith W ord Perfect, Lotus and M acintosh systems; telephone and re­ ception experience; demonstrated a b il­ ity to meet m ultiple deadlines and to w ork w ith a variety o f people. Salary range: $15,466 to $21,802 plus excellent benefit package. Closing date: 5 :00pm ,M onday.M arch 5; 1990. Applications available at The Private College o f Pharmacy and Health & industry Council, 520 SW 6th Ave., Suite 400, Portland, OR 97204. An A ffirm a tiv e Action/Equal Em ploy- ment O pportunity Employer. PERSONNEL ANALYST C ity o f Kennewick $ 2,3 42 - $3,031/M onth Seeking a h ig h ly motivated individual to take a proactive role in perform ing and assisting in a variety o f challenging professional personnel and adm inistra­ tive duties, including recruitm ent and selection, personnel p olicy and proce­ dure development, labor relations, train­ ing, affirm a tive action, classification and compensation, benefits, safety and ris k management. Requires combina­ tion o f education, training and experi­ ence equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree w ith a m ajor in personnel administra­ tion, p ublic adm inistration or related fie ld and tw o years o f personnel experi­ ence. A p p ly to: ; A dm inistrative Services Director, ' C ity o f Kennewick, 210 W . 6th A ve ­ nue, P.O. Box 6108, Kennewick, W A 99336. A p ply by: 3/5/90. Equal O p­ portunity Employer. W omen, m in o ri­ ties, handicapped encouraged to apply. WORD PROCESSING INFORMATION PROCESSING ANALYST II .High volume department in a m ajor health insurance company has an open­ ing for an inform ation Processing Ana­ lyst II. Q ualified applicants must have the fo llo w in g experience: Previous machine transcription and at least 6 months experience in the opera­ tions o f word processing equipment (preferably IB M ) in a centralized envi­ ronment, demonstrated knowledge o f correct spelling, grammar, and punc­ tuation, a b ility to fo llo w complex w rit­ ten and verbal instructions and proce­ dures, excellent organizational and com- tnunication skills. Trained Display- w rite r operator preferred. A b ility to Work under extreme pressure, typing 65 wpm, course w ork in word processing technology also desireable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield ofOregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and com­ petitive salary. Pre-employment drug Screening required. To assure your resume is processed im m ediately, place ad #060 the top o f your resume or in to u r cover letter. Send resume to: B L U E CROSS A N D B L U E S H IE L D O F O R E G O N Human Resources Dept., 5th Floor 100 S.W. M arket Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Em ployer Director of Housing Management Polk C o u n ty H o u sin g A u th o rity D a lla s, OR p o s itio n a d m in is te rs S e c tio n 8 P ro g ra m s (existing, m o d re h a b & v o u c h e r), a n d low r e n t p u b lic housing. R esponsibilities Include: Devdop polities, establish procedures a n d m o n ito r a c tiv itie s for HUD compliance. Supervisory experience required; PHM certificate desired. S alary range: $ 2 7 ,4 8 0 to $ 3 5 ,0 6 4 annually phrsbenefltsand retirement. Send resum e, required application form a n d c o m p le te d su p p le m e n t by M arch 15, 1990 to: P e rso n n e l D irecto r, P olk C o u n ty H o u sin g A u th o rity , PO Box 4 6 7 , D a lla s. OR 9 7 3 3 8 . 6 2 3 -8 3 8 7 . E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er Human Performance (Search Reopened) The OSU O ffice o f Development in ­ vites applications and nominations fo r the D irector o f Development fo r the Colleges o f Pharmacy and Health & Human Performance. This position requires a Bachelor’ s degree; a m inim um o f 3 years o f profes­ sional fund-raising experience (pref­ erably in higher education); demon­ strated skills in marketing; and a proven ability to work with faculty, staff, alumni, parents, students and donors is essen­ tial. Strong verbal and written communica­ tion skills; management and organiza­ tional skills; and a comprehensive under­ standing o f various fund-raising tech­ niques are essential. For fu ll consideration, complete files including a letter o f application, res­ ume 3 letters o f recommendation, plus 3 additional contact references w ith phone numbers, should be sent by March 15, 1990 to: D irector o f Development Colleges o f Pharmacy and Health & Human Performance Snell Hall 517 Oregon State University C orvallis, OR 97331 or F A X to (503)737-0498. Oregon State U niversity is an A ffirm a ­ tive Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and complies w ith section 504 o f the Rehabilitation A c t o f 1973. OSU has a p olicy o f being responsive to the needs o f dual career couples. MEDICAL RECORDS PART TIME ACCREDITED REC­ ORDS TECHNICIAN Blue Cross and Blue o f Oregon is currently accepting applications fo r a Regular part-time Accredited Records Technician Coordinator. The incumbent w ill be responsible fo r perform ing DRG verification audits to identify misassigned claims and ensure proper DRG payments. Incumbent w ill review claims/medical records fo r this verification either in-house or on-site at the hospital. The incumbent is respon­ sible to make decisions regarding medical necessity, correct coding and appropri­ ateness o f services. Q ualified applicants w ill ahve current A R T certification and tw o years recent hospital experience in IC D -9 -C M cod­ ing o f medical records and DRG as­ signments. Excellent oral and w ritten comm unication skills, detail oriented and strong organizational skills a must. C om m itm ent to cost containment e f­ forts. This position w ill require a m inim um o f 20 hrs/week and w ill pay fu ll bene­ fits. Flex tim e w ork hours are not included. Pre-employment drug screen required. To assure your resume is processed imm ediately, place ad #110 at the top o f your resume o f in your cover letter. Send to: B L U E CROSS A N D B L U E S H IE L D O F O R E G O N Human Resources Dept. 5th Fir. 100 S.W. M arket Portland, OR 97201 Equal O pportunity Em ployer NURSING NURSING SERVICES COORDINATOR Beginning salary $1850-$2200 per month plus benefits. C O D A Inc. seeks fu ll time nursing serv­ ices coordinator to be responsible fo r management o f methadone dispensary serving 300 clients and fo r the develop­ ment and coordination o f c lin ic a l nurs­ ing services. Incumbent must select, train and m onitor staff o f nurses and medication aides. Provide direct clin- cial services to dual diagnosis clients, pregnant clients, and others as needed. Insure compliance w ith a ll regulations regarding dispensing o f methadone. W ork week is flexible and may include 8 hour shifts between 6 am-2:30 pm on any combination o f days. Current unin­ cumbered Oregon licenses as registered nurse and at least 3 years nursing expe­ rience are required, supervisory experi­ ence is highly desired. To apply complete & submit standard C O D A application form and screen question responses to C O D A IN C ., 210 N.E. 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Phone 239-8400. Equal O pportunity/A ffirm ative Action Em ployer WORD PROCESSING INFORMATION PROCESSING ANALYST IV High volume department in a majo health insurance company has an open ¡ng for an Information Processing Analys IV . Q ualified applicants must have thi fo llo w in g experience: A t least tw o years demonstrating accu racy and a b ility to w ork w ith very de tail-oriented reports; m inim um o f tw i years experience on the IB M 8100 O ffice Systems or D isplayW riter Requires demonstrated a bility to com prehend and work w ith computers a they relate to word processing and rec ords processing, as w ell as leam ini electronic spreadsheet applications. Mus be machine oriented; must be able tc work under extreme pressure. Excel lent w ritten and verbal communicatior skills. Six months experience as t copier key operator is desired. Typing 70 wpm. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-tim e work hours, and com petitive salary. Pre-employmeni drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #081 at the top o f your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: B L U E CROSS A N D B L U E S H IE LD O FO R EG O N Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir. 100 S.W. M arket Portland, OR 97201 Equal O pportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH CASE MANAGER NEW DIRECTIONS Beginning salary $1393-$ 1450 month plus excl benefits. C O D A INC. seeks a senior counselor in the Drug Treatment Services Program. Responsibilities include providing d i­ agnosis, evaluation, and treatment to clients including complex cases requir­ ing advance clinical expertise; conduct­ ing individual, group, youth and fam ily counseling therapy; assisting in policy and procedure development. To qualify: a Master’ s degree or sub­ stantial post graduate course w ork in a human services discipline are required. 2 years supervised human services experience strongly desired. To apply complete and submit standard C O D A application form including screening questions to address below. Position announcements and screening questions available at C O D A IN C ., 210 N £ . 20th, Portland, OR 97232. 239-8400 Equal O pportuntiy Em ployer/ A ffirm a tiv e Action Em ployer MENTAL HEALTH CASE MANAGER NEW DIRECTIONS Beginning salary $1109-$1200 per month plus excl benefits. C O D A Inc. seeks qualified case man­ ager at New Directions Transitional A d u lt Treatment F acility. Duties in ­ clude diagnosis and treatment to a caseload o f clients, individual and group counseling and therapy, therapeutic activities fo r clients, client records. Typical workweek is M on-F ri swing & day shift. Associates degree in health services or a related fie ld or certifica­ tion as a chemical dependency coun­ selor (CCDC) and one year o f super­ vised human services experience are required. To apply subm it standard C O D A application form and screening question responses to C O D A IN C ., 210 N.E. 20th, Portland, OR 97232. 239-8400 Equal O pportunity E m ployer/A f- firm ative Action Employer BUS DRIVERS NOW HIRING N eed e x tra in co m e ? WE PROVIDE FREE TRAINING Interested in Making a Difference? A new unit is being established within the Oregon Econom ic Develope- m ent D epartm ent th a t will im ple­ ment a new contracted program with Adult a n d Family Services for the J o b O pportunities a n d Basic Skill Training (JOBS) em ploym ent a n d training program for th e S tate of Oregon. The following positions will m anage, coordinate, plan, and m onitor local em ploym ent an d training organiza­ tions to estab lish this new statew ide program based on federal an d state laws an d regulations. T he following positions are based in Salem, Ore Jobs Administrator $ 3050/mo to start' This position m anages the con­ tracted AFS JO B S program : includ­ ing developem ent an d im plem enta­ tion of policy a n d procedures, com ­ pliance w ith federal a n d state laws, a s well a s budget prep aratio n and monitoring. Requires three years of m anagem ent experience in a public or private o r­ ganization w hich included resp o n ­ sibility for developem ent of program rules a n d policies, long and sh o rt range plans, program evaluation and budget preparation. G rad u ate level coursew ork In m an ag em en t m ay be su b stitu ted for u p to one year of th e required experience. Jobs Planning & Technical Assistance $2768/mo to start T he JO B S supervisor will supervise field staff coordinating with o th er local agencies to plan, contract, an d im plem ent the JO B S program . This position exerts statew ide leadership in working with AFS, Em ploym ent Division, Office of C om m unity Col­ lege Services, local prim e co n trac­ tors and local employment and train­ ing providers. Requires six years of progressively responsible experience In supervi­ sion o r staff technical or profes­ sional level work related to a n em ­ ploym ent a n d train in g program . F u rth e r details of th e m inim um requirem ents are available. E d u ca­ tion m ay be su b stitu ted for som e of th e required experience. To apply for these positions it is n e c ­ essary to obtain th e recruiting a n ­ nouncem ent for each position, complete the essay exam ination in the an n ouncem ent, a n d com plete a state application form. To obtain these m aterials call or write: Econom ic Developm ent Dept Attn: JO B S Unit 595 Cottage St. Unit Salem . OR 97310 (503) 3 7 3 -7686 This recru itm en t closes F ebruary 26, 1990. An E qual O pportunity - Affirmative Action Em ployer ATTENTION: Excellent Income for hom e assem bly w ork. INFO, call 5 0 4 -6 4 6 -1 7 0 0 D ept. P 848. EARN MONEY TYPING AT HOME! 32,000/y r income potential. Details. (1) 6 0 2 -8 3 8 -8 8 8 5 E xt. T - 12859. TEXAS REFINERY CORP. O ffers PLENTY OF MONEY p lu s c a s h b o n u s e s , fringe b e n e fits to responsible Individual in P ortland a re a . R e g a rd le ss of e x p e rien c e , w rite W.K. P ate, T e x a s R efinery C orp.. Box 7 1 1 , Ft. W orth, TX 76101. VISTA VOLUNTEER POSITION F o r S chool B u s D riv ers 2 0 G u a ra n te e d O p e n in g s $5.6O/hr to start Reg hrs & benefits. Develop, w rite a n d Im p lem en t a plan for re c ru itin g fam ily d ay care p ro v id e rs. Apply: \M A F am ily D ay & N ight C are 1425 N.E. D ek u m 2 8 5 -0 4 9 3 C all 2 8 4 -6 4 6 6 OR APPLY AT: 3755 NE COLUMBIA BLVD ATTENTION!! HIRING!! Support Our Advertisers! Say You Saw It In The Portland Observer! Government Jobs Your Area M any immediate openings without waiting list or test. $17,840 - $69,485. Call 1— 602-838-8885. Ext. R 12859. WELDING HOW DO YOUR BENEFITS 8TACK UP AGAINST A CHALLENGING OPPORTUNITY TO COORDINATE WELFARE REFORM IN OREGON GUNDERSON'S? WELFARE REFORM COORDINATOR * Fill o u t a n application a t the a d ­ dress below between 8AM and 2PM, M onday th ru Friday. * Up to 3 w eeks paid vacation after th e first year. * C om pany paid m edical, dental a n d life Insurance. * A history of com pany-paid bo­ n u ses. * 40 IK retirement plan, with m atch­ ing com pany contribution. * Sick pay * Reviews a n d raises b ased u p o n individual perform ance. Y early S a la ry ($36,6O O -$51.576) E x cellen t B enefit P a c k a g e ADULT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION S ta te of Oregon, A dult a n d Fam ily Seivices Division, located In Salem , O regon Is c u rr e n tly r e c ru itin g for a p e rs o n to serv e a s m a n a g e r of th e s ta te 's “W elfare R eform " p ro g ra m . T h is m a n a g e r will b e re sp o n sib le for th e c o o rd in a tio n a n d im p le m e n ta tio n o f “J o b s F o r Oregon's F uture, ” a program w hich m a k e s fu n d a m e n ta l c h a n g e s in th e s ta te ’s w elfare s y ste m . T he p ro g ra m s tr e s s e s e d u c a tio n a n d jo b train in g forw elfare recip ien ts, giving th e m th e a b ility to g e t a jo b a n d b ecom e se lf-su ffic ie n t. We a re looking for a p p lic a n ts w ith In- d e p th know ledge of th e fed eral w elfare refo rm law (the F am ily S u p p o rt Act) a n d how It is being im plem ented nationw ide, a s well a s g e n e ra l k n ow ledge of s ta te a n d fed e ra l w elfare a n d employment and training programs. Current Openings: WELD TRAINING The opp o rtu n ity for Individuals with little or no welding experience to learn wire-feed welding and a g u a r­ an teed Job u p o n com pletion (prefer­ ence given to those with prior tra in ­ ing o r experience). WELDERS Qualified in FCAW welding. M ust be able to p a ss 3F and 4F te st with all- position wire. HELPERS QUALIFICATIONS O penings for en try level positions in Your re s u m e or a p p lic atio n m u s t o u r m achine shop, plate shop, p ro ­ duction line, b u rn in g alley, an d be c learly d e m o n s tra te th a t you possess the following qualifications: m aterial handling. Qualifications For All Positions Include: GOOD WORK ETHIC. DESIRE TO LEARN A TRADE, GOOD MECHANI­ CAL APTITUDE, & THE ABILITY TO PASS A DRUG/ALCOHOL SCREEN TEST. Applications accepted only 8AM-2PM: GUNDERSON, INC. . . . B a c h e lo r's degree in P u b lic A d m in istratio n o r a re la te d field or threeyearsof pertinent experience; . . . a n d a d d itio n a l five y e a rs of responsibleadministratJveoimancrge- m ent experience; a pertinent M asters degree will s u b s titu te for tw o y e a rs of th is ex perience; . . . d e m o n s tra te d know ledge of s ta te a n d fed e ra l w elfare a n d unemployment, training ¿rod education program s a n d t he Fam ily Su pport Act. HOW TO APPLY S e n d y o u r re s u m e a n d a le tte r of in te re s t (no m o re t h a n tw o pages) to: J o h n J . Heilman, Manager. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER P ersonnel Services Section, A dult a n d F am ily S erv ices D ivision. 516 Public Service Building, Salem, Jobs Administrator OR 9 7 3 1 0 . $3050/mo to start This position m anages the contractée Y our le tte r of In te re s t s h o u ld AFS JO B S p ro g ra m ; in c lu d in g s ta te how y o u r e x p e rien c e a n d developm ent an d im plem entation e d u c a tio n rela te s to th is position. of policy and procedures, compliance R e s u m e s m u s t be p o s tm a rk e d w ith fed e ra l a n d s ta te law s, a s by M arch 6, 1990 to be a c ce p ted . wellasbudget preparation Graduate An E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer level c o u rse w o rk in m a n a g e m e n t m ay be s u b s titu te d for u p to —MULTNOMAH COUNTY— one year of the required experience. OUTREACH WORKER Requires three years of m anagem ent HIV/AIDS Prevention e x p e rien c e in a p u b lic o r p riv a te Education (Half-Time): oiganization wliieh included respons­ $10.42 peihour.ociTinuniiyiriormatian ibility for developm ent of program ru le s a n d policies, long a n d s h o rt and education work directed toward ran g e p la n s , p ro g ra m e v a lu a tio n p e rs o n s a t r is k of e x p o s u re to a n d budget preparation. G raduate HIV virus with em phasis on persons level cou rse w o rk in m a n a g e m e n t practicing sex in public environments, m ay be s u b s titu te d for u p to c lien tele of gay b a th h o u s e s a n d one year of the required experience. adult bookstores, a n d street youth; ap p ly by M arch 2 , 1990. 4350 NW FRONT AVE. PORTLAND, OR 97210 Jobs Planning & Technical Assistance Supervisor $2768/mo to start T heJO B S supervisorw ill supervise field s ta ff c o o rd in a tin g w ith o th e r local a g e n c ie s to p la n , c o n tra c t, an d Im plem ent th e JO B S program . T h is p o s itio n e x e rts s ta te w id e le a d e rs h ip in w o rk in g w ith AFS, E m p lo y m e n t D ivision, Office of Com m unityC ollege Services, local pr&iieœiilmdarsaixlkrîikwjikynK’îit a n d tra in in g p ro v id e rs. MINORITY PROGRAM COORDINATOR Aging Services Division: $12.59 p er h our; p lan s, develops, a d v o c ate s for a n d c o o rd in a te s multicultural program s and services for m inority elderly clien ts; d u tie s include developing resource resource files; id entifying Is s u e s , n e e d s a n d service g a p s; a n d s e rv in g a s a re p re s e n ta tiv e of th e A ging Services Division; apply b y M arch 2 ,1 9 9 0 . CORRECTIONS R equires six y e a rs of progressively TECHNICIAN re sp o n sib le ex p e rien c e in s u p e r ­ $9.11 per hour plusshift differential; vision o r sta ff technical or p rofess­ reviews and evaluates Inform ation, ional level w o rk re la te d to a n p re p a re s a n d s u b m its r e p o r ts em ploym ent a n d t raining p rogram . on c lie n t a c tiv itie s a n d r e f e rs F u r th e r d e ta ils of th e m in im u m c lie n ts to c o m m u n ity r e s o u r c e s ; requiremenlsare available. Education re q u ire s tw o y e a r s o f r e la te d m ay be s u b s titu te d for so m e of college c o u rs e w o rk o r o n e y e a r th e re q u ire d e x p e rien c e . of e x p erien ce; a p p ly by M a rc h To a p p ly for th e s e p o s itio n s it is 2. 1990. necessary to obtain the recruitm ent a n n o u n c e m e n t for e a ch position, com plete a sta te application form . To o b ta in th e s e m a te ria ls call or w rite: E co n o m ic D ev elo p m en t D ept. A ttn: J O B S U nit 5 9 5 C o tta g e S t. NE S alem . O R 97231 (503) 3 7 3 -7 6 8 6 T his re c ru itm e n t clo ses F eb ru ary 26, 1990. An E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity - A ffirm ative A ctio n E m ployer HOW TO APPLY M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty E m p lo y e e S ervice. R oom 1 4 3 0 . 1 1 2 0 SW Fifth Avenue, P ortland, O R 9 7 2 0 4 . An E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y e r