February 21, 1990 Portland Observer ENTERTAINMENT P A R A G O N C A B L E J O IN S N IC K E L O D E O N The Locker Room by Vllysses Tucker, Jr. f r ' “ THE NEW P P i & IN S P O N S O R IN G T H E “ D O U B L E D A R E ” t R O A D S H O W P R E S E N T E D B Y S U N K IS T h e a t r afr B e Present T h e “ Double D a re ” Roadshow W ill Be A t M a ll 205 F ro m F e b ru a ry 23-25 A t thirty-five years old, D ennis ”DJ“ Johnson is a young m an in the gam e o f life, but old on the basketball court, especially in the N ational B asketball A ssociation. M om ents after the B oston C e ltic s’ loss to the Tt ailblazers, he lim ped o u t o f the d e s­ ignated treatm ent room , w here w ork-re­ lated bum ps and bruises are treated or iced Page 5 & ^ S BALLET can ’ >EATH ANC> T H E ICINGS A *»* A.**» « » W W *A ** 4* ********^^*A** dow n. He looked like a battle w eary soldier ju st off the battlefield. T hirteen years is a long lime in the trenches. • '1 guess you could say that I ’ve been around the b lock a couple o f tim es,“ he sm iled. ”1 w ould be the first to say that I ¿ o n ’t run as fast or ju m p as high as I used to. P o w long I ’ll be around, I do not know, but BY W O LE S O Y IN K A A Spectacular Theatrical bveni Event O pens F r id a y ! February 23, 1990 A t The Winningstad Theatre Portland Center for the Performing Arts as long as I ’m about to contribute to the success o f the team I plan to be around.” It i a s been said that athletes know w hen it is tim e to leave the gam e, Johnson feels that Sis day is com ing soon. ! DJ has alw ays been labeled as a ’’tw eener” by N BA experts. He is not a true point guard $r a natural shooting guard, but he gets the jo b done. Johnson is respected for his defense. He earned NBA A ll-D efensive First Team honors six times and the Second Team three (imes. He has also played on three N BA C ham pionship team s (tw o in B oston and one in Seattle). • "H e has adjusted him self into different roles throughout his career,“ said Jim m y (lodgers, coach o f the C eltics. "H e has come o ff the bench and he has started, but that is Nothing new. D ennis has alw ays been the consum m ate professional, able to do anything that Js asked of him . j In term s o f productivity, Jo h n so n ’s statistics are at an all tim e low. He is averaging less (han double figures for the first tim e in his career and slow ed by a tear o f his quadricep friuscle in his right leg. Still, Larry Bird feels that you c a n ’t look at the num bers all the time. (Ie says that Johnson contributes in m ore w ays than one. ; “O ur entire front line m ade the A ll-Star team ," said Bird, speaking o f him self, Robert Parish and K evin M cH ale. “We d o n ’t alw ays need DJ to score points. He is an excellent defender and he com es to play every night, regardless o f his physical condition. He is a player and on top o f that, we are w inning." • W ith the C eltics bringing on som e young players, Johnson’s role has been to provide leadership and lessons of the gam e to the less experienced player. C harles Sm ith, rookie guard from G eorgetow n, is a big fan o f Johnson. "T here is n 't m uch that he h asn ’t see in this league," said Sm ith. “ H e’s easy to talk with and he know s basketball, especially defense. He has really helped m e a lot.” A second round hardship pick by Seattle in the 1976 NBA draft out o f Peppcrdine, Johnson has scored over 15,000 points and dished o u t 5,000+ assists. He has also been (1981) nam ed to the A11 N BA F irstT eam , shares N B A reco rd for the m ost free throw s (12) in a h alf vs. the Lakers in 1984, and he was nam ed Playoff M V P in 1979. “I ’ve nad som e good experiences in the league,” he said. “I ’m thankful, to o ." W hen questioned about when an athlete know s that it’s tim e to hang it up again, Johnson was more specific. “ W hen I lose my enthusiasm for the gam e I ’ll hang it up ,” he said. “ Right now, I'm still having fun and having fun is w hat it’s all about.” by L’Ilyases Tucker, Jr. £ h o rt S h ak e s ___ I Nobel Prize w inning playwright W ole Soyinka's tale o f cultural m isunderstanding is told with drama, dance and the dazzling rhythms of Africa. S p e c ia l C h a m p a g n e O p e n in g P e f o r m a n c e B e n e fits th e U r b a n L e a g u e o f P o r t la n d Paragon Cable is joining N ickelo­ deon and Sunkist in presenting the “ Double D are” Roadshow. N ickelo­ deon’s popular television game show for kids is com ing to Mall 205, located at 9900 S.E. W ashington Street, in Port­ land on February 23. Personal appear­ ances by “ Double D are” celebrities add excitem ent and fun to this unique mall event protruding ears and look at the world from inside ouL Popcorn P opper: Kids wiggle and giggle their way through a giant popcorn popper filled with huge pieces o f pop­ corn. Performances February 23 - March 18 Wednesday - Saturday 8:00 PM Sundays 2:00 & 7:00 PM Please Call 222-2487 for Reservations C O M IN G M A R C H 1 15TH The “ Double D are” Roadshow Pre­ sented by Sunkist, kicks off on Friday, February 23 at 3:00 pm, when the fa­ mous obstacle course opens to kids o f all ages. On Saturday and Sunday at 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm , the “ Double D are” celebrities perform a non-televised ver­ sion of the stage show, randomly select­ ing members o f the audience to partici­ pate and ask questions about the show. “ Double D are,” is the trend-setting, fast-moving TV show that challenges children o f all ages. Obstacles featured in the “ Double D are” Roadshow in­ 31 N W FIRST 2 2 3 -9 9 1 9 -FEBRUARY- I harc I summers Down T he H atch Slide: Kids climb up the tongue steps and into a giant mouth, then slide down the hatch. T he S u p er S unkist Ju ic e W orks: Designed to tickle the taste buds and the funny bone, this new super-secret ob­ stacle will make its debut at the road show. clude: In O ne E a r: This obstacle fulfills the old cliche * ‘in one ear and out the other. Kids clim b in and out of a head with M U S IC M IL L E N N IU M ’S 21ST THURS. 22 A N N IV E R S A R R Y BEAUTY STAB C E L E B R A T IO N FRI. - SAT. 23 - 24 -F E A T U R IN G - BODY SOUL L IV E IN S TO R E M U S IC D O O R P R IZ E S SUN. 25 FREE R E F R E S H M E N T S POSITIVELY EMTERTAINMENT AND MORE! MON. 26 J. . If you have never experienced a N BA A ll-Star G am e, m ake arrangem ents to attend in C harlotte next year and I guarantee you a great tim e. M iami was the ultim ate h ost city. The fe a th e r, beaches, fun spots, etc. Being professional is w hat JOSEPHINE'S OCEAN U nity o f Love is all about. Î . . Special thanks to m y D.C. hom eboy Wesley M itchell and his wife Yolanda for the good (ime dow n there. A lso, thanks to A ndré H aw kins o f N ike, Inc. and TWA for sending my bags to Seattle. You forced m e to w ear brow n shoes w hen I arrived back to Portland. Yo Ramses, how did you like the turkey sandw ich and A lm ond Joy? Thanks for the m em ories Miami! ■ riS M U S IC M IL L E N N IU M 1 W e at “U n ity ”, Arya, TUES. 27 C alagtine, & L onnie offer o u r ROISIN DUBH professional services to all th a t need us. EAST PORTLAND 32ND & EAST BURNSIDE 231-8926 WED. 21 C a ll us first! W e are able to NE PORTLAND 23RD & NW JOHNSON 248-016 3 BIG HOUSE answ er any question, o r give . J th e service you require. Be it h air weaving, crim p U n ity o f Love 6720 N.E. M LK Jr. Blvd wave, stand up curly, straight T h e highest honor we can give him is look, o r sh o rt and sassy to work to make his dream come true. Rev. Dr. Martín Luther King. Jr., January 15. 1929-April 4, 1968 . . . W e D e liv e r! Portland, OR 97211 C areer N etwork I nc . Black Cultural Affairs Board of Portland State University presents * : Work One Weekend* A Month * And Earn $18.000 fbr College. * * * * * * * * * CNI AGENCY The Personnel Placement People ACCOUNTING • ADMINISTRATIVE • BOOKKEEPING CLERICAUOFFICE • CONTROLLERS • DATA PROCESSING ENGINEERING ■ EXECUTIVE MGMT. • HIGH-TECH • FINANCE MARKETING • SALES • SECRETARIES * Noted Civil rights activist, comedian, author & nutritionist DIAMOND JUBILEE FEB. 21 - 2 5 * $ MEMORIAL COLISEUM r KATUCh. 2 K A f U O ^ FAMILY NIGHT ALL TICKETS $2.50 OFF with coup o n s from F R E D M E Y E R Thu. FEB. 2 2 ......................................... 7:30SM, Frt FEB 23 .........................4 OOPMt . 7:30PMt Sat FEB. 24 1 2N 0 0 M .. 3:30PM.... 7:30PM Sun. FEB. 25......................... 1 30PM..... 5:30PM tSAVE $2.00 ON KIDS UNDER 121 Information: (503) 248-4496 Group Rates: (503) 235-8771 or 230- 6702 H Jefferson High School Auditorium WAYS TO G ET YO U R T IC K E T S 2 1 ........................... 7:30PM MEYER H Tuesday, Feb. 27th 7:00 pm M ★ P E R F O R M A N C E S * - Nad. FEB. DICK GREGORY ICC FOLLIES* «M l HOLIDAY ON ICC - IN PERSON: COLISEUM BOX OFFICE and all wpfFffijggp locations Including CIVIC AUDITORIUM, and PCPA BOX O FFIC ES (se rvice c h e rg e a d d e d a t o utle ts) BY PHONE: (5 0 3 ) 2 4 8 -4 4 9 « Mon - Sat 9 AM to 8 PM • Use VISA or MASTER CARD (se rvice c h a rg e a d d e d to p h o n e o rd e rs) BY MAIL: Send self-ad dressed, stamped envelope with check or money order payable to WORLD ON ICE. Memorial Coliseum. P.O. Box 2746. Portland. OR 97208 ( S t.5 0 se rv ic e c h a rg e p e r m a il o rd e r) * * * * * * * * * YOUR BEST ENTERTAINMENT VALUE! * * * * * * * * ALL SEATS RESERVED $ 7 . 5 0 - $ 9 . 5 0 - $ 1 1 .5 0 P R I C E I N C L U D E S T AX WALT DISNEY'S WORLD ON ICE M IC K E Y S O L A R CALCULATOR 8 M M "SH O C K " CONCERT & DANCE Friday, Feb. 16th 8:00 pm GOSPEL FESTIVAL One FREE Mickey Calculator will be given to each child under 12 years ot age upon entry to the Coliseum with lull-priced, paid admission to this CALCULATOR perlorm ance_________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ask About The New Gl Bill Paid Skill Training Part-Time Jobs College Tuition Assistance Program * * * 700 N.E. Multnomah Suite 400 Portland, Oregon (503) 233-0055 Quality kitchens, baths and new additions. * * featuring * TH O M A S W H ITFIELD * of Detroit, Ml & * YOLANDA ADAMS * * of Houston, TX. * * Saturday, February 17th 7:00 pm NOW WITH TWO DESIGNER SHOWROOMS EAST AND WEST. * * * * 804 N Alberta (2 blocks east of 1-5) 288 7461 (Vane 696-2204) * Oi Reg '«63 Wash Reg NEILKCI'6702 XGW-TVI CALCULATOR NIGHT Thu. FEB. 22 * 7.30 PM * * * M M H * * ( A l I 7 2 5 -4 4 5 2 H - . ’. h i / \fi nr/.n m .„l, , < '• u l u l i l i > ’ ’ * * Call For Details 280-6007 * Army National Guard 1 If im r r r r ti/\ t t h n Ih ‘ * N EIL KELLY DESIGNERS / REMODELERS 8101 SW Nimbus Koll Business Center Beaverton (Oft Hall Blvd ) 644-0445 SINCE 1947. THE REMODELER FRIENDS RECOMMEND