F e b ru a ry 14,1990 • P ortlan d O bserver • B lack H istory M o n th • Page 7 JOBS/CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Systems Analyst 2 $2 3 3 0 to $ 2 0 5 0 per m onth Excellent benefit* plus 6% PERS Are you energetic? Possess strong Interpersonal skills? Clackamas County is seeking a strong Systems Analyst to Join our Data Processing team. Primary responsibility Is sup­ porting the Financial Management Information Systems (FMIS) developed bv Moore Government Systems. Candidates must be able to prepare specifications, design and write sub­ systems based on our financial data application. Candidates should pos­ sess 6 years o f progressively respon­ sible applications experience, pref­ erably with COBOL and DMSIT on an Unisys A series computer. LINC knowledge Is a plus. We are a full service Data Processing organization with the opportunity for professional growth. In addition to a comprehensive benefit package the County offers a starting salary com ­ mensurate with experience. COUNTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICA­ TION REQUIRED. Application m a­ terials available at Clackamas County Personnel. 904 Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon 97045. This position will remain open until sufficient applications are received. An Equal Opportunity Employer ATTENTION: EASY W O R K E X C E L L E N T PAY! Assem ble products at home. D etails. (1 ) 602-838-8885, E xt. W - 12859. Equal Opportunity Employer DATA PROCESSING PROFESSIONALS There’s a Million Reasons Why We Speak Your Language! RECEPTIONIST/ SECRETARY MERCHANDISER Georgia-Pacific Corp, has an Im­ mediate openlnlng for a reception 1st/secretary on our executive floor. Must present a professional Im­ age; possess strong Interpersonal and telephone skills; and have excellent secretarial skills. Includ­ ing accurate grammer and typ­ ing. Please apply In person W ednes­ day, 2/14 to Friday, 2/16 from 8:30 - 4:30. If unable to apply In person, please send cover letter and resume with complete salary history by 2/20 to: Georgia-Pacific Corporation Human Resources Department - 17 th Floor 900 S.W. Fifth Avenue Portland. Oregon 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer Forestry Economics Policy Analyst State Of Washington Position available Immediately with responsibility to analyze timber sup­ ply and forestry Issues facing lands manager. Member o f Governor's Timber Team. Degree In Forestry with public policy, economics em pha­ sis desired. $42,900 annual salary DOQ. Contact- Department o f Tirade and Economic Developm ent 101 General Adm ini­ stration Building. Olympia, WA 98504-0613. (206)753-5630. Equal Opportunity Employer PROGRAMMER ANALYSTS Requires a m in im u m of 2 experience in p e rfo rm in g systems analysis and design, co d in g, testing and im p le m e n ta tio n assignments. C IC S W s k ills a d e fin ite plus. e n v iro n m e n t p o s itio n s re q u ire s tro n g co m m u n ica tio n , interpersonal and G.M./HABA MERCHANDISER - EUGENE This energetic, goal-oriented Individ­ ual will have the following qualifica­ tions: • 2 + year background In General Mer­ chandise and Health & Beauty Aids Merchandising • Knowledge o f retail grocery industry • Ability to do repetlUous heavy lifting • Willing to relocate to Eugene area • Provide own reliable transportation • Verifiable good driving record This Is an excellent career opportu­ nity, starting pay $7.51/hr. + union benefits. Please send resume and salary history by 2/21/90 to: United Grocers, Inc. Human Resources DepL/G.M. P.O. Box 22187 Milwaukie, OR 97222 Equal Opportunity Employer 40 hr*, p/wk., Overnight* $9,600 per year ♦ benefit* Closing Date: March 5. 1990 Send resume and cover letter to : Bradley-Angle House, Inc. PO Box 14694 Portland. Oregon 97214 Equal Opportunity Employer CLAIMS REPRESENTATIVE Georgia Pacific Corporation, a self- insured multi-state employer, has an immediate opening for a Claims Rep­ resentative. Individual will process assigned "medical only" cases for several western states. PosiUon re­ quires a minimum o f three year's experience in Workers Compensation. Ideal candidate must have good numerical sk ills , accurate typing ability of 55 wpm and strong 10-key skills; computer usage a plus. Prefer applicants apply In person, Monday 2/19 - Wednesday 2/21 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. If unable to apply In person, send resume with salary history to Ann Ashton by February 21st. Georgia-Pacific Corporation Human Resources Department - 17 th Floor 900 S.W. Fifth Avenue Portland. OR 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer Simple Cremation $350.00 Wilhelm Funeral Home 2 3 5 -3 1 0 2 PROGRAMMERS excellent benefits and a com petitive salary. Send yo u r resume o r apply in person at: user s kills. Candidates m ust also have experience in the fo llo w in g : ACCOUNTING SOCIAL SERVICES PROGRAM AID Foster Grandparent Program Provide assistance to the Program Director and Field Representative for the Foster Grandparent Program. We re looking for a high energy per­ son who enjoys working with the elderly. Minimum 2 yrs experience working with the elderly. 1 y r with volunteers required: office skills a plus. Must be a good communicator with excellent telephone skills and ability to organize. Reliable transpor­ tation needed. $11,300 ♦ benefits. Please submit resume to: Metropolitan Family Services. 2281 NW Everett, Portland. OR 97210. Attn: Carrie Fletcher Equal Opportunity Employer ATTENTION: E A R N M O N E Y R E A D IN G BOOKS! $32,OOO/Year Incom e P otential. Details. (1) 602-838-8885 E x t B kl2 8 5 9 . Equal Opportunity Employer ATTENTION: E A R N M O N E Y T Y P IN G A T HOME! 3 2 ,000/Y ear Incom e P otential. Details, (1) 602-838-8885, E x t T-12859. Equal Opportunity Employer RADIO Entry level position In news and talk radio production. Resumes only to Personnel, P.O. Box 14957, Portland, OR 97214. E^ua£O££ortuiut^Em£lo^££ INTERNAL AUDITOR Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon, a major health Insur­ ance company. Is currently seek­ ing an Internal Auditor for their Internal Audit Department. This position will assist In the plan­ ning o f all audit engagements, perform financial & operational audits Involving all plan opera­ tions. and draft audit reports regarding audit findings & recommendations Requirements Include a Bachelor s Degree In Business Administration with an emphasis In accounting and 2 years auditing experience, pref­ erably In public accounting, plus experience In EDP systems and statistics. A C P A o r CIA certificate Is highly desirable. The position re­ quires strong human relations and Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent em ­ ployee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive saj. ary. Pre-employment drug screen­ ing required. To assure your res­ ume is processed immediately, place ad #008 at the top o f your resume or In your cover letter. Send resume to : BLUE CROSS and BLUE SHIELD of OREGON Human Resources Dept., 5 th-Fir- 100 S.W. Market Portland. OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer PROJECT MANAGER IN S U R A N C E MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications fo r M e dical C la im s A nalysts. T h is p o sition is responsible fo r accurate and tim e ly paym ent o f B lue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon's m edical claim s. Experience necessary to p e rfo rm this taks w ill include: provides health insurance to o ve r Requires a degree in C o m p u te r Science one m illio n people. Y o u expertise o r at least 1 year o f experience in new developm ent and large scale perform ing program design, coding, enhancements w ill help a ll o f th e m . te s tin g and im p le m e n ta tio n Several large projects and new assignments. business e ffo rts w ill be re q u irin g In a d d itio n to s ig n ific a n t technical individuals w ith experience w orking challenge and professional gro w th , in a large scale IB M m a in fra m e we o ffe r fle x -tim e w o rk hours, A ll At United Grocers, our people have a tendency to sUck around. Maybe It's because we offer so many challenges and opportunities for advancement. Orit could be our great benefit pack­ age. O r maybe It's Just the feeling o f being a family. We've been In business since 1915, and we've grown to over an $800 mll- lion/yr company. And our employees have grown right along with us. So Join the United Grocers family. W e re looking for a years B lue Cross and B lue S hield o f O regon, a m a jo r health insurance com pany THIS COULD BE THE LAST HELP WANTED AD YOU'LL EVER READ DV Shelter, Night Case Manager The Port o f Portland has an opening for a Project Manager in its Aviation Departm ent The successful candidate will prepare a PDX Parking Facilities and Opera­ tions plan that includes the following elements: * 1 year recent c le ric a l w o rk experience in a doctor's o ffic e o r hospital * IC D -9 /C P T -4 C oding. • Shuttle bus operating options and fleet requirements • Toll booth location and operation • Revenue control equipment options • Parking demand forecasts • Parking management contract options * A m in im u m o f 6-12 m onths experience using a C R T in a production Additional responsibilities will Include: setting. * D em onstrated know ledge o f m edical te rm in o lo g y and anatom y. T h is may be obtained through a classroom setting o r o ffic e experience. onented e n v iro n m e n t * Fast, accurate use o f a 10-key calculator. Previous cla im s processing or insurance b illin g experience h ig h ly desirable. B lue Cross and B lue Shield o f O regon o ffe rs an e xce lle n t em ployee benefits package, fle x -tim e w o rk hours, and co m p e titive salary. Please • Effective and timely project management and coordination of study team • Performance of technical work required In plan preparation • Making policy recommendations as a result o f technical work • Writing project proposals or scopes o f work for special studies • Hiring and managing small consultant contracts Preferred knowledge and experience: apply o r send resume to: •V S A M ♦ T S O /IS P F ♦ COBOL • O S /J C L LEAD ANALYST Requires extensive background in the development o f CICS based systems and demonstrated success in a project Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon H u m a n Resources D ept., 5th F ir 100 S .W . M a r k e t P o rtla n d , O R 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer management role. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Interdisciplinary team • Microcomputer skills H um an Resources D ept., 5th Floor 100 S .W . M a r k e t P o rtlan d . O R 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer MAINTENANCE/BUSINESS ASSISTANT The Port of Portland has an Immediate opening for a Malnte- nance/Buslness Assistant. The successful candidate will be responsible for: 1: Providing administrative assistance to the Property Manager and Real Estate Management and Development staff. 2 Providing administrative, clerical, and receptionist support to the REMD department. 3. Monitoring and processing necessary forms for grant reim­ bursements. 4. Assisting with call-up quotes for small construction contract. 5^ Maintaining microfiche filing system for site developement drawings. 6. Preparing requisitions and check requests; processing pur­ chase orders and payments to contractors. 7. Monitoring and maintaining operating and capital mainte­ nance plan. 8. Reviewing monthly financial reports. 9. Providing administrative support to Business Manager, In­ cluding assistance with budget preparation, accounts payable adjustments, and monitoring project management account coding. Preferred qualifications Include: - Experience on microcomputer. Including Word Perfect. Lotus and database software. - Ability to work independently and set priorities with minimum supervision. - Ability to work on several projects concurrently. - Strong communication skills, both written and oral. In addition to a starting salary range of $17,502 to $19,711 per year, commensurate with experience, the Port offers a compre­ hensive benefit package. If Interested and qualified, apply In person ft the Port of Portland and Employment Office, 700 NE Multnon ih, 14th floor. Appli­ cants residing outside the trl-county, i letropolltan Portland area. Clark County, and physically dis bled applicants may ; request application materials by calling (503) 231 -5000. exten­ sion 700. All applications must be received by 5 p.m.. Friday. February 16, 1990. The Port Is an equal opportunity employer. • Course work or experience equivalent to a degree In planning, engineering, business or related areas • Strong project management skills • Excellent oral and written communication skills • Ability to work on complex projects with minimal supervision and lead an PROGRAM ANALYST III The Port of Portland has an Immediate opening for a Programmer Analyst III. The successful candidate will be responsible for: 1: Directing and performing technical activities on small or me­ dium-size development projects and maintenance. 2 Developing Information systems. 3. Managing technical phases of small or medium projects. 4. Identifying and resolving problems of all levels of complexity on existing systems. 5. Maintaining a continuing liaison with user departments. 6. Completing products according to division standards. 7. Providing internal consulting on: a. Data processing technology. b. System development methodologies. c. Port application systems. Preferred qualifications Include: - Course work or experience equivalent to a degree in computer science, business administration, or related area. - Expert use and understanding of the following: One or more standard programming languages, preferably COBOL. DOS/VSE operating system and job control language. VSAM access method and IDMS. CICS Wamler-Orr diagramming techniques. VOLL1E and LIBRARIAN. In addition to a starting salary range of $30,532 to $35,184 per year, commensurate with experience, the Port offers a compre­ hensive benefit package. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland and Employment Office. 700 NE Multnomah. 14th floor. Appli­ cants residing outside the tri-county, metropolitan Portland area. Clark County, and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by calling (503) 231-5000. exten­ sion 700. All applications must be received by 5 p.m.. Friday, February 16, 1990. The Port is an equal opportunity employer. The duration o f this position is for 6 months from date o f hire with some possibility for extension. In addition to a starting salary range o f $33,493 to $38,735 per year, commensurate with experience, the Port offers a comprehensive benefits package. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port o f Portland Employment Office, 700 N.E. Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing outside the tri-county, metropolitan Portland area, Clark county and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by calling (503) 231-5000. e x t 700. Completed applications must be received by Friday, February 23. 1990, at 5 p.m. The Port Is an Equal Opportunity Employer Veterans Affairs Medical Center SUB-BIDS REQUESTED PHASE IV - PARKING STRUCTURE Portland, Oregon Bid Date: February 28, 1990 - Bid Time: 1:30 P.M. DRAKE-GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1740 N O R T H W E S T F L A N D E R S S T R E E T P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N 87209-2283 503-226-3991 503-228-3018 F A X Holladay Park Medical Center 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue (503) 233-4567 Committed to Carter Opportunity Tor A ll Americans 24-Hour Job Line 239-3116 An Equal Opportunity Employer t A Legacy Member