Page 6 • Portland Observer • Black History Month • February 14,1990 JOBS/CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RESIDENTIAL APPRAISERS T h e R esid en tia l Real Estate G rou p, a th rivin g division o f S ecu rity Pacific Bank, has Im ­ m ed ia te o p p ortu n ities for ex p e­ rien ced su b-con tractors & sta ff a p p ra is er o p en in g In o u r Port- 'a n d office. A s a su b-con tractor, you need a fee appraisers or salesperson ap­ p raisers licen se a lon g with you r a p p ra isa l skills. As s s ta ff a p ­ praiser, you n eed to have two or m o re years recent residential ex p erien c e appraisin g single family residences and condomini­ um s. Y o u r D irect Endorsem ent (DE) o r FH A appraisal aproval Is stro n gly desired. F o r con fiden tial consideration, p lea se send y o u r resu m e w ith a p p ra is a l references and w ork sa m p les to: S ecu rity Pacific Bank, ATTN: D ale W ilson. 10250 SW G reen b u rg Road, Portland. O R 972 23, o r call (503) 222-7695. A n E qual O pportu nity E m ­ ployer. SECURITY PACIFIC __________BANK__________ Interested in Making a Difference? A n ew unit Is bein g established w ithin the O regon E con om ic D evelopem ent Departm ent that will Implement a new contracted program with A du lt and Fam ily Services for the J o b O pportu ­ nities and Basic Skill T rain in g (JO BS em ploym en t and training program for the S tate o f Oregon. T h e follow in g positions w ill m anage, coordinate, plan, and m on itor local em ploym en t and training o rga n iza ­ tions to establish this n ew statew ide program based on federal and state law s and regulations. Th e follow in g positions a re based In Salem , O regon. Jobs Administrator $35O/m o to start This position m an ages the contracted A FS J O B S program : in clu ding d ev el­ opem ent and Im plem entation o f pol­ icy and procedures, com plian ce w ith federal and state laws, as well as budget preparation and m onitoring. Requ ires three y ears o f m an agem ent experience In a pu blic or private o r­ gan ization w hich Included respon si­ b ility for develop em en t o f program rules and policies, long and short range plans, program evaluation and budget preparation. G radu ate level course- w ork In m an agem ent m ay be su bsti­ tuted for up to on e y e a r o f the required experience. Telecruiters W ork in clean, positive en viro n m en t h elp tn g yo u r com m u n ity b y recru iting repeat blood donor from existing donor lists. H.S. diplom a or equivalent, with at least 6 mo. related eper., preferably In telephone sales, ability to meet goals/ qu otas. 12-20 h rs/w k eves and w eek ­ ends, m u st be a b le to respond on-call. $5.07/h r to start. A m erican Red Cross 3131 N. V a n cou ver Ave. Portland, O R 97227 D ru g Testin g A n Equal O pportu n ity E m ployer Jobs Planning & Technical Assistance Supv $2768/m o to start T h e J O B S su pervisor w ill su pervise field s ta ff coordin atin g w ith oth er local a gen cies to plan, contract, and Im ple­ m en t the JO B S program . T h is posi­ tion exerts statew ide leadership In w ork in g w ith A FS, E m ploym en t D ivi­ sion, O ffice o f C om m u nity College S ervices, local prim e contractors and local em ploym en t and train in g pro­ viders. R eq u ires six years or piugicssivciy respon sib le experience in supervision o r s ta ff technical o r professional level w o rk related to an em ploym en t and tra in in g program . Further details o f th e m in im u m requirem ents are a va il­ able. E du cation m ay be substituted for som e o f the required experience. T o a p p ly for these positions It is n eces­ sary to obtain the recruiting announce­ m ent fo r each position, com plete the ess a y exam in ation In the a n n ou n ce­ m ent, and com plete a state ap p lica ­ tion form . T o obtain these m aterials call o r write: E con om ic D evelopm ent D ept Attn: J O B S Unit 595 C ottage St. Unit Salem . O R 97310 (503) 373-7686 T h is recru itm en t closes February 26. 1990. A n Equal O pportu n ity - A ffirm a tive A ction Em ployer KMJK AM/FM Is seek in g a ir personalities. S end tape and resu m e to: 9 5 0 0 S W B arbu r Blvd., #302, Portland, O R 97219. E qu al O pportu n ity Em ployer. -— FINANCE Hospital Reimbursement Specialist Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O regon Is accep tin g applications for a H ospital R eim bu rsem ents Specialist. M ajor duties o f this position include design, develop m ent and Im plem entation o f pay - m ent m anagem ent option s and reports using statistical com para­ tive analysis as w ell as resolving hospital reim bu rsem en t and con ­ tract Issues. M ust act as liaison with hospital, providers and health care organ ization s to en su re su c­ cess o f paym ent m ethodologies. Q u alified applican ts should have: * Exp. In health care field * K n ow led ge o f hospital financial/ a ccou n tin g system s * S tron g statistical and analysis abilities * K n ow ledge o f reim bu rsem en t m ethodologies * A b ility to w ork effectively with highly technical team * E xperience u sin g SAS and Lotus helpful * A bility to w ork with m inim al direction Blue C ross and Blue Shield o f O regon offers an excellen t e m ­ ployee ben efit package, flex time w ork hours, and com pet Ove sa l­ ary. Pre employment drug screen­ ing required. T o assu re y o u r re s­ um e Is processed Im m ediately, place ad #499 at the top o f yo u r resu m e or In y o u r cover letter. Send resu m e to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon H um an R esou rces D epL. 5th Fir 100 S.W. M arket Portland, O R 97201 Equal O pportu n ity E m ployer NURSING NURSING SERVICES COORDINATOR B egln lng sa la ry $18 50-$2200 per m onth plus benefits C O D A Inc. seeks full tim e n ursing services coordin ator to be resp o n ­ sible for m an agem ent o f m eth a­ done dispensary serving 300 clients and for the developem en t and coor­ dination o f clinical n u rsin g serv­ ices. In cu m bent m u st select, train and m on itor s ta ff o f n urses and m edication aides. Provide direct clinical services to du al diagnosis clients, pregnant clients, and o th ­ ers as needed. Insure com pll w ith all regulations regarding dispensing o f m ethadone. W ork w eek Is flex ­ ible and m a y Include 8 h ou r shifts betw een 6am -2:30pm o n a n y co m ­ bination o f days. C u rren t u n in ­ cum bered O regon licen ces as re g ­ istered nurse and at least 3 years n u rsin g experience are required, su pervisory experience is highly desired. T o a p p ly com plete & subm it sta n ­ dard C O D A application form and screen ing qu estion responses to: C O D A INC. 210 NE 20th, Port­ land, O R 97232. Ph on e 239- 840 0 E qual O pportu n ity/A ffirm ative A ction Em ployer MENTAL HEALTH C-m DRUG TREATMENT SERVICES Starting salary $1232-1300 mo. plus excellent benefits. C O D A Inc. seeks cou nselor p rovid ­ ing structured intensive out-patient treatem nt to m andated pregnant wom en. Responsibilities Include diagnosis, evaluation and treatment to clients, Individual, group and family counseling. Consultation, coordi­ nation and liaison with com m unity health nurses and case m anagers. M aintenance o f client records, p a r­ ticipation o f m arketin g and prom o­ tion. T o qualify: a bachelors degree In health serv­ ices and a t least 2 years supervised hum an services experience are re ­ quired. kn ow ledge o f chem ical dep en d en cy and experience In the treatm ent o f ch em ically dependen t w om en is very stron gly desired. T o a p p ly com plete and subm it sta n ­ dard C O D A application form in clu d ­ in g a nsw ers to screen ing questions, detailed position announcem ent, application form s and screening qu estions a re available at C O D A INC. 210 NE 20th, Port­ land. O R 97232. Phone 239 8400. Equal O pportu n ity/A ffirm ative A ction E m ployer RECREATION MANAGER/ RESEARCH ASSISTANT Research A ssistan t position In Re­ source Recreation M anagem ent available M arch 5, 1990. E x p eri­ en ce In forest m anagem ent, recrea ­ tion planning, edu cational cu rricu ­ lum developm ent, pu blic relations and su pervision required. O n e year renew able appointm ent. M ust have a B.S. in Forestry. Salary $20,000 - $22,000 per year. Send letter o f application, resum e, u n iversity transcripts and three letters o f recom m endation b y F ebru ary 23, 1990 to: Jeffrey W . G arver, M anager, OSU Research Forests, C ollege o f F o r­ estry. O regon S tate U niversity, Peavy Hall 218, C orvallis, O R 97331-5711. O regon State U niversity is an A f­ firm ative Action/Equ al O p p o rtu ­ nity em ployer and com plies w ith Section 504 o f the Rehabilitation A ct o f 1973. O SU has a policy o f bein g responsive to the needs o f du al-career couples. COLLECTIONS: Colonial Pacific Leasing, a Pitney Bow es Co., Is acceptin g a p p lica ­ tions for their collection dept. Qualified candidates should have consum er or com m ercial co llec­ tion exp w ith a financial In stitu ­ tion. Position provides com peti­ tive salary plus Incentive bonu s and an excellent benefit program. Please forw ard resum e to: M anager, H u m an Resources, P.O. Box 1100, Tualatin , O r 97062. Colonial is an affirm ative action - equal opportu n ity em ployer EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT I (C0027) COMMUNICATIONS ANALYST IN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES (DHR) SALARY ($2039-2589-MONTHLY) Excellent Benefit Package S tate o f O regon, D H R needs an energetic and Innovative person with w ritten com m unication and editin g skills for a LIM ITED D U RATIO N , C om m unication A nalyst p osition in the O ffice o f M edical A ssistan ce Program . Th e position Is scheduled to end J u n e 30, 1991. Q ualifications: . . . two years o f progressively re ­ sponsible adm inistrative experience o r tw o years o f experience in a sta ff technical o r professional function related to technical or professional writing. Th e applicant's background m u st clearly dem on strate h ow they h ave gained the know ledge, skills, and abilities Identified In A nnounce­ m ent #0C900131. IN A D D ITIO N , yo u m u st have a Bachelor's degree or three more years o f responsible experience. O btain a State o f O regon A p p lica ­ tion (PD100) and A nn ou ncem en t #O C900131 from : Personn el Center. 775 C ou rt Street. Salem , O regon 97310. A P P L Y A S S O O N A S POSSIBLE. APPLIC A TIO N S M U S T BE R E ­ C E IV E D B Y Febru ary 22. 1990 T O BE ACC EPTED . FOLLOW TH E DETAILED INSTRUC­ TIO N S O N i n Z ANN O U N CEM E NT A N E Q U A L OPPOR1 U NITY EM PLO YE R Librarian Library D irector, C ity o f W ilson ­ ville, Oregon. S tartin g salary $2,174 per m onth. (Salary range $2,174 to $2,928) plus excellen t fringe ben efit pack­ age. W ilson ville Is a rapidly grow in g community with a new 8,000 square foot library facility. 3600 patrons and a current circu lation o f 70,000. Library operates w ith a cou nty-w ide fu lly com puterized network. Re­ qu ires degree In Library Science plus five years library m anagem ent experience. Desire MLS. Send cover letter, resum e, salary h istory and three current references to: Pete W all, C ity M anager, P.O. Box 220, W ilsonville, O R 97070. (503) 682-1011. C lo sin g d ate is March 2, 1990. C ity o f W ilson ville Is an equal o pportu n ity em ployer SECRETARIAL ASSISTANT The Portland Developm ent Com m is­ sion Is recruiting to fill the position o f Secretarial A ssistant. This posi­ tion Is asslgred to the Incom e Prop­ erty and A dn tn lstratlon Sections o f the H ousing Departm ent. Provide clerical support to inclu de typing o f memo, letters, contracts.reports, filing; answering telephones: m ain ­ tainin g records. O perate w ord p roc­ essin g equipment (W ordPerfect 5.0) and en ter data oa com pu ter term i­ nal. W e offer a s ta rtiig salary o f up to $17,904 and excellent benefits. C losin g date: March 2. 1990. Please no phone calls. Tc apply, com plete application at: Portland Development Commission 1120 S.W. FlfthAvenue, S u ite 11 CO Portland, Oregon 97204 N U R S IN G PART TIME/BACKUP NURSES S tartin g sa la ry $10-$14 per hour. C O D A Inc. seeks both registered and licensed practical nurses n work In outpatien t dru g treatm ent facility provid in g services to methadone clients. R esponsibilities Include assessm en t o f opfant dependant clients, administration o f methadone, m ain tenan ce o f records, o th er gen­ eral n ursing duties as n ecessay. W ork days and hours va ry consic- erably. C lin ic functions 7 days ; w eek,6am -3pm . T o qualify, a p p li­ can t m ust posses valid and unem- bu m bered O regon registered or practical nurse licen se and valid drivers license. Previou s experi­ en ce preferred. T o apply com plete & su bm it sta n ­ dard C O D A application form and screen in g qu estion responses to: C O D A INC. 210 NE 20th, Portland. O R 97232. Ph on e 239-8400 E qu al O pportu nlty/A ffirm ative A ction E m ployer ECONOMIST $32,736 - $43,632 T h e Pu blic U tility Com m ission has an op en in g for a S enior Economist In the Regulatory Policy A nalysis Section. T h is person conducts applied research on energy, telephone, and affiliated Interest Issues con cern in g the • develop m en t o f long-range poli­ cies for utility regu lation and assists the C om m ission In evalu ­ a tin g the role o f regu lation and In developing policies. T o qualify, you m ust h ave fou r years ex p eri­ en ce In engineering, econom ic research and analysis, o r utility au ditin g or accou n tin g or rele­ va n t scientific discipline, o r three m ore years o f responsible perti­ n en t experience. A M aser's d e ­ gree In engineering, econom ics, accou ntin g o r relevant scientific discipline can su bstitu te for one ye a r o f the required experience. For application m aterials, call (503)373-79 49 o r w rite Pu blic Utility C om m ission, Personnel Services, 4 00 Labor & In d u s­ tries Bldg, Salem O R 97310- 0335 EOE/AA BOOKKEEPER Paragon C able Is lookin g for a full ch arge book keep er for Its ad sales dept. Duties Include bu t are not limited to: assemble m onthly profit/ loss statem en ts and o th er acctg reports. Interface w ith corporate accou n tin g dept, calcu late rep commissions, run credit checks and help with collections activities. Assist w ith m onth-end billing, purchase office supplies, track expenses. Q u alified candidates m ust have exp w ith Lotus 1-2-3 and spreadsh eet program . 1-2 yrs college: acctg or related w ork exp. able to w ork In fast paced environm ent. Please apply in person to Paragon Cable, 3075 NE S an dy Blvd, Portland. Equal O pportu n ity Em ployer WELDING HOW DO YOUR BENEFITS STACK UP AGAINST GUNDERSON’S? • Fill out an application at the a d ­ dress below betw een 8A M and 2PM, M onday thru Friday. • Up to 3 w eeks paid vacation after the first year. • C om p an y paid m edical, den tal and life Insurance. • A h istory o f com pany-paid b o ­ nuses. • 4 0 IK retirement plan, with match­ ing com pany contribution. • 7 paid holidays per year. • S ick pay • R eview s and raises based upon Individual perform ance. PUBLIC RELATIONS/ PUBLICITY MANAGER Portland O pera seeks P.R. pro with m inim um 3-5 ye a r track record and portfolio bursting with exceptional copyw riting, creativ­ ity, and flair. Ta k e ch arge in d i­ vidu al will design and Im plem ent multi-faceted p.r./marketLng plan. Position requires m edia savvy, com pu ter know -how . and proven organizational skills. Salary com ­ m e n su ra te w ith ex p erien ce. Benefits. Send letter and resum e to: Portland Opera, 1516 SW Alder. Portland O R 97205, ATTN: Pu blic Relations. No phone calls please. A n E qual O pportu n ity Em ployer. AUTOS FOR SALE National Publication Services 6438 Calument Avenue Hammond, IN 46324 i G O VERN M EN T SEIZED vehicles from $100. Corvettes, Chevys, Porsches, and other confiscated properties. For buyers guide. 1-800-448-2562 ext 4552. Also open evenings and weekends.________________________ Current Openings: WELD TRAINING T h e opportu nity for Individuals with little or no welding experience to learn w ire-feed w eld in g and a gu aran teed Job upon completion (preference given to those w ith prior training o r experi­ ____ ence). WELDERS Q u alified In FC A W w elding. M ust be able to pass 3 F and 4 F test w ith all- position wire. HELPERS O pen in gs for en try level positions In lu r m achine shop, plate shop, pro- tuctlon line, burning alley, and naterlal handling. Qualifications For All Positions Include: good W O R K ETHIC, DESIRE TO L E A iN A TRAD E. G O O D M E C H A N I­ C A L U T1TU DE. & T H E A B IL IT Y TO PASS A D R U G /A LC O H O L SCREEN TEST.\ Appllcatons accepted only 8AM-2PM: GUNDERSON, INC. 4350 MW FRONT AVE. PORTLAND. OR 97210 E Q U A L OPPORTUNITY EM PLO YE R SENIOR ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SALARY RANGE: $2,411 -$3,059/mo. T h is Is a tech nics position perform ­ in g para-professonal engineering survey, deslgn/dnftlng. and Inspec­ tion o f com plex pufiic Im provem ent projects and projects w ith state or federal funding. W »rks in a team settin g w ith oth er technicians and engineers. Supervises or acts as project m an ager on complex public Im provem ent projects o r projects w ith state or federal funding. Requires fou r yea r degree in Civil E n gin eerin g Techn ology or Civil E n gin eerin g plu s fou r yean e x p eri­ en ce in civil en gin eering anc/or any com bin ation o f cou rsew ork, experi­ ence, and training. CLOSING DATE: M arch 30, 1990. O btain applica­ tion and supplemental questionnaire at: C ity o f Eugene, HRRS, 777 Pearl St.. Rm . 101, Eugene, O R 97401. A A /E O E COLLECTIONS Colonial Pacific Leasing, a Pitney Bow es Co., is acceptin g a p p lica ­ tions for a C ollector to handle Com m ercial accts over $50,000. T h e applican t m ust have a co l­ lege degree or equ ivalen t w ork exp with a financial Institution. Q ualified applicants m u st have dem on strated proficiency in co l­ lections and com m ercial len d ­ ing: m u st be able to evalu ate com plex financial statem ents, deal effectively w ith a w id e range o f personalities and situ ations in both an o ffice and field en viro n ­ ment, act in depen den tly w ithin the fram ew ork o f established policies, and present verbal and w ritten reports to sen ior man agem ent. Position w ill require occasional travel throughout the continental U.S. Position pro­ vides com petitive salary plus In­ centive bonus and an excellent ben efit program . Please forw ard resu m e to: M anager, H um an Resources, P.O. Box 1100, Tualatin , O r 97062. Colonial Is an affirm ative action - equal opportunity em ployer. OREGON STATE POLICE Your fu ll service police agency offers you more than just a jo b . . . but a career with prestige, by rendering services to a ll citizens. We want men and women who seek to improve themselves, their family, community and state. The agency offers excellent career and promotional opportunities for those with a good work ethic and desire to excel. Salary: $2,237-$2,937/Mo. BENEFITS * * * * Paid Health & Dental Insurance. Contribution to Retirement Paid Vacation. Uniform & Safety Equipment Fur­ nished Including Cleaning A llow ­ ance. * Other Paid Leave Includes Holidays, Sick Leave and Personal Days Off. * Overtime Pay. * Incentive Pay & Many Others. REQUIREMENTS * 21 Years o f Age. * High School Graduate or Equiva­ lency. * U.S. Citizen. * Oregon Driver’s License (Good Record). * No Felony Convictions. * Good Moral Character. * Good Health. * Vision No Less Than 20/80 Each Eye, Correctable to 20/20 Each Eye. To Apply or Obtain More Information Contact: Oregon State Police 107 Public Service Bldg. Salem, Oregon 97310 Telephone: (503) 378-8192 or Your Local State Police Office Woman & Minorities are Urged to Apply Equal Opportunity Employer ATTENTION: EXCELLENT INCOME FOR H OME A SS E M B LY W O RK. ! INFO. C A LL 504-646-1700 DEPT. P848 SECRETARY Requirem ents inclu de typing speed o f 55-60 wpm . fam iliarity w ith 10-key ad d in g m achine, personal com pu ter experience including proficiency with Sarnna and Lotus 1-2-3, and excellen t w ritten and verbal com m u n ica ­ tion skills. T w o years previous secretarial experience is required. ON CALL TELLER Milwaukie Requirements Include six months previous cash h an dlin g ex p eri­ ence, fam iliarity w ith 10-key adding machine, basic math skills, and excellent client service skills. Position works less than 20 hours per w eek and receives prem iu m w age for prim e tim e clien t service hours. SECURITY PACIFIC BANK OREGON Personnel D epartm en t 1001 S W 5th A ven u e Second Floor Portland, O R 97204 (503)796-3878 A P PLIC A N T H O U R S 9-1 pm ., M on-Fri Equal O pportu nity E m ployer Receptionist Legal A ide S ervice seeks full time receptionist. D uties w ill Include handling w alk-ln clients, b u sy tele­ phone, and Intake procedures, as well as variou s clerical du ties. A b ility to lelate to low Incom e com m u n ity es­ sential. Bl-llngual capabilities In Spanish or South East A sla n dllect wiL be actively sought. M in 2 years experience. S alary 13.655 + dep en ­ d a n t s experience. Send Resum e to: C arla Roberts Legal A ide -10 S.W. 4th ave. #900 Portland, O regon 97204 «, \ By Feb. 26 . _ E qu aIO pportu n lty E m ployer program manager $2,i76 - $3,205 Senior and Disabled Services Division The Dalhs/Hood River M anage the agency's T itle X IX pro­ gram s for nufalng facilities and com m unity based care, provid e a s ­ sistance on financial eligibility Issues and social service assessm ents, and supervise professional staff. Requires five years supervision experien ce or sta ff technical or professional w ork related to a division program. B ach e­ lor s degree In a field related to m a n ­ agem ent or related program m ay be substituted for up to three years o f the required experience. To apply call 1-378-8554. Closes March 1, 1990 EO /AA EM PLO YE R