W'* • •*«!<* Page 4 • Portland Observer Black History Month February 14,1990 3-7-10-13 The Glory of Black History by John E. Jacob B lack H istory M onth is here again, and this y ear i t ’s receiv ed a big boost by the w id esp read atten tio n g iven the film . Glory. G lo ry is the heroic story o f the 54th M assach u setts V olunteer Infantry, an all­ black unit m the U nion Arm y that fought its w ay in to history. B ut that history has been too long n e ­ g lected . Few A m ericans know that blacks fo u g h t in the C ivil War. T he conventional, and m istaken, view has alw ays been that the N orth w ent to war to free the slaves. In fact, the N orth w ent to w ar to p re ­ serve the U nion. It w as w illing to tolerate slavery but not to accept the right o f states to secede. O nly after the war was well under way, did P resident Lincoln in co rp o ­ rate abolition as a war aim. That s why AfhcanAmericans were excluded from the arm ed forces w hen the war began — because, as historian Jam es M. M cP her­ son w rote: "it w ould have sent a signal that this w as to be an abolition war.“ It becam e an abolition war because o f the actionsof African Americans, who marched across southern lines at the approach o f the U nion arm ies in the south, and who cla m ­ ored for the opportunity to fight for free­ dom in the north. G reat A frican A m erican leaders such as Frederick D ouglass correctly saw black p ar­ ticipation in fighting as a route to freedom , and it w asn 't until late 1862 that the first black fighting units w ere form ed. T he 54th M assachusetts w asn ’t am ong them ; it was organized at the direction o f the governor o f M assachusetts. T he first units w ere organized by the U nion arm ies from am ong the ranks o f escaped slaves. T hose units fought bravely and co n ­ vinced the top brass not only that A frican A m ericans could fight, but that they could be an im portant w eapon in the war. The 54th M assachusetts, like other black units in A m erican w ars u p to the 1940’s, had w hite com m anders. A nd the A frican A m erican troops w ere paid at low er rates than w hite soldiers, leading to a "pay strike“ «I » ' * • V. C+* FEBRUARY GOLULM . GLOBE ' AWARDS S53 MATINEES SATUH0AV A SUNDAY THURS. 15 j 248-8979 MATINEES DAILY * FRI.- SAT. 1 6 - 1 7 CriftOOEON I E 8 2 N ClN D A V E C IN E .( ¿ B & g CURTIS SALGADO AND THE STILLETTOS 774-7731 1 SUN. 18 NORTON BUFFALO MON. 19 TESSERACT great consum m ation; w hile, I fear, there w ill be som e w hite ones, unable to forget that, w ith m alignant heart and deceitful speech, they have strove to hinder it." W hatever m inor historical truth that all A m ericans should know about. W e've com e a long way in the 127 years since the 54th M assachusetts was formed, and every forw ard step along that way was m ade by strong people determ ined to be respected as equals and w illing to put up w ith slurs and indignities to m ake their way and achieve their goal. This is the month to celebrate their achieve­ m ents, and to note that w hile the black troops who helped preserve the Union in the 1860 s w ere at first deem ed incapable, the arm ed forces o f today’s U nited States arc led by an A frican A m erican com m ander. G eneral C olin Pow ell. .......»rt by TUES. 20 A M E R IC A N PLAYHOUSE R O ISIN DUBH These are my people. T heir lives are m y stories. WED. 21 BIG HOUSE C a m u y F m A m C o rp "Ron Silver gives a subtle, fiercely contained performance... Anjelica Huston is wry, stirring and powerful.. .Stein la both touching and funny, and Lena Olin is astonishing here... It's not like any other movie." ZORA IS MY NAME -D a v id Ansen. NEWSWEEK Starring: Ruby Dee as Zora N eale H u rsto n . W ednesday, F ebruary 14 • 9:30PM —Siskel & Eben & THE MOVIES Two thumbs up." MATINEES DAILY The kindly word that falls today may bear its fruit tomorrow. ~ LLOYD CINEMAS I ra x 248 ^938 A C U II I OREGON BALLET THEATRE - PRESENTS - DANCEWRE c A m a n m u s t m a ke his o p p o r­ tunity a s o ft a s f i n d it. Arthur Mitchell, DIRECTOR BLACK STARS IN O RBIT S e c u r ity P a c ific Bank is proud to sponsor the Portland performances of Dance Theatre of Harlem. Feb. 20, 21 and 23,1990,8.00 p.m. Portland Civic Auditorium. Tickets $55 to $20. Call Oregon Ballet Theatre, 227-6867, Portland Cen­ ter for the Performing Arts, 248-4496, or visit any GI Joe'sTlcket- m aster o u tle t Reaching new h eig h ts in A m erica's space program . Saturday, February 17 • 8PM 6720 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd ...ON OPB 283-5440 ; * .* W ESTGATE L LLO Y D C IN E M A S THX 248-8938 IC I 111 | Unity of Love "■ •» 2 2 3 -9 9 1 9 31 N W FIRST BRYDGE Being professional is what Unity o f Love is all about We at "Unity" Arice, Calastine, and Lonnie offer our professional services to all that need us. Call, we are able to answer any question or give the service you require. Be it Hair wearing, crimp wave, stand up curls, straight look, or short and sassy.. . We deliver! r * -.•• -t THE STRUGGLE CONTINUES.. in w hich black fighting m en refused to accept their second-class pay checks and dem anded equal pay, som ething C ongress d id n 't get around to doing until 1864 Ironically, the 54th M assach u setts g reat­ est ordeal cam e in the crucial battle o f Fort Wagner, ju st days after w hites in New York rioted in protest against the draft. It suffered terrible casualties, but achieved the goal o f its brave volunteers — to win respect for black people and to play a lead ­ ing role in the fight to overthrow slavery. The m ilitary authorities at first thought A frican A m erican units w ould be useful as behind-the-scenes labor battalions, b u tth ey proved themselves in battle and helped preserve the Union. Lincoln said as much, as Professor McPherson points out, w hen the President w rote that when the w ar w ould end in a rebirth o f freedom in a re u nited nation: "there will be som e black m en who can remem ber that, with silent tongue, andclenched teeth, and steady eye, and w ell-poised bayo­ net, they have helped m ankind on to this *7# /•J Program Swan Lake A rt 0 Tchaiktn-sk} The Fireb ird Stravinsky Concerne tn F G ersh w in S e C U R fT Y ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ PACIFIC BANK The Chase Manhattan Corporation is the 1989 90 Worldwide Tbur Sponsor of Dance Theatre of Harlem. ► •> ft ¿V/-? . • • KATUSI ®. « fm 102 V » K in d n ess is a h a rd thing to give a w a y; it u su a lly com es back. T hey w ho give have all things; they w ho w ith h o ld i h a v e nothing. Niecey's 4. ’ * ,7/ '£ Say You Saw It In The R estaurant & Lounge Portland Observer! 5700 N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. 249-1893 r ,A;V •«, -1 LIVE!!! E ntertainment Thursday - Sunday 31!) N E V VY GA NT I’O I t l l v \ N I ) , O H 9 7 2 1 1 « (5 0 3 ) 2 8 2 - 3 5 3 3 h C IU T H IE H D IA M O N D JU B ILE E FEB. 21 - 2 5 « APERFORM ANCES* W ed . FEB. 21 ............................. 7 :3 0 P M iirit FRED MEYER FAMILY NIGHT A L L T IC K E T S $ 2 .5 0 O F F with c o u p o n s from F R E D M E Y E R Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun. H :> FEB FEB FEB FEB. 22 ......................................... 7:30PM 23 ....................4 00PM t... 7:30PMt 24 12NOONt 3:30PM.... 7:30PM 25.......................... 1:30PM. ... 5:30PM tS A V E $ 2 .0 0 ON KIDS UNDER 12! information: (503) 248-4496 Group Rates: (503) 235-8771 or 230-6702 Sewing tin Organizations •Alterations ’ Weddings ’ Tailoring Costumes • Sewing for Any Occasions ^ M EM O R IA L COLISEUM 3 WAYS TO GET YOUR TICKETS IN PERSgN: Fast • Efficient • Quality Sewing 30 y rs. e x p e r ie n c e M I’H IC E S VAHY COLISEUM BOX OFFICE and all locations including ★ Hestyling Available ★ H em s - O ne dav seiviee ★ Som e sam e d a y alterations CIVIC AUDITORIUM , and PCPA BOX O F FIC E S (service c harge a d d e d e l outlets) H T u es.-F ri. 9 a .m .-5 P.M . $ 7 .5 0 - $ 9 .5 0 - $ 1 1 .5 0 P R IC E IN C L U D E S TAX Pork Ribs • Links Featuring Mr. C's Bar-B-Que Smother Steak • Oxtails Fish (Catfish & Red Snapper) 9 a .m .-3 p .m . H ip s • H o le s • I’alt lie s • B il li o n s • B in d in g s • H e rn s B u lln n H o le s • L n ih le i,is • H o o k iSi E y e • Z i p p e t s WALT DISN EY S W ORLD O N ICE a n d m u c h m o iv !! M ICK EY SO LA R CALCULATOR K GW-TV Sat. LUNCH & DINNER ★ 'MiSCcliiltUVUS ★ ********* YOUR BEST ENTERTAINMENT VALUE! ******** ALL SEATS RESERVED FULL BREAKFAST MENU Present this coupon to receive a special 10% discount on all or any o f your sewing needs. February I st-28 th BY PHONE: (503) 248-449« M o n - Sat 9 AM to 8 PM • U se VISA or MASTER CARD (service c harge a d d e d to p h o n e orders) BY MAIL: S e n d s e lf-ad d re ss e d , stamped envelope with check or money order payable to WORLD ON ICE. Memonal Coliseum. P O Box 2746. Portland. OR 97208 ( S I 5 0 service c harge p e r m ail order I 7 Days W eekly Evenings FREE Hors d'oeuvres • 5-7 P .M . I I CALCULATOR I Thu. FE8. 22 * k. One FREE Mickey Calculator will be given to each child under 12 years of age upon entry to the Coliseum with full-priced paid admission to this CALCULATOR performance « M ustard Greens, And Lots o f Other Appetizing Side Dishes Deserts: Peach Cobbler, and Cake » i.Y nA.*» U •< • «.• -, * « -, idh * V. •«« .irme» J