February 14,1990 • Portland Observer Hili S c rip tu re o f the ‘Weei^ Amos: Chapter 3 S tre n g th e n f o u r f a i t h ‘T hrough ‘P ra ye r Ä n d ‘R e g u ia r C hurch ‘W orship Black History Month Observance Why Did He Have To Die? by M attie A nn C allier-Spears (based on the text found in I Peter 3 & 4 T H E L IV IN G BIBLE] Jesus C hrist, the Son o f the Living God, w as bom o f the virgin M ary and becam e flesh. As C hrist stood speaking to His d is­ ciples, he said “ I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man com eth unto the Father, but by m e. If ye had know n m e, for who I am, then you w ould have know n who my Father is. From now on you know h im — and have seen him !” “ D on’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in m e? The w ords I say are not m y ow n but are from my Father w ho lives in m e. A nd he does his w ork through me. Just believe it— that I am in the Father and the Father is in m e. Or else believe it because o f the m ighty m iracles you have seen m e d o .” [JO H N 14] Yes! C hrist lived am ong us and He suf­ fered hum an pains. He cam e to this earth so that he could better understand the hum an side o f m an. In doing so, he also found out the difficulty that m an was having with sin. T he C ro ss w as a planned destiny. C hrist had to m ake that su p re m e sacrifice; if he had n o t . . . we w ould all be lo st. C hrist h ad to die. C an you im agine dying for your friends? T h at is w hat C hrist did! C hrist suffered for Y O U ! He d ied once for the sins o f all us guilty sinners, although he h im self was innocent o f any sin at any tim e, that he m ight bring us safely hom e to G od. B ut though h is body died, his spirit lived on, and it w as in the spirit that he visited the spirits in prison, and preached to them — spirits o f those w ho, long before in the days o f N oah, w aited patiently for them while N oah w as building the Ark. Yet, only eight persons w ere saved from drow ning in that terrible flood. (That, by the way, is w hat baptism pictures for us: In baptism we show that we have been saved from death and doom by the resurrection o f C hrist; n o t because our bodies are w ashed clean by the water, but because in being baptized we are turning to G od and asking him to cleanse our h e a rts from sin.) Now, C hrist is in heaven, sitting in the place o f honor next to G od the Father, with all the angels and pow ers o f heaven bow ing before him and obeying him . Since C hrist suffered and underw ent pain, you m ust have the sam e attitude he did; you m ust be ready to suffer, too. For the rest o f your life chasing after evil d e ­ sires, but w ill be anxious to do the will o f G od. You have had enough in the past of the evil things the godless enjoy: sex sin, lust, getting drunk, wild parties, drinking bouts, and the w orship o f idols, and other terrible sins. O f course, your form er friends w ill be very surprised w hen you d o n ’t eagerly join them any m ore in the w icked things they do, and they "Will laugh at you in that they m ust face the Judge o f all, living and dead; they w ill be punished for the way they have lived. T h at is w hy the G O O D N EW S was preached even to those who were dead— killed by the flood— so that although their bodies were punished with death, they could still live in their spirits as G od lives. T he end o f the w orld is com ing soon. T herefore be earnest, thoughtful men of prayer. M ost im portant o f all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love m akes up for m any o f your faults. C heer­ fully share you have w ith those who need a m eal or a place to stay for the night. G od has given each o f you som e special abilities; be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to others G o d ’s many kinds o f blessings. T his suffering is a llp a rto f the work G od has given you. C hrist, w ho suffered for you, is your exam ple. Follow in his steps: He n e v er sin n e d , n e v e r told a lie, n ev er an ­ sw ered back w hen insulted; when he su f­ fered he did not threaten to get even; he left his case in the hands o f G od who alw ays ju d g es fairly. He personally carried the load o f our sins in his ow n body w hen he died on the cross, so that we can be finished w ith sin and live a good life from now on. For his w ounds have healed ours! PRAISE THE You are invited to jo in the Sharon S ev­ enth-day A dventist C hurch for a free p ro ­ gram celebration o f Black History M onth, Saturday, February 24th at 4:00 p.m. The C hurch is located at 5209 N.E. 22nd Ave. Multnomah Commissioner, Gladys McCoy will be special guest speaker. A m usical program w ill be provided by the Sharon Seventh-day A dventist C hurch Choir, and the Junior C hoir from the Fellow ship B ap­ tist Church. For fu rth er inform ation call 287-7649. GIFTS THAT ENDURE he Red Cross is all about volunteers. O ur service to the community would be impossible without them. Members of the Heritage Club take volunteer service one step further. By pledging a monetary commitment to the 1 leritage Fund, you can join Heritage Club members in assuring the financial future of the Oregon Trail C hapter. call our Financial Development office for more information at 284-1234 • T pralaaa, Ona day whan aln waa aa black aa could ba, Jaaua cama forth to ba bom of a virgin, DwaH among man-my txampla la Hal Ona day thay lad Him up Calvary'a mountain, Ona day thay nallad Him to dla on tha twa; Suffering angulah. daaplaad and rejected, Baarlng our alna, my Radaamar la Hal Ona day tha grave could conceal Him no lengar, Ona day tha atone rolled away Irom tha door; Than Ha aroaa, ovar death Ha had conquered, Now la aacandad, my Lord avarmora! Ona day tha trumpet will Bound for Hla oomlng, Ona day tha akiaa with Hia glory will ahlna; Wonderful day, my beloved onaa bringing! Olorloua Savior, thia Josua la mine! The Cry of Freedom W e lived for it, We died for iL The pain, the anguish, the fear. sexual contact you may be at risk for AIDS. Call the Oregon AIDS Hotline at 223-AIDS for confidential Information on how to avoid getting AIDS. The Hot­ line can also answ er any other questions you might, have about AIDS. No one will ask for your name. Call now and ask for information about the "Safety Plan" (we will know you are call­ ing because of this ad.) You’ll get Information you can use to avoid getting AIDS. Call now! We believe in Northeast Portland. B e s t C a s h P r ic e s The fear lives. It is strong, so very strong. The sounds pierce our minds. They never go away, But we try to forget. Freedom-it lives in our hearts. Stronger than life itself. Death for freedom- Pain, frustration, anguish, The cry is real. Freedom! Why? To Tight, to always fight. To never forget. Head held high! Thank God for the cry o f freedon 223-AIDS. DAD’S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils c We see things not as they are, but as we are. 104 N.E. Russell St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 J M. PARRIS "G lory" 1^. W e B elieve I n I t .... T he D ream to dw ell w ithin. M y dear sisters and brothers, we are only visitors here. Since our real home is in heaven I beg you to keep away from the evil pleasures o f this world; they are not for you, for they fight against your very souls. Pray for the L o r d ’s w ork to be done around the w orld. rem em ber, w nen your ooay su tlers, sin loses its pow er, and you w o n ’t be spending Slyewusi Askari at the Cultural Awareness Workshop in October 1989. Askari and Ruby Reuben focused on the importance o f cultural communcation in the workplace and in the community. MEN, If you have had a male Irvington Community Association Call for Quote!!! Culturally Speaking Dylng-He aavad ma, Buried-He carried my alna away; fllelng-He (uatltlad treaty, forever; Ona day Ha’a com lng-0 glorious dayl Let's Work Together To Solve Them. Friendly * ONE DAY Lfvlng-Ha loved ma, — Martin Luther King Jr. Speedy Service Page 3 Ona day aa haavan waa (Iliad with Hla "All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face w ith another." LORD!! We are all like sheep w ho have gone astray; but C h rist cam e to die, so that we could all be rescued. T here is ju st one catch, though. G od gave to m an— the ability to choose. Yes, G od created us; but he does n o t force any o f us to serve him . He has show n us, by His life's exam ple, that we can m ake it— only if we w a n t to . Everyone m ust decide w hether or not they want C hrist Black History M onth Portland Cable Access TV 2766 N.E. Union Ave. D n r t la n d f)rn n n n Q 7919 BLACK CULTURAL AFFAIRS BOARD OF PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY PRESENTS A Service GOSPEL FEST Saturday, February 17, 1990 7 p.m. PSU Smith Center Ballroom “ Before You Must” 24 Hr. S ervice MT. OLIVET BAPTIST ---- 1 CHURCH 281 4891 We are in te re s te d in your p ro b lem s D r. James E. M a rtin , Senior Pastor 116 N .E . S c h u yler YOLANDA ADAMS "Oh, How I Love Jesus’ "Hold Me’ Yolanda Adams . . •Justas lam" ’Deliverance' ’Wash Me' ARANATHA For more information call the Black Cultural Affairs Board. (503) 725- ÍH U R C H 4452 Ü MRS C ’S WIGS ■ ■ 11 WHOLESALE & RETAIL a a a a H U N D R E D S O F W IG S a a a a FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES ■ a a a • NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • M ICHAEL WEEKS a a a a ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS a a a a BETTY CABINE PROPRIETOR a a a a a a a a a a a a EVERYTHNG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY WIGS UNDUE HAB ORNAMENTS HAB BEADS & BEAUTY SUPPLIES BEAUTICIAN MRS CS EBONY ESSENCE COSMETCS ZURICOSMETCS & STUDENT I 7th & FREMONT (707 N.E. FREMONT) FOR ...............................................................................................................................................................................................n . a » n B a n a ■ a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ■ a a l B a a a e e a B e B a a a a a B o a a a B ■■ ONE on ONE Tax Service Have Your Return Prepared by a form er IR S Agent. * Reduce Your Taxes To The Lowest Level. * Professional 1040 Com puter Generated Individual Return. * Corporate, Partnership and Payroll Tax Returns. At O N E on O N E Tax Service Y O U Receive Personal Prom pt and Courteous Service! a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a DISCOUNTS 100% HUMAN (503)284-1954 Radio M inistry Each Sunday, 8:00 A M . - KBMS Tickets for this gala e v e n , may be purchased at the PSU Box Office, 120 Smith Memorial Center, 1825 SW Broadway Tickets are $12 50 in advance, $13 50 day of the even, The PSU Box Office is open 10 a m to 6 p m Mondays through Thursdays and 8 a m to 5 p.m. Fridays Thomas Whitfield . .. • 7:45 A.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE 9:30 A.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:45 A.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE 6:30 P.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE BIBLE STUDY: 10:30 A.M. - 12 NOON - WEDNESDAY 6:30 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. - WEDNESDAY Ticket Information G O S P E L E X T R A O R D IN Ä R E 281-6525 104 N.E. Russell St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 ’¡A. ‘Teaching Church T ilth A Reaching M inistry.' C o x F u n e r a l H o m e , In c . The Houston Gospel Music Awards voted her Female Vocalist of the Year in 1980 and 1981 as well as Most Promising Vocalist lor 1987. Miss Adams has performed in many other cities as well as in Europe. She is the first artist featured in the Thomas Whitfield Presents Series. tuis - sat 11.3O-6inc DAD'S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils “ In q u ire abo ut th e services w e o ffe r ’ ’ THOMAS WHITFIELD w.-r J I Call for Quote!!! — M ak e a D ecisio n — A name recognized as one of the premiere forces in today's music industry has now become a name synonymous with -excellence” in the world of gospel music. In 1984. he proved his name by capturing seven Excellence Awards at the Gospel Music Workshop. V Best Cash Prices speedy BLACK HISTORY MONTH Phone: 289-0851 317 NE Killingsworth Valerie Currie, Tax Consultant HAB BRAIDING WEAVMG a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ■ a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland Oregon Sunday Services Sunday School 9:00 A.M. Morning Worship 10:30 A.M. Maranatha School of Ministry 6:30 P.M. Mid-Week Services • Wednesday 4 ooaaaaaaaaeaaoaaaaaoaaaaaaaoaeaaaaoaaaaaaaeaoaaaaaaaa e a a « e a a a « h h h a a e a a a a B B B O B B O B B O B O B B B a a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ •a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a oaaeea a a a B aaaaaa 7:30 P.M. R ev. W e n d e ll H . W a lla c e Sen io r Pastor |