P a g e 12 • P o r t l a n d O b s e r v e r B la c k H is t o r y M o n t h • F e b r u a r y 1 4 ,1 9 9 0 B lack H istory M onth • F ebruary 1 9 9 0 1790 - 1860 1793 1797 1800 Negroes helped Dr. Rush give medicine to yellow fever victims in Philadel­ phia. North Carolina asked for return of Negroes freed by Quakers. Congress said "NO. * the COTTON GIN INVENTED - A machine thaqt speeded the process of separating cotton from seed, a new industry in the South was born - and the demand for slave labor increased. • SOJOURNER TRUTH bom. lecturer, abolitionist, heroine. 1794 St. Thomas Negro Episcopal Church founded in Philadel­ phia. 1796 Zion Methodist Church founded in New York City. There were over 1 million Negroes - 20% of the popula­ tion. • GABRIEL PROS­ SER led a thousand in an unsuccessful revolt; hanged. Others were imprisoned or hanged. 1810 John Brown bom, in 1856-59 fought for abolition. CASSIUS M. CLAY born, emancipation­ ist. • NAT TURNER born, led a revolt 1831, 99 blacks and 66 whites killed. TURNER was hanged. 1812 1804 1800 The AMERICAN Revolution and the COTTON Revolution Ohio passed law prohibiting the restricting of movements of Negroes. 1807 IRA F. ALDRIDGE born, one of the greatest Shake­ spearean actors of his time. 1808 Congress prohibited further importing of slaves. MARTIN DELANY bom, Army major, newspaper editor, author, physician. • JOHN JOHNSON died, Navy hero in war of 1812. 1820 * Missouri Compro­ mise - states north of Missouri free - south, slave. 1821 Colony of freed slaves started in Liberia. 1827 1813 Henry W. Beecher bom, promoter of equal rights. 1816 Andrew Jackson attacked a Florida fort held by 1,000 slaves and sent them back to slavery. 1834 HARRIET TUBMAN born, an ex-slave, became “conductor" on Underground Railroad. Slavery abolished in New York State. Slavery abolished in British Empire. * In Cincinnati, blacks set up school for themselves. 1835 Second Seminole Ware - 500 slaves recaptured. 1837 Elijah Lovejoy killed by mob for publish­ ing anti-slavery material. 1827 First Negro newspa­ per, FREEDOM'S JOURNAL. 1830 Census showed 3,777 blacks owned slaves. 1839 John Quincy Adams defended success­ fully before U.S. Supreme Court slave revolt on slave ship Amistead. 1847 1841 BLANCHE K. BRUCE born, first Negro elected to a full term in U.S. Senate. WILLIAM LEI- DESDORFF, hotel builder in San Francisco. * JAMES TOWNSEND bom, legislator. LEWIS TEMPLE invented harpoon. 1848 1853 First Negro YMCA in Washington, D.C. * First novel by U.s. Negro -- Clotel by WILLIAM WELLS BROWN. 1854 1849 1842 “Separate but equal* doctrine established when suit for school integration is rejected in Boston. HIRAM R. REVELS born, Senator. 1845 Republican Party formed by Whigs, ex-Democrats, and Free Soilers who opposed slavery. 1854 Scientific attack on racism by FREDER­ ICK DOUGLASS, publisher, abolition­ ist. Fugistive Slave Law established bounty on returned slaves. * NORBERT RILLIEUX'S vacuum pan revolutionized sugar refining. Uncle Tom's Cabin published by Harriet B. Stowe. 1850 1852 CHARLES W. CHESTNUTT bom, novelist. 1858 Remote at no extra cost! V WHAT A BUY! FINE TUNES EASILY WITH ON­ SCREEN MENU AND DISPLAY EASY HOOKUP WITH AUDIO/ VIDEO JACK PACKAGE CONVENIENT, EASY TO PROGRAM OFF TIMER • 147 CHANNELS INCLUDING CABLE STATIONS MTS STEREO SOUND SYSTEM WITH DUAL SPEAKERS * itour actual monthly payment can vary depending on your account balance TV picture size measured diagonally. PER MONTH* ON SEARSCHARGE This advertised item is readily available lor sate as advertised ON QUALIFIED PURCHASES OF >200 OR MORE ON SEARSCHARGE AND SEARSCHARGE PLUS*. SEE SALESPERSON FOR DETAILS. OFFER EXPIRES FEB. 19,1990! • SenChage PIUS « m M Xe an mo* ma|or purchases Wadnfl $700 or man SEAR® Your money's worth a n d a whole lot more. 1857 AUGUSTUS TOLON born, first black American Catholic priest. 42868 (Mfr. #RK4482BC) MAGNAVOX GRANVILLE T. WOODS born, inventor. Dred Scott Decision opened new territory to slavery and denied citizenship to blacks. TV/VCR WE SOLD THOUSANDS LAST YEAR FOR ‘498 WITHOUT UNIVERSAL REMOTE! BOOKER T. WASHINGTON born, moderate leader, founder of Tuskegee Institute. Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compro­ mise. If new states wanted slavery they could have it. MTS Stereo RævS 1856 Wilbeforce Univer­ sity founded by Methodist Episcopal Church.