9 ■ m February 14,1990 . Portland Observer • Black History Month • Page 11 The Portland Observer Dedicates this issue to those African-Americans whose Contribution to Black History Helped to Shape American History. PROPHET .10(11(1 A O ft -ru H A R IZ u G r.'lI^iU U tU ’p y i U lin Ifo c CHAVIS You can't talk about the accomplishments of Black Oregonians without shouting about their historic professional successes in Portland Public Schools. Despite the demographic odds, Blacks have earned the highest positions of responsibility and respect in the Northwest's largest public educa­ tional system. Blacks represent only 15.4 percent of the school district's students (1987-88 enrollment), just 7.0 percent of the city's inhabitants (1980 census) and barely 1.4 percent of the state's residents (1980 census). Y e t. . . • Matthew Prophet since 1982 has been the superachieving superintendent of schools sought by New York, Los Angeles and several other large urban school districts. • Ernest Hartzog has been an assistant super­ intendents Portland since 1972. He now is the No. 3 educator in the system, in charge of districtwide and alternative programs. GERALD Just ask Matt, Ernie, Aletha, Bill, Edith, Ed, Nate, Mac and 604 other Black PPS employees . . . WILSON GREEN JONES LOCKETT • Aletha Chavis has been personnel director since 1980. She's been instrumental in the employment of 6,551 teachers and support employees, of whom 9.3 percent are Black (a 14.1 percent increase since 1980-81). • Bill Gerald and Edith Wilson are two of eight cluster directors o f instruction overseeing operations of scores of schools • Ed Green, director of transportation services. supervises the complexities of busing thou­ sands of school children. • Nate Jones, administrator of Jefferson High, was honored by his Oregon peers as 1987 Secondary Principal of the Year. • Mac Lockett is chief of the 20-member Portland School Police Dept Affirmative action and multiethnic-multicultural education aren’t just talk in Portland Public Schools. Just ask Matt, Ernie, Aletha, Bill, Edith, Nate, Mac and 604 other Black employees of the school district. PORTLAND PUBLIC n#»«’-.-* • -V y'; '' SCHOOLS - - - A T r J-iAMO'. 'inf I