* -^ fr ' «K fr* fr* • .M l 9 ^ B lack H istory M onth • F ebruary 1 9 9 0 -1 I » - .• 1 »V * •f ¿1 A v P O R TL ERVER “ The Eyes and Ears of the Community" VOLUME XX • NUMBER 7 President Moriarty's response: H A W A II: AMERICA'S BEST KEPT SECRET U.S. Marines Ordered To Make Historic Black Palace A Parking Lot. by P rofessor M cK inley B url When lhe U .S. M arines surrounded the beautiful palace o f the last A frican Q ueen o f H awaii, M innie L iliuokalani, the end was at hand for the 200 y ear rule o f B lack dynasties over the fabulous islands o f Hawaii (January 17, 1893). O ur pictures, inside, bear out the com m ents o f C hicago n ew sp a­ per w om an, M ary H. K rout: “ Strong and resolute, features irregular, the com plexion quite dark, and the hair streaked with gray - and she had the large dark eyes o f her race.” T hat strength and resolu tio n led the queen to ask for the return o f “ H awaii to the Hawaiians”, even as she yielded under protest to the bayonets. T he entire ugly co n fro n ta­ tion w as reported the next day in “T h e Pacific C om m ercial A dvisor”. seum after being saved from the bulldozing barbarians by a m ore enlightened segm ent o f the populace. So, rather than a parking lot, there were fcatured many beautiful treasures of early Hawaiian culture including a magnificent 100 piece silver place setting given to the last royal couple by their esteem ed friend, E m peror N apoleon III. all six islands after subjugating all m inor chieftains wi(h the aid o f new ly acquired European firearm s. Like Psam m etichus, the A frican Kir(g o f Egypt (7th century B.C.), he m ounted an eager qu est for pow er and wealth, prom oted international trade, brought in E uropeans o f every ilk and d enom ina­ tion, rapidly developed industry despite the cultural shock and dislocations— and at the sam e tim e brought in diseases like syphilis, tuberculosis, and m easles, the latter killing the successor royal pair (A frica revisited). His grcatestdrawback as described by LeGrandc H. Elegg III, noted B lack historian, was “his unequivocal faith in E uropeans.” Like Psam m etichus, he p roved to be the b egin­ ning o f the end. King Kamehameha Queen Minnie.Lilliuokalan "I, LIL IU O K A L A N I, by the G race o f G od and under the C onstitution o f The H a ­ waiian K ingdom , Q ueen, do hereby so l­ emnly protest against any and all acts done against myse If and the ConstitutionalGovemment o f the H aw aiian K ingdom by certain p e r ­ sons claim ing to have establish ed a Provi- sio nalG overnm ent o f a n d fo r the Kingdom . N ow to avoid any co llisio n o f arm ed forces, and perhaps loss o f life, I do under this protest a n d im pelled by said fo rc e yield my authority until such tim e as the G o vern ­ m ent o f the U nited Sta tes sh a ll upon the fa c ts being p resented to it undo the action o f its representative and reinstate m e in the authority w hich I claim as the C o n stitu ­ tional S o vereig n o f the H aw aiian Islands. T he U nited States chose n o t to “undo the action of the representativ e” , and by 1900 the "trillio n dollar em pire”o f H awaii had becom e an A m erican Territory, and a state by 1959. T hese events culm inated a century o f effort on the part o f A m ericans to outflank the Europeans in the great “ M anifest D es­ tiny” predicated race to gobble up and annex the rem aining lands o f the earth still o ccu ­ pied by peoples o f color. U.S. corporations and m issionaries had gained a foothold in every aspect o f H aw aiian infrastructure and culture, and had now m ounted a final a s­ sault upon thclast Black ruler. Queen Liliuokal- ani was im prisoned but, noble w om an that she was, com pose several beautiful songs. A verse from one spoke forgivingly, "B e ­ hold man not with m alevolence, b u t with forgiveness.” A B irm ingham Jail, if you will! Here w e need to understand that the Q ueen and her husband. K ing K alakaua (1836-1891) w ere very talented and sch o l­ arly people, w riters, poets, m usicians and inventors. A lm ost all o f the H aw aiian d y ­ nasties w ere o this intellectual and cultural stature. T his B lack royalty entertained and exchanged visits with other royal fam ilies throughout the w orld. (R em em ber that last year I exhibited m any o f the E uropean C o a to f Arms displaying the African for bear­ ers of prom inent fam ilies.) M uch cultural detail o f the happier earlier tim es is r e ­ vealed in an excellent book by M axine Krantz, H aw aiian M onarchy: The R o m a n ­ tic Years. This past Sunday, January 13, on the “C ollectors" program . Educational C h an ­ nel 10, the cam era panned through several room s o f Q ueen L iliuokalani s form er p a l­ ace— preserved as a historic site and mu- The v ideo showed many m arv e lous ren man ts o f other and better days, but now here was anything show n that w ould give even a vague hint that the genre w as A frican. N ot unless the view er already possessed some cultural aw areness as he view ed the in stru ­ m ents, calabashes, garm ents, paintings and icons. In the case o f ‘p a in tin g s’, we m ust be cognizant that the artists w ho rendered the illustrations o f the early H aw aiians (like John W eber, the official artist o f C aptain John Cook, the alleged‘discoverer‘of Hawaii), translated the A frican visages into Anglo Saxon look-alikes; som ething we pointed out last week, w hat the R ussians did no t do w ith the statue of A lexander Pushkin, their fam ed B lack poet who overlooks Pushkin Square and the new, noisy M acD onald’s fast food outlet. It was som ew hat different in 1982 when the N ational E ndow m ent for the H um ani­ ties and U nited A irlines cosponsored a trav­ eling exhibit “Hawaii: The Royal Isles From A ncient C hieftains To the 50th S tate”. O ne did not have to be nearly so sw ift to d eter­ m ine that a great deal o f this display w as basically A frican in content (though re ­ ferred to as Polynesian). V isitors to Hawaii m ay see the perm anent exhibit at the B er­ nice Pauahi B ishop M useum in H onolulu. A brief one page description is given in a S m ithsonian M agazine o f 1982, p. 164. In the Sunday O regonian for 12/25/88, w riter B J . N oles inform s us that the is­ lan d 's “last reigning m onarch” was King D avid K alakaua, and that it is for him that the fam ous H aw aiian M aritim e C enter is nam ed. We know very w ell, no, that he was not the last reigning m onarch, and that this is ju st another typical d odge by perverse historians w ho w ould hide this entire ugly chapter in A m erican colonialism ; Mr. Noles could be ju s t another victim o f the C h arla­ tans w ho w arp our history. In any case, the center w as five years in the planning and ‘research ’ stage w hich w as carried out by five m ajor U.S. and H aw aiian corporations. T he ex h ib it typically reflects the euphem is­ tic nom enclature w hich anthropologists use to conceal the obvious A frican ancestry o f those who peopled the Pacific Islands: "Melanesia [Black Islan d s]”, M icronesia, Polynesia, P rotoaustraloids, M elanesians (you nam e ’em ),Tahiti, Samoa, Palau and Fiji included. It was in the 1970s w hen a w hite student in my B lack history class reported that his father who operated one o f P o rtlan d ’s larg­ est C ruise Line C lubs had told him about his lessons. “ Your talking rubbish— w ho in the hell d o you think I can persuade to spend $5,000 on a South Seas cruise to see a bunch o f niggers (sic)? T hey can do that right dow n on U nion A venue!’’T hat is when I coined the term, ‘T ra v e l A gency A nthro­ po lo g y ” . To trace the 200 years o f A frican D ynas­ ties in H aw aii is to large a task for this article but here are a few particulars. An excellent place to begin is w ith the dynasty o f King K am eham eha (1810), first to unite Princess Liliuokalan Later, a King K am eham eha 111 estab ­ lished free schools th roughout the islands, introduced H awaiian language new spapers, established a code o f law s and The first H aw aiian C o n stitu tio n ’. His greatest re ­ form was his program o f ‘T h e G reat M ahclc” or land reform , w hich p erm itted com m on­ ers to share in land that had previously been the exclusive property o f the King and his clients. It w as at this point that the A m eri­ cans and E uropeans becam e frightened o f the possibility that a loyal and loving body politic o f A frican descent could foil their plans to convert H awaii into a vast con- glomcratcof foreign-owned sugar and pineapple plantations w orked by cheap docile labor. A lready (1 850s), they were hearing dreaded news from the American mainland that African slavery m ig h t be abolished. From this date onw ard the foreign e x ­ ploiters, w ith the aid o f the U.S. govern­ m ent, m ounted their p ressures and in filtra­ tion, prevailing against the w eaker m onar­ chies that held sw ay until the reign o f the noble Q ueen M innie L iliuokalani. W hite im m igrants were rushed in from many lands, including the Portuguese w ho m iniaturized their guitars to becom e the fabled H aw aiian ‘u k elele'. T h e die was cast, fatally. ' SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE High school students who are interested In applying for $1,000 college scholarships should request applications by March 16,1990 for Educational Communications Scholarship Foundation, 721 N. McKinley Road, Lake Forest, Illi­ nois 60045. To receive an applica­ tion, students should send a note stating their name, address, city, state and zip code, approximate grade point average and year of graduation. Slxty-flve winners will be selected on the basis of aca­ demic performance, Involvement In extra-curricular activities and need for financial aid. Congratulations -?.XJ .;• «i *"’*•' ‘4 if *s >« ? 1 # 3 •V ■y <\4 V* * •• J J •J '" 1 1. A llegations o f in sen sitiv ity to stu d e n ts a n d staff: “The adm inistration cannot interfere with the First A m endm ent rights o f the students press. We m ust protect the stu d en ts’right to dissent, even if that includes insensitive rem arks. T he opinions expressed in the student newspaper do not represent the v ie ws o f the adm inistration. I regret the lim es our boards m em bers are criticized in the stu ­ dent new spaper, but those o f us in decision­ m aking roles arc often criticized.” - VI 2. A llegations of n o t im p lem en tin g an effective a ffirm a tiv e action p la n . ‘Affirmativeaction for colleges and universities across the country has been a m ajor ch al­ lenge and a major problem . PCC is w orking diligently to im prove our affirm ative action record. We are actively w orking tow ard hiring m inorities and have had som e suc­ cess. “We have probably have a better p er­ centage o f m inority faculty than any c o l­ lege or university in the state. W ithin two years, I believe we will achieve our goals, which are based on national percentages. We arc very close to parity in our adm inis­ trative area, with our goals for m inorities and women based on national norm s. “The college needs cooperation and support from our faculty and staff to achieve these ‘goals. T he facts do not justrfy-A ese broad, sw eeping indictm ents.” -, ► 7- >'■! 3. A llegations of not p ro v id in g s u p p o r t to Je s sic a Bailey. "T hese allegations are untrue. I sent a mem o to the union excoriating the faculty for their position against Jessica Bailey. The m em o was reprinted in the college new spaper. I regret that Jessica’s nam e has been brought up at this time. She left here and w ent to and enviable scholarship o p ­ portunity at Harvard U niversity by her own choice." National Urban League Conference Scheduled for July 29 - August 1 T he 1990 N ational U rban League C on­ ference w ill be held at the New York H ilton and T ow ers July 29 - A ugust 1 in N ew York City. T he conference them e, “Onward! To aD ccadeofD iffcrcnce!” marks the L eague’s 80th anniversary and its continued com m it­ m ent to social, econom ic and political ju s ­ Willian Pitt Leleihok II FEBRUARY 14,1990 r/i tice for A frican A m ericans. O ver 18,000 civic and social activists, heads o f corporations and com m unity- based organizations, and agents o f social change across the broad spectrum o f the A frican-A m erican com m unity will m eet at the N ational Urban League C onference to exam ine the condition o f A frican A m eri­ cans and their quest for parity in this coun­ ty - The Honorable William J. Bennett, Director of the O ffice of N ational Drug C ontrol Policy; John N. Sturdivant, N ational P resi­ dent o f the A m erican Federation o f G ov­ ernm ent Em ployees; The H onorable Lee P. Brow n, New York C ity Police C om m is­ sioner; and D t . C arl C. Bell. E xecutive D irector o f the C om m unity M ental Health C ouncil in C hicago and author o f P revent­ ing B lack H om icide" in The State o f Black A m erica 1990 are ju st som e o f the distin­ guished speakers scheduled to address the SKI ... to Wanda Irving, Communications Services D irector for City of P ortland’s E nviron­ m ental Services Bureau, has been selected for inclusion in the 1990 M aquis Edition o f “W ho’s W ho o f A m erican W omen”. O nly one in every three thousand women in the U nited States, receives this honor. Irving is currently the second highest ranking B lack m anager in City governm ent, behind Parks Superintendent C harles Jordan. The American Cancer Society, Oregon Division presents VINTAGE & VIBES Vintage & Vibes w ill com bine on S un­ day, February 25th at the M asonic Tem ple for the A m erican C ancer S ociety’s N inth A nnual W inetasting. A harm onious blend o f internationally renow ned wines and gourm et foods from around the globe w ill be served in concert with the Big Band sound o f Lionel H am p­ ton, M aster o f the Vibes. T his y e a r’s w inetasting form at has been changed to include two separate functions. First, the form al w inetasting will be held in the Sunken Ballroom from4:0()pm to 6:00pm. Here, guest will be treated to a full spec­ trum o f wines from internationally renowned vintners, as well as a wide array o f cheese, pâté and bread. A ugm enting these ep icu ­ rean delights, Lionel H am pton and his trio will perform an intim ate set. A fter the w inetasting, a dinner dance will be held upstairs in the G rand B allroom from 6:30pm to 10:30pm . Patrons w ill be served a light dinner and special desserts provided by seven "Jazz C lubs” located in different areas o f the ballroom . T hese clubs will be operated by seven local restaurants, and w ill feature som e o f their finest wares. T hroughout all o f this, everyone w ill be sw inging and sw aying to the inim itable sounds o f Lionel H am pton and his full 17 piece orchestra. H am pton is sure to play m any favorites from his Sw ing Era days w ith B enny G oodm an’s orchestra, as well as som e new er com positions. About his imminent eng agement in Portland, L ionel H am pton said, “I am very excited about being in Portland again, and being able to do a benefit for the A m erican C ancer Society. I d o n 't know o f anyone w hose life has not been affected by cancer in one way or another, and it m akes us feel good to be able to help out an organization such as the A m erican C ancer Society that has done so m uch for so many folks across the country." T he A m erican C ancer Society is deeply grateful to K aren H insdale for coordinating the donation o f all the w ines, as w ell as E urobcst Foods and Le Panier for their gracious donations o f the cheese, pâté and French bread. For tickets or m ore inform ation reg ard ­ ing V intage & Vibes, please call the A m eri­ can CanceT Society at 295-6422 or 1-800- 227-2345. Albina Multi-Service Center to Relocate Back to Vancouver Ave. conference. N ational Urban League President and C hief Executive O fficer John E. Jacob will Oregon Dept. o f Human Resources D irector Kevin Concannon today announced that deliver his annual policy address during the the Slate M ulti-Service Center w ill relocate to new quarters in m id-August after keynote session on Sunday, July 29. are ju st untangling legalisms that threaten to delay the proposed move. som e o f the distinguished speakers sched­ uled to address the conference. N ational Urban League President and C hief Executive O fficer John E. Jacob w ill deliver his annual policy address during the keynote session on Sunday, July 29. The Portland Observer Newspaper 4747 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd. (Formerly Union Avenue) The center w ill be located at 5011 N. Vancouver Ave. which was its former home for more than 10 years before landlord problems forced i t to move to temporary facilities in 1982. O rig in a lly designed to be a one-stop shopping center fo r Social Services, the new location w ill house only four o f the original 22 agencies that provided services to Portland area residents but is scheduled to be enlarged to 48,000 square feel to accom­ modate Vocation Rehabilitation, A d u lt And F am ily Services, Em ployment, and C hildren Services D ivision. The project is being redeveloped by the W yant Group o f Salem, o f w hich local developer Chad Dcbman is affiliated. Financing problems threaten the project in itia lly but these were resolved after stale o ffic ia ls agreed to sign a 15 year lease at a cost o f $48,000 per month A --r *• » I ss?