Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 07, 1990, Page 19, Image 19

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    February 7, 1990 • Portland Observer
Burger King Corporation Announces
$250,000 Scholarship Program
Black History M onth • Page 19
Five Historically Black Colleges To Receive Funding
W A S H IN G T O N --B urgcrK ing C o q » -
ration announced the establishm ent o f a
new $250,000 scholarship program in honor
of its partnership with O peration PU SH,
Inc. and the M inority Franchise A ssocia­
tion, an affiliation o f A frican A m erican
Burger K ing franchisees. The endow m ent
fund has been created to enable A frican
American students to pursue educational
goals at five H istorically B lack Colleges.
The fund w ill be equally divided so that a
$50,000 fund w ill be set up at each o f the
following schools: Florida A & M U niver­
sity in T allahassee, Fla.; C lark/A tlanta
University in A tlanla.G a.; H ow ard U niver­
sity in W ashington, D.C.; C entral State
University in W ilberforce, O hio and B en­
nett College in Greensboro, N.C. The schol­
arship fund at B ennett C ollege w ill be
specifically nam ed in honor o f the Rev.
Willie T. B arrow , N ational E xecutive D i­
rector and C h ief Executive O fficer o f
Operation PU SH , Inc.
C. R onald Petty, President and C hief
Operating O fficer o f B urger King C orpora­
tion, presented the $250,000 check to the
Rev. W illie T. B arrow and G ilbert Bland,
President o f the M inority Franchise A sso­
ciation. T he cerem ony took place ju st prior
to a speech being delivered by the Rev.
Jesse Jackson, the founder o f O peration
PUSH, Inc., at the sixth annual ‘‘In Honor
of E xcellence” sym posium w hich honored
our n ation’s leading educators. The sym po­
sium, sponsored by B urger King C orpora­
tion in cooperation w ith the N ational A sso­
ciation o f Secondary School Principals and
the C ouncil o f C hief State School O fficers,
was held at the C apital H ilton O ctober 25
through O ctober 29. Burger King C orpora­
tion chose this occasion to present the check
to its partners because the them e o f last
year’s sym posium was “ The Education
Decade: School, G overnm ent and Business
Partners for E xcellence.”
The scholarship fund is an extension o f
Burger King C orp o ratio n 's com m itm ent to
its C ovenant with O peration PUSH, Inc.
and the M inority Franchise A ssociation.
“ It is an expansion o f our dedication to
education because when you educate an
individual, you provide the foundation for
true econom ic em pow erm ent.” said C.
Ronald Petty. Burger King C orporation has
created this scholarship in the nam es o f its
Covenant partners. The C ovenant, estab ­
lished on D ecem ber 2, 1986, represents a
com m itm ent by B urger K ing C orporation
to continue the expansion o f m eaningful
business opportunities for A frican-A m eri­
can franchisees, em ployees, suppliers,
professionals and entrepreneurs.
Burger King C orporation was acquired
by G rand M etropolitan in January 1989.
O ne of the U nited K ingdom ’s largest inter­
national com panies, G rand M etropolitan is
a w orld leader in the food, drinks, and
retailing businesses. In addition. G rand
M etropolitan’s U.S. subsidiaries include
The Pillsbury C om pany, A lpo Pet Foods,
C arillon Im porters, H eublein, Inc., The
Paddington C orporation, and Pearle, Inc.
B urger King C orporation and its franchi­
sees operate m ore than 5,900 restaurants
worldwide. In Fiscal Year 1988, Burger
K ing C orporation had system w ide sales in
excess o f $5.4 billion.
Plan to attend these FREE events-----
* Martin Luther King School Choir, Wed­
nesday, Feb. 7, 12:15 p.m., PCC Cascade
Campus, 705 N. Killingsworth S t Don’t miss
this inspiring performance by the nation­
ally-acclaimed King School Choir, directed
by Kathy Gieffert.
* Black Gospel Festival, Sunday, Feb. 11,
3:00 to 5:30 p.m., Jefferson High School
Auditorium, featuring The Jubilee Choir of
Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, Allen Temple
C.M.E. Choir, Mt. Calvary Church of God
Choir and a duet by Carl and Audre Parker.
Reverend Willie T. Barrow (center), National Executive Director and Chief
Executive Officer for Operation PUSH, thanks Burger King Corporation for
a $250,000 scholarship endowment for five Historically Black Colleges. The
announcement was made by C. Ronald Petty (left), President and C hiel
Operating Officer of Burger King Corporation. Gilbert Bland (right), President,
Minority Franchise Association of Burger King, expresses appreciation on
behalf of the minority franchisees.
First Black Elected Governor,
Mayor of the Big Apple Highlight
’Ebony' Special History Section
The historic recent victories o f L. Douglas
W ilder as th en atio n 's " F irs t B lack Elected
Governor," and David N. Dinkins as “ Mayor
of the ‘Big Apple” ' highlight Ebony’s Special
History Section, in the February issue.
C elebrating his recent gubernatorial
victory as the first B lack chief executive o f
V irginia, W ilder, 58, and the grandson o f
Join (PCC in the
Celebration o f Jtfachß-bistory!
slaves tells why he believes the hard road
h e 's traveled to the G o v ern o r’s M ansion
carries with it such a big responsibility, and
why it's one he w o n ’t take lightly. “ I know
I ’ll be w atched m ore carefully perhaps than
anybody ever,” W ilder says. ” 1 w on’t blow
As the new ly-elected m ayor o f the
* Black Business Expo *90, Saturday, Feb. 24,
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Cascade Campus
Gymnasium, 705 N. Killingsworth St., fea­
turing product and service displays by up to
70 business associations and businesses
owned by African-Americans. Products will
be for sale.
* Keynote Address by Dr. Derrick A. Bell, Jr., professor of law at Harvard
University and former dean, University of Oregon Law School, Monday, Feb.
26, 7:00 p.m., Cascade Hall Auditorium, 705 N. Killingsworth S t
The Black Movement in Perspective
20 Years Later. . . .
Forward Together, Backward Never!
n ation’s largest c ity , D avid N. D inkins, 62,
and a 26-year resident o f H arlem used his
coalition-building savvy and ‘‘nice g uy”
image to m ake political history, and also
confides, “ I need to do well. If I can do my
job well, then A frican-A m ericans across
the land will be pleased and proud that I ’ve
done w ell,” h e states.
R osa P arks K new .
M DECEMBER 1, 1955,
THE RULES and took a bus ride
to freedom in Montgomery,
But even before that day, Mrs.
Parks had committed herself
to the pursuit of equality and
individual freedom. She made
invaluable contributions to the
work of the NAACP She was a
key figure in the Civil Rights
Movement, working closely with
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She
is the founder of the Rosa and
Mrs. Parks has been honored
Raymond Parks Institute for Self
time and again for her
Development, an organization
contributions to the quality
to help young people fulfill their
of life for all Americans. She
highest potential.
is the recipient of ten honorary
doctorate degrees, as well as
the NAACP Springarn Medal
e 1990 Burqa’ King Corpo’at'on
Bi i AGF A KING •» « register ad in d e m « ’ * o» Burger Kmq Corporation
and the Martin Luther King, Jr.
Non-Violent Peace Prize.
On Eeb. 4, 1990, Rosa Parks
celebrated her 77th birthday.
She was honored that day
with a special tribute at
Washington's Kennedy Center
commemorating her lifetime
of achievement.
We at Burger King" Corporation
salute Mrs. Parks for her
unceasing dedication to freedom
and justice for all people.
And we wish her a continued
lifetime of breaking the rules
for the betterment of humanity.