<► *■ V lí» Z*»’^-v- - •■ -i i^- - - ' W » w*« ¿* •> •* ¿» -k-'i-‘ — *-£ *•>•»-á-■»"•’<£ ^ W » February 7, 1990 • Portland Observer • Black History Month Page 15 - 4 *’ At • 71 BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION We put a lot of "energy" in developing human resources, too. If you are interested in information concerning current openings with Bonneville PO W ER A D M IN IS T R A T IO N You may contact either the Equal Employment Opportunity Office (503) 230-4725 or the Personnel Office at (503) 230-3057 BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION P.O. Box 3621 Portland, Oregon 97208 The labor/management committee has resolved to cooperate in public service efforts w hose objective shall be to en­ hance the public im age of I.B.E.W ./ N.E.C.A. and publicize the quality product we market. Facts and figures define the I.B.E.W. electrician as the best trained, m ost pro­ ductive electrical w orker in the nation today. O ur joint objective is to make use of that skill and prom ote that talent. Since the first m eeting between Jim Brooks of the Urban League and the Metro Electrical Apprenticeship Com m ittee in 1964, many Blacks, wom en and other m inorities have been recruited and em ­ ployed in the electrical construction indus­ try. Because of this cooperation, Charlye Molden and Donna Ham m ond were two of the first Black wom en in the nation to be trained as journeym en electricians. . • * ’ • > f • z » . * ;• V > 4 w ,» ! ... u ¡V 1 ïfc ïi •' • g, ,,v .• » » -J -? t. • A • -» ;( . *! - . « ; .J - • •V ••A ’. i f *< • ■ A <1 A . »* . / ? tr--. -Ä, .-3 <;»■ J » <'- > if . ■ This message courtesy of ■ METRO ELECTRICALTRAINING TRUST 5600 N.E. 42nd Say You Saw It In The . . . . Portland Oregon 97218 (503) 287 0756 ShM Portland Observer Support Our Advertisers ife- »? ! / » We Can Spell S_ccess Without UH! "THIS SPACE IS DEDICATED TO A MAN WHO DID NOT SEE THINGS IN BLACK AND WHITE." We are Proud to Serve Our Community With Children’s Services Our Children’s Healthcare Center is a comprehensive facility, with more than 100 beds just for children. Öur staff is here around the dock to meet the needs of our young patients, from mending broken bones to treating seriously ill or injured infants, children and teenagers. We care lor kids. Emanuel Hospital & Health Center A I utheran-Affiliated (. enter <4 C a ring à Excellence LEGACY Hftilth System 2801 N. Gantenbein Avenue. Portland. Oregon 97227 ' ■ - ' , - »• iVf Vf), O A4V Z PE GOING