Page 8 • Portland Observer • January 31,1990 NEWS AROUND THE NATION Satellite Teleconference To Link Black Communities On Self-Help Agenda For 21st Century 1 A ge-old tradition and space age tech­ nology w ill com e together to unite thou­ sands o f A frican-A m erican com m unities on January 27th, in a nationally broadcast teleconference organized by the N ational C ouncil o f N egro W om en in cooperation w ith the black C ollege Satellite Netw ork. W ith the theme, “ Extend the Family Spirt," the p rogram w ill set forth a new agenda for self-h elp via a reinforced sense o f com m u­ nity as the extended fam ily. The three hour telecast w ill be aired from 2 to 5 p.m . (E ST ). H osted by actress and recording artist M elba M oore, it w ill jo in dow n-link locations in alm ost every state to the bro ad ­ cast center in W ashington, D .C. T he p ro ­ gram will include dem onstrations and d is­ cussions on problem -solving o f contem po­ rary issues with strong em phasis o n tradi­ tional and historic B lack fam ily values. " T o both m eet the challenges o f the present and to prepare for the 2 1 stC en tu ry , we m ust take stock o f our inherent strengths and resources in a cohesive and co o rd i­ nated m an n er,” stated D orothy I. H eight, President o f the N ational C ouncil o f N egro W om en, in m aking the announcem ent. “ W hile the concept o f the ‘extended fam ­ ily ’ has been a key historic elem ent of A frican-A m erican survival, it has been overlooked by m any in recent years during a tim e o f escalating problem s. It is o u r hope people w ill com e aw ay from the teleconfer­ ence w ith a new appreciation for the h eri­ tage and vitality inherent in o u r traditional values and apply them to help cope with to d ay ’s fam ily problem s. W e look to foster a com m itm ent nationw ide both to the sense o f the com m unity as the ‘extended fam ily and to a renew ed determ ination to help one a n o th er." The teleconference is a natural o u t­ grow th o f the annually-held B lack Fam ily R eunion C elebration, a five city w eekend event view ed by m any the m ost significant m ovem ent in the A frican-A m erican co m ­ m unity since the 1960s. O ver three m illion people have attended the resource-gather­ ing festival since its inception in 1986. In an editorial, the W all S treet Journal said, " th e N ational C ouncil o f N egro W om en d e­ serves m uch credit for daring to be anach­ ronistic by prom oting the institution of m arriage and advocating a re-em phasis of traditional values in the B lack com m unity. The teleconference w ill com bine a variety o f program m ing elem ents, includ­ ing provocative NCNW program overviews and testim onials, panel discussions, h is­ torical retrospectives, and audience partici­ pation segm ents (w ith com m ents and q u es­ tions to nationally recognized authorities by view ers from around the country via a toll-free 800 num ber 1. A m ong the notables w ho will appear in the program are Jesse Jackson, Lerone B ennett, The Jacksons, W alter Faunteroy, M alcolm -Jam al W arner and his m other Pam ela W arner, Jayne K ennedy, Jam es Ingram , The Jacksons, A rthur A she, Alex H aley, Lou Rawls, and Esther Rolle, among others. A 54-year-old national/intem ational mem bership organization founded by Mary M cLeod Bethune, the N ational C ouncil of N egro W om en has been in the forefront of addressing problem s confronting each new generation with m eaningful and effective programs. NCN W program thrusts today include teen pregnancy, health, drug abuse, prevention, education, em ploym ent, busi­ ness developm ent, and self help for fam i­ lies in the U.S. and in Africa. In its early years, the N CN W focused on the status of w om en, the im pact of the D epression, im proving conditions for B lack teachers, and com bating segregation in the military and other professions. T oday, the NCNW has established itself as the m ost progres­ sive voice on behalf of the B lack family, with an outreach to four m illion m em bers through 33 affiliated national m em ber organizations and 230 com m unity-based sections. NCN W m em bership is open to all w ho share its concerns. Inform ation relating to dow nlink cen ­ ter locations and m em bership is available through local N CN W sections or the na­ tional headquarters at 1211 C onnecticut Avenue, N.w., Suite 702, Washington, D.C. 20036 o r by telephoning (202) 659-0006. AICPA Awards Scholarships To Minority Students N EW YORK C IT Y -T h e American Institute on C ertified Public A ccountants (AICPA) has awarded S38O.25O in scholar­ ships to m inority students in accounting for the 1989-90 academ ic year. Since the pro g ram ’s inception in 1970, the AICPA Minority Recruitment and Equal O pportunity C om m ittee has aw arded over $4 m illion in scholarship aid to m ore than 4,500 students. The aw ards for this aca­ dem ic year represent the highest am ount ever given to minority students by the AICPA. Scholarship aid this year was granted to 469 undergraduate and graduate account­ ing students selected from throughout the United States,including B lacks, H ispanics, A m erican Indians and Asians. “ The AICPA is proud to recognize these future leaders o f the accounting p ro­ fessio n ,” said A ICPA President Philip B. m any qualified m inority students as pos­ sible by giving them needed financial sup­ p o rt.” This y ear’s scholarship w inners rep re­ sent 187 schools, with the largest num ber of awards going to students attending the his­ torically B lack colleges and universities. Included in the total are 15 A rthur An- dersen-A lC PA awards totalling 515,000 and 6 Price W aterhouse-A ICPA awards w hich total 55,000. Individuals interested in applying for scholarships should write to Sharon D o­ nahue, Manager, Minority Recruitment and Equal O pportunity Departm ent, AICPA, 1211 A venue o f the A m ericas, N ew York, NY 10036-8775. The deadlines for receipt o f applications are July 1 and D ecem ber 1. The A ICPA is the national professional organization of CPAs with more than 290,000 m em bers in public practice, industry, gov­ ernm ent and education. AICPA m em bers are com m itted to the highest standards o f quality, independence and ethics in their practice. In its continuing efforts to serve the public interest, the organization sets audit standards, upholds the profession’s code o f conduct, provides continuing pro­ fessional education, p eer review and qual­ ity review programs, and prepares and grades the Uniform CPA Exam ination. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Charts A New Agenda Phi B eta Sigm a Fraternity, Incorpo­ rated, with the vigor, m andate and energy of its m ore than 90,000 dedicated m em bers throughout the U nited Stales, A frica, E u­ rope and the Caribbean elected C arter D. W omack as its 27th N ational P resident W om ack w ho is em ployed as Director of Em ployee Relations for R yder Truck Rental, Inc., a division o f Ryder System , Inc. is responsible for em ploym ent, em ­ ployee relations, affirm ative action and focused comm unity relations for the 30,000 em ployee division o f R yder System , Inc. The G reek letter organization conven­ ing in W ashington, D.C. for its D iam ond Jubilee C onclave has set as a m ission state­ m ent the desire to becom e " th e Leading Pro-active C om m unity Service O rganiza­ tion” in the country. " W e will strengthen and pro-actively serve our brotherhood and com m unities to ensure that the fraternity’s program s are focused and com m itted to serving hum an­ ity ," said W om ack. “ W e m ust create and environm ent w here the dignity and worth of each m em ber is resp ected ," the form er Akron, O hio councilm an added. Phi B eta Sigm a Fraternity, Inc. was founded at Howard University in W ashing­ ton, D.C. in 1914 by three young African- American male students. The founders, Hon. A. Langston Taylor, Hon. Leonard F. Morse and C harles I. Brow n organized a G reek letter fraternity that truly exem plify the ideals of Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service. The fraternity’s m em bership con­ sist o f collegiate, business and professional men. From its inception, the founders o f the fraternity envisioned the organization as a m echanism that delivers services to the envisioned the organization as a m echa­ nism that delivers services to the general com m unity rather than for its m em bers to use exclusively for them selves. They also held the deep conviction that acquired skills should be returned to the com m unities from the Sigm a B eta Club, the fraternity m em ­ bers will be working with Junior and Senior High School boys to address issues such as educational developm ent, drug use, teen­ age pregnancy, health care, m ale leader­ ship roles/responsibililies, self-esteem , cultural aw areness and an appreciation of Carter D. Womack w hich they had came. T his conviction is m irrored in the fraternity’s m otto * ‘C ulture for Service and Service for H um anity.” Phi B eta Sigm a Fraternity, Inc., an international organization o f leaders, over the last three quarters o f a century has established the Phi Beta Sigm a Educational Foundation, Inc.; the Phi B eta Sigm a N a­ tional Housing Foundation; the Phi Beta Sigm a Federal C redit U nion and Phi Beta Sigm a C haritable O utreach Foundation. These foundations are in place to serve the different constituents that the fraternity aids. W om ack states that the them e for Phi Beta Sigm a in the Y ear 2000 is: “ Sigm a Focused on Issues that Im pact the African- A m erican M ale to Strengthen A m erica’s Com m unities.” W omack adds that through the development of the affiliate youth group. the free enterprise system. W omack further slates that through corporate projects and supportive relation­ ships w ith such organizations as the M arch of Dimes B irth Defects Foundation and their joint Project S igm a’s A ttack Teenage Pregnancy, the over 5100,000 G iving Pro­ gram to support the N ational A ssociation for the A dvancm ent o f C olored People (N AACP), the National Urban League, United Negro College Fund and the Phi Beta Sigma Educational Foundational the fraternity hopes to m ake a difference in many com m unities around the country. A lso planned is an aggressive cam paign to strengthen rela­ tionships with m ajor corporations, other organizations and the U nited States gov­ ernm ent in order to effectively address issues that im pact the A frican-A m erican male. O ther m em bers elected to the organi­ zation’s national board are: D am on M iller, Sr., N ational First V ice President; G a n y Jam es, N ational Second V ice President; Charles Moore, National Comptroller, Atty. Jam es H arper, N ational Legal Counsel; Steven Bradford, N ational D irector— B ig­ ger and B etter B usiness; Dr. Jam es C larke, National D irector—Education; M arvin C heatham , Sr., N ation D irecto r-S o cial Action; Julius Sim m ons, Sr., President of Life M em bers and C hester R iley, President of the D istinguished Service C hapter. The fraternity’s national headquarters in located in W ashington, D.C. The m em bers o f Phi B eta Sigm a F ra­ ternity, Inc. are “ excited and optim istic” as they begin to work collectively address­ ing the many issues that im pact the A fri­ can-A m erican male to truly strengthen A m erica’s com m unities. Write On Burger King and the Burger King“ M in o rity Franchise Association c o n ­ g ratu late Miss Sonja Brow n, Grand Prize w in n e r in o u r M artin Luther King Jr Dream Scholarship Essay C o m p e ti­ tion . We aw arded Sonja a $10,000,4-year scholarship to help her achieve her dream s. And she was ju st o n e o f 27 essay w inners w h o received scholarship aw a rd sto ta lin g $30,000. B urger King is very proud to h o n o r young m e n and w o m en like Sonja, w ho a re n 't afraid to break the rules and go fo r th e ir dream s. Because at B urger King, w e fe e d dream s too. SOMETIMES YOU’VE G2 BRtAK£H£RULES.