I age 12 Portland Observer January 31,1990 JOBS/CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING program development MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR V ASSISTANT I V F L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T E n try : $25.536-$27,840/Y early ' ide adm inistrative support and ' \ hmcal assistance in various phases o f program /project planning and execution, collect and analyze data '•’ I prepare reports. Work with staff, public and private interest groups, vendors and contractors. Assist in P' eparation o f urban renewal docu- i' 'nts and development plans. Must have knowledge o f organization, l unctions and activities o f local g ivemment; knowledge o f analys- nial and research techniques; knowl- 'dge o f the principles o f public administration; knowledge o f budg­ ing concepts; skill in analyzing, terpreting and reporting research * ndings. Must possess effective oral, * ritten and interpersonal skills. eive an application packet con- tact The Portland D evelopm ent k jm m ission, Human Resources ' -c lion at 796-6819. Closing date February 16, 1990. A qual Opportunity Em ployer SUBSTITUTE EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANTS O N -C A L L O N LY Application Deadline: OPEN RECRUITM ENT. '' at '55-1841 Jeaneen for Multnomah * education Service District applica­ ti an form and additional inform a­ tion or com e to R ecruitm ent O f­ fice, 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland, Oregon. ' guai O pportunity Em ployer SUBSTITUTE REGISTERED NURSES O N -C A L L O N LY A pplication Deadline; OPEN RECRUITM ENT. 11 at 255 1841 Jeaneen for Multnomah Education Service D istrict applica­ tion form and additional inform a­ tion or come to Recruitm ent Of- rice, 11611 NF, Ainsworth Circle, Portland, Oregon. * qual O pportunity Em ployer ' ’ BSTITl TE TEACHERS O N -C A L L O N LY A pplication Deadline: OPEN RECRUITM ENT. di at ¿55-1841 Jeaneen for Multnomah Education Service D istrict applica­ tion firm and additional inform a­ tion or com e to R ecruitm ent O f­ fice, 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland, Oregon. Equal O pportunity Em ployer EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR With strong leadership for developing urban youth corps. Minimum 5 years high level m anagem ent in non-profit organization or youth corps. Experience with youth de- elopm ent, fiscal managem ent, 'undraising, PR, and agency coor­ dination. Must work well with public officials and youth. Strong com ­ munication skills essential. $33,000- $37,000 with benefits. Closing February 15, 1990. Send resume to Urban Youth Corps, Youth Program Office 426 SW Stark, 6th, Portland, OR 97204. Equal O pportunity Employer ATTENTION: E A R N M O N E Y T Y PIN G A T HOM E! 32,000/Y ear Incom e Potential, ‘'.’tails, (1) 602-838-8885, Ext. T-12859. Equal Opportunity Em ployer ATTENTION: EASY W O R K E X C E L L E N T PAY! Xssemble products at home, 'ctails (1) 602-838-8885, Ext. W- 12859. qual O pportunity Em ployer HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT SUPERINTENDENT "alary: $3.050-$4,298/Mo. rh p o s i t i o n is in Salem , O regon. It d ¡reels an organization of 200 people, whit h acquires and m aintains ve­ hicles and heavy equipm ent, oper- Ucs a large parts supply, m anufac­ tures signs, and carries out related program s, For application, w rite or all O D O T Personnel, 120 Trans- i" Nde Salem, OR 97310 (503) 378 6281. Apply now. This position could close w ithout fur­ ther notice. An A ffirm ative Action/ [ qual Opportunity Employer tâ tâ t At FA M IL Y SE R V IC E C O O R D IN A T O R B eginning S a la ry : $1,700 $ 1,800/ Mo. Plus E xcellent B enefits CO D A Inc. seeks supervisor for Fam ­ ily Services Program in drug treat program. Responsibilities include developm ent and operation o f resi­ dential and out-patient program s, supervision o f 2-5 child care coun­ selors, supervision o f all clinical activities, perform ance o f program development, c o n ta c t management and liaison. To qualify: M aster’s degree in human services, experience in staff super­ vision, and 2 years supervised human services experience are required. T o apply: Com plete and subm it stan­ dard CODA application form with answ ers to screening questions. A pplication m aterials available at CODA INC., 210 NE 20th, Port­ land, OR 97232. 239-8400. An A ffirm ative Action/ Equal Opportunity Em ployer BANKING BUILDING INSPECTOR HI TELECOMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR LOAN OFFICER Security Pacific Bank Oregon has an immediate opening for a Loan O fficer in our Special A ssets B usi­ ness Division. Position is respon­ sible for the m anagem ent o f com ­ mercial business w orkout credit. Requirements include 3-5 years com m ercial banking experience, a working knowledge o f business financial reporting, dem onstrated ability to analyze and evaluate fi­ nancial reports and business related problems, excellent communication skills, and proven problem solving and negotiation skills. As part of Security Pacific, the 4th largest Bank Holding Com pany in the country, we offer a com petitive salary com m ensurate with experi­ ence, excellent flexible benefits program, and superior advancement potential. Please send a resume with salary requirements. SECURITY PACIFIC BANK OREGON Pprvnnnpl llpnurtmpnt (Plumbing) Salary Range: $l,918-$2,492/Mo. DOQ Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon BCBSO is currently seeking a highly m otivated individual with experi­ ence in m anaging all voice and data communication activities within the corporation. Previous m anagem ent experience, project m anagem ent skills and excellent com m unica­ tion abilities are required. A ppli­ cants should have a m inim um ol three years supervisory experience and eight years experience in the telecommunication industry. He/she m ust be familiar with the necessary m anagem ent techniques to m ain­ tain a stable and cost effective com m unication network, and be fam iliar with current com m unica­ tion technology and directions. This person will be responsible tor managing five ROLM and Siemen PBX systems interconnected via m ultiple T1 circuits, and a large m ulti-state data com m unication — —_1_ __ . M ENTAL HEA L' C-III ALP B eginning Saia P e r M onth Plus CODA Inc. seeks ( House Adult R Facility. Res diagnosis and & o f drug depent ing individual counseling am ing therapeutic ingclientrecoi Saturday, 2 p. ify; Bachelor services, and human servic required. To . subm itstandai form includinj responses. Ap position annoui ing questions a INC., 210 N.E 97232. 239-84 An Affirmi Equal Oppori Best Available Copy FIREF1 PARA ADMINISTRATOR E M P L O Y E E A ND IN F O R M A T IO N SE R V IC E S D IV ISIO N OREG O N DEPA RTM EN T OF C O R R E C T IO N S To manage m ulti-faceted Division pro­ viding services including personnel, labor relations, information systems, training, safety management, and rules and procedures development to carry out the mission and goal o f the Department. Salary range: $3,714- $5,225/M o. Liberal insurance cov­ erage, flexible benefits, retirement, vacation & sick leave. For detailed announcem ent & application con­ tact: Personnel Mgr., Dept. o f C or­ rections, 2575 Center St. NE, S a­ lem, OR 97304; 503/378-2497; FAX 503/373-1173. Recruitm ent closes 02/26/90. An Affirm ative Action/ Equal Opportunity Em ployer * Neat appearance. Dependable. * Self-starter. SEND IN Q U IR IE S T O : A tten.: K a th e rin e M cEneaney, T C I C A B L E V ISIO N O F O R E G O N 3500 SW Bond Avenue P o rtla n d , O regon 97201 (503) 243- 7426 Equal Opportunity Em ployer OREGON STATE POLIC1 will substitute for experience. A pplicants must also have general office experience, phone experi­ ence, interaction with the public, 10 key as well as good written communication skills. Previous insurance experience and CRT/PC experience are desirable. The Group Accountant is responsible for es­ tablishing & maintaining accurate up-to-date eligibility records for all groups. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O regon offers an excellent em ployee bene­ fits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Pre-employ­ ment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #018 at the top o f your resume or in your cover letter. Send resum e to: Blue C ross an d Blue Shield o f O regon H um an R esources D ept., 5th F ir. 100 S.W . M arket P o rtla n d , O R 97201 Equal Opportunity Em ployer BANKING ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER/PERSONNEL C ity o f M ilw aukie, OR The city is seeking a personnel profes­ sional to m anage C ity ’s personnel function, act as A ssistant to the City M anager and m anager the Com m unity Services Department. Requires: Bachelor’s degree plus minimum o f 5 years related experi­ ence. Requires City application form. To obtain application packet sub­ m it resum e to City o f M ilwaukie Personnel Office, 10722 SE Main Street, M ilwaukie, OR 97222; 659- 5171, FAX #652-4433. Closing date: 5:00 p.m., March 1, 1990 for res­ ume, 5:00 p.m. March 9, 1990 for supplemental questionnaire. E qual Opportunity Em ployer T oadm inisteressential and transitional services for homeless/low-income including mass shelter, clinic, meals, etc., 3 separate facilities. Requires: 3 years managerial and social serv­ ice experience including budget, advocacy, networking, MS behav­ ioral science or BS plus 2 years additional experience. $28r30l000 start DOQ. Resume with 2 letters Reviews plans for and inspects struc­ tures for com pliance with appli­ cable cotie requirem ents, applica­ tion ol safe construction practices and other regulations or ordinances relating to the safety, health and welfare ol the public. Requires state certification at “ A ” level in plumb­ ing. State certification levels in of recommendation to: Burnside structural, m echanical and plans C o m m u n ity C ouncil, 313 E exam iner will be determ ined by B urnside, P o rtla n d , OR 97214, hiring authority. Requires high a ttn : Search C om m ittee. school graduation or equivalent GED An Equal Opportunity Em ployer certification plus nine years build­ CUSTOMER SERVICE ing inspection experience. Two years college level education in building REPRESENTATIVE (4) inspection technology may offset Location: Portland, O regon equivalent years o f experience. O pen D ate: January 10, 1990 Hiring authority may determine other ( losing D ate: Until Filled equivalencies. Must have effective R E S P O N S IB IL IT IE S : A nsw er tele­ com m unication skills. M ust have a phone and in-person inquires re­ valid d river’s license at time of gard ing cable television sales, serv­ appointm ent. Interested applicants ice and billing in a professional must submit a West Lum ernukiv- manner. Input custom er cable orders, service calls, custom er inquires and com ­ plaints on a com puter terminal. Research billing and service problems. Same day call-back of newly installed subscribers. Process custom er payments, balance cash drawer, prepare bank deposits and make related bookkeeping entires. Promote inter and intra departm ental com m unications and rapport. QUALIFICATIONS M inim um : * Telephone skills. * Typing skills. * Ability to follow Policies and Proce­ dures. * Oral com m unications skills. ’ iTobiem solving skills (coping with stress). ' Have a basic understanding o f how the cable system works. * Ability to work well with co-workers and public. P re fe rre d : * Cable experience - 1 year. Custom er service experience - 1 year. C om puterexperience or education - 1 year. S a la ry R ange: 3 The City o f Euger cations for F fighter/Paramc received since ered; it is not n a new applica on file. C LO S ary 23, 1990. m ationandan City o f Eugcn S t , Rm. 101, k l . __ , _ An Affirm ative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TELLERS (FU L L AND P A R T -T IM E ) Security Pacific Bank Oregon has opportunities available for individu­ als committed to providing the highest level o f client service. Q ualified applicants will have a minimum o f six months previous cash handling experience, fam ili­ arity with 10-key adding machine, and superior client service skills. Please apply in person at: SE C U R IT Y P A C IF IC BANK O R E G O N P ersonnel D ep a rtm e n t 1001 SW 5th Avenue Second Floor P o rtla n d , OR 97204(503) 796-3878 APPLICANT HOURS Mon.-Fri. - 9 a.m .-l p.m. Equal O pportunity Em ployer sure, typing 65 wpm, course work in word processing technology also desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee bene fits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Pre-employ­ m ent drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed im m ediately place ad #023 at the top o f your resum e or in your cover letter. Send resum e to: Blue C ross and Blue Shield of O regon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir. 100 S.W. Market P o rtla n d , O R 97201 E qual Opportunity Employer SECRETAR Y/CLERK F O R P O R T L A N D O FFH I O F A M E R IC A N FR IE N D S SERX ICI W e need someone with great skills, bilingual in Spanish and English. Good pay/benefits. Resume to AFSC, 2249 E Burnside, Portland, OR 97214 by February 7th, 199( Call (503) 230-9427 for more in­ formation. Women, people o f color, gay, lesbian and differently abledpersons are encouraged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer AUTOS FOR SALE N ational P ublication Services 6438 Calument Avenue H am m ond, IN 46324 GOVERNMENT SEIZED vchicles b n $100. Corvettes, Chevys. Porscle and other confiscated pro, ■ rties. For buyers guide. 1-800 448 2562 ext 4552. Also open evenings and weedends. A/e* Location: Portland Observer 4747 N.E. M artin Luther King, Jr. Ulvd. Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 11 hM u lers desirable. Journey Level Electrician pay is $15.48/ hour plus excellent health & retire­ ment benefits. Interested individu­ als should subm it a resum e to: E lectrical S u p erv iso r P.O . Box 17128 P o rtla n d , O R 97217 Equal Opportunity Em ployer MORNING SHOW PRODUCER Must have 3 years experience in broad­ casting and above average creative and production skills. Send resume and tape to Jon Robbins, KGON Radio, 4614 SW Kelly, Portland, OR 97201. Equal Opportunity Em ployer OFFICE SPECIALIST I S alary : $1,166 to $ l,7 5 0 /M o . Plus 6% PF.RS re tire m e n t ( lackamas County has several unique and challenging positions available for team -oriented individuals in­ terested in a variety of responsibili­ ties. You will have a choice oppor­ tunity to work with a dynamic staff and utilize your talents in specialty areas (data entry, production typ ing, reception, clerical generalist). Com petitive candidates must pos­ sess strong com m unication and organizational skills and have at least one year of adm inistrative support experience. Successful applicants will also be placed on an eligibility list for future full and part-time openings. The County offers excellent benefits. Applica lions accepted Monday through Friday. Employment applications available at Clackam as County Personnel, 904 Main Street, Oregon City, OR Equal O pportunity Employer MM Your fu ll service police agency o ff you more than ju st a jo b . . . bu career with prestige, by renderi services to all citizens. We want men and women who seek improve them selves, their famil com m unity and state. The agency offers excellent career a promotional opportunities for tho with a good work ethic and desi to excel. Salary: $2,237-$2,937/M o. B E N E FIT S * Paid Health & Dental Insurance. * Contribution to Retirement. * Paid Vacation. Uniform & Safety Equipm ent Fu nished Including Cleaning Allov ance. * O ther Paid Leave Includes Holiday Sick Leave and Personal Days Of * O vertim e Pay. * Incentive Pay & Many Others. R E Q U IR E M E N T S * 21 Years o f Age. High School Graduate or Equiva lency. * U.S. Citizen. Oregon D river’s License (G oo Record). * No Felony Convictions. * Good Moral Character. * G ood Health. * Vision No Less Than 20/80 Eacl Eye, Correctable to 20/20 Each Eye Io Apply or Obtain More Informatior Contact: Oregon State Police 107 Public Service Bldg. Salem, Oregon 97310 I elephone: (503) 378-8192 or Y our I ocal S late Police O ffice Voman <£ M inorities are U rged to Apply /■ qual O pportunity Em ployer ATTENTION: EARN MONEY READING BO O K S! $32,(X)O/Ycar Income Potential. I> Mils ( 1)602-838-8885 E xl Bkl 285 Z quo/ ( fpportunity Em ployer