Pag« 10 • Portland Observer • January 31,1990 BIDS/SUB-BIDS/LEGAL & PUBLIC NOTICES C IT Y O F S A L E M , O R E G O N • H O U S IN G A U T H O R IT Y INVITATION TO BID P A IN T IN G , IN T E R IO R A N D E X T E R IO R The C ity o f Salem w ill receive sealed bids at the o ffice o f the C ity Recorder, Room 205, C ity H all. Salem. Oregon 97301, u ntil, but not after 11:00 a .m „ February 14, 1990. at which tim e said bids w ill be p u b licly opened and read in the C ity Council Chambers, Room 240, C ity H all, for the project specified herein. Prime contractors interested in bidding on this project may receive one copy o f the specifications and other b id documents at the o ffice o f the Purchasing Supervisor, 555 Liberty St. S.E., Room 335, Salem, Oregon 97301. Bids must be submitted on the proposal forms furnished to bidders. Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope p la inly marked “ B ID ON P A IN T IN G , IN TER IO R A N D EX T E R IO R • B ID NO. 3650’ ’ , and show the name and business address o f the bidder. Any objections to or comments upon the bid specifications must be submitted in w ritin g to the O ffice o f the Purchasing Supervisor, 555 Liberty St. S.E., Salem, OR 97301. They must be received no later than five (5) w orking days before the bid closing date. A surety bond, cashier’ s check, or certified check o f the bidder in the amount o f ten percent (10%) o f the bid must be attached to each proposal as bid security. Unsuccessful bidders w ill have their security refunded to them when the contract has been awarded. No bids, exceeding $2,000, w ill be received or considered by the C ity o f Salem or any o f its officers unless the bid contains a statement by the bidder (by signing his proposal) that the provisions o f the Davis-Bacon Act, 40 USCA 276a(a) shall be included in his contract. Every contrac­ tor or subcontractor is required to post the applicable prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous and accessible place in o r about the w ork-site fo r the duration o f the job. Contractors and subcontractors who intention­ a lly fa il to post the PW R can be made ine lig ible to receive any public NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC HEARING N E IG H B O R H O O D T R A F F IC M A N A G E M E N T P R O G R A M P R O J E C T N O . 5036 Sealed proposals w ill be received by the C ity Engineer, at the C ity H all, 1333 N .W . Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon 97030, u n til Tuesday, February 13,1990, at 11:00 a.m., Pacific Standard Tim e, at which tim e they w ill be opened, for the construction o f the N E IG H B O R H O O D T R A F F IC M A N A G E M E N T PR O G R A M , S.W. B IR D S D A LE D R IV E , Notice is hereby given that upon request by any interested person a public hearing w ill be held by the Tri-C ounty M etropolitan Transpor­ tation D istrict o f Oregon (T ri-M e t) at 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 28, 1990, at the Portland B uilding, 1120 S.W. 5th Avenue. Second Floor, Meeting Room C, fo r the purpose o f considering projects for which federal assistance under Section 3 o f the Urban Mass Transpor­ tation A c t o f 1964, as amended, is being sought. Anyone interested in requesting that this hearing be convened should contact K im Manley, T ri-M e t Public Services D ivision, by phone at 238-5849 or in w riting at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, OR 97202 by Friday, February 9, PROJECT NO. 5036. The m ajor quantities involved are as follow s: T ra ffic Island Curb L.F. 256 Standard Curb L.F. 697 Concrete D riveway S.Y. 145 Concrete Sidewalk S.Y. 202 Asphaltic Concrete Tons 57 Crushed Baserock Tons 114 Circles Landscaping 4 Sidewalk and D riveway Removal S.Y. 327 Contractor fo r this w ork shall furnish a ll labor at current State ot Oregon prevailing wage rates, materials and equipment and services o f a ll kinds to complete the w ork in accordance w ith the plans and specifications 1990. T ri-M e t has a grant application pending which requests $18,100,000 fo r the purchase o f 92 buses. The proposed grant amendment would reprogram these funds to purchase 107 buses and equipment to retro fit 2 buses to utilize compressed natural gas. The total budget requested in this amendment w ould remain unchanged at $18,100,000. F ollow ing are the proposed projects: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Purchase o f forty-three 30 ft. standard, lift-equipped buses. Purchase o f sixty-four 40 ft. standard, lift-equipped buses. Vehicle m arking and delivery. Spare parts package fo r 30 f t and 40 ft. buses. Radio equipment and installation. Vehicle on-site inspection. Force account. Cost allocation. Equipment fo r tw o compressed natural gas buses. 10. Contingency. works contract fo r up to three years. C IT Y O F G R E S H A M C IT Y H A L L • O F F IC E O F T H E G R E S H A M C IT Y E N G IN E E R T R I-C O U N T Y M E T R O P O L IT A N T R A N S P O R T A T IO N D IS T R IC T O F O R E G O N (T R I-M E T ) $ 6,670,762 therefor. Plans and specifications may be examined at the o ffice o f the Gresham C ity Engineer, 1333 N .W . Eastman Parkway, Gresharn, Oregon. Cop­ ies o f said plans and specifications may be obtained upon application to the C ity Engineer and by posting a non-refundable fee o f $25.00 w ith the C ity Engineer fo r each set o f plans and specifications requested. 10,653,248 290,994 110,000 34,820 40,000 45,000 15,176 100,000 140,000 Contractors must prequalify fo r public works construction w ith the C ity o f Gresham, as required by the laws o f the State o f Oregon, before the date o f a bid opening. Otherwise, their proposal may not be given consideration. the closing date. No persons, fam ilies or businesses w ill be displaced by these projects. R E C IP R O C A L P R E F E R E N C E L A W : In compliance w ith ORS 279.029, bidders must state on their proposal whether they are a resident or non-resident bidder. Proposals that fa il to provide this inform ation These projects are in conformance w ith comprehensive land use and transportation planning in the area and w ill be programmed in the Transportation Improvement Program. w ill be considered non-responsive. A statement o f T ri-M e t’s charter bus service is available fo r inspection The attention o f bidders is directed to the provisions o f Chapter 97, Salem Revised Code, concerning unlaw ful em ploym ent practices. V io la tio n o f such provisions shall be grounds fo r immediate term ina­ tion o f this contract w ithout recourse by the contractor. at the T ri-M e t Adm inistration offices. A ll proposals must be submitted on the regular form s furnished by the C ity o f Gresham, addressed and mailed or delivered to the Engineering D ivisio n , C ity o f Gresham, in a sealed envelope pla inly marked, “ S E A LE D B ID O N S.W. B IR D S D A LE D R IV E , N EIG H B O R H O O D T R A F F IC M A N A G E M E N T PR O G RAM , PROJECT NO. 5036’ ’ bear­ ing the name and address o f the bidder. Each must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond in an amount not less than ten percent (10% ) o f the total bid. A performance and payment corporate surety bond in the fu ll amount o f the contract shall be required to guarantee fa ith fu l performance o f the terms o f the contract at the time T ri-M e t w ill not be engaging in school bus operations. o f contract execution. Private transportation enterprise w ill not be directly affected by these projects. In determ ining the lowest responsible bidder, the public contracting agency shall, fo r the purpose o f awarding the contract, add a percent increase on the bid o f a non-resident bidder equal to the percent, i f any, o f the preference given to that bidder in the state in which the bidder The Salem Housing A uthority reserves the rig h t to reject any or a ll bids, to waive form alities and o f postponing the award o f the contract fo r th irty (30) days. Prices quoted shall be firm fo r a period o f 30 days after T O T A L $18,100,000 F E D E R A L S H A R E $14,200,000 The C ity o f Salem is an Equal Em ploym ent O p po rtun ity/A ffirm ative These projects as currently under review by the state and district Action Employer. clearinghouses. N O T E : This project is federally funded through the Department o f Housing and Urban Development and a ll requirements o f that agency pertaining to bidding and contract performance shall be strictly adhered to. Inquiries concerning the contents o f the bid specifications should be directed to M r. Tom Anderson, Salem Housing A u th ority, at (503) 588- 6456. James Young General Services Director resides. A t the hearing, T ri-M e t w ill afford opportunity fo r interested persons or agencies to be heard w ith respect to the social, economic and environ­ mental aspects o f the projects. Each bid must contain a statement as to whether the bidder is a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279.350. Each bidder must file w ith his bid an a ffid a v it o f non-collusion. A copy o f the grant application fo r the proposed projects and a transit development plan for the area are currently available for public inspec­ tion at T ri-M e t, Public Services D ivision, 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97202. The C ity o f Gresham reserves the rig ht to reject any and/or all bids, waive inform alities or to accept any bid which appears to serve the best interests o f the C ity. The C ity o f Gresham is an equal opportunity employer. Douglas L . C apps, Executive D ire c to r P ublic Services D ivision B Y O R D E R O F T H E C IT Y C O U N C IL 1333 N .W . Eastm an P arkw ay G resham , O regon 97030 CONTRACT OFFICER ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR GRAPHIC DESIGN SUPERVISOR The Port o f Portland has an immediate opening fo r a Contract O ffice r in its Contracts and Procurement D ivision. the successful candidate w ill: * Prepare form al procurement documents, including request fo r pro­ posals, invitations fo r bids and contracts. * Attend pre-bid conferences and serve as liaison w ith contractors, con­ sultants and vendors, providing procedural and procurement in fo r­ m ation as required. * Open assigned bids recommending award o f contract and inform ing a ll bidders and interested vendors o f fin a l outcome. * Handle bid protests w ith assistance from legal counsel. * Assist in m onitoring assigned contracts. * Make recommendations concerning bidding formats and contractual language. * Train, assist and oversee Buyers on form al procurements. * M aintain liaison w ith user departments. * M aintain current knowledge o f Oregon State Statutes and A dm inis­ trative Rules, Port Contract Review Board rules, Developments in the procurement fie ld and Port business needs. Preferred qualifications include: * Degree in public or business adm inistration, related discipline or equivalent in w ork experience. * Course w ork in law. * Five year experience in procurement and/or contractual work. * Good negotiating and research skills. * Good project management skills. * Good oral and w ritten communication skills. In addition to a starting salary range o f $30,532 to $35,184 commensu­ rate w ith experience, the Port offers a comprehensive benefit package. I f interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port o f Portland Em ploym ent O ffice , 700 N E . M ultnom ah, 14th Floor, or call (503) 231 -5000, e x t 700 fo r application materials. A ll applications must be received by 5 p.m., Monday, February 5,1990. The Port o f Portland has an immediate opening for an A dm inistrative Coordinator to provide adm inistrative and reception support for Portland Ship Repair Yard staff. The successful candidate w ill: * Provide advanced word processing support. * Provide reception and phone coverage and distribute mail. * Inventory and order office supplies. * Arrange, schedule and coordinate meetings. * M aintain and update m icrocom puter file data. P re ferred q u a lific a tio n s include: * Course w ork or equivalent experience in secretarial science or busi­ ness administration. * A b ility to organize and p rio ritize jo b responsibilities. * Good written, verbal and interpersonal comm unication skills. * Good research and analytical skills. * A b ility to handle interruptions and w ork on concurrent activities. * A b ility to w ork w ith a m inim um o f supervision. In addition to a starting salary range o f $ 15,898 to $ 17,835 commensu­ rate w ith experience, the Port offers a comprehensive benefit package. I f interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port o f Portland E m ploym entO ffice,700N .E . M ultnom ah, 14th Floor, or call (503) 231-5000, ext. 700 for application materials. A ll applications must be received by 5:00 p.m., Friday, February 9, 1990. The Port o f Portland has an immediate opening fo r a Graphic Design Supervisor. The successful candidate w ill: * Provide daily supervision o f Graphics personnel. * Organizes, coordinate, schedules and determines priorities and en­ sures com pletion o f graphics projects. * Consults w ith marketing divisions and Port Management in the devel­ opment o f strategy. * Provides conceptual design. * Sets standards fo r quality and analyzes results w ith personnel and clients. * Contracts and coordinates outside services. * Interviews, hires and directs free-lance personnel. * M aintains and provides up-to-date knowledge o f materials, processes and concepts in design field. * Prépaies and m onitors budget Preferred qualifications include: * Form al study or training in graphic design, typography, illustration, photography and process camera. * Demonstrated a b ility and experience in producing effective corporate design. * Demonstrated a b ility and experience in supervision o f creative staff in corporate setting. * A b ility to speak and w rite effectively. In addition to a starting salary range o f $25,337 to $28,975 per year commensurate w ith experience, the Port offers a comprehensive benefit package. I f interested and qualified, apply in person at th Port o f Portland Em ­ ploym ent O ffice, 700 N.E. M ultnom ah, 14th Floor, or call (503) 231 -5000, ext. 700 fo r applications materials. A ll applications must be received by Friday, February 9, 1990, at 5 p.m. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer REWARDING CAREER!!! Springdale Job Corps Center is accept­ ing applications fo r persons to w ork w ith young adults ages 16 to 24 in a dorm itory setting, evening, night and weekend shifts. C all Linda Kadoun 695-5706, Monday through Friday, After 5 p.m. Equal Opportunity Employer Port of Portland 700 N.E. Multnomah P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 9720B The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer Port of Portland 700 N.E. Multnomah P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 TECHNICAL WRITER The Port o f Portland is recruiting fo r a Technical W rite r to draft policies, procedures, instructions and notices from outlines provided by Portland Ship Repair Yard managers. This is a temporary position lasting ap­ proxim ately six months. P re ferred q u a lific a tio n s include: * M ilita ry adm inistrative experience. * F am iliarity w ith subject index codes used in m ilita ry manuals. * Experience w ith data processing, database and graphics programs. * Experience or course w ork in techni­ cal report w riting. * Excellent communication skills. Salary is commensurate w ith experi­ ence. This position is ine lig ible fo r benefits. I f interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port o f Portland Em ployment O ffice, 700 N.E. Multnomah, 14th Floor, or call (503) 231-5000, ext. 700 for application materials. A ll applications must be received by Monday, February^5, 1990, at 5 p.m. j The Port is an Equal O pportunity Em ployé/ © The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer W ” Port of Portland 700 N.E. Multnomah P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Eastern Oregon C o rre ctio n a l In s titu te Phase 10 GEORGE A. GRANT, INC. P.O, Box 789 * R ichlan d, W ashington 99352 (509) 946-6188 o r F A X : (509) 946-2355 M em ber o f A G C o f W ashington We are an Equal O pportunity Em ployer and request sub-bids from small business m inority-ow ned and disadvantage business enterprises.