January 24, 1990 Portland Observer ■ Page 7 P rofessional S ervices D irectory O N E on O N E T ax Service 317 N .E . K illingsw orth P ortlan d , O R 97211 (503) 289-0851 McMurphy's Buying Appliances Working or Not 288-3233 V alerie C urrie T a x C on su ltant "A good product B .E .A .N . Better Entertainm ent A ttra ctions N etw ork 236 S .W . S alm on , S u ite A P o rtla n d , O R 97204 (503) 240-5323 P.O . Box 12471 P ortland, O R 97212 (503) 288-1662 Joe (Bean) K eller COMMERCIAL A.A. MITCHELL, INC. Loot^of Radiance H air Salon & Sup ply Shop PLUMBING & 3512 N .E . 15th Ave. P ortland , O R 284-6365 CONTRACTING Bas.: 1703 N.E. Alberta Res.: 507 N. Shaver St. Portland, OR 97212 Look of Radiance Wants You If You're Qualified M c K in n e y I n s u r a n c e Auto Insurance SR22 Filing Fire Bonds Trucker Since 1891 S ea fo o d Restaurant & Bar Local & Long Distance • Lunch & D inner • 1035 S.W. Stark St. (C o m e r of 11th 281-4577 4944 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Oregon A Stark) 226-4171 R.D. Sevier & Son, Inc. CAREER NETWORK INC W ASHERS & DRYERS /■'. S t | This Coupon Good For rental C rt $15 OFF w ash er , * delivery & ¡JNSTALLATIOI^FEEj $30. Delivery & Installation Portland 231-7413 Vancouver 6 9 3-4000 AG ENCY ACCOUNTING EXECUTIVE MGMT HIGH-TECH ADMINISTRATIVE BOOKKEEPING FINANCE CLERICAL/OFFICE MARKETING CONTROLLERS SALES DATA PROCESSING SECRETARIES ENGINEERING 700 NE Multno-nah Sulle «00 —........... 2 3 3 -0 0 5 5 is ■»our best advertisem ent" RESIDENTIAL REM ja’bell’s P R O G R E S S IV E REALTY IN C . Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. union A venue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503)281-6393 and 5287 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 O R A L. HART, P r e s id e n t 2 8 3 -4 5 4 2 • 2 8 1 -3 0 3 8 3 1 7 N .E . K illin g s w o r th P o r tla n d , O R 9 7 2 1 1 Open: Hon. thru Set. Optimum Family Health Clinic The Urban League of Portland 10 North Russel St. Dr. Jewell Crawford, M.D. (Urban Plaza) 4722 N.E. Glisan Portland, Oregon (503) 232-5879 Portland, OR 97227 (503) 280-2600 O PEN "B B Q O U R SPE C IA L T Y " C 9 t.m . - 8 p.m. HOURS B urger B arn CASON’S FIN E 24 3962 M a r tin K in g MEATS J r. L u th e r B lv d . 2 8 8 -9 4 3 8 (503) 285-4750 SOUL 7406 N . V a n c o u v e r FOOD G arb age Service 1101 N .E . A lberta P ortland , O R 97211 287-0262 L inda Sevier A m e s r a S a a h ir , P resident M. J . T oys & G am es, In c. 57 3 N . K illin g s w o r th S t. P o r t l a n d , OR 9 7 2 1 7 (5 0 3 ) 2 4 0 -5 3 7 8 Broadway Hairweevers CUSTOM SEWING DESIGNING & ALTERATION «Y. C CI j UTHIEH Patricia Trice • Fie Wash 319 N.E. Wygant Portland, OR 97211 (503) 282-3533 5852 N.E. 42nd Ave. I Portland, OR 97218 ’ (503) 281-9495 OPEN: Tuesday thru Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Shadow Masters & Sound C ommunity C are 2 8 8 -5 4 2 9 ( A n y t im e ) Here is a program that meets human need with no funding. W here is your pocket book to help. They serve over 2,000 per “ Oiih. H e lp !!! P h o to g r a p h y (503) 629-5930 P .O . B ox 6311 A lo h a , O R 97006 Rick P ratt Lesley E. Hammond DAD’S Craigo's Oil Service Heating Oils Super Mart 1 0 6 N. B eech Portland, Oregon --OPEN-- 7 :3 0 a .m .-9 :0 0 p.m. 7 D ays A W eek 104 N .E . R ussell St. P ortlan d , O regon 282-5111 Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote P o rtla n d , O R 97217 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING P R O JE C T E N G IN E E R II, C IV IL The PO RT OF PORTLAND has an immediate opening for a Project Engineet (Civil) for its Design Division, Engineering Services D epartm ent to provide civil engi­ neering design, technical and ad­ m inistrative skills of varying de­ grees of scope and complexity under the direction o f the Engineering M anager. Preferred Qualifications: •D egree in Civil Engineering. •Registration as a Professional Engi­ neer. •Broad-based Civil Engineering knowl­ edge and skills. •Survey and field experience. •Previous design and project engineer­ ing experience as a Professional Engineer demonstrating charge of design jobs and related design teams. •A bility to perform effectively as a m em ber o f design teams headed by others. •G ood oral and written com m unica­ tion skills. •A bility to work effectively on several concurrent activities. •Possession of or ability to obtain a valid Oregon or Washington driver’s license upon hire. Must m eet Port driving standards. •T w o years experience at the Project Engineer I level. In addition to a starting salary range of $36,670 to $42,573, commensurate with experience, and a full salary range o f $36,670 to $55,880, the Port offers a comprehensive bene­ fit package. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port o f Pordand, E m ploym ent O ffice, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th Floor, or call (503) 231-5000, ext 700 for complete application materials. All applica­ tions must be received by Friday, January 26, 1990, at 5:00 p.m. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer Port of Portland 700 N.E. Multnomah P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 B U SIN E SS S Y S T E M S M ANAGER The PORT O F PORTLAND has an immediate opening for a Business Systems M anager to work in our system developm ent area. Preferred Qualifications: •Five years experience in project m anagem ent •Increasingly responsible supervisory experience. •O rganizational and leadership skills. •D em onstrated experience interfacing with users. •Awareness o f technological “ futures” . •M icrocom puter and mainframe skills. •A bility to manage decentralized staff. ♦Demonstrated team building skills and experience. •Inform ation technology planning experience. T he successful can d id ate will: •Develop/modify information systems. •M anage large-size projects with high risk. •Supervise analysts and programmers. •Maintain liaison with user departments. •M aintain knowledge o f Port’s busi­ ness functions in order to analyze user applications. ♦Work in a cooperative, professional environment in a user-oriented shop. •U tilize an IBM 4381, DOS-VSE, COBOL, CICS and IDMS/R. In addition to a com petitive salary, the Port offers a com prehensive bene­ fits package. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port Employment O ffice, 14th floor, 700 NE M ultnomah or call (503) 231 -5000, ext 700 for com plete application materials. All applications must be received by 5:00 p.m., Friday, Janu­ ary 26, 1990. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Port of Portland 700 N.E. Multnomah P.O. BOX 3529 Portland, OR 97208 services annually. •D evelop, implem ent and administer purchasing and receiving policies, procedures and systems. •M anage vendor relations. •M aintain a continuing liaison with users and m anagem ent •M aintain a current knowledge of O regon State statutes and adm inis­ trative rules. Port Contract Review Board rules and developments in fa The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer Port of Portland 700 N.E. Multnomah P.O. Box 3529 Portland. OR 97208 4KT Port of Portland 700 N.E. Multnomah P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 CO UN SELO R V M ANAGER the procurement field. Preferred experience and knowledge: •Five years experience in procurement with management responsibility. •A bility to prepare and explain poli­ cies and procedures. ♦Excellent oral and written communi­ cation skills. ♦Excellent negotiating and problem solving skills. In addition and qualified, apply in per­ son at the P ort’s Employment O f­ fice, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th Floor, or call (503) 231-5000, ext 700 for application materials. All applica­ tions must be received by Friday, January 26, 1990 at 5:00 p.m. The PORT O F PORTLAND has an application procedures of both pre- immediate opening for a Landscape and post-em ergent herbicides. G ardener to provide landscape ♦Ability to lift 50 lbs and work outside in all types o f inclem ent w eather maintenance as required for its and around dust and heavily polli­ Industrial Parks Division on Swan nated plants. Island. The successful candidate will be The successful candidate must have or be able to im m ediately obtain a responsible for: valid Oregon or Washington driver’s •All maintenance of trees, shrubs, ground covers and lawn and field areas. license and m eet the standards of •Program m ing, setting, adjusting and Port driving policy; have the ability perform ing maintenance to irriga­ to obtain Oregon State Sprayer’s tion systems as well as operating license and O regon State H erbi­ and performing minor seasonal cides application within 6 months m aintenance on specialized power o f em ploym ent addition to a com prehensive benefit landscape equipm ent •A dditional duties will include picking package, the Port offers a starting up debris, removing litter, raking salary of $10.82 per hour, barked and graveled areas, and interested and qualified, apply in performing minor electrical, plumb­ person at the P ort’s Em ploym ent ing, carpentry, concrete work and Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th painting when necessary. Floor, or call (503) 231-5000, ext Preferred qualifications include: 700 for application materials. All •General knowledge of horticulture and applications m ust be received by experience in landscape m ainte­ Friday, January 26, 1990 at 5:00 nance with proven ability to per­ p.m. form the described duties. The Port is an Equal •K now ledge o f calibration and safe Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH CO NTRACTS AND PROCUREM ENT The PO RT O F PORTLAND has an immediate opening for a Contracts and Procurem ent Manager to m an­ age contracting and purchasing activities: The successful candidate will: •M anage the Contracts and Procure­ ment Division in the procurement o f $40 to $50 million o f goods and LA N D SC A PE G A R D EN ER JO B O P P O R T U N I T Y C all o u r 24-H our JobLine at 280-4727 for a listin g o f current openings at Emanuel H ospital & H ealth Center. EMANUEL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CENTER A t iMtvra.1 Affilme' i mtr «4 f**»< 4 F »> rftrrxf A Member Equal Opportunity Employer, MEH SUB-BIDS REQUESTED OREGON STATE PENITENTIARY Intensive Management Unit Salem, OR BID DATE: February 6, 1990 AT 3:00 PM MARION CONSTRUCTION COM PANY P.O. Box 12218 Salem, Oregon 97309 (503) 581-1920 or Fax No. (503) 399-0823 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business, minority-owned and disadvantage business enterparises. FAMILY SERVICE COORDINATOR Beginning Salary: $1,700-$1,800/M onthly Plus E xcellent Benefits CODA Inc. seeks supervisor for Fam ­ ily Services Program. Responsibili­ ties include developm ent and op­ eration o f residential and outpa­ tient programs, supervision o f 2-5 child care counselors, supervision of all clinical activities, perform ­ ance o f program developm ent, contract m anagem ent and liaison. To Qualify: Masters degree in human services, experience in staff super­ vision, and 2 years supervised human services experience are required. To Apply: Com plete and subm it stan­ dard CODA application form with answers to screening questions. A pplication m aterials available at CODA INC., 210 NE 20th, Port­ land, OR 97232. 239-8400. An Affirmative Action! Equal Opportunity Employer N U R SE COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSE S A LA R Y $ 1 2.2 6-5 16.7 6 B a se d on E x p e rie n c e P lu s an E x c e lle n t B e n e fits P a c k a g e Working as a m em ber of a health team in the are a s of com m unicable disease control, child health, m ater­ nity, family p lanning a n d adu lt health. Requires BSN or 2 years of nursing experience. O regon license an d driver's license. Apply by F e b ru a ry 2, 1990 at Multnomah County Employee Serv­ ices, Room 1430, 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204 (503) An Equal O pportunity E m ployer