• m b J ■* * « 4 « ■ •»X* * -M N S V •» * 1 AV v P“Ke 6 • Portland, Observer • M artin Luther King, Jr. Special Edition • January 10, 1990 Samuel Pierce: An Unsung Hero The Locker Room by Ullysses Tucker, Jr. He also spent three years doing research in c a n ce r and lipid b io ­ chem istry. He is currently w o rk ­ ing on a M asters deg ree in A lter­ native E d u catio n A dm inistration at U n iversity o f P ortland. A lso, before m o v in g into public service four y ears ago, as an adm inistra- tiv e/m an ag er, Pierce d e v elo p ed his skills through several y ears o f c o rp o rate m an ag em en t e x p e ri­ Johnnie Davis: “The Dayton Flash ” ence. Johnnie Davis is beginning his sixth year with the Atlanta Hawks organization as a player and director of Community Affairs. This year may turn out to be the sweetest as a Hawk. Recently, he was pro­ moted to VP/Basketball Operations, where he will be involved in more basketball and less community activities. " I ’m helping out in the area of player personnel and helping the team with the evaluation of other teams throughout the N.B.A. as well as internationally, so, its a great opportunity. One that I look forward to and that I embrace. It keeps me in the game of basketball and allows me the chance to make management decisions. I’m going to help determine what type of players we want or even the style we might want to play. I'm real excited." Though this basketball season might turn out to be a “ sw eet’ ’ one for his future in management with the Hawks, Davis, at 34, is quick to note that winning the NBA (1977) Championship as a rookie in Port­ land was ultimate experience. "Portland was probably the greatest single year I’ve had in my basketball life or career,” said Davis. “ I certainly treasure the memories and the fondness of the fans, the support, and I can truly say that they were our sixth man that year. Portland is a wonderful town, Oregon’s a wonderful state, (Story Will He Contined Next Week) by K athy M artin July 14, 1989 m arked nineteen years that S am uel Pierce arrived in Portland. T he cross-country trip from F lorida ab o ard a G re y ­ hound c ru iselin er had been trying, but n evertheless, an exciting o n e .( W ith the urging o f his o ld er b ro th er, Pierce had finally heeded the call to "go W est young m an." H av in g spent all o f his m oney and G re y h o u n d having lost m ost o f his c lo th e s, P ierce arrived in P ortland w ith little m ore than w hat he had on his back. 3962 Martin LutherKing, Jr. Blvd. 288-9438 SO U L FOOD 2 4 HOURS ir n n d p fflll th lT W S are going well for him. We had a lot of fun that year.” Davis finished his N.B.A. ca­ reer with a 12.9 scoring average and 9,710 points. He played in Cleveland, Atlanta, and Portland. When questioned about blacks in man­ agement around the N.B.A., Davis, who completed his college degree at Georgia State University in 1987 (Business & Com­ munity Development), said that the league is far beyond other sports in terms of hiring minorities. " I f you look carefully, you’ll see that the N.B.A. has been in the forefront in hiring minorities. We have black coaches, general managers, and vice presidents, now owners. I don’t sec any participation prob­ lems in this league at all for m inorities.. « ♦ *♦ ♦ ♦ **♦ **» **♦ about the entire experience. I ’m very thank­ ful and blessed for the opportunity.” Davis, who attended Dayton Univer­ sity, was a key element because of his quickness and outside shooting. He was a favorite of Bill Walton and Maurice Lucas. "Johnnie contributed a great deal to the success of the 77 team, like many oth­ ers d id ," said Lucas. "H e was, still is, a I ’ m o la d to know things Short Shakes: I picked the Knicks to win it all! Patrick Ewing is Player of the Year if writers selected today . . . Former Blazer Adrain Branch was waived out of the league, again, by the Minnesota Tim- berwolves. Portland people, keep praying for Ramon Ramos. His family appreciates the kindness and love you demonstrated in their time of struggle. Correction: Jacque Butterfield and Lori (LORI) A. Wilson were the contributors names spelled incorrectly recently. Thank you for your contributions to a needy fam­ ily at Christmas. T o d ay , sitting in his three-story hom e in N orth P ortland w ith A frican art and c o astal paintings scattered about, the past nineteen years seem s like light years aw ay. In those nineteen years Sam Pierce has a m m a sse d som e im p ressiv e achievm ents. H ow ever, c o n c ern ­ ing his a c h iev em en ts, Pierce is so m ew h at reserv ed and m odest. W hen ask ed w hy, he sim ply says, “ I believe that an in d iv id u a l’s w orks should speak fo r him . It d o e s n ’t m atter m uch w hat one has d o n e in the past, but w hat he is d o in g rig h t now . W h at c h a l­ len g es he is w illin g to u n dertake. Our buyer negotiated a SPECIAL COST REDUCTION for a limited time only on these fantastic appliances- W hat v isio n s he has the courage to see through to c o m p le tio n .” YOU WIN AGAIN! B ut if o n e ’s past is to be v iew ed w ith any m erit at all, then Sam P ie rc e ’s has been one o f w inning against o v e rw h e lm in g odds. H is c h a llen g e s and v isio n s started early in his life. S tricken w ith a bleeding d iso rd e r that took the life o f is b ro th er before, he m ade it through “ w ith the help o f his m o th e r’s p ray ers.” A s if that w a s n ’t en o u g h , he had the furth er c h a llen g e o f grow ing up p oor in G e o rg ia d u ring the 1950’s in a fam ily o f seventeen brothers and sisters! A ccording to Pierce, EXCLUSIVE DUAL ACTION AGITATOR GETS LARGE LOADS UNIFORMLY CLEAN AND FRESH “ these w ere the m ost significant y ears o f m y life. W e grew up ab o u t sixty m iles from Dr. K ing and his influence on m y life has lasted until no w .” Pierce said, “ we w ere so poor, that we thought p eo p le w h o co u ld afford bologna w ere rich! S erio u sly !” EASY LOADER O O O R -N O N E LARGER IN THE INDUSTRY LARGE CAPACITY PAIR JUST ONE OF THE GREAT BUYS YOU'LL FIND! tim es he subm erged h im self in books and m usic. In doing so he found som ething that he was good at. H e soon discovered that d e ­ v e lo p in g o n e ’s in te lle c t and G o d -g iv en talents w as som ething even a poor boy from G eo rg ia co u ld do. WASHER S am uel Pierce has gone on to ach iev e som e very im portant p ersonal and hum an goals. F or starters, he is a veteran o f the U.S. DRYER s279 $229 EXTRA-CAPACITY 10-CYCLE KENMORE WASHER White Colw 69101 19101 *15 ONLY PER M O N TH *FO R THE S508 PAIR ON SEARSCHARGE S in ce these hum ble beginnings, so ld iers) d u ring his m ilitary train­ ing. In addition, he graduated w ith hon o rs in Pre-m ed Science from O regon State U niv ersity — lacking about forty hours fo r a second d eg ree in M icrobiology. 4 TEMPS. INCLUDING SOFT HEAT PLUS WRINKLE-GUARD • FEATURE TO FIGHT WRINKLING 5 TEM PER A TU RES-PLUS 3 SOIL SETTINGS. 3 WATER LEVELS T o escap e the hardship o f these A rm y and served w ith distinction as a p aratro o p er w ith the 82nd A irb o u m e D ivision during the V ietn am W ar era. H e graduated at the top o f his class (out o f 5000 AUTO FABRIC MASTER IN D R Y E R -S H U T S DRYER OFF WHEN CLOTHES ARE DRY THE LARGEST U J SABLE WASHING CAPACITY IN 7 1 HE INDUSTRY! 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