• r fY * * * * » ’T’t r « * < 1 4 • P o r t la n d , O b s e r v e r • M a r t i n L u t h e r K in g , J r . S p e c ia l E d it io n J a n u a r y 10, 19 90 • II Hi Scripture o f the ‘Weehs PSALMS Chapter 66 Strengthen T o u r ‘f a i t h Through ‘.Prayer A n d ‘J u g u la r Church ‘H ’o rship by M attie A n n C allier-Spears On Saturday, January 13,1990, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., a TEACHERS TRAIN­ ING W ORKSHOP will be held at the G reater Si. Stephen M issionary Baptist Church. The church is located on 3922 N, W illiam s Avenue. Training will be provided for all those persons in In­ structional positions, such as: Sunday School Teachers, M ission­ ary Leaders, Baptist Training Union Teachers and Bible Study Leaders. Lunch will be provided by the St. Stephen’s Church Family. Come equipped with pen, pencil, writing tab­ lets and your Bible. The workshop teachers will be: Sis. O. B. W illiams, Vancouver Ave. First Missionary Baptist Church; Sis. Sheila Davis, Fellowship M issionary Baptist Church; Rev. George M erriweather, Portland Four-Square Church and Sis. Essie Peterson, St. Paul BaptistChurch. The keynote speaker will be the Rev. Larry Schlott, pastor of W ood­ land Park Baptist Church. T H E M E : “ Excellence in C hris­ tian Education M inistry.” For further information, please call: 281-6337 - Rev. Robert Houston, Sr., pastor. Is held back. U D BA M eeting The Union D istrict Baptist A sso­ ciation o f Oregon will hold its winter board meeting at the Morning Star M issionary Baptist Church on January' 12 - 13, 1990, at 7 p.m. The business session begins at Saturday, 1/13/90, at 9 a.m. The public is cordially invited to attend these services. Rev. Eugene Boyd, Moderator, Rev. T.L. Lew is, Host Pastor at 106 N.E. Ivy StreeL MARTIN LUTHER KING MEMORIAL BLOOD DRIVE S p o n s o r e d b y th e A lb in a M in iste ria l A llia n c e MONDAY. JA N U A R Y 15, 1990, 1 0 :3 0 A M TO 3 P M O B W IL L IA M S C O N V E N T IO N C E N T E R . 2 .N BEECH Sign Up At Your Church Today to Give B lood SAVE JOIN BY JAN. 20 United Way If you care, share. Weekly Fee Total 7 $22 Maranatha Cantar 4222 HE. 12th (Enter an Skldmora) Sat. 8:30 am Tillamook Part Bldg. 2104 H E . 41 ot Ava. Mon. 7Æ0 p.m. Tuaa. 7:00 p.m. Wad. 9:30 a.m. A 5:00 p.m. Thura. ID O p .a . Fri. 0:30 am . Registration $17 Weekly Fee 8 Total W here is it w ritten, in the B ible, that we are supposed to do these kinds o f things to find favor w ith G od? G od looks at our hearts and souls - N O T, at our clothing or our purses or the color o f our hair or the color o f our skin or how big our houses are or how im portant a position we may hold in church or w hat kind o f shoes you are w ear­ ing or how big and expensive an autom o­ bile you may drive. These are just a few of the many kinds of things that we may give as a reason why cannot attend w orship service, on a regular basis. W e ju st celebrated the birth o f our Lord and Saviour Jesus C hrist. Why c an ’t we take our lead from Him? He cam e into this world in such a m eager, low ly m anner. He did not have diam onds, pearls, cashm ere A CAREER CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG WOMEN IN GRADES 7-12 FEBRUARY 24,1990 8:45 A.M. Io 1:15 P.M. PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY Special Guest Appearance by Linda Hornbuckle and Mark Bosnian Irom "Body and Soul" $25 JOIN ANY CLASS ANYTIME For Information Call (collect) weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (503) 297-1021 Templa Baptlat Church 1319 HE. 7th, Flraaida Room Tuaaday 12:00 Noon (Brown Bag Lunch Claas) Let your NEW YEAR’S pledge include these words: I ’U go where you want me to go dear Lord O ’er m ountain, or plain, or sea. I ’ll say what you want m e to say, dear Lord, I ’ll be what you want m e to be. Are you going to church just because you may live 2 blocks away or because its your day to sing in the choir or because its your day to serve on the U sher B oard or because you are the president o f a group and it just happens to be your groups day? Is it because you have a new dress or suit and you w ant every body to adm ire what you are w earing? D id you ju st get a large sum of m oney and you want to go to the front o f the church and m ake a special presentation, for all to see? - JOIN BY JANUARY 20TH AND SAV E Remain at $7 Weekly Fee Until Mar. 31st. BEFORE JAN. 20th A FT E R JA N . 20th $15 W hy are we review ing such a m undane su b je c t-lik e the w eather? Because, C hris­ tian B elievers, be ye also w arned that you can easily becom e a “ Fair W eather C hris­ tian.” O nly going out when the w eather is good. Suitable to your liking. O nly when it feels good to you Only witnessing to someone that you know , personally. PORTLAND, OREGON-On February 24. 1990, 7th through 12th grade females In the Portland area can attend a conference geared to Increasing their Interest In variety of career options. The Expanding Your Horizons Converence will held Irom 8:45 A.M. to 1:15 P.M. at Portland State University. State Representative Margaret Carter will be able to attend three workshops Irom among fifteen choices. Dentistry, entrepreneurship, legal work, engineering. Interior and landscape designing, veterinary medicine, and newscasting are Just a tew of the careers repre­ sented at the Expanding Your Horizons Conference. Stu­ dents can also attend workshops on making a choice between two and four year college, personal growth and Image, and life after high school as viewed by three young women who made varied choices. For Details Contact - June Tremain, (503) 280-5858. P ast W tO r-lO S S Registration O n the w est coast, we usually experi­ ence four very distinct seasons: w inter, spring, sum m er, and fall. During each o f these seasons, the w eather leaves its thum b print. In the w inter, we have cold sn o w , ice, hail or sleet. In the spring, we have wet rain, rain and m ore rain. In the fall, we experi­ ence the chilling storms o f wind, rain and flooding. O n the other hand, every one awaits sum m er because o f its sunshiny days and its warmth. Everyone com es out­ side. H iking, cam ping, beach trips, fishing, sw im m ing and more. For the New Year, we should all bi more conscious o f how we are serving th< Lord. Are you totally dedicated? C an th< Lord count on you, in the tough tim es? Wil you w itness to som eone outside o f you fam ily? This is the true te s t Does everything have to alw ays to just right for you to exclaim that you are a child o f th King. Do you denounce your faith, in the Lord, when everything falls apart? L et’s not be a part o f this group. Serve the Lord w ith gladness. Come before His presence with praise and thanks­ giving. sw eaters, m ink coats, aC adillac, expensive Nike tennis shoes. He w asn’t bom in the H ilton Hotel or the W estin-B enson Hotel. He lived His life with his fam ily. He grew and was nurtured. He experienced life as we do. Just an average family. C hrist did not need to m ake any elabo­ rate jesters or w ear fancy clothing -- to show His love for us. He came into this w orld for a special purpose. He cam e to heal and to save. To heal our sin sick souls and to save us from death to sin, in the world. C hrist hum bled him self and gave to us unselfishly. T here’s surely som ew here a lowly place In e a rth ’s harvest fie ld s so wide, W here I m ay labor th ro ’ life ’s short day F or Jesus, the Crucified. So, trusting m y all unto Thy care, I know Thou lovest m e! I ’ll do Thy will with a heart sincere, I ’ll be what you want m e to b e .” MRS C ’S WIGS WHOLESALE & RETAIL HUNDREDS OF WIGS FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES • NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • MICHAEL WEEKS BETTY CABINE PROPR'ETOI' TUIS-SAT 11 ¡30-6 OC X 3» ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS EVERYTHWG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY W B S UNDUE H A F ORNAMENTS HAD BEADS & BEAUTY SUPPUES MRS. C’S EBONY ESSENCE COSMETICS ZURICOSMETCS n o i XO I - 0 5 2 5 BEAUTICIAN & STUDENT 1 DISCOUNTS I ioo% human --- --------------------------------------------- haf braiding & FOR WEAVNC Expanding Your Horizons Conference Set For February 24th E a S’ T o F o llo » FAST& FLEXIBLE by M attie A n n Callier-Spears 7th & FREMONT (707 N.E. FREMONT) Ac* Nfw P » X » A M * Fair Weather Christians Teacher Training Workshop Scheduled C R E E D O E TH E B L A C K PR E SS T h e Black Press believes that Am erica can best lead the world aw a) from social and national antagonisms when it accords to e» e rj person, regardless of race, color, or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black P re » strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are h u rt as lung as anyone • Jesus Loves You! 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (c o rn e r o f 8 th & S k id m o re ) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor 1 n Psaltn ,-------1 34:3 ------ ------ ( 'A ‘Teaching Church ‘W ith A ^ a c h i n g M in is tr y .' MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH D r. J a m e s E. M a rtin , S e n io r P a s to r AMERICAN 116 N.E. Schuyler • (503) 284-1954 7:45 A .M . - W O R S H IP S E R V IC E 9:30 A .M . - S U N D A Y S C H O O L 10:45 A .M . - W O R S H IP S E R V IC E 6:30 P .M . - W O R S H IP S E R V IC E BIBLE ST U D Y : 10:30 A .M . - 1 2 N O O N - W E D N E S D A Y 6:30 A .M . - 8:00 P .M . - W E D N E S D A Y d ic a p p e d W o rk Hiring NORTH PORTLAND Rivergate Community 4737 N. Lombard St. Tues. 7:00 p.m. University ol Portland 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Columbia Hall (Enter Irom Poriamouth) Wed. 5:00 p.m. r A.M . A fternoon & P.M. Shifts Available No E xperience Necessary * Under New M anagem ent. 1 4 1 2 S.E. M orrison • P ortland, O regon 2 3 5 -3 5 3 6 WBGHT WATCHERS is ■ rsflistsrsd trademark ol Weight Watchers International, inc. O ieeo Weight Watchers International, Inc. 21-SO-too R a d io M in is tr y Each S u n d a y , 8.1)0 A .M . - K B M S ARANATHA HURCH LEE OWEN STONE Cooperative Preschool 120 N.E. Knott Street • 281-5802 EXCEPTING NEW ENROLLEES! 9 a.m. - Noon Mon.Fri. Scholarships - Aftercare Available Socialization Skills for 2-1/2 to 5-year-olds 4222 N.E. 12th A venue P o rtla n d O re g o n GOOD TIM ES! Sunday Services Call Jerri Broad beck: 282-7081 Sunday School speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote!!! ■ ■ 'r i I- - Best Cash Prices 9:00 A.M. “ B efore You M u s t” DAD'S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils Morning Worship — M a k e a D e c is io n — 10:30 A.M. “ Inquire about the services we offer" Maranatha School of Ministry Cox F u n e ra l H om e, Inc. 104 N.E. Russell St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 24 Hr. Service 6:30 P.M. 2814891 Mid-Week Services ■ Wednesday W e a r e i n t e r e s t e d in y o u r p r o b le m s 7:30 P.M. <*■* • V • ,V . ' J" 1 < ; i - - R ev. W e n d e ll H . W a lla c e S e n io r P a sto r