'f Page 23 Portland, Obwrver <• z ► Vi-, V Martin Luther King, Jr. Special Edition January 10, 1990 THE POWER OF THE BUCK R to M y a u --U g M I Vw m «M io Now you want to r u n . . . . run, B u ty e u M u W n 't But you can't mova, It'» too lata to mova. V w w a w M t o a a y 'n o ', Tha Buck la atrongar than you lu t a w M a t ( M Tha Buck haa your mind, your your v olo ,. V w e tw a d your haart You're alone - She a there, but you're alone! Ona atar ahlnes lo r you - believes In body, your aoull R n a t o R aaatar lor you. you. But slowly tha Buck cloaaa your eyaa You vaguely remember who you Tha lu a k , )uol papa', uaad to ba l u i N m alaal R haW you, r a power anoampaaaad y w Goldan blaaaad, gifted, with ao And y w o a u M n l gat i It hurt» to ramambar, to tha light, much to glva. And tha Buck smiles. Birthday presence. It hurta to leal, Honor, IrWagrlty, manhood, Now you live with tha atone It hurta to lova. In your heart. Nana a w whha t and tha power at tha Buck. Onoa y w thought you know Naw, you don't care Now you're Invisible - Transparent, There is no more light You have no lorm - no Identity It laded, Ilka your Identity - Thera Is only darkness a lo w ly . . . . What would you give Martin on his birthday’ In your heart, In your mind. And tha Buck smiled. In your aoull Yeur nightm are la real - Can you separate the man from his ideas’ V w amda R aoma oliva. V w lad R and nurtured It Until I haoam a too big How do you gift wrap a dream’ Can you put Peace in a box’ M. Parris tar yw ta handle. Maybe you could send him a world of people who are glad that he lived, who are trying to live the lessons Channel 8 Remember’s The Dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream, a dream that is still alive in those who respected and admired him. A gospel music tribute to Dr. King, “ Remember the Dream,” airs on Channel 8 Sunday, January 14 at 11:30 p.m. and Monday, January 15 at 8 p.m. on KGW TV. F ran traditional to contemporary, gospel Quality kitchens, baths and new additions. NEILKEUY DESIG NERS I REM O DELER S NOW WITH TWO DESIGNER SHOWROOMS. EAST AND WEST. 8101 SW Nimbus Koll Business Center Beaverton (Off Hall B lvd ) 644-0445 804 N Alberta (2 blocks east of 1-5) 2887461 (Vane 696-2204) Or Reg 1663. Wash Reg NEILKCI 18702 SINCE 1947, THE REM O DELER FRIENDS R E C O M M E N D T k e highest honor we can give him is to work to make hit dream come true. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., January 15. 1929 April 4. 1963 o f compassion of courage music is hot in Portland and ' Remember the D ream " highlights local gospel talent during this half-hour special. Channel 8 “ PM Magazine” reporter Sharon Mitchell hosts the special taking viewers on a jour­ ney from the early days of gospel to it’s present contemporary sound. The program opens w ith the M aranatha Church choir singing "D o You Love My Jesus.” In a reminiscent segment, black workers sing spirituals representing gospel m usic’s roots from over 100 years ago. Two of the most talented performers in the Northwest, vocalist Curtis Salgado and pianist Janice Scroggins “ Remember the D ream” as they perform on the Stem­ wheeler Columbia Gorge floating up the W illamette River. Viewers will see how the future of gospel music lives in 15 year-old Goldie Irby from Greater Faith Baptist Church as he sings a favorite gospel selection. Throughout the program, messages of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. remind us of the man and his dream. Each of the gospel performances as dedicated to his memory. "R em em ber the Dream” is a musical celebration broadcast in stereo as a "C om panies That C are" special. "Remember the Dream" was produced by Joe Kaleel, directed by Jose Ayala. Randy Wiltgen is KGW-TV executive producer. of a right and wrong where truth does not discriminate, but can be found in the soul' A world o f people trying simply to do what is right -Those lessons, that he left us Happy Birthday. Dr King mSWEST Making the most of your time. Martin Luther King Birthday C areer N etwork I nc . CNI AGENCY 77 m Personnel Placement People ACCOUNTING ■ ADMINISTRATIVE • BOOKKEEPING CLERICALZOFFICE • CONTROLLERS • DATA PROCESSING ENGINEERING ■ EXECUTIVE MGMT. • HIGH-TECH • FINANCE MARKETING • SALES • SECRETARIES 700 N.E. Multnomah Suite 400 Portland, Oregon 15,1929 - April 4,1968 (503) 233-0055 OBSERVED MONDAY, JANUARY 15th A dream . . . He had a dream ... a dream that one day our country’s promise of equality for all people ... regardless of race or religion ... would become a reality. He gave his life for his dream, which he promoted through non-violent resistance to segregation. His work for justice was recognized in 1964, when he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize Since his death, his dream goes on, as people in all walks of life strive toward his goal of equal freedom and opportunity for all. Thank you, Martin Luther King, for making us al, aware that your dream is an exalted one which deserves to come true. o f equal opportunity fo r all. M artin Luther King saw a better future for all races through equal opportunities. Multnomah ESD, which provides programs and services to schools in the county, is dedicated to the principle of nondiscrimination in employment policies and hiring practices. Job opportunities arc listed in The Portland Observer or call MESD at 255-1841. Multnomah Education Service District RENT V \SIIERS & DRYERS $35. Per Month For The Set • $30. Delivery & Installation \ - \ rental Co. washer SAFEWAY "1ttave A (Dream Portland Vancouver (503) 231-7413 (206) 693-4000 ' - »7 t I * z ft * V ' " 't ' ; ; v - r - ? • ••• .. 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