a* •' •’ a‘ Pajte 22 • Portland, Observer M artin Luther king, Jr. Special EdUlon , 4- a / > » V » »-»'* ♦ » ♦ t v ' v l * >’ # e f f f > * < ♦ * » ♦ • * * * * ♦ ’ » . »• jr y v *' # v**1 v 'rv ♦ ♦ * « * * * V V 1TW V W <*# ▼ ■• January 10, 1990 "Non-violence is the answer to crucial political and moral questions o f our time; the need fo r man to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression and violence," "ftfew taws are not enough. ‘The emergency we face is economic, and it is a desperate and worsening situation. "Man must evolve fo r all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation o f such a method is love, " Martin Luther King, Jr. The Oregon Department of Transporta­ tion is responding to this "emergency through its Disadvantaged Business (DBE) program, Affirmative Action in em­ ployment, and other efforts intended to bring about equity in the way transporta­ tion dollars are spent in this state. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS The Oregon Department of Transportation w », v i t o a.»« • w j li f i GEORGIES WORLD OF TAPES J F" T > 1834 N.E. Alberta • Portland, Oregon 288-3333 O A! I D C ■ n U U n O . MONDAY THRU WEDNESDAY THURSDAY THRU SATURDAY lift 10:00 A.M. UNTIL 10 P.M. 10:00 A.M. UNTIL 11:00 P.M. COMPACT DISCS • NINTENDOS • V.H.S. VIDEOS ADULT MOVIES • CASSETTES • BLANKS . rr**— » 0 ,1 We Also Have A Growing Selection of Black Tapes -- And If We Don t Have .3 I i i U S » M m t»» Your Favorite Tape, Please Let Us Know And We Will Get It!!! Offering One FREE Rental for One Day with Purchase of Mem bership at Each Nintendo Game System I, O f f r i t |i •-»«I la aaaai i « i $7.99 For Two Days Includes (1) One FREE Game Cartridge. Additional Game Cartridges $1.99 Each. - X» w I