rr^ > l » » * January 10, 1990 Portland Observer • M a r tin L u th er King, J r. Spedai Edition • Pagt 11 x Regina Belle Climbs Charts Again With New Single, "Make It Like It Was" Regina Belle continues to take the country by storm as "M a k e I t L ike I t W as," the 2nd single from her smash #1 Stay W ith M e album , climbs to the top rungs o f B ill­ board's Black Singles chart in only It's fifth week of release. O n the strength of its tremendous airplay and retail sales «he new single has the look o i being as big as her #1 urban record of the year In R & B . Enthusiastic w ord of mouth about Regina's second Colum bia Records album Is fueling tremendous record sales. "People are turning other people on to Regina's album In a bnig way," said Ruben Rodriquez, Senior V .P , Black M u s k and Jazz, Colum blaq Records. " It's the type o f album that people never get tired o f listening to." A fter dazzling Industry audiences ea rlier this year at showcases on both coasts, and th e n h lo w ln u awav critics and fans alike, w ith her stunning debut on Broadway this fall, A Tribute Io Martin Luther King, Jr : MONDAY JANUARY 15 noon to 3pm • presented by KBMS • 1480 AM • SOUL RADIO co-sponsored by Powell's Books • 10th & West Burnside open Monday to Saturday 9am-11pm, Sunday 9am-9pm STOP WHAT YOU’RE D O IN G AND LEND A N EAR Trai nnTtrCT e m ü P h ilip M orris C om panies Inc Philip Morris U.S.A. Philip Morris International Inc. Kraft General Foods Miller Brewing Company Mission Viejo Company MM