• Portland, Observar M artin Luther king, Jr. Special Edition January 10,1990 Statement By Senator Packwood WHAT’S IN A NAME? Portland’s Highland Elementary School was renamed for the late Martin Luther King in 1968 — without surveys or other red tape. 1929 1968 Then the Portland School District, again responsive to community desires, named the school’s adjacent Neighborhood Facility to commemorate Dr. King and later named its newest middle school to honor Harriet Tubman. As we celebrate our National Holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it is important that we take time to rededicate ourselves to the principles for which he stood. Peace and justice, human and civil rights, are causes which must be defended; which must not be lost in the myriad, transitory concerns of today. Progress in these areas must continue to be made. More than 20 years after his passing, Dr. King stands as a symbol of hope to all Americans that we can continue to move forward in these areas which form the basis of our freedom. 10 PM 3-7-10-13 Names, statues and portraits are only symbolic, however. Is there substance to match the dreams of the slain civil-rights leader? Living The Dream Martin Luther King 1929-1968 Please accept this special invitation to attend the fifth annual program KEEP LIVING THE DREAM: A Tribute to Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.,” 1:00 p.m., Mon­ Consider the Portland School District’s pioneer commitments to affirmative action and to development of districtwide multi- cultural/multiethnic education. Portland Public Schools believes all of its students are capable of educational excellence. And proves it every school day. Are there any better birthday presents? PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS The history of the Civil Rights M ovem ent continues EYES ON THE PRIZE II Malcolm X and the call for "Black Tower" Stv/so// premiere ,Monday, limitary 15 day, January 15, 1990, at Jefferson High School. This tribute is welcomed by the com­ munity representing a sincere effort to heighten awareness of Dr. King and the national holiday established in his honor. The purpose of this program is to pro­ vide an opportunity for students of Portland Public Schools and community members to participate in a significant cultural enrich­ ment activity. It’s objective is to foster greater understanding of cultural diversity through music, performing arts, dramatic and speech presentation. Program content will include Portland area students and a number of prominent citizens all reflecting on the importance of living the “ Dream.” In addition, a mass choir sculpted from local & professional talent will perform gospel music classics under the direction of pianisl/composer Danny Osborne and Ken Berry. The entire program will be broadcast live over radio station KBOO (90.7 FM) and on Paragon Cable Television (BCTV Channel 28). So Mark your calendar for Monday, January 15th, 1:00 p.m., at Jefferson High School for ‘ ‘ KEEP LI VING THE DREAM: A Tribute to Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.” National Public Radio Celebrates Annual a- Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another.” — Martin Luther King Jr. Let's Work Together To Solve Them. Irvington Com m unity Association We believe in Northeast Portland. In Honor of His Dream In January, National Public Radio cele­ brates the annual tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with two outstanding musical events featuring acclaimed composers and musi­ cians. NPR’s popular jazz series AMERI­ CAN JAZZ RADIO FESTIVAL, presents the world premiere of famed clarinetist- composer John Carter’s composition “ shadows On A Wall," which is the final movement of his acclaimed five-part jazz suite "Roots and Folklore: Episodes in the Development of American Folk Music.” Internationally acclaimed pianist- composer Andre Watts joins National Public Radio to host ALWAYS REMEMBERED — a special musical tribute featuring works written in memory of King by world-re­ nowned American composers. * PORTLAND OBSERVER 'The Eyes and Ears of the Community Office: (503)288-0033 Fax#: (503)288-0015 ONE DAY Ona day aa haavan was »Iliad with Hit praises, Ona day whan tin was as black aa could ^UNJONzAVENtlE¿ ba, ' G LASVCOMPANY^ Jasua cams forth to ba born ol a virgin, □wall among man-my example la Hal Ona day «hay lad Him up Calvary's mountain, All Types of Auto. Plate and Window Glass! Storm Doors and Windows LORRAINE HLAVINKA W nm an Own p H 6105 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon97211 P hone 283 8887 Ona day thay nallad Him lo dla on tha tree; Suflarlng anguish, despised and ra|actad, Baarlng our alna, my Rsdssmsr la Hal Ona day tha grava could concaal Him no longar, Ona day tha stone rolled away from tha [ I W e B elieve I n I t .... 1 pc A \ T he D r e a m TELEVISION Portland Cable Access TV 2766 N.E. Union Ave. Portland, Oregon 97212 door; Than Ha arose, over death Ha had conquered, Now la ascended my Lord evermore! Ona day tha trumpet will sound for Hla oomlng, Ona day tha skies with Hla glory will shine; p Wonderful day, my beloved ones bringing! Qlorloue Savior, thia Jesus la mlnal Lhrlng-Ha loved ma, Dying-He aavad ma, Burled He carried my tins away; Rlslng~He |uetDied Iraaly, loravar; Ona day Ha a coming.-0 glorious day! n y