♦ » Page 12 • Portland, Observer • Martin Luther King, Jr. Spedai Edition t r* ♦ ♦ m t v» n f * ' ’•#■ ♦ 'O ^p> > + ^5 January IO, I ’WO EXPOSURE TO DANGEROUS CHEMICALS IS CRIPPLING ATHIRD OF YOUR EMPLOYEES. T h ere are som e hazardous ch em icals no em ployee should have to handle: A m phetam ines. Crack. C ocaine. The list goes on and on. Yet alm ost one third of O regon’s work force uses drugs. Resulting in absenteeism , theft, increased accidents and poor job perform ance. To p rotect your com pany from drug abuse, establish a drug control pro­ gram . Call the Oregon Prevention R esource C en ter at 1-800-822-OPRC. And R E G IO N A L D R U G IN IT IA T IV E learn DRUGS DON’T WORK 1 < ♦ .• , * « >1 ' _ . ... ... .• • • .. ■ •<