mu í u i : i Page 10 • Portland, Observer • Martin Luther King, Jr. Special Edition • January 10, 1990 JOBS & > h TRTISING MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMMER Salary: $11.76/Hourly Designs, develops, modifies, and tests computer systems/programs based on developed or supplied specifi­ cations; develops documentation; may work in mainframe, mini or micro computer environments; requires one year of experience in compiler language or Natural on a medium or large system, prefera­ bly IBM; experience with informa­ tion engineering, ADABAS and/or PCs is desirable; apply by January 19, 1990. HEALTH EDUCATOR Salary: $U .92/H ourly Provides educational services designed to motivate people to adopt and maintain healthful practices and lifestyles and advocates for social and environmental changes as needed; requires a BS in health education and one year of experi­ ence; additional experience may substitute for the degree on a year- for-year basis; apply by January 19, 1990. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST Health Services Division Salary: $12.59/Hourly Specific responsibilities include devel­ oping policies, procedures and sta­ tistical reports and evaluating their effectiveness; requires one year of program planning, development and/ or evaluation experience; experi­ ence writing and using Macintosh desktop publishing is desirable; apply by January 19,1990. W H ERE TO APPLY: Multnomah County Employee Services, Room 1430,1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Port­ land, OR 97204. Equal Opportunity Employer INSTRUMENT FOREMAN James River Corporation, a major pulp and paper manufacturer, is looking for an Instrument Foreman with established supervisory skills to lead a crew o f 9 instrument mechanics. Responsibilities include: planning and directing activities of the crew so that support of customers is effi­ cient and effective and a high level of cooperation is maintained be­ tween the crew, operations, and other maintenance depts. The ideal candidate will have journey level instrumentation training and some experience in the pulp and paper industry. Candidate must be goal oriented, technically competent, good communicator, and flexible. The Wauna Mill is located on Ore­ gon Highway 30 midway between Longview and Astoria. Address resumes to: Shelley Prouty, Rt. 2, Box 2185, Clatskanie, OR 97016. JAMES RIVER CORPORATION Equal Opportunity Employer MIF LIBRARY CHILDREN’S LIBRARIAN Eugene Public Library Salary Range: $l,974-$2,732/Mo. Responsibilities include reference/ reader’s advisory service, collec­ tion development, program plan­ ning and implementation in com­ bined Children's/Extension Divi­ sion. Requires ALA accredited MLS and valid driver’s license. Some experience in public library chil­ dren’s services desirable. (Required at Librarian II level.) Starting sal­ ary based on experience. CLOS­ ING DATE: February 16, 1990. For application and questionnaire, contact: City of Eugene, HRRS, 777 Pearl S t, Rm. 101, Eugene, OR 97401. (503) 687-5061. Equal Opportunity Employer WASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS DIRECTOR DepurUaent of Community Corrections: Salary: $46,975-558,706/Yearly Closing Date: Open until filled. BUILDING MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Salary: $1,671-$2,032/Montiily Closing Date: 1/12/90. GROUNDSKEEPER II Salary: $10.31-$12¿2/Hourly Closing Date: 1/12/90. ASSOCIATE PLANNER/ PLANNING Salary: $2,134-$2,595/Monthly Closing Date: Open until filled. Call (503) 648-8607 for information. County application forms required. Apply to Washington County Per­ sonnel. Women, minorities & the disabled are encouraged to apply. Equal Opportunity Employer ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT AUDITOR Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for an assistant auditor position in the Medicare Reimbursement and Audit Dept. Qualified applicants will perform desk review and field audits on Medicare cost reports submitted by providers. Audits are performed at the provider site re­ quiring 1 -2 weeks per month travel with audit team. Qualified candidates will have a col­ lege degree with major in account­ ing including audit course credits. Previous work in accounting or health care is desired. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee bene­ fits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Pre-employ­ ment drug screening required. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir. 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer COUNSELOR V FAMILY SERVICE COORDINATOR Beginning Salary: $1,700-$1,800/Monthly Plus Excellent Benefits CODA Inc. seeks supervisor for Fam­ ily Services Program. Responsibili­ ties include development and op­ eration of residential and outpa­ tient programs, supervision of 2-5 child care counselors, supervision of all clinical activities, perform­ ance of program development, contract management and liaison. To Qualify: Masters degree in human services, experience in staff super­ vision, and 2 years supervised human services experience are required. To Apply: Complete and submit stan­ dard CODA application form with answers to screening questions. Application materials available at CODA INC., 210 NE 20th, Port­ land, OR 97232. 239-8400. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer ACCOUNTING PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS GENERAL LEDGER SUPERVISOR Manages all phases of general ledger dept functions including supervi­ sion of staff. Responsible for super­ vision of A/R, cash transactions, bank reconciling, and employee travel. Minimum qualifications: bachelor's degree in accounting, business, management, or other applicable fields. 3 years experi­ ence in supervisory role in account- ing/business office. Lotus 1-2-3 and P/C knowledge essential. Salary range: $27,254-530,533 based on experience and preparation. Excel­ lent fringe benefits. Job description and application form may be ob­ tained by writing or calling person­ nel services (503) 249-2000, ext. 549 or apply in person at 501 N. Dixon, Portland. Closing for appli­ cation material, 5 p.m., Jan. 19. Equal Opportunity Employer T E A C H IN G ECONOM IC OPPORTUNITY C O M M ITTEE O F CLARK COUNTY, INC. HEAD START OF CLARK COUNTY MECHANIC SENIOR MEDICAL UNDERWRITER Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is accepting applications for a Senior Medical Underwriter will perform the following duties: * Determine underwriting risk on new non-group enrollment. * Review health statements to deter­ mine enrollment eligibility. * Analyze medical data to eliminate risk. Qualified applicants will have a mini­ mum of three years experience in underwriting individual health and/ or life insurance with a strong medical background or a degree in Nursing, and will possess excellent demonstrated communication skills. Leadership and problem solving background and the ability to handle daily stressful situations in a pro­ fessional manner is a m ust Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee bene­ fits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Pre-employ­ ment drug screening required. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon H um an Resources Dept., 5th Fir. 100 S.W. M arket P ortland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer EDUCATION PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS BILINGUAL EDUCATION ASSISTANTS Assists in orientation and instruction of limited English proficient students. Assists ESL bilingual or classroom teacher. Contacts parents at direc­ tion of school staff, provides cul­ tural and language information to main stream staff. Qualifications: HS diploma, oral fluency, reading and writing skills in English and the target languages: Russian, Vi­ etnamese, Spanish, Chinese, Ro­ manian and Korean. Public school experience desirable. Familiarity with culture of students. For addi­ tional information call the ESL office, Minh Tran, 280-5834. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer TEACHER MENTAL HEALTH C IH DRUG TREATMENT SERVICES Starting salary: $1,232-$1,300/Monthly Plus Excellent Benefits CODA Inc. seeks applicants for a coun­ selor position providing structured intensive outpatient treatment to mandated pregnant women. Respon­ sibilities include diagnosis, evalu­ ation and treatment to clients: indi­ vidual, group, and family counsel­ ing. Consultation, coordination and lia is o n with community health nurses and case managers. Maintenance of client records, participation in marketing and promotion activi­ ties. To qualify, candidates will have a bachelor’s degree in health serv­ ices and at least 2 years supervised human services experience. Knowl­ edge of chemical dependency and experience in the treatment of chemi­ cally dependent women is very strongly desired. To Apply: Complete and submit stan­ dard CODA application form in­ cluding answers to screening ques­ tions. Detailed position announce­ ment, application forms and screen­ ing questions available at CODA INC., 210 N.E. 20th, Portland, OR 97232. 239-8400. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer B.A. in Education, prefer ECE. 1 year paid experience with 3-5 yr. olds in preschool setting. Experience super­ vising adults. Salary range: $8.66- $10.53/hr.; 30 hrs./wk. TEACHER ASSISTANT II A.A. in ECE or CDA and 1 yr. experi­ ence with 3-5 yr. olds in preschool setting. Salary range: $6.06-57.37/ hr.; 28 hrs./wk. FAMILY SERVICE WORKER High School graduate. Prefer A.A. in Human Services or related field, with experience working with chil­ dren and families. Direct involve­ ment in Head Start helpful. Act as family advocate. Knowledge of Clark County and its resources. Salary range: $5.80-$7.05/hr.; 40 hrs./wk. All positions require dependable auto­ mobile, driver’s license and insur­ ance. Obtain EOC application, position announcement and job description 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Mon.-Fri., at Head Start Office, 10619 N.E. Coxley Dr., Vancou­ ver, WA 98662. (206) 896-9912. Completed applications must be received in Head Start Office by 4 p.m., Wednesday, January 17,1990. An Affirmative Action! Equal Opportunity Employer COORDINATOR COUNCIL ON HOM ELESS Routine skilled work maintaining and repairing transit buses, automobiles and associated equipment. Must have a valid Chauffeur’s or Class 2 li­ cense. Class 2 permit acceptable for applying but employment con­ tingent upon ability to obtain Class 2 license. $10.36 per hour. Fill out official application by January 19, 1990, which is available at the Salem Area Mass Transit District; 3140 Del Webb Ave. N.E.; Salem, Ore­ gon 97303. Equal Opportunity Employer INSURANCE Newly created Council will function as principle planning body for home­ less issues in Clark County. Coor­ dinator provides staff services to Council on Homeless and coalition of Service Providers. Responsible for administration of Council busi­ ness, preparing meeting packets, conducting research projects, issue advocacy, community education and fund raising. Baccalaureate degree and three years relevant experience. Prefer experience in grant writing and broad knowledge of social serv­ ices and homeless issues. Must have excellent communication skills and the demonstrated ability to work well with a wide variety of people. $2,083.00 per month. Excellent benefits. Call (206) 694-2501 for application and supplemental ques­ tionnaire. Submit to: Vancouver Housing Authority 500 O m aha Way Vancouver, WA 98661 by 5:00 p.m. W ednesday, Jan u a ry 17, 1990 Equal Opportunity Employer The State of Oregon Housing Council is recruiting for an Oregon Housing Administrator. The Housing Agency currently consists of 41 positions segmented into six sections: Adm ini­ stration, Financial Operations, Home Ownership Programs, Rental Pro­ grams, Housing Resource Assistance and Technical Assistance. This position is responsible for plan­ ning, supervising and controlling the overall operation of the Oregon Hous­ ing Agency. Preference will be given to applicants who have a background in the area of housing for lower and moderate income families, and expe­ rience in working successfully with State, Federal and local officials, and diversified housing interest groups. Salary range $44,568 - 62,700 A n­ nually. Applications and resumes must be received no later that Febru­ ary 16, 1990, at 5:00pm. For mini­ mum qualification information, job announcement, and a p p lica tio n please contact Susan Bibelheimer, Management and Career Services, Personnel and Labor Relations Divi­ sion, Executive Department, 1 55 Cottage Street NE, Salem, Oregon NOTICE! Witnesses to incident at Lloyd Cen­ ter Shopping Mall on Friday, Dec. 15th, 1989,approximately 8:35 p.m. between African-American female accompanied by five children, and white security guard employed by J.C. Penney’s. Please contact (503) 286-3254. AT TENTION: GOVERNM ENT SEIZED VEHICLES From $100. Fords, M ercedes, Corvettes, Chevys. Surplus Buyers Guide. 1-602-838-8885, Ext. A 12859. INSURANCE MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for Medical Claims Analysts. This position is responsible for accurate and timely payment of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon's medical claims. Experience necessary to perform this taks will include: * 1 year recent clerical work experience in a doctor's office or hospital setting. * Demonstrated knowledge of medical terminology and anatomy. This may be obtained through a classroom setting or office experience. * ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding. * A minimum of 6-12 months experience using a CRT in a production oriented environment. * Fast, accurate use of a 10-key calculator. Previous claims processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer PROJECT DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, PROJECT DEVELOPMENT, for Northeast Community De­ velopment Corporation in Portland, Oregon. Minimum 5 years experi­ ence in property acquisition, construction management, contract negotia­ tions, working knowledge of federal and state housing programs. Com­ puter skills highly desirable. Salary negotiable. Send resume and cover letter to: NECDC 1726 N.E. Alberta Portland, OR 97211 Equal Opportunity Employer DATA PROCESSING PROFESSIONALS There’s a Million Reasons Why We Speak Your Language! PROGRAMMER ANALYSTS Requires a minimum of 2 years experience in performing systems analysis and design, coding, testing and implementation assignments. CICSW skills a definite plus. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon, a major health insurance company PROGRAMMERS provides health insurance to over Requires a degree in Computer Science one million people. You expertise or at least 1 year of experience in new development and large scale performing program design, coding, enhancements will help all of them. testing and im plem entation Several large projects and new assignments. business efforts will be requiring In addition to significant technical individuals with experience working challenge and professional growth, in a large scale IBM mainframe we offer flex-time work hours, environment. excellent benefits and a competitive All positions require strong salary. Send your resume or apply communication, interpersonal and in person at: user skills. Candidates must also have experience in the following: •VSAM • TSO/ISPF • COBOL • O S/JCL LEAD ANALYST Requires extensive background in the development of CICS based systems and demonstrated success in a project management role. RESEARCH ASSOCIATE Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Hum an Resources Dept., 5th Fir 100 S.W. M arket P ortland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR The Western Regional Resource Cen­ ter, University of Oregon is extend­ (PROGRAM COORDINATOR 3) ing its search for an Educational $2,393 - $3,041/Monthly) Consultant (Research Assistant or The Oregon Department of Environ­ Research Associate). The search mental Quality is seeking an indi­ has been extended to January 26, vidual to coordinate the develop­ 1990 or until a sufficient applicant ment and implementation of the pool has been identified. Appoint­ Underground Storage Tank (UST) ment is fixed-term, beginning Feb­ grant reimbursement, loan guaran­ ruary 1990, with possibility of re­ tee and interest rate subsidy/tax credit newal. Primary responsibility: programs with the Department’s coordination of technical assistance regional offices, UST cleanup pro­ to state education agencies. Mas­ gram , the business office, commer­ ter’s degree required (earned doc­ cial lending institutions and UST torate preferred) in special educa­ owners & permittees. tion or related field. Experience in To qualify you must have four years of consultation, in service training, and experience including steadily in­ delivering technical assistance to creasing management responsibil­ education agencies. Extensive travel ity; or four years experience in a required. Expertise in early child­ staff technical or professional func­ hood special education, LRE, SEA tion related to budget management, monitoring, transition or special forecasting and analysis or envi­ education policy preferred. Salary: ronmental pollution control pro­ $26,OOO-$33,5OO. Closing dale: 1/ grams; AND a Bachelor’s degree 26/90 or until a sufficient applicant or three more years of responsible pool has been identified. Send res­ experience. ume or vita and names, addresses, This position is located in downtown and telephone numbers of at least Portland. If you arc interested in ' three references to: Richard Zeller, this challenging opportunity, please Director, WRRC,Clinical Services call 229-5119 by Wednesday, Janu­ Building, University of Oregon, ary 10, 1990 to request a detailed Eugene, OR 97403-1215. announcement and application. The University o f Oregon Equal Opportunity Employer Is an Equal Opportunity! Affirmative Action Institution I V