Page 6 Portland Observer • January 3, 1990 CEH55IFIED M E N T A L H E A LT H M EN TAL H EALTH D A T A PROCESSING M ETHODS & P R O C E D IR E S AN ALYST Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon, a major health insurance company, is currendy accepting applications fo r a Methods & Procedures Ana­ lyst * ilh their membership support team. M a jo r responsibilities include: * Understanding o f basic segments o f insurance business. * Problem solving and analy sucal skills. * 3 years in designing system test plans, testing computer programs, user documentation writing or user train­ ing. * Excellent demonstrated oral & * w rit­ ten comm unication skills. •Q u a lifie d individual must be flexible, self-m otivated, work w ell under pressure and have excellent atten­ dance. * Knowledge o f CRT term inal and mainframe TSO editor very help­ ful. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent benefits pack­ age, flex-tim e w ork hours, and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O regon H um ane Resources D ept., 5th F ir. 100 S.W . M a rk e t P o rtla n d , OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer IN S U R A N C E R R * ARCH ANALYST Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is accepting applications fo r a Research Analyst. Responsibilities in preparation o f management re­ ports, any statistical analysis, w ill be assigned projects which involve underw riting and actuarial depart­ ments. Knowledge/experience on program m ing mainframe & m icro­ computers is necessary. Prior use o f SAS, Easy trie ve, C O BO L or BA SIC a plus. College degree in Mathematics, Statis­ tics or Quantitative Analysis re­ quired. Equivalent experience in health care fie ld or research may be acceptable. A b ility to communicate effectively both orally & in writing is crucial. Strong tim e management skills & a bility to work under pressure also neces­ sary. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee bene­ fits package, flex-tim e w ork hours, and competitive salary, pre-employ­ ment drug screening required. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir. 100 S.W . M arket Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer M E D IC A L M A N A G E M E N T C L IE N T C A R E M O N IT O R IN G U N IT S U P E R V IS O R Equal Opportunity Employer An Affirmative Action! Equal Opportunity Employer NEW D IR EC TIO N S Starting Salary: $ l,1 0 9 -$ l,1 6 0 Per i M onth Plus Excellent Benefits 1 C O D A Inc. seeks Counselor II Week­ end Coordinator for New D irec­ tions Residential F acility. Position is responsible for supervision o f facility and up to 15 resident clients. Duties include responding to crisis situations, co-facilitation one group, conducting interviews w ith clients, house maintenance, participating in program activities. S hift runs from m idnight Friday u ntil 9 a.m. Monday. Employee must remain on premises except for one 6 hour break. Applicant must possess good judgement and good interaction skills. Experience in residential settings/drug treatment is preferred. To apply complete & submit stan­ dard C O D A application form and screening question responses to C O D A IN C ., 306 NE 20th, Port­ land, OR 97232. Phone 239-8400. Equal Opportunity Employer M E N T A L H EALTH R E S ID E N T IA L O N -C A L L BACK UP W ORKERS C O D A Inc. seeks qualified applicants fo r on-call back up workers to pro­ vide sole fa c ility and client super­ vision at Alphas House and New Directions Residential Treatment Centers. Variable shifts. Experience w ith residential or alcohol/drug clients preferred. $5.48 Hour. A pplication materials and screening questions are available at C O D A IN C ., 210 N E 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Phone 239-8400. Equal Opportunity Employer M E N T A L H EALTH C O U N S E L O R C II Starting Salary: $ l,1 09 -$ l,1 65 Per month plus excellent benefits C O D A Inc. seeks qualified applicants for entry level counselor position at Alpha House Residential Facility. Responsibilities include manage­ ment o f caseload, co-facilitation o f groups, maintenance o f policies and procedures. S h ift is 4 p.m .-M id- night, Tues.-Sat. to qualify associ­ ate degree in health services or related fie ld or CCDC certification and 1 year o f supervised human service experience. T o apply sub­ m it completed C O D A application form and screening question re­ sponses to C O D A IN C ., 306 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Phone 239-8400. An Affirmative Action! Equal Opportunity Employer VOLUNTEER C O O R D IN A T O R 20 Hours per week; $477Jper month. C L O S IN G D A T E : January 5th. Send resume and cover letter to: Bradley-Angle House, Inc. P.O. Box 14694 Portland, OR 97214 Equal Opportunity Employer Salary: $2,276-53,205/M onthly The Senior & Disabled Services D iv i­ sion is recruiting for a Principal Executive Manager B in Albany. C C M U is a state wide program which ensures on-site inspections fo r federally mandated Medicare & M edicaid certification o f nurs­ ing facilities in Oregon and for federally mandated inspection o f care and u tilization review o f the M edicaid recipients in these fa c ili­ ties. This position is part o f the C C M U dynamic management team. This position organizes & super­ vises the Albany C C M U office. Occasional overnight travel & overtim e required. T o q ua lify, you must have 2 years experience in ­ volving steadily increasing man­ agement or supervisory responsi­ b ility o f medical professional staff in home health, public health, com m unity health or long term care setting; or 2 years staff technical level experience performing inspec­ tion o f care, u tilization reviews & state licensing inspections o f long term care facilities plus a bachelors degree or 3 additional years o f re­ sponsible experience. Preference may be given to applicants w ith a valid RN license. For application process, call 1 -378-8554. Closes Jan. 23rd. C I, W EEK EN D C O O R D IN A T O R C O U N S E L O R II ST A R Beginning Salary: $1,109-1,165 Per month plus benefits C O D A Inc. seeks entry level Coun­ selor in the STAR program. Pro­ viding methadone maintenance and counseling fo r opiate dependent clients. Duties include management o f caseload o f 25 clients, provision o f individual and group therapy, maintenance o f c lin ic a l records. T ypical w ork week is 8-5 M onday- Friday w ith occassional weekend or evening duties. A pplicant must possess associates degree in health services, psychology, social work or related fie ld OR certification as a chem ical dependency counselor. A t least 1 year o f supervised human services experience is required. To apply complete & submit standard C O D A application form and screen­ ing question responses to C O D A IN C ., 306 N E 20th, Portland, OR (7232. Phone 239-8400. ALCO H O L, DRUG AND O FFENDER PROGRAM M ANAGER Annual Salary Range: $33,800-545,302 Salary at Entry: $33,800 Manages and directs the various alco­ hol, drug and offenders program service activities o f the Lane County Department o f Health & Human Services, including mental health services and treatment fo r offend­ ers referred by Courts o f the State Department o f Parole and Proba­ tion; m onitors subcontract agen­ cies; coordinates substance abuse and offenders program services with other divisions, departments and subcontract agencies w ith in the County and w ith the State Alcohol, Drug & Corrections departments. Requires a M aster’s Degree in social work, clinical psychology, psychol­ ogy, counseling or related and 4 years o f increasingly responsible experience in mental health treat­ ment including the evaluation, place­ ment and m onitoring o f drug or alcohol dependent clients, and at least one year o f program manage­ ment and supervision experience. For required application contact Lane C ounty Human Resources Dept., 125 E. 8lh Ave., Eugene, OR 97401, (503) 687-4171. F iling Deadline: 1/26/90. Equal Opportunity Employer UNDERGROUND C O N S T R U C T IO N T E C H M E N TA L H EALTH C O U N S E L O R A ID E A L P H A H O U SE Beginning S alary: $951-$998 Per m onth plus benefits C O D A inc. seeks applicants fo r posi­ tion perform ing a variety o f coun­ selor aide functions at A L P H A House Residential fa cility. Duties include: provision o f overnight fa c ility and client supervision from m idnight until 8 a.m., on Friday, Saturday & Sunday o f each week. Employee must remain awake throughout overnight shift, coordi­ nation o f lingistics and support, activities, attendance at weekly staff meetings. Applicants must possess good judgement, interpersonal skills and oral and w ritten communica­ tion skills. A pplicant must be bond­ able, possess a valid Oregon Driver’s license and have a good driving record. To apply complete & sub­ m it standard CO D A application form and screening question responses to C O D A IN C ., 306 N E 20th, Port­ land, OR 97232. Phone 239-8400. Equal Opportunity Employer M ENTAL HEALTH R E S ID E N T IA L FL E X SC H E D U L E W O RK ERS Part-time and fu ll tim e available. $475- $989 per mo. plus excellent bene­ fits. C O D A Inc. seeks residential workers to provide sole fa c ility and client supervision at C O D A Residential Treatment Facilities, Alpha House, and New Directions. A d u lt Hours vary and may include shifts from m idnight-8 a.m.; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; or 4 p.m -m idnight. Employee may be required to remain awake through­ out entire shift. A pplicant must possess good judgement, good in ­ terpersonal skills, and the a bility to function as a team member in a treatment setting. To apply com ­ plete and sumbit a standard C O D A application form w ith screening question responses to C O D A INC., 306 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Phone 239-8400. Portland Area Open Date: 12/15/89 Closing Date: 1/2/90 R E S P O N S IB IL IT IE S : * Repair, replace, maintain, install or m odify cable, conduit, risers, ped­ estals, drops and electronics for underground cable. * Perform underground locates. * Assisi in the layout, construction, splicing and activation o f new build and extension.’ & Assist technicians in plant maintenance as may be required. * M aintain proper care o f test equip­ ment, tools, supplies and vehicle. Observe safe work and driving practices in accordance w ith com ­ pany safely manual, policies and training. * Practice good customer relations. * W illin g to w ork overtime as needed. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : M inim um : * High school or recognized equiva­ lent. * V a lid d riv e r’ s license and good d riv ­ ing record. A b ility to drive vehicle w ith a trailer. * Good attitude toward serving public and w orking w ith others. Preferred: * Specialized technical training or the equivalent in w ork experience and self-study. * One to three years cable experience:» * Experienced in the operation and maintenance o f plowing and trench­ ing equipment. Position not lim ite d to duties described herein. Send inquiries to: Dean Beseda, T C I Cable vision of Oregon, Inc., 3500 S.W . Bond St., Portland, O R 97201. Equal Opportunity Employer IN SU R AN C E S E N IO R M E D IC A L U N D E R W R IT E R Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is accepting applications for a Senior M edical U nderwriter. The Senior M edical U nderw riter w ill perform the fo llo w in g duties: * Determine underw riting risk on new non-group enrollment. •R eview health statements to deter­ mine enrollm ent e lig ib ility . * Analyze medical data to elim inate risk.Q ualified applicants w ill have a m inim um o f three years experi­ ence in underw riting individual health and/or life insurance w ith a strong medical background or a degree in Nursing, and w ill possess excellent demonstrated com m uni­ cation skills. Leadership and prob­ lem solving background and the a b ility to handle daily stressful situ ations in a professional manner is a must. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee bene­ fits package, flex-tim e work hours, and competitive salary. Pre-employ­ ment drug screening required. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th F ir. 100 S.W . M ark et Portland, O R 97201 An Affirmative Action! Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Opportunity Employer M A R K E T IN G D IR E C T O R N U R S IN G S E R V IC E S C O O R D IN A T O R DIRECTOR, M AR KE TIN G , for North­ east Com m unity Development Corporation in Portland, Oregon. M inim um 3 years experience in real estate, sales, marketing. Expe­ rience in com m unity organizing highly desirable. Salary negotiable. Send resume and cover letter to: N EC D C 1726 N.E. Alberta P o rtla n d , OR 97211 Equal Opportunity Employer O P E R A T IO N S /F IN A N C IA L D IR E C T O R D IR E C T O R , O P E R A T IO N S /F I- N AN C E, for Northeast Com m u­ nity Development Corporation in Portland, Oregon. M inimum 4 years management experience, w orking knowledge o f federal housing and economic development programs. Documented experience in com ­ puter and accounting skills. Salary negotiable. Send resume and cover letter to: N EC D C 1726 N .E. A lb e rta P o rtla n d , OR 97211 Equal Opportunity Employer B eginning Salary: $1,850-52,220 Per m onth plus benefits C O D A Inc. seeks fu ll time nursing services coordinator to be respon­ sible for management o f metha­ done dispensary serving 300clients and for the development and coor­ dination o f clinical nursing serv­ ices. Incumbent must select, train and m onitor staff o f nurses and medication aides. Provide direct clinical services to dual diagnosis clients, pregnant clients, and others as needed. Insure compliance w ith all regulations regarding dispensing o f methadone. W ork week is fle x ­ ible and may include 8 hour shifts between 6 a.m.-2:30 p.m. on any com bination o f days. Current unin­ cumbered Oregon licenses as reg­ istered nurse and at least 3 years nursing experience are required, supervisory experience is highly E X E C U T IV E A S S IS T A N T 2 SA LES H ELP W A N TED (NO IN V E S T M E N T ) U R G E N T L Y N E E D D EP EN D A B LE PERSON to w ork w ithout supervi­ sion fo r Texas o il co. in Portland/ Vancouver area. We train. W rite W .D . Dickerson, Pres., SWEPCO, Box 961005, Ft. W orth, T X 76161 Equal Opportunity Employer E M P L O Y M E N T O PPORTUNITIES M ultnom ah County D IR E C T O R Office of Justice Planning Salary: $39,797-$45,832/Annually D irect the activities o f the O ffice o f Justice Planning including: develop policy plans, prepare fiscal analy­ ses, develop data analyses, coordi­ nate crim ina l justice planning w ith various agencies, m onitor and co­ ordinate implem entation o f an in ­ tegrated crim ina l justice inform a­ tion system, evaluate and m onitor legislation and supervise staff; requires a BS in a fie ld and three years o f increasingly responsible experience in the crim inal justice system and tw o years o f crim inal justice p o lic y making and data analysis experience; apply by Feb­ ruary 2, 1990. W H E R E T O A P P L Y : M ultnom ah County Employee Services, Room 1430,1120 SW F ifth Avenue, Port­ land, OR 97204. Equal Opportunity Employer FIVE (5) INSTALLERS P ortland Area Open Date: December 29, 1989 Closing Date: January 12, 1990 New installs, reconnects, disconnects, change o f service, trouble shoot­ ing, paperwork, good with the public, p ole c lim b in g and lad de r w ork.(Above description not all inclusive. Position may require additional duties). Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : M inim um : Good attitude, valid Oregon d river’ s license and good driving record. Trained in pole clim b in g an able to handle a 29' span ladder. Basic electronics; a b ility to w ork w ell w ith the public. Preferred: Neat appearance, depend­ able and a self-starter. Good a tti­ tude toward serving the public. W illin g to learn the industry. Send inquiries to: Greg Anderson, T C I Cablevision of Oregon, Inc., 3500 S.W. Bond St., Portland, O R 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer IN SU R AN C E M ANAGER M edical Services Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications for a Manager, M edical Services. This position w ill be responsible to, and divid e tim e between Health Maintenance o f Oregon in Portland and C apitol Health Care in Salem. M a jo r responsibilities include: * M anaging, training, hiring and evalu­ ating H M O O & C HC staff. * Insure consistent and smooth opera­ tion o f H M O O /C H C U tilization Review and Q uality Assurance programs. * Assist and support staff in d iffic u lt situations. Q ualified candidates must have: * Oregon RN license. * 2+ years experience in U tilization Review & Q uality Assurance. * 2+ years supervisory experience. * Demonstrated problem solving skills. * Excellent oral and w ritten com m uni­ cation skills. * Professional interpersonal skills a must Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee bene­ fits package, flex-tim e w ork hours, and competitive salary, pre-employ­ ment drug screening required. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir. 100 S.W. M arket Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer F IE L D L IA IS O N Salary: $1,948-52,589/Monthly Excellent Benefit Packages A D U L T A N D F A M IL Y SE R VIC ES D IV IS IO N ANNO UNCEM ENT NUMBER OC890808 A d ult and Fam ily Services D ivisio n is recruiting fo r a qualified person who w ill be responsible fo r assist­ ing agency and Department o f Human Resources staff in using Medical Management Inform ation System (M M IS) in conjunction with agency rules, policies and proce­ dures to see that client medical needs are met and medical p ro vid ­ ers are paid in accordance w ith stale and federal rules and regula­ tions. We are especially looking for applicants w ith good training skills. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : You must have . . . two years o f progressively re­ sponsible administrative experience or two years o f experience in a staff technical or professional function related to a human resource pro­ gram. Your background must clearly demonstrate how you have gained knowledge and understanding as a user/customer o f a large main frame computer system. In addition, to the above requirements you must also have a Bachelor’ s degree or three more years o f re­ sponsible experience. T O A P P L Y : Obtain an application (PD100) and the announcement at Personnel Center, 775 C ourt Street, Salem, Oregon 97310. Indicate the announcement number, OC890808, the class number, C00270, and title o f the position applied for an the P D 100 in the box provided. Follow the instructions on the announce­ ment. Please apply imm ediately as the announcement closes January 12,1990. Equal Opportunity Employer V O C A T IO N A L IN S T R U C T O R Experienced Business Instructor to teach a variety o f business and clerical subjects. E m phasis on Wordprocessing Instruction/Spread- sheeting: First Choice Program, L o ­ tus 1-2-3, Database II, III. B.S. in vocational education w ith State Certification or equivalent, or a com­ bination o f technical training and experience on a year fo r year basis w ith a demonstrated instructional a b ility in the pertinent vocation. A p ply in person at PIVO T, 531 S.E. 14th, Room 11, Portland. Closing date, January 5, 1990. GE Government Services is an Equal Opportunity Employer F IR E F IG H T E R The C ity o f M ilw au kie is seeking re­ sponsible person(s) to perform public safety w ork in the protection o f life and property through fire preven­ tion, fire suppression activities and emergency medical assistance. Requires: Education and training equivalent to graduation from high school, 18 years o f age, excellent physical health, valid d river’ s l i ­ cense and certified E M T 1, by end o f probation (1 year). S A LA R Y : $2,209-$2,685/Monthly plus excellent benefit package. Supple­ mental questionnaire and applica­ tion must be received by 5 p.m., Thursday, January 18,1990. A p ply to C ity o f M ilw au kie Personnel O ffice, ‘ 10722 S.E. M ain Street, M il waukie, OR 97222. Phone: 659- 5171, F A X #652-4433. Equal Opportunity Employer M E N T A L H E A LT H C H IL D /F A M IL Y T H E R A P IS T M.S.W . (or master’ s degree in related field) and counseling experience with children and families required. Salary $18,000 to $19,950 D.O.E. Send resume by 1/12/90 to: C .C .M .H . 6329 N .E. Union Ave. Portland, OR 97211 Attn.: Personnel Equal Opportunity Employer desired. To apply complete & submit standard CO D A application form and screen­ ing question responses to C O D A IN C , 306 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Phone 239-8400. An Affirmative Action! Equal Opportunity Employer NOTICE! PERSONNELS Witnesses to incident at Lloyd Cen­ ter Shopping Mall on Friday, Dec. 15th, 1989, approximately 8:35 p.m. between African American female accompanied by five children, and white security guard employed by J.C. Penney's. Please contact (503) 286-3254. A T T E N T IO N !!! H IR IN G !!! Government Jobs Your Area M any immediate openings without waiting list or test. $17340-569,485. Call 1-602-838-8885. Ext. R12859. fr f"' * * XX Kv H M S » »j i - A Ä , w a '■ • /¿«H » • ***>*♦•* A * '• . - •. - ••SS'