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Safeway has been aggressively remod­ eling existing stores and opening new stores at a brisk pace throughout 1989 - with each store more creative and advanced than the previous one. However, the Safeway Mar­ ketplace at Jantzen Beach is the most radi­ cal departure from any store the chain has ever built anywhere and is considered a "destination shopping center.” The most notable feature of the store design is a40‘ foot high Atrium Ceiling that ‘ ‘bathes ’' the interior of the store in natural light, warmth and cheerfulness - even on the most soggy o f Northwest days! The Atrium looks down on the most unique and exciting area of the store - an area industry and trade experts refer to as "Im pact Alley.” All of the Full-Service Specialty Departments are grouped together - instead of using a department as an ' 'anchor'' in each comer of the store or scattered around the store's perimeter. Adding to an this exciting concept, Safeway has enhanced each specialty de­ partment - introducing new ideas and serv­ ices never before available in Safeway! Safeway has operated stores in the Pacific Northwest since the early 1920’s and cur­ rently operates 101 stores in this region, 91 of which are in Oregon and 10 in SW Washington. Sixty-eight (68) years later, the Safeway Marketplace at Jantzen Beach represents: a S6.0 million dollar investment, will em­ ploy over 200 employees, created 150 new jobs, and will stock over 40,000 items. Safeway's Marketplace stores contain the latest merchandising concepts in gro­ cery retailing and are designed to replicate an outdoor “ marketplace” scenario in each of the full-service specialty departments. Safeway's Marketplace decor uses store­ front motifs to identify each department - and reflects the thinking of one of the nation's leading store interior designers, Jarobb Designs, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The following full-service specialty departments surround Safeway’s Impact Alley: EUROPEAN BAKERY - A Euro­ pean style, full-service Bakery will feature steam-injected baking equipment, specially designed to duplicate the “ french secret!” The Bakery, designed in an open format to allow customers to view the entire baking process, illustrates Safeway’s committment to freshness. Service and freshness - both of which are evident in the layout and design of the Bakery. In addition to authentic french breads, croissants and baguettes, Safeway's Bak­ ery is equipped to bake a wide variety of cakes, cookies, breads and pastries - all baked fresh daily! A line of Swedish Choco­ late desserts, ice cream cakes (prepared on premises) and Plush Pippin Pies (baked on premises) will also be featured. A special area was designed to allow a full view of Safeway’s talented cake deco­ rators as they create “ works-of-art” in frosting! Decorators will be able to create "picture-perfect” cakes, using “ Sweet- A rt," a high tech computer that transfers photos into frosting! An expanded line of European and Australian baked goods - all baked fresh throughout the day - will include: ♦Authentic European Breads (dark breads, seed and grain breads). * Authentic European Sponge Tortes. * An expanded line of Croissants and French breads. ♦ A ustralia's#! dessert - "Pavlova!” . FULL SERV ICE, CUSTOM FLORAL DEPARTM ENT -- Customers will literally walk through a wonderland a floral creations as they enter the store. Full-time, professional florists will be on hand to assist shoppers with any and all floral needs. Equipped with FTD wire- service, as well as local delivery service, the new Safeway Floral Shop will use only the Finest domestic and imported exotic plants and flowers. Floral needs - large and small - can be easily Filled by Safeway's experts. Balloons and gift items (including “ Fancy W rap" balloon creations) will also be available in the Floral Department. Visa and MasterCard will gladly be accepted on all floral purchases. EXPANDED, FULL-SERVICE DELI DEPARTM ENT -- Will feature hundreds of foods - from all four (4) comers of the world! Virtually all customers requests can be easily and professionally handled within Safeway's extensive and innovative Deli Department. Special features within the Deli include: SUSHI BAR - Highly skilled Japa­ nese Sushi Chefs will create on-preniise, fresh Sushi items daily. CHINA EXPRESS Chinese Chefs, expertly trained and experienced in the preparation of traditional Chinese food, will offer an extensive selection of fresh foods on a daily basis. OPEN PIT BARBECUE - Daily se­ lections of freshly Barbecue'd Chicken and Ribs will be offered. C H E F’S CUT - Every evening, com­ plete meals - built around a meat, poultry or seafood entree - will be available, including an appropriate side dish. Main entrees will rotate daily and will include such delicious selections as Prime Rib, Roast Barron of Beef, Roast Turkey, Ribs, Salmon and Chicken (carved to the customer’s specifi­ cations). TAKE-OUT PASTA BAR - Fresh, hot prepared pasta and a variety of sauces will be available daily. PIZZA RIA — A full-service Pizzaria will offer a huge selection and variety of fresh pizzas, custom-made to the customer’s specifications - specializing in gourmet pizzas. SALAD BAR — The Salad Bar will feature over 50 delicious salad ingredients; salad bar "th em es” will rotate daily and will include a delightful assortment of crisp vegetables, salads, greens and dressings to compliment the customer’s selection. SOUP BAR -- A variety of delicious, piping-hot soup selections will be available on a daily basis. SANDW ICH BAR -- Customers can create their favorite sandwich (large or small) from a huge selection of breads, meats, cheeses, condiments and related sandwich fixings. TACO BAR -- A variety of fresh, zesty “ South-of-the-border” foods will be of­ fered on a daily basis. BREAKFAST BAR - Hot and cold breakfast items will be offered each morn­ ing for early birds. WINE CH ILLER - Self service to chill wine to exact specifications (within minutes). The Deli will be Safeway's largest full- scrvicc Deli in the region and will be staffed by professionally trained Chefs and deli personnel. A wide array of delicious, hot and cold items for breakfast, lunch, busi­ ness meetings, dinner parties, snacks or special occasions will be created daily by the talented an well-trained staff. The Deli will also feature a delicious selection of gourmet salads, meats, cheeses, sandwiches.s party trays (featuring meat, cheese and vegetable selections - all cus­ tom made, of course!) and desserts, as well as an extensive selection of hot foods for take-out, business, home or party needs. In addition to the Deli, the Marketplace at Jantzen Beach will also feature: A catering department - full-time, professionally trained staff will be on hand to arrange any or all catering needs. EXPANDED PRODUCE DEPART­ MENT - Safeway has retained the suc­ cessful, Orchard-Bin display/merchandis- ing concept, but has introduced another in­ novative feature - an open preparation area, which allows customers to watch as em ­ ployees clean, trim and prepare fruits and vegetables for display. “ Organically grown" produce will also be available. FRESH JU IC E BAR -- A number of fresh juices (squeezed fresh daily for the taste that has never been duplicated!) and other treats will be available, including: ♦ Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice. ♦ Fresh Squeezed Grape Juice. ♦ Fresh Squeezed Grapefruit Juice. ♦ Fresh Squeezed Vegetable Juice (Carrot, Celery, Tomato). ♦ VITARI - a new frozen fruit treat (containing no sugar, lactose or choles­ terol). FULL-SERVICE, FRESH SEA­ FOOD COUNTER -- Offering over 50 varieties of seafood and fish - fresh and fresh frozen. Ready-to-go prepare at home seafood entree selections, like fish and chips, will be available on a daily basis. Knowl­ edgeable personnel will be on hand to assist shoppers with selections and recipes, as well as serving suggestions. BUTCHER BLOCK - A service Meat Counter will offer an extensive selection of steaks, chops, poultry and beef items. Custom cuts of meat and a line of ready-to-cook Prices Effective 12/20 Thru 12/26/89 items, such as stuffed game hens, stuffed pork chops and pepper steaks will be avail­ able. CO FFEE/ESPRESSO BAR - A Eu ropean-style coffee bar, specializing in es­ presso, cappuccino, and cafe au lait, will feature an extensive selection of bulk cof­ fee beans. Coffees from around the world are guaranteed to satisfy tastes from exotic to traditional. Coffee and espresso samples will be available to help shoppers make their selection. CUSTOMER SERVICE COUNTER — Safeway has added a full-service, fully staffed Customer Service Counter to more efficiently serve customers. The new de­ partment is centrally located at the front of the store and will handle: * Photo Developing. • Cigarette, Battery and Film Sales. ♦ Postage Stamp Sales. * Check Cashing. ♦ Information. ♦ Customer Questions/faiquiries. The Customer Service Counter will offer these additional special services: * FAX Machine. ♦ Federal Express Drop Box. * Lottery Machine (player activated). W H IT E COURTESY PHONES - Connected directly to the office for cus­ tom er's use in obtaining assistance while shopping. CROSSLAND SAVINGS -- Cross­ land Savings will have a branch location in the store to offer shoppers a convenient way to handle banking needs while shopping - 7 days a week. The in-store Crossland Savings branch will be open 7 days a week for maximum customer service and convenience: HOURS DAYS Monday thru Friday 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Saturday 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Sunday 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. POST O FFIC E - Offering complete postal services, including Post Office boxes. INFORMATION CENTER - A com puterized system, offering a variety of consumer information - including nutri­ tional and pharmaceutical information, a store directory and recipes - will be avail­ able for customer use. PHARMACY - The Pharmacy will feature quality generic drugs, health and beauty aids. Senior Citizen Discounts, computerized patient profiles, phone-in prescription service, diabetic supplies, a FREE blood pressure machine and will accept all major Third Party Plans. The full-service Pharmacy will be open 7 days a week. VIDEO RENTAL DEPARTMENT —Will feature an extensive selection of cas­ settes in the rental library (over 2,000 titles), as well as accessories and blank tapes, Video machines will also be available for rent or sale. The Video Department will specialize in new releases. BUSINESS PUBLICATION CENTER — An exciting addition to the Safew ay Marketplace at Jantzen Beach will be a unique display that caters to both the professional business person, as well as shoppers who enjoy reading about what's going on throughout the nation. A wide variety of newspapers and publications will be available, including: Oregonian, Sunday Oregonian, Vancouver, Columbian, Sun­ day Vancouver Columbian, Seattle Post- Intelligence, USA Today, Chicago Trib­ une, San Francisco Chronicle (Sunday), San Francisco Chronicle (Daily), San Fran­ cisco Examiner Sunday, Vancouver Sun (Canada), Portland Business Journal, Daily Journal of Commerce, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Phoenix Sunday G a­ zette, Rocky Mountain News (Denver), New York Times, National Business Employ­ ment Weekly, Investors Daily, and Bar­ ron's. G REETIN G CARDS - An expanded selection of greeting cards is available for all occasions. KIDDIE CARTOON CO R N ER - BOTTLE & CAN RETURN COUNTER - AUTOM ATIC TELLER M A CH INE (ATM) - (Part of the Exchange Network) will be centrally located for easy access and convenient banking while shopping. Disabled shoppers and their needs have also been incorporated into the design of The Safeway Marketplace at Jantzen Beach. Special features for disabled shoppers in­ clude: 1) Two (2) motorized “ scooters” for shoppers with mobility problems. 1) Checkstands wide enough to accom­ modate wheelchair customers. 3) Wide aisles to easily accommodate wheelchairs. 4) Entrance ramps and reserved handi­ capped parking spaces near the entrance of the store. 5) A specially designed shopping cart (originally designed by a Safeway employee) that attaches to most wheelchairs. 6) Public restrooms, with wheelchair access, will also be available as an added shopper’s convenience. Safeway’s longtime policy of recy­ cling all cardboard material will continue in the Safeway Marketplace at Jantzen Beach. A ten-foot high baling machine will be used to hydraulically crush cardboard into 500 lbs. bales for recycling. • Î * fh. • r - 'r ; R ssrf w.-*! 7 A., '-.J*'; E ® îSâV L, Safeway is in your Neighborhood to Stay GRADE “A ” NATURAL M IE ABE THE 12 K OF M L ? ME THE A M 8 SEVERAL OTHER GfiOlTS PAKT Of THOSE biblical Prophecies Concerning. ■ fe Power Responsible fot Unification o f Europe - "THE DESTROYER UNLEASHED* Will the present government m Israel fall - The European Connection Fresh T urkeys See the difference with Manor House, 16 to 23-Pound size natural turkeys. Nutritional...Perfect for all your holiday celebrations. Oven roast with your favorite stuffing for a delicious family meal. Why arc African Americans becom ing mayors o f largest cities in America Why are African Americans becom ing governors Jew ish E n slavem en t 1) Egyptian - 2 ) Babylonian - J) European The biblical genealogy o f the Ashkenazim Jews o f Europe A Sephardim Jews o f Spam Ashkenazims attempts to use nuclear weapons on God's people m H oly Land Identification and location o l tnbes o f Judah. Levi, Ephraim A groups called Zioo today ldcnuEcauoo and location o f groups referred to as Zioo in the B ib le I h ö uüonnaboo w ill be most revealing o f the auual prophecies spoken o f in the Bible and the ■V- 1 I-.;-/:- Torah. Speaker w ill be T West. Editor o f The G ospel Echo Informant Publication. Com e on out! You w ill learn something new about yourself and w hat's occurring in Europe. America, and m Israel Documented facts from different sources, including the Bible, will be used. Sunday. December 24,1989 - 12:45 PM S t E nol C k u rcb u f God la O u u t 2859 N E Ri«lney Portland, O R 97211 (west o l Emanuel llo tp tu l on consci o l Rodney A Stanlon) RENT WASHERS & DRYERS $35. Per Month For The Set Q. SUNKIST, SWEET X Seedless Oranges Navel Oranges Sweet and juicy and so easy to peel. Packed with lots of Vitamin C. this delicious citrus fruit is always a Winter favorite! Great for stocking stutters, or party fruit bowls! 4 1 SAFEWAY I •» « A « .» » A * * « « A a » * . ♦ • a • » * . . . f ._9 » » » * . . « . < . • » A $ 4 * I V * * ' N - rental washer 30 Delivery & Installation Portland (503) 231-7413 Vancouver (206) 693-4000 S-* fe ;