« w Page 4 P o rtla n d O bserver D E C E M B E R 20, 1989 Season 's Cjree, tings!!! H NOOK SALMON OR BROILED LOBSTER m s JUMBO PRAWNS FISH & CHIPS CLAM CHOWDER BROILED HALIBUT CRAB STUFFED *. JSHROOMS LOBSTER THERMIDOR OR PAN ¿¡ED oysters SAUTEED SHRIMP ROSSI OR STEAK & LOBSTER CRAB AU GRATIN OR NCH FRIED SCALLOPS STEAM CLAMS OYSTER STEW CHICKEN STEAKS OR . . . . With the Best of Holiday Wishes to All the Portland Community and the Metro Portland Area. From the Love-Lee-t-adee Salon Staff and Management. Offering You a Full-Service Salon Featuring: * Shampoo * Hair Weeving * Set * Hair Coloring * Permanent * Hot Press Kelaxers and Curl * Designer * Leisure Curls HairCuts Love-Lee-Ladee i S a lo n * Hawaiian * Silky Curl * And Other Curls. x > d R e s ta u ra n t & B ar - - S in c e 1891 --L u n c h & D in n e r 335 S. W. Stark (Corner 11 th & Stark) ALSO: Nails & Such 3606 N. Williams 284-0293 226-4171 WHOLESALE & RETAIL HUNDREDS OF WIGS Beyond Kwanzaa FOR YOUR EVERCHANGMG LIFESTYLES .5 -A i ¿ • I ” faste 'Jickler (C o n tin u e d fr o m P a g e 3) art white. Michael is black, and the Devil, white.” A early all o f the ancient gods o f the : • : \c w World were black and had v hair Buckley says, ‘‘From the iture o f the hair 1 am inclined to avi.gn to the Buddha o f India; the uhi o f China; the Xaha o f the Japa- the Quetzalcoatl o f the Mexi- tns.tK ame and indeed an African, or ratr.tr . Nubian origin.” In the Bible, ''od, or the Ancient o f Days, is de- a. having "hair like the pure >i I e earliest statues o f the Virgin ' I ary and Christ in Europe as far north as were black and Negroid. Last week we documented the pres­ ence all over the world of the ‘‘Black Ma ! ' i and child” statues and imagery. In the - ene vein we report these observa­ nce:-; madi before the aforementioned ‘‘revision: .ts" stepped in to ostracize the Africans. \ e . i n we quote J. A. Rogers and list the sources. The earliest traditions o f the "Sav­ iors o f Mankind.' ’ from the Buddhas to Jesus depict them as black, or dark- skinned (see Sex and Race, Vol. 1,273- 83. 2nd ed. 1940). Eisler R. says that Josephus, Jewish historian o f the first century said that Christ "was a man of simple appearance mature age, dark skin w ¡ ;n little hair. About four and half fee 54 r 58 inches (tall), hunchbacked, wiih a l e g face and undeveloped beard He says this appears in the reconstructed original-Halosis, Ii, 174 et seq.) The early Christians, he says ac­ cepted that picture, including Tertul- lian and Augustine but that the Halosis underwent the usual' 'corrections at the hands of Christian copyists with a view to embellishment.” the Christians had gained power, they had become mighty, Christ n,id become a King and it would no longer suit to portray him as unim­ pressive in appearance. The original text, says Eisler, ' 'would give offense to believing Christians and their Hellenis­ tic ideal o f male beauty" therefore they changed the pen-picture o f Christ to "ruddy, six feet high, well-grown, ven­ erable, erect, handsome . . . blue eyes . beautiful mouth, copious beard.” (Messiah Christ, pp. 411.421-442.) See also F. Hertz: Race and Civilization, p. 183.1928 on this. A portrait o f Christ, entirely apoc­ ryphal and with absolutely no founda­ tion in truth, was conceived somewhere along the line by a European artist a> cording to European ideals o f beauty and that seems to have the first one, or ones were ent irely the product o f imagi­ nation. it Jollows that all the rest are. Their only value is artistic. Pei got says, "There remains noth- ir i. nt. upon the exterior appear- MRS C’S WIGS Holiday Nail Special - $35. & Nail Art - $3.50/per nail N A O M I S IM S • B O R N F R E E • M IC H A E L W E E K S BETTY CABINt PROPRIETOR once o f Christ." Recherches Hist, sur la personne de Jesus Christ.” p. 2,1829. He says also that neither St. Augustine nor Tertullian thought Jesus good-look­ ing, pp 116,117,118, 124, 129, 130. See also Stuart-Glennie. J. S. Isis and Osiris. ' 'Out of Egypt have I called my son. Out o f the Osiris myth have 1 called my Christ." pp. 417-432. 1878. And this, readers, cites only a tiny portion of the African contribution. Portland’s Greatest Sub Since 1971 TUFS-SAT 11:30-6 rHO ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS EVERYTHMG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY W E S UNUUE H AB ORNAMENTS HAB BEADS & BEAUTY SUPPLIES MRS C’S EBONY ESSENCE COSMETICS 1704 N.E. 14th (& Broadway) (503) 282-3681 »We Love Rhone Orders ZURICOSMETKS — ................................1 >4 S JO ER D C LO O - 2 8 1 - 6 5 2 5 ' - ---------------------------------------- DISCOUNTS - 1 0 0 °'" FOR 7th & FREMONT (707 H E FREMONT) Let Sears make your holidays the best days! E manu el Hospital & Health Center Provides New Program An innovative, new program is being established at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center to combat the growing epidemic of "D rug Babies.” The program is made possible by a major grant from the federal Office of Substance Abuse Prevention. Please join us to learn the details of this creative project Saturday, Dec. 9, at 9:45 a.m. at Eman­ uel Hospital and Health Center, 2801 N. Oantenbcin, Portland, Conference Room 1075/77. Those m attendance will include Sena­ tors Mark Hatfield and Bob Packwood, Legacy Health Systems CEO Chester Stocks, Project Director Jeanne Cohen and repre­ sentatives from several state, county, city, community, church and service agencies. For more information, contact Ken Strobeck, Emanuel Public Relations Direc­ tor, 280-3399. This holiday season, shop smart and come to Sears. Take advantage of our everyday low prices and satisfy every­ body on your Christmas list! And at Sears, our good will and great prices don’t end with the holidays. Santa Visits Needy Kids For the fifth consecutive year, Ole St. Nick will bring holiday cheer to some 80 children and their families who are part of the Children's Program of Mental Health Services West. The needy children, many who live a the West Women’s Hotel or on the street, will be treated to a special after­ noon on Dec. 14th, at One World Trade Center, 12th floor, from 3 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Everything, including many of your favorite brand names, is marked all the way down every single day! So make Sears your holiday shop­ ping headquarters, and make this holiday one to remember! Your money’s worth )tel lot more! and a whole I ' * t Atk e e ( e e e e e ‘ «•’ 4 «• * BEAUTICIAN 4 STUDENT * * % HAB BRAIDING WEAVMG I