« • • ♦ V < > r fr * •» « •• * < * /< * * Portland Observer DECEMBER 20,1989 Page 3 IÜH Scripture o f the ‘Weefi Beyond Kwanzaa * / Professor McKinley Burt In last w eek's description o f the mag­ nificent Kwanzaa holiday and the celebra­ tions o f thanksgiving, regeneration and affirmation, I provided some details of a past that illuminates the ages-old African genesis o f such spirituality as the world still possesses. It was emphasized that there is no lack o f evidence or documentation, of preserved manuscripts, papyri, stone tab­ lets or religious icons - but that what we do have are arrogant and racist attempts to revise eternal truths and verities. W e fmd that the G re a t Seals and coins o f might but arrogant nations no longer feature black doves grasping olive branches but, instead, present the fierce visage o f the Eagle, a refined killer. Thus, the meaning has been lost from the m essage o f hope and truth that the biblical prophet Isaiah saw rising out of Ethiopian on "buzzing wings.” And under­ standing has been stripped from the tradi­ tion o f the ancient Greeks who stated that their moat sacred o f temples at Dodona was founded by two Black priestess who in the farm o f doves flew there from the original temple in Egypt. And who is it that is so devoid o f feeling and passion that they could listen to the earthy, sing song chants of the black Preacher (King, Jackson, et al), or to the tear-bringing truths o f existence imbedded in the soaring lyrics o f the Black spiritual—and not wonder how many thou­ sands o f years it took to forge these voices. Indeed, it is true that * ‘In the beginning was the w o rd ." And that pronouncement is recorded in Africa, long before the Greeks, and long before the Hebrews. One o f the most revered and earliest religious icons is the cross, though by the Judaic period it was being used as an instru­ ment for the torture and crucifixion o f criminals and religious dissidents. In the reliable "Archaeology o f Christian Art" we find the cross described as "chiefly representative o f the ideas prevalent among the Egyptians, namely the source o f life, and o f hope o f a world to com e. " B u t when this cross (tau or patibulary) was brought over into the early church around A.D. 377, it was no longer carried th African concept o f an "A nkh,” the symbol o f life. The church fathers added their endowments and we find such inscriptions as this from Rev. 1, 8, "I am Alpha and Omega, the begin­ ning and ending, saith the Lord, which is and which was and which is to come, the almighty. The African version o f this eter­ nal sym bol, the Ankh, has been found in excavations all through Egypt, Nubia, Ethio­ pia and in Western Arabia. On page 141 o f the "Metropolitan Museum o f Art” com ­ panion piece to the King Tut E xhibition, w e find exquisite reproductions o f copper and bronze hand mirrors in the shape o f the Ankh. icon is exactly as described in details o f the Tem ple o f Solom on--but these arks came several thousand years earlier. When we speak like this o f rituals and ceremonies I am always brought to mind of the extraordinary and m agnificent harvest festival which celebrates an annual reunion o f the sym bolic goddess Hathor with her bridegroom , Horus, who awaits her at the 6,000 year old city o f Edfu, 30 m iles down­ stream on the N ile from the staging area. Satellite television broadcasts may have thrilled you with their coverage o f m assive religious ceremonies at the Vatican, and you may have been more than impressed by helicopter view s o f the last royal wedding in England- -but these contemporary scenes o f western pomp and ceremony are simply beggared when one contemplates the stag­ gering logistics required to stage the fantas­ tic panorama offered by the yearly celebra­ tion o f the m arriage o f Hathor o f Dendera to Horus o f Edfu (Horus is the African god whose eye is shown just above the trun- acated pyramid o f the great seal o f the United S ta tes-A symbol devised by Tho­ mas Jefferson to portray “ the concept upon which America is founded, truth and jus­ tice.” In Africa the concept was known as Maat; see reverse o f dollar bill). This harvest celebration o f the cycle o f man, nature and spirit began 6,000 years ago and lasted almost 2,000 years. It would begin at Dendera with a week o f joyous celebration and praiseful thanksgiving ritu­ als, and then the brides party embarked in beautifully decorated boats for the weeklong journey downstream. At each nightfall there would be stop at a chosen city where the waterborne throng would be joined by more boats, more singers, dancers and m usi­ cians, and where more festivities would take place. At each city the local mayor and his officials would join the pilgrimage, all beautifully robed and gowned. M agnifi­ cently costumed crewmen rowed the craft to the beat o f enthusiastic but disciplined drummers. There was only room for some many boats on the river so hundreds of thousands accompanied the procession by land the entire thirty m iles. By journey's end the festive throng could not have fitted In (Memory O f ......... into a dozen Basilicas or Buckingham pal­ aces. For one o f the best descriptions o f this African Festival, sec “ Lamy, Egyptian M ysteries.” We are indebted to J.A. Rogers the noted historian for the following informa­ tion; his quotations have been verified many times. When the whites cam e into pow er they shifted the colors. But as late as 1500 the Ethiopians still depicted their goods and heroes black, an d their devils and villains, white. Father Fernandez, a Catholic missionary, who worked amongst them at this time, says, "They paint Christ, the B lessed Virgin, an d other saints in black form ; an d devils and w icked men, white. Thus Christ and his apostles are black and Judas, white. Annas, Calphas, Pilate, H erod and the t (Continued to Next Page) RICKY DARNELL CARTER Son of Geneva Knauls, Stepson of Paul Knauls Jesus Loves You! W ho was born in Portland, Oregon on February 14, 1954, to Geneva Knauls and Robert "R ocky" C arter, died M onday, December 18, 1989 at Portland Adventist Convalescent Center. Ricky died from injuries he sustained in an automobile accident on A p ril 14,1985. Funeral Service New Hope Baptist Church Saturday, Dec. 23,1989 at 10:00 A.M. 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (corner of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Qregon 97211 & ñ r (503) 287-0261 r Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor Egyptian Ark. * St. John: Chapter 1 & 2 Strengt fien fo u r f a i t fi ‘Through (Prayer A n d d(eguiaf Cfiurcfi ‘Worship I '-'-r ^ 'l Psalm I— ,— 34:3 (— ARANATHA — | (XVilkinaua, A n e. E g y p t.} CORRECTION hurch 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland Oregon Do to the over sight o f the com posi­ tion dept. o f the Portland Observer, we failed to add caption lines to two pictures that was in Professor M cK­ inley Burt's story on "KWANZAA: Time To Celebrate African-Ameri­ can Roots, December 13th issue. The two names are Joyce Harris and Gloria Phillips, ' Sunday Services Sunday School 9 : 0 0 A .M . Morning Worship 1 0 :3 0 A .M . Maranatha School of Ministry 6 : 3 0 P .M Mid-Week Services - Wednesday 7 :3 0 P .M Rev. W endell H . Wallace Senior Pastor ATTENTION RENTERS R&R Management Can Help You! We have from one (1) to four (4) bedrooms. Newly remodeled Nice, clean for familys who care about how they live. Sec. 8 We Welcome you Joyce Harris Coordinator J IM M Y DEAN SAUSAGE jnJMDein Interestingly, in the older books o f religious history (written before the turn o f the century—and before the A frican Exclu­ sion), you find that the authors rather hon­ estly and forthrightly present most facts as they are. An excellent case in point is found in "Sm ith, Dictionary o f th bible,” pub­ lished in 1865. Here, we find that whenever illustrations accompany the text, the en­ graving is always o f the African original. Especially significant is the entry, "Ark o f the C ovenant.” The accompanying picture is that o f an Egyptian Ark (after W ilkin­ son, Ancient Egypt), the exact same vessel found in King Tut's tomb, and as portrayed on temple walls and furnishings tiiroughout the ancient land. Look-alike models are shown as part o f African rituals, and other huge examples are replicas o f warships or freighters. Another illustration on the same page (from Lamy, Egyptian Mysteries) shows groups o f pall bearers carrying arks in a funerary procession. The appearance o f the • ROLLS • LINKS • PATTIES C a ll 2 8 2 -4 6 9 6 69 2413 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. We Can Help EACH OYSTERS FRESH PACIFIC MEDIUM SIZE Gloria Phillips Coordinator OREGON SH R IM P MEAT SEAFOOD FLAKES Í5? ‘TeacJting Church Tift/i A 'J(f aching “M inistry. ‘ MT. OLIVET BAPTIST ---- 1 D r. CHURCH ........ J James E. M a rtin , Senior Pastor 116 N.E. Schuyler • THE FRIENDLIEST STORES IN TOWN SINCE 190B SPECIALS EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 19th thru 24th, 1989 MEMBER OF UNITED GROCERS WFEKDAYS mm *’™ 9 mam » zpm (503)284-1954 7:45 A.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE 9:30 A.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:45 A.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE 6:30 P.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE BIBLE STUDY: 10:30 A.M. -1 2 NOON - WEDNESDAY 6:30 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. - WEDNESDAY Support Our Advertisers! Say You Saw It In The Portland Observer! Radio M inistry Each Sunday, 8 0 0 A M . - KBMS « * • • •-* * •* . . . . . •« Vs'WfitAt • >