♦** • • < > r \ Portland Observer DECEMBER 20, 1989 Page 11 ■ is & t » Ctt.1 1111 «I: >; TRTISING J SENIOR ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN S alary R ange: $2,411-$3,059/M o. This is a technical position performing para-professional engineering sur­ vey, design/drafting, and inspec­ tion o f com plex public improve­ ment projects and projects with stale or federal funding. W orks in a team setting with other technicians and engineers. Supervises or acts as project m anager on complex pub­ lic im provem ent projects or proj­ ects with state or federal funding. Requires four year degree in Civil Engineering Technology or Civil Engineering plus four years experi­ ence in civil engineering and/or any com bination o f course work, experience, and training. CLOSING DATE: January 12, 1990. Obtain application and supplemen­ tal questionnaire at City of Eugene, HRRS, 777 Pearl St., Rm. 101, Eugene, OR 97401. (503) 687-5061. An A ffirm ative Action/ Equal O pportunity Employer ACCOUNTING CLERK 2 $1,401. to $1,764 p e r m o n th E xcellent B enefits Plus 6% PERS Retirem ent C ontribu­ tion Clackamas County is seeking qualified candidates to join the T reasurer’s Office as Accounting Clerf 2 ’s to perform specialized c le ric a l/ recordkeeping duties predominantly involved in the processing and maintenance o f fiscal, financial and statistical records. C andidates familiar with m aintenance o f fi­ nancial records and governm ental budget related activities are encour­ aged to apply. T his recruitm ent will establish a general list to fill future openings. COUNTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICA­ TION REQUIRED. A pplication materials available at Clackam as County Personnel, 904 Main Street, Oregon C ity, O regon 97045. D ead­ line date January 3, 1990,5:00P.M . Equal Opportunity Em ployer W ASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS AUTO LEASING SPECIALIST RECRUIT S.W . P O R T L A N D In this position, you will be involved in all phases of our O perations D e­ partment. This will include data entry, posting paym ents, reconcil­ ing accounts, preparing reports, and running our Credit Bureau machine. Data entry experience is required for this position, as are strong interper­ sonal skills. Proficiency in PC spreadsheet and word processing program s will be useful. A ccount­ ing know ledge a plus. O ur com pensation and benefits pack­ age is com petitive. Drug screen required. To apply, stop by our E m ploym ent O ffice, M onday through Thursday, 9 a.m .-l p.m., or send your resum e to: U.S. B an­ corp, Human Resources, 555 S.W . Oak Street, Portland, O R 97204. An Equal O pportunity Em ployer U.S. Bank Auto Leasing Department NURSE PRACTITIONER BENEFITS MANAGER ($27,540-$35,256 Y early) State o f W ashington Larch Corrections Center a 130-bed minimum secu­ rity correctional facility located 16 miles East o f V ancouver, W A re­ quires a full time N urse Practitio­ ner. D uties include: m edical rec­ ords managem ent, diagnosis and treatm ent o f such diseases and in­ juries that will generally not re­ quire a specialists attention, intake screening and sick call as neces­ sary, staff training and liaison func­ The Port o f Portland has an immediate opening for a Benefits M anager to design, develop, implement and manage benefits plans, procedures and policies. Preferred Qualifications: * D em onstrated knowledge o f current, state o f the art em ployee benefit program s, laws and regulations. * D em onstrated ability to manage benefits and claim s programs. * Excellent interpersonal and communication (oral and w ritten) skills. * Experience with deferred compensation plans. * Experience managing benefits programs in the public sector. tions with com m unity and depart­ ment of corrections facilities pur­ suant to medical issues. Excellent benefits, com petitive pay, profes­ sional staff. For application & additional information contact Sherri Foley, Larch C orrections Center. (206) 696-6341. E qual Opportunity Em ployer In addition to a starting salary range o f $36,670 to $42,573 per year com m ensurate with experience the Port offers a com prehensive benefit package. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port o f Portland Em ploym ent O ffice, 700 N £ . Multnomah, 14th floor, or call (503) 231 -5000, ext. 700 for complete application materials. All applications m ust be received by Friday, December 22, 1989, at 5:00 p.m. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer. BUILDING MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT Assist in the m aintenance, repair & general upkeep o f our facilities. Applicants m ust have a good work­ ing know ledge o f the electrical, plum bing & m echanical systems of a m ajor office bldg., be able to interpret technical information, make math calculations, have good communications skills. Must be able to m eet physical demands o f the job. Starting salary range $5.75 to $7.18/hr. DOE, plus full benefits. Apply by 1/04/90 at: A m erican R ed C ross 3131 N. V anco u v er Ave. P o rtla n d , O R 97227 Equal Opportunity Employer M ENTAL HEALTH RESIDENTIAL ON-CALL BACKUP WORKERS CODA Inc. seeks qualified applicants for on-call back up workers to pro­ vide sole facility and client super­ vision at Alpha House and New D irections Residential Treatment Centers. Variable shifts. Experience with residential or alcohol/drug clients preferred. $5.48/Hourly. A pplication materials and screening questions are available at CODA INC., 210 N E 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Phone 239-8400. A n A ffirm ative Action! E qual Opportunity Employer M ENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR C II S ta rin g S alary: $1,109-$1,165/M onthly P lus E xcellent Benefits CO D A Inc. seeks qualified applicants for entry level counselor position at A lpha House Residential Facility. Responsibilities include m anage­ m ent o f caseload, co-facilitation of groups, maintenance o f policies and procedures. Shift is 4 p.m .-m id­ night, T ues.-Sat. To qualify associ­ ate degree in health services or related field or CCDC certification and 1 year o f supervised human service experience. To apply sub­ m it com pleted CODA application form and screening question re­ sponses to CODA INC., 306 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Phone 239-8400. An Affirm ative Action Equal Opportunity Employer VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR ASSISTANT NURSING RN & LPNS Northeast G enesis Project Professional level clerical, bookkeep­ ing and office skills. A ble to work independently to solve problem s with minimum supervision, to proj­ ect a favorable im pression of GENESIS. Able to drive, and pro­ vide o n e's own transportation as a part o f the duties o f the position. Formal education in business may substitute for experience. $15,000 per year. For m ore inform ation on applying for this position, call 281- 1131. GENESIS is a non-profit, com m unity- based corporation com m itted to the revitalization o f inner area neigh­ borhoods of North and Northeast Portland. GENESIS produces high quality, low price new and reha­ bilitated housing and provides d i­ rect assistance to low incom e fam i­ lies seeking to becom e hom e ow n­ ers in our target area. Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS W ORKER/ICP INVESTIGATOR Mental Health Center seeks a crisis W orker/ICP Investigator to work with an acute and CM I population. Provide crisis intervention, out­ reach, short term therapy, referral and follow-up. Strong ICP and on- call experience preferred. M ust be able to work with m ulti-disci­ plinary team. M asters degree in Mental Health field or Bachelors and two years clinical experience. Comprehensive salary and benefits. Resum e to: R odney R . H a rry , P ersonnel O fficer N /N E C om m unity M en tal H ealth , Inc. 4950 N E M a rtin L u th e r K ing J r . Blvd. P o rtla n d , O regon 97211 (503) 249-0066 (C losing J a n u a ry 5,1 9 9 0 ). M inorities encouraged to apply. Equal Opportunity Em ployer «y» f ,« P A C IF IC C R E S T R E H A B IL IT A T IO N C E N T E R RN & LPNS. All shifts with experience in rehab. & vents, desired. * Excellent benefit program. * Generous bonus program. * Relocation assistance. * C om petitive salary structure. On the M AX line near 1-84 in the Old G resham Hospital, a suburb of Portland. C al, or send resumes to Jim Rocken- bach or Linda Rader, 405 NE 5th St., G resham , Oregon 97030. (503) 666-56(X). Equal Opportunity Em ployer PERSONNEL EMPLOYMENT INTERVIEWER Blue C ross and Blue Shield of Oregon is accepting applications for an Employment Interviewer. Qualified applicants must have dem onstrated experience in a corporate setting with progressively responsible work experience in em ploym ent recruit­ ing, interview ing, and employee selection. Experience in Human Resource supportive functions such as new em ployee orientation, job descriptions and HRIS as it applies to applicant records highly desir­ able. Detailed knowledge of employment law and its application to the em ploy­ ment process is required. Formal education in Human Resource M anagem ent is preferred. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent em ployee bene­ fits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue C ross a n d Blue Shield of O regon H um an R esources D ept., 5th F ir. 100 S.W . M a rk e t P o rtla n d , O R 97201 Equal O pportunity Em ployer < f * * ♦ ♦ A • • ♦ * * •* ASSOCIATE CLERK/ BILINGUAL-SPANISH/ ENGLISH $1,308-$1,591/M onthly C losing Date: 1/22/90. ASSISTANT COUNTY COUNSEL 3 $3,395-$4,126/M onthly C losing Date: 1/22/90. Call (503) 648-8607 for information. County application forms required. Apply to W ashington County Per­ sonnel. Equal Opportunity Employer YOUTH PROGRAM SERVICES COORDINATOR $2,042\M onthly a t E n try Develops, coordinates and evaluates community youth services programs; negotiates, writes and monitors contracts for a variety o f commu­ nity sendees program s including Student Retention Initiative, Great Start and Juvenile Services; pro­ vides technical support to Youth Development Commission. Requires equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree with major course work in Public Administration, Community Services, Business Administration or related and 2 years of increas­ ingly responsible experience in com m unity services and program planning, developm ent and evalu­ ation. For required application contact Lane County Personnel Department, 125 E. 8th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401,687-4171. Filing deadline 1/3/90. Equal Opportunity Employer EDUCATION 20 H o u rs p e r w eek; $477./p er m onth. C L O S IN G D A TE: J a n u a r y 5th. Send resum e a n d cover letter to: B radley-A ngle H ouse, Inc. P.O . Box 14694 P o rtla n d , O R 97214 Equal Opportunity Em ployer ADMINISTRATIVE $1,864./Monthly Closing Date: 1/19/90. ' WORKSHOP COORDINATOR The Math Learning Center at Portland State University's Division of Con­ tinuing Education and Summer Session invites applications for the position o f W orkshop Coordinator. The workshop coordinator, under the supervision o f the program di­ rector, is responsible for executing workshops and overseeing univer­ sity procedures. Successful candi­ dates will have a bachelor's degree and experience in managing mul­ tiple tasks, office management, continuing education, managing information systems, and/or other organizational or management work. Skills requaired include develop­ ing and implementing organizational procedures and policies, strong interpersonal skills, competence in com puter utilization, and written and oral skills. Salary range $20,000-$24,000. Posi­ tion to be filled by February 1, 1990. Continued employment con­ tingent upon renewal o f funding and satisfactory performance. Port­ land State University is an equal opportunity employer; minorities and women are encouraged to ap­ ply. Send letter o f application by January 19,1990, accompanied by a curriculum vitae and names and telephone numbers of references to: Search Committee, MLC W ork­ shop Coordinator, P.O. Box 1491, Portland, OR 97207. Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF WEST LINN CREW CHIEF - MECHANIC OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR LEVEL (G eophysics) A pplications are invited for a tw elve­ month, tenure-track faculty appoint­ m ent in the graduate geophysics program in Oregon State U niver­ sity’s College o f Oceanography at the A ssistant or Associate Profes­ sor level. All areas of Geophysics will be considered, but there will be a preference for potential-fields geophysicists; rank and salary will depend on qualifications. C andi­ dates m ust have a Ph.D. or equiva­ lent and a dem onstrated ability to conduct independent, innovative research in geophysics sustained by external funding. Duties include teaching 1-2 graduate courses per year, supervising graduate students, and developing/expanding a grant- funded research program. The U niversity will provide part of the annual salary, the remainder to be derived from external grants and contracts. A resume, names of three references, and a brief statement of research plans must be received on or before 15 February 1990 by Dr. Douglas R. Caldwell, Dean, C ol­ lege of Oceanography, Oregon State University, Oc. Admin. Bldg. 104, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-5503. Oregon State University is an Affirm ative Action/Equal O pportunity Employer and has a policy o f being responsive to the needs o f dual-career couples. INSTALLER REPAIRPERSON Three (3) years of installation and re­ pair of residential lines and associ­ ated modular jacks and wiring. Must have pole climbing experience, no color blindness, and be able to lift heavy ladders. Must be able to read service orders, complete facility cuts, and com plete control point work. A pply a t C E N T E L 8:00 a.m . to 5:00 p.m . M onday - F rid ay 330 S. Valley View Blvd. L as V egas, NV 89152 Equal Opportunity Employer Support Our Advertisers! Say You Saw It In The Portland Observer! Plans, supervises staff, directs and coordinates all the activities o f the Vehicle M aintenance Department. Inspects, diagnoses needs and makes recommendations. Perform s the duties o f a mechanic and m achin­ ist, may be required to fabricate or adapt parts. Prepares information on parts and m aterials for equip­ ment, receives price quotations on new equipm ent. May be required to attend evening meetings. Q ualifi­ cations required: graduation from high school or completion o f GED certificate. Mechanic trade school or equivalent associates degree may replace up to two years o f experi­ ence. Five years journey level ex­ perience in repair, modification, m aintenance, adjustm ent o f light/ heavy equipm ent required. Two years in supervisory capacity re­ quired. DEQ Certification and valid Oregon D river’s license required at time o f appointment. M ust satis­ factorily com plete medical exam. Salary range $2,076 to $2,699/mo. City o f W est Linn applications only must be received by 4:30 p.m., January 2,1990. City ofW est Linn, 22825 Willamette Drive, West Linn, OR 97068. (503) 657-0331. Equal Opportunity Employer in com pliance with the Im m igration Reform Act. ACCOUNTING CLERK I $1,278. to $1,606. per month Excellent Benefits Plus 6% PERS Retirem ent C ontribu­ tion Clackamas County is seeking a quali­ fied individual to join the Treas­ urer’s Office as an Accounting Clerk !. Duties include: preparation and maintenance of accounting records, supporting documents, financial and statistical reports. Preferred quali­ fications include; strong data entry skills, 10-key proficiency and knowl­ edge of accounting terminology. This recruitm ent will establish a general list to fill future openings. COUNTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICA- TION REQUIRED. Application materials available at Clackamas County Personnel, 904 Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon 97045. Dead­ line date January 3, 1990,5:00 P.M. Equal Opportunity Employer ADVERTISING AND VISUAL COMMUNICATION MANAGER The Port of Portland has an immediate opening for an Advertising and Visual Com m unication M anager in its Public Affairs D epartm ent The successful candidate will: * Ensure marketing and public information com m unications objec­ tives, programs and products are appropriate to reach marketing objec­ tives, needs o f clients and overall Port com m unications programs. * M anage production o f com munication products, including video and multim edia shows, in-house publications, brochures, in-house and agency print advertising, TV and radio advertising, trade show booths, direct mail pieces and other collateral. * M anages com m unications product developm ent and direct work of staff and/or outside specialist/suppliers to ensure top quality art, photography, layout, type and printing. * Evaluates and analyzes effectiveness o f advertisem ents and other ve­ hicles and/or tools. • Ensures all com m unications products fit into overall Port advertising and public relations efforts. ♦ Establishes Port advertising/m arketing com m unications policies. • M anages m edia rating for quality and desirability on: editorial policy, editorial content and format; circulation and readership; market poten­ tial, advertiser acceptance, service to advertisers; and cost. • Ensures appropriate media buys, manages and develops advertising schedules; verifies insertions; and monitors space purchasing by adver­ tising agency consultants. TEACHER EMOTIONALLY HANDICAPPED PROGRAM OTHER HEALTH IMPAIRED PROGRAM SUBSTITUTE ON-CALL ONLY To provide direct instruction to stu­ dents. Q U A L IFIC A T IO N S: Valid Oregon TeachingCertificate. Handicapped Learner or Severely Handicapped Learner Endorsement preferred. A pplication D eadline: Open Until Filled. Call 255-1841, Ext. 207 Jcaneen be­ tween the hours o f 8:00 and 11:30, for Multnomah Education Service D istrict application form and addi­ tional information or come to Per­ sonnel, 220 SE 102nd, Portland. Equal Opportunity Employer In addition to a starting salary range of $36,670 to $42,573, com m en­ surate with experience, and a full salary range of $36,670 to $55,880, the Port offers a com prehensive benefit package. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port o f Portland, Em ploym ent Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th Floor, or call (503) 231- 5000, ext. 700 for com plete application materials. All applications m ust be received by Friday, Decem ber 29, 1989, at 5:00 p.m. T he P o rt is an E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer SUB-BID REQUEST C apitol M all U n d e rg ro u n d P ark in g S tru c tu re • Phase I Salem , O regon Bid D ate: J a n u a r y 10,1989 a t 3:00 P.M . L.D. MATTSON GENERAL CONTRACTOR P.O. Box 12335 ♦ Salem , O regon 97309 (503)585-7671 • FAX: (503) 399-1437 W e are an Equal Opportunity Em ployer and request sub-bids from women and minority owned business enterprises. * V * * 'X ! ** * •? S * *> I * ■