r**"» • * * » * **♦ ♦ ♦> 1 * 4 . t- w* * •♦ e «r w‘V •• « r ♦ e «Ar ♦ *e ♦ ♦ O < *♦ W 1 Portland Observer DECEMBER 13,1989 Page 7 DIONNE WARWICK GREATEST HITS 1979-1990 A CELEBRATION OF YESTERDAY, TODAY AND... TOMORROW A special compilation from one of music’s rarest gems. Includes the new smash duet with Jeffrey Osborne, “Take Good Care Of You And Me," plus the classics “That’s I What Friends Are For,” ' “I’ll Never Love This Way Again” and much more. ARISTA ----- ....------ $6.99 $2.00 o ff A lb u m o r C om pact Cassette« J vaa •Sf 15» ^' sc NEW PHILIP MORRIS BROCHURE FOR MINORITY VENDORS Company Bought $ 1 .3 Billion From Minority Entrepreneurs Since 1982 NEW YORK — "W e Buy the Best to Make the Best," a brochure published recently by the Philip M orris M inority Vendor Program, instructs m inority entrepreneurs on how to sell goods and services to the w o rld ’s largest consumer packaged goods company. Responsible for the purchase o f more than SI. 3 billion in goods and services from m inority entrepreneurs since 1982. Philip M orris Companies Inc. coordinates its out­ reach to m inority businesses through a company-wide task force with representatives from each o f its operating units. "T he Task Force serves a dual role." said Anthony M. M orelli, director. Headquarter Services. Philip M orris Companies Inc. and chairman. M inority Vendor Task Force. "T he Philip M orris M in ority Vendor Task Force coordinates m inority purchasing among operating com­ panies. Members o f the task force identify qualified m inor­ ity businesses and encourage the owners to make the Philip M orris supplier team .' "T he task force members then direct m inority business owners to the right buyers at the right locations throughout Philip M orris." M orelli added. "T he second role o f the Task Force is to m onitor and report m inority purchasing activity for all operating companies. This insures account ability throughout the organization and is one o f the main reasons for its success." M orelli said. Hamish M axwell, chairman and chief executive officer o f Philip M orris in a message to the entrepreneur, stated. "You stand for growth in the American economy. You cre­ ate jobs and profits, you strengthen your communities and M U S IC M IL L E N N IU M a > East Portland 32nd & E. Burnside 231-8926 NW Portland 23rd & Johnson 248-0163 EXPIRES 12/17/89 New Location: Portland Observer 4747 NX Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 you set the stage tor other minority entrepreneurs to do business with corporate America." Operating units ot Philip Morris Companies Inc. are: Philip M orris Incorporated (Philip M orris U S A ); Philip Morris International Inc : Kraft General Foods; M ille r Brewing Company ; Philip M orris Credit Corporation and Mission Viejo Company. Copies ol the new vendor's brochure can be obtained by writing to Philip Morris Companies Inc., M inority Vendor Program. 120 Park Avenue. New York. N Y. 10017. Members o f the Philip M o rris M in o rity Vendor Task Force explain the company "s program w ith attendees o f the National M in o rity Supplier Development C ouncil's annual convention held recently in A tla nta. V ! i , e ) - A TV? A ft 1 ß 1O .X 1U l u a y y c u ■■ I ■■ A ■ a a a —- « — - u im i r i n a vvu a \ ■ J — . ¿x ex a jmi NUTE. »M m « r » >.«TE » te FOOD FOR L'S VIRGIN ISLANDS—Livingston S. Francis, Executive Director of Associated Black Charities (ABC), places labels recently on some of the 18,000 pounds of food contributed by Philip .Morris Companies Inc. to victims of Hurricane Hugo in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Francis dispatched the food, consisting of rice, macaroni and cheese and other food items to VITEMA, the Virgin Islands equivalent o f the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency, with the assistance o f the U.S. V Irgin Islands Iourist Board, the Southern Queens (NY) Park Association and American Airlines. “ We were pleased to identify resources to help people In the Virgin Islandsduring the recent tragedy,” said George Knox, Staff Vice President, Public Affairs, Philip Morris Companies, Inc. A PERSONAL “ THANK YOU” --Mrs. Mary Farrelly Jones, (right) sister to the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands, Alexander A. Farrelly, gives a personal “ thanks” for food contributed by Philip Morris Companies Inc. to victims of Hurricane Hugo in the.s. virgin Islands. With her are, from left, Leslie Zuke, director o f communications, Philip Morris Usa, Ms. Edna M. Biedermann, Manager, Minority Business Develop­ ment, Philip Morris USA and Livingston S. Francis, Executive Director, Associated Black Charities. Francis worked in cooperation with the U.s. Virgin Islands tourist Board, the Southern Queens (NY) Park Association and American Airlines to trans­ port the food to the Virgin Islands. Philip Morris used the services of Associated Black Charities after learning from persons in the Virgin Islands that this group had been active in sending food and medical supplies to Hurricane Hugo victims. is 1 Hiring A.M. Afternoon & P.M. Shifts Available, No experience necessary under new management. 1412 S.E. Morrison, Portland, Oregon 235-3536. P nces Effective 12/13 Thru 12/19/89 Safeway is in your Neighborhood to Stay A SAFEWAY 12-Oz. Frozen O range Ju ice Bel-air Brand. 100% frozen orange juice concentrate. Just add water and mix up a refreshing juice perfect to serve any time of the day! Rib Half /Pork Loin 0400 p ro c e s s e d S a fe w a v a u a l i t v * ^ COUNSELS FOR THE CAUSE HONORED AT MUSEUM OPENING-Noted civil rights attorney Fred Gray (far right), Tuskegee, Ala., shared the spotlight with Milwau­ kee attorney Vel Phillips (second from right) during a reception for Miller Brewing Company’s “ Gallery of Greats: Black A ttorneys. . . Counsels for the Cause” national art exhibition, which premiered recently at the newly opened Wisconsin Black Histori­ cal Society Museum in Milwaukee. They are joined by artist Evelyn Terry and Miller Brewing Company’s Director of Marketing Relations Noel Hankin. Gray successfully argued the Rosa Parks bus case in federal court in Montgomery, Ala., and was the first attorney for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Phillips is a long-time civil rights activist who, among other accomplishments, in 1960 spearheaded a fair housing campaign in Milwaukee that led to the passage of the city’s first fair housing law. Good, Free & Legal. You don’t have to be 21 to watch out for drunk drivers. They kill way too many teenagers. When you see a drunk driver, make the SafeCall — 1-800-24-DRUNK. Call anytime, from anywhere in Oregon. And you don’t need a quarter. The good things in life are free —and legal. Golden Ripe Bananas Great for snacks to slice on top ol cereal, ice cream, into Iruit salads or snacking SAFEWAY 1-800-24-DRUNK OR 911 IF AVAILABLE IN YOUR AREA Oregon Traffic Safety Commission k k