Portland Observer DECEMBER 13, 1989 P*«* H JOBS & CLASSIFIED PLANT ENGINEER M EN TAL H EALTH SUPERVISOR F o r C h ild /F a m ily Program M .S.W . (or master’s degree in related fie ld ) and supervisory experience required. CHILDREN’S THERAPIST M .S.W . (or master’ s degree in related fie ld ) and counseling experience w ith children required. COUNSELOR/PROGRAM AIDE Adolescent Mental Health Program Bachelor’s degree OR associate degree in social services w ith 2 years ex­ perience. Send resume by 12/22/89 to: C .C .M .H . 6329 N .E. U nion Ave. P o rtla n d , O R 97211 A ttn .: Personnel Equal O pportunity Em ployer M E N T A L H EALTH C IV DRUG TREATMENT SERVICES S ta rtin g S a lary: $1,393-$1,450/Mo. Plus E xcellent Benefits C O D A Inc. seeks qualified counselor in the drug treatment services pro­ gram to provide structured inten­ sive outpatient treatment to preg­ nant women referred by Multnomah County corrections. Responsibili­ ties include diagnosis, evaluation and treatment including in d ivid ­ ual, group, and fa m ily counseling. Complex cases which require advance clin ica l expertise, consultation, coordination and liaison w ith com ­ m unity health nurses and case managers. Assistance in clinical supervision o f the program. Pre­ ferred applicant w ill have graduate training in human services and 2 years supervised human services experience. To apply complete and submit standard C O D A application form w ith answers to screening questions. Position announcements, screening questions and applica­ tion forms are available at C O D A, Inc., 210 N E 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Phone 239-8400. An A ffirm ative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer RESIDENT MANAGER Seeking a resident manager or couple to manage & maintain a new fa cil­ ity occupied by C M I adults. A p p li­ cants must be mature personable and have a strong desire to work w ith the chronic m entally ill popu­ lation. One year property manage­ ment experience necessary. H a lf­ tim e salary & benefits plus the use o f a two bedroom apartment. Clos­ ing: 12/26/89. Resume to: Rodney R. H arry, Person­ nel O fficer, N /N E Com m unity M ental Health Center, Inc., 4950 M artin Luther K ing Jr. B lvd., Port­ land, OR 97211. M in orities Encouraged to Apply Equal Opportunity Em ployer PUBLIC INFORMATION SPECIALIST Salary Range: $l,757-$2,484/Mo. Directs program to inform public re­ garding major sewer construction project. Coordinates and partici­ pates in com m unity outreach pro­ grams throughout affected area. Extensive persona, contact w ith resi­ dents, property owners, and media. Prepares news releases, newletters, brochures, displays, audio visual presentations, and coordinates spe­ cial events. Graduation from a four year college or university w ith a degree in journalism , communica­ tions, public relations, or related fie ld ; m inim um o f tw o years pro­ fessional communications experi­ ence. C L O S IN G D A T E : January 5, 1990. Obtain application and supplemen­ tal questionnaire at C ity o f Eugene, HRRS, 777 Pearl Street, Rm. 101, Eugene, OR 97401. (503) 687-5061. An Affirm ative Action/ Equal O pportunity Employer W A S H IN G T O N C O U N T Y JOBS RECRUIT Salary: $1,864/Monthly C all (503) 648-8607 fo r information. County application form s required. A p ply by January 19, 1990 to Washington County Personnel. Equal Opportunity Em ployer W astew ater T re a tm e n t P lant C ity o f Salem Salary: $2,718-#3,453/Mo. Plus Excellent F rin ge Benefits Package Advanced professional engineering work in mechanical and c iv il engineer­ ing work. Responsible fo r projects relating to process m odification or fa c ility upgrading; developing cost estimates & design o f m ajor maintenance, projects. Thorough experience in design, construction, inspection o f m ajor treatm entfacilities; fouryear degree in civil engineering or equiva­ lent. Possess Oregon P.E. or tem­ porary permit. Closes 1-5-90. C ity o f Salem, Pers., Rm. 225,555 L ib ­ erty SE, Salem, OR 97301. Equal O pportunity Em ployer ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II SU B -B ID R EQ U EST Public Service Announcement Dallas P ublic L ib ra r y Senior C enter Phase I I B id Date: December 19,1989 a t 4:00 P .M . C o lo n ia l Pacific Leasing C o rp o ra tio n , a s u b s id ia ry o f Pitney-Bow e In c o rp o ra te d , located in T u a la tin , O regon is one o f the fastest g ro w in g leasing companies in the co un try. O v e r the last tw o years, C o lo n ia l Pacific has m ore than doubled th e ir business volum e and is p la n n in g fo r continued fast paced g ro w th . C o lo n ia l Pacific is a m a jo r co m p e tito r in the U.S. sm all tic k e t leasing m arket, p ro v id in g leasing services to a va rie ty o f sm all businesses th ro u g h a n ation-w ide n e tw o rk o f independent lease brokers. C o lo n ia l is an equal o p p o rtu n ity e m ployer dedicated to p ro v id in g o p p o rtu n ity fo r professional g ro w th and advancem ent to its employees in line w ith the com pany’ s own plans fo r fu tu re g ro w th and expansion. W e o ffe r a va rie ty o f positions w ith in o u r Finance, C re d it, Legal, C o l­ T R IP L E T T W E L L M A N , INC. P.O. Box 672 • 1717 M t. Jefferson Ave. W o o db urn, O R 97071 (503) 982-4188 * F A X : (503) 982-0390 W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-bids fro m sm all business, m in o rity -o w n e d and disadvantage business e n te r­ prises. SU B -B ID R EQ U EST Federal B u ild in g East - Renovation P o rtla n d , Oregon B id Date: December 19, 1989 a t 2:00 P.M. lections. and Data Processing departm ents. F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n on em ploym ent o p p o rtu n itie s w ith C o lo n ia l Pacific Leasing C o rp o ra tio n , C a ll 692-9744 and ask fo r the M an ag er o f H um an Resources. H & A C O N ST R U C T IO N C O M PA N Y P.O. Box 23755 • T ig a rd , OR 97223 (503) 639-6148 * F A X : (503) 639-0211 W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-bids fro m women owned, m in o rity owned, and disadvantaged business e nte r­ prises. O R E G O N S T A T E F A IR REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS G R A P H IC A R T IS T /A G E N C Y Proposals Due: F rid a y , December 22, 1989 a t 5:00 P .M . W ould you like to actively participate in a $20 m illio n capital im prove­ ment program? The City o f Gresham is recruiting fo r an Engineering Technician II. Responsibilities: drafting, surveying, project la y o u t $1,905 to $2,086/ M o. to stan, plus outstanding city benefits. Requires 2 years c iv il engineering technical experience. Degree may substitute fo r part o f required experience. Closes: Dec. 29, 1989. Obtain R E­ Q U IR E D C IT Y A P P L IC A T IO N at C ity o f Gresham, Human Resources D ivisio n, 501 NE Hood, Suite 100, Gresham, OR 97030. (503) 669- 2309 [T D D (503)669-8519. Equal O pportunity Em ployer CLINIC PHARMACIST $29,775-$38,712; dispenses medications in County clinics as assigned; fills medication orders, provides in fo r­ mation to patients and staff, m ain­ tains records and inventories; re­ quires one year o f experience and a current Oregon license; apply by December 15, 1989. W H ERE T O APPLY: Multnomah County Employee Services, Room 1430,1120 SW F ifth Avenue, Port­ land, OR 97204. Equal O pportunity Em ployer SU B -B ID R EQ U EST Salem C e n tra l L ib ra r y Expansion Salem, OR Bid Date: December 20, 1989 at 11:00 A .M . W IL D ISH C O N ST R U C T IO N CO. P.O. Box 7428 * Eugene, O R 97440 (503) 985-1700 * F A X : (503) 683-7722 W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-bids fro m sm all business, m in o rity -o w n e d and disadvantage business enter­ prises. SU B -B ID R EQ U EST Salem C e n tra l L ib ra r y Expansion Salem, Oregon B id Date: December 20, 1989 at 11:00 A .M . L A N T Z /M A T T SO N JO IN T V EN TU R E P.O. Box 12335 * Salem, O R 97309 (503) 585-7671 * F A X : (503) 399-1437 W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-bids fro m sm all business, m in o rity -o w n e d and disadvantage business e nte r­ prises. SU B -B ID R E Q U E ST C a p ito l M a ll U n d e rg ro u n d P a rkin g S tru ctu re * Phase I Salem, Oregon B id Date: December 14, 1989 a t 3:00 P.M. L.D. M A TTSO N G E N E R A L C O N T R A C T O R P.O. Box 12335 * Salem, O regon 97309 (503) 585-7671 * F A X : (503) 399-1437 We are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-bids fro m sm all business, m in o rity -o w n e d and disadvantage business e nte r­ prises. R A D IO ASSISTANT TRAFFIC MANAGER/NETWORK COORDINATOR Prefer at least tw o years radio traffic experience. Requires strong com ­ puter skills. Send resume to Per­ sonnel, Box 14957, Portland, OR 97213. Equal Opportunity Em ployer ¡HEQES53S SERVICE MERCHANDISE ACCOUNT SUPERVISOR " a West Coast Grocery Company, Oregon Region, is accepting re­ sumes from individuals qualified for the position of Service Mer­ chandise Account Supervisor. Candidates must have demon­ s tra te d sa le s a b ility . R e ta il g ro cery/ge ne ra l m erchandise sales preferred. Working knowl­ edge of current grocery trends, formats and marketing strategies required. Must have d e m on­ strated skill in communication, analyzing, problem solving, or­ ganization and time management. Must be in good physical condi­ tion and able to do occasional heavy lilting and able to travel and spend nights away from home. Salary commensurate with back- g r o u n d a n d s k i l l s . B lu e Cross/Blue Shield or Kaiser Per­ manente, WDS dental and profit sharing are available. Resumes must include past em ­ ployers who are available lor refer­ ences. Please send resume to: SU B -B ID R E Q U E ST Payless Store No. 1724 H illsb o ro , O R B id Date: December 22, 1989 a t 2:00 P.M. JA M E S E. JO H N C O N ST R U C T IO N 7273 N .E. H azel D ell Ave. * Vancouver, W A 98665 (503) 283-5365 o r (206) 696-0837 * F A X : (206) 696-1007 A tte n .: J im A . A rh u s W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-bids fro m sm all business, w om en-ow ned, m in o rity-o w n e d and disadvantage business enterprises. SUB-BID REQUEST Requests Sub-Bids and M a te ria l Quotes fro m Sm all, M B E and W B E firm s , and a ll firm s w ith in la b o r are plus areas fo r the co nstructio n of: B onneville N avigation L ock M a in Lock M u ltn o m a h C ou nty B id Due: T h u rs d a y , Ja nu ary 25, 1990 at 2:00 P.M . The Oregon State Fair is currently accepting proposals from graphic artists and/or agencies to prepare a sales presentation packet fo r its Interim Events department. Interested parties may obtain more in fo r­ mation by calling or w riting Marney Roddick, Oregon State Fair and Expo Center, 2330 17th St., NE, Salem, OR 97310, (503) 378-3247. Deadline for receipt o f all proposals is 5:00 p.m. local tim e, Fri., Dec. 22, 1989. No exception to the deadline w ill be allowed. The Oregon State Fair & Expo Center reserves the rig h t to interview the finalists. H O U S IN G A U T H O R IT Y O F P O R T L A N D INVITATION FOR BIDS L A B O R & M A T E R IA L S T O C O N S T R U C T A P A R T M E N T R E N O V A T IO N S O F T H E B U R N S ID E D U P L E X P R O JE C T Sealed bids are requested fo r labor and materials to construct apartment renovations and w ill be accepted by the Housing A uthority o f Portland, Oregon at 8910 N. Woolsey Avenue, Portland, OR 97203 u ntil 2:00 p.m., PST, January 11,1990. A fte r a short interval, bids w ill be opened publicly and read aloud. Bidders may be present during the bid opening. The project is identified as the Burnside Duplex, located at 1902 and 1908 E. Burnside, Portland, Oregon. W ork to be performed includes remodeling two bathrooms, replacement and installation o f doors, installing kitchen v in y l flooring, ro o f repair, replace electrical panel, and repair windows and hardware. Interested bidders may obtain one set o f bid documents at 8910 N. Woolsey Avenue between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, upon deposit o f $20, which is refundable only i f documents are returned in good condition by January 19, 1990. Additional sets o f documents may be purchased at $10 each, which is not refundable. A HAP representative w ill conduct a prebid tour o f the project on Thursday, December 21,10:00 p.m. Attendance o f bidders is requested. Questions posed at this meeting, when not addressed in the specifica­ tions, w ill be answered by Addendum and mailed to a ll bidders. A m inim um o f 20% M B E participation in the execution o f this project is a H U D Region X and H AP goal. The methods the bidder proposes to meet this goal shall be submitted on a notarized “ C ertification o f M B E Participation” form which w ill become part o f the bid. The a ffid a v it o f M B E participation must be submitted by the contractor and accepted by the Housing A uthority o f Portland prior to issuance o f fin al payment o f the contract. No bid w ill be considered unless accompanied by B id Security in the form o f a certified check, cashier’ s check or surety bond payable to the Housing A uthority o f Portland in an amount equal to 10% o f the bid which is forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder neglect or refuse to enter into contract or provide suitable bond fo r the fa ithful performance o f the w ork o f the w ork when bidder is notified o f contract award. No bidder may w ithdraw bid after the hour set fo r the opening thereof until after the lapse o f 60 days from the bid opening. The Housing A uthority o f Portland may reject any b id not in com pli­ ance w ith all prescribed bidding procedures and requirements and may reject any or all bids, and waive a ll inform alities, i f in the judgm ent o f H AP it is in the public interest to do so. Questions regarding this project should be directed to Dave W alter at 283-4602. H ousing A u th o rity o f P o rtla n d , O regon L o re n T a r bell D ire c to r o f M aintenance MORRISON-KNUDSEN CO., INC. P.O. Box 7808 * Boise, Id ah o 83729 (208) 3 86 -5 40 3 * F A X (208) 386-5894 A ttn .: A .R . Alahouse F o r T echnical In fo rm a tio n C all: M a lco lm Dyson - (208) 386-6825 M o rris o n -K n u d s e n Co., In c. is an E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer and earnestly solicits sub-bids fo r m aterials, equipm ent, supplies and subcontracts fro m Sm all, M in o rity O w ned and W om en Owned Business Enterprises. O R E G O N D E P A R T M E N T O F T R A N S P O R T A T IO N H IG H W A Y D IV IS IO N SUB-BID REQUEST B aker C ou nty Justice C enter J a il B id Date: December 15,1989 a t 2:00 P .M . SUNDANCE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, INC. 5421 K e n d a ll St. • Boise, Id a h o 83706 (208) 322-7322 * F A X (208) 322-7353 We are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-bids fro m sm all business, m in o rity -o w n e d and disadvantage business e nte r­ prises. N O T IC E OF IN T E N T Eqn.il O, * * * HMAdMrWbM • ;• • * MAM * ’ • * ‘ ' ’ ',*• * M * ' » • * * ' J t..,.-. ,\-