Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 13, 1989, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page 10 Portland Observer DECEMBER 13, 1989
Buying Appliances
Working Or Not
Valent Currie
Tax Consultant
Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves
the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.)
McMurphy 's
317 N.E.
Portland, OR 97211
(503) 289-0851
Phone 288-0033 - To Place Your A d
M Rates: 5 Lines • 1 Week - $7.90
4 Weeks - $25.00(8« $2.50 Par Un.)
The Eyes and Ears ol the Community"
Tax S e rv ic e
Dr. Jewell Crawford,
Optimum Family
Health Clinic
4722 N.E. Glisan
Portland, Oregon
(503) 232-5879
good produci it
your best advertisement"
^ x v tn .
M.J. Toys
& Games, Inc.
573 N
. Killingsworth St.
236 S.W. Salmon,
Suite A
Portland, OR 97204
(503) 240-5323
Portland, OR 97217
(503) 240-5378
A m t era Saahir
TH« Coupon Good For
15 O F F
C o.
w asher
'30 D e llie n A Installation
Portland 231*7413
Y . . » . , . , 693-4000
The Port of Portland has an immediate
opening for a Benefits M anager to
design, develop, im plem ent and
manage benefits plans, procedures
and policies.
Preferred Qualifications:
* D em onstrated knowledge of current,
state o f the art employee benefit
program s, laws and regulations.
* D em onstrated ability to manage
benefits and claims programs.
* E xcellent interpersonal and com m u­
nication (oral and written) skills.
* Experience with deferred com pensa­
tion plans.
* Experience managing benefits pro­
gram s in the public sector.
In addition to a starting salary range of
$36,670 to $42,573 per year com ­
mensurate with experience the Port
offers a com prehensive benefit
If interested and qualified, apply in
person at the Port o f Portland
E m ploym ent O ffice, 700 NE
Multnomah, 14th floor, or call (503)
231-5000, ext. 700 for complete
application materials. All applica­
tions must be received by Friday,
Decem ber 15,1989, at 5:00 p.m.
The Port is an
Equal Opportunity Employer
Salary: $29,724-$39,639
The Oregon Public Utility Com m is­
sion is recruiting for an Econom ist
to provide financial, accounting,
and econom ics oriented analytical
expertise in the regulation o f en­
ergy and telephone utility rates.
R esponsibilities include analyzing
utility costs, developing periodic
m anagem ent information reporting
system s, dealing with affiliated
interest issues, and presenting ex­
pert testim ony in support of recorp-
mendations. To qualify, you must
have 2 years experience in engi­
neering, econom ic research and
analysis, or utility auditing or ac­
counting; AND a B achelor’s de­
gree in engineering, econom ics, or
a relevant scientific discipline or 3
more years o f relevant experience.
A M aster’s degree in engineering,
econom ics, or a relevant scientific
discipline can substitute for up to
one year of the required experi­
ence. For application materials, call
(503) 373-7949, or w rite Public
Utility Commission, Personnel
Serv ices, 400 Labor & Industries
Bldg., Salem, OR 97310-0335.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Application and job description are
available at Personnel Services, Lane
Com m unity College, 4000 E. 30th
Avenue, Eugene, OR 97405.1 (503)
726-2211. LCC application must
be postm arked no later than Janu­
ary 19, 1990.
Northwest Natural Gas Company seeks
qualified candidates for an entry-
level supervisory position in its Gas
Supply Departm ent - Portland area
office. Rotational shift position -
requires 24-hour coverage on a
rotating basic, 365 days a year.
Preferred candidates will possess a
minimum o f two years engineer-
ing/science education willing to
pursue degree; should have strong
oral/written communication skills.
Com puter experience is desirable;
Aptitude Test administered. Excel­
lent Benefit Package.
Please direct resume and letter o f appli­
cation to:
Northwest Natural Gas Company
P.O. Box 3410
Portland, OR 97208-3410
JOB LINE: (503) 220-2434
Equal Opportunity Employer
C-TRA N is seeking an energetic, per­
sonable individual to conduct fa­
cility tours for school children and
the public; as well as give route
information over the phone and at
our custom er service office at our
7th Street Transit Center. This
position also handles a variety of
clerical tasks and conducts passen­
ger count surveys.
This individual must have excellent
adm inistrative and public relations
skills. Position requires 50 wpm
typing, 10-key by touch, a valid
driver’s license, excellent work
references, and the ability to com ­
ply with our non-smoking policy.
Position will be approximately 20
hours per week, salary range: $6.34/
Hrly. - $8.11/Hrly..
Apply at: Em ploym ent Security, 603
W Evergreen Blvd., Vancouver,
Closes: Upon selection of Successful
Equal Opportunity Employer
A minimum o f 2 years experience fit­
ting. Willing to work overtime when
necessary. Ability to comm unicate
well with co-workers. Wage, $10.10
per hour PLUS a unique production
bonus. Please send resumes to Philo­
math Forest Products, P.O. Box 109,
Philomath, Ore. 97370. Attn.: Shelly.
A minimum o f 3 years Sawmill
M illwright experience. Willing to
work over-tim e when necessary.
A bility to com m unicate well with
co-workers. W age, $ 10.20 per hour
PLUS a unique production bonus.
Please send resumes to Philomath
Forest Products, P.O. Box 109,
Philomath, OR 97370. Attn.: Shelly.
S ta rtin g S alary : $1,232-$ 1,300/
M onthly plus excellent benefits.
CODA Inc. seeks applicants for a coun­
selor position providing structured
intensive outpatient treatm ent to
mandated pregnant women. Respon­
sibilities include diagnosis, evalu­
ation and treatm ent to clients; indi­
vidual, group, and family counsel­
ing. Consultation, coordination and
liaison with community health nurses
and case managers. M aintenance of
client records, participation in mar­
keting and prom otion activities.
To qualify candidates will have a bache­
lor’s degree in health services and at
least 2 years supervised human serv­
ices experience. Knowledge of chemi­
cal dependency and experience in
the treatm ent of chemically depend­
ent women is very strongly desired.
To apply: Com plete and subm it stan­
dard CODA application form includ­
ing answers to screening questions.
Detailed position announcement,
application forms and screening
questions available at CODA INC.,
210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232 -
Salary: $1,622-$2,065/Mo.
The Oregon Department o f Forestry is
seeking two individuals for current
vacancies in Central Point and Grants ,
Pass. Duties: Supervises the Fire
Suppression Program activities in
the field and assures those accom ­
plishments are within Program
To Qualify: Your background must have
included experience or training that
provided you thcfollowing knowl­
edge, skills and abilities. Your
application m ust clearly indicate
yourexperience or training in these
* General know ledge of forest fire
suppression and fire prevention
practices; forest fire investigation
techniques; and w ildland fire be­
* Basic know ledge o f crew and equip­
ment production capabilities in
fighting forest fires;
* Skill in directing fire crew in wildfire
situations; in operating and instruct­
ing others in the operation of ve­
hicles and equipm ent used in fight­
ing forest fires; and in oral and
written com munications;
* Ability to supervise (e.g., hire, train,
assign and review work, motivate,
prepare performance evaluations and
handle disciplinary actions).
A nnouncem ent closes: December 29,
1989. Contact Personnel Test Cen­
ter, 775 Court Street, Salem, OR
97310, 378-3146, for job announce­
ment, test questions, and applica­
Equal Opportunity Employer
Equal Opportunity Employer
G eneral cleaning, sanilation and laun­
dry responsibilities. Some heavy
lifting. Full-tim e day position in­
cludes weekends. Very good w ages
and benefits. Apply at Downtown
YW CA, 1111 SW 10th Ave., Port­
The Portland Police Bureau
is now accepting applications
for the position of Police O ffi­
cer. If yo u ’re interested in
making a positive change in
your community and looking
for a challenging, fulfilling
career, with excellent salary and
benefits, the Portland Police Bu­
reau can offer you that opportu­
nity. For more information
contact the Portland Police
Bureau’s Personnel Unit at 796-
3200. T hat’s 796-3200.
Oregon Shakespeare Festival Portland,
Portland, Oregon. Applicants must
have minimum 5 years experience
in fund raising at management level:
Baccalaureate degree; strong skills
in making written and oral presen­
tations; ability to m otivate and di­
rect Board members and volunteers.
Com puter literacy helpful. Salary
range: $25,OOO-$3O,OOO annually
with growth potential. Full bene­
fits. Application deadline Dec. 31st.
Please respond with letter and res­
ume ASAP to: James L. Cox, De­
velopm ent Director-Operations,
Oregon Shakespeare Festival, P.O.
Box 158, Ashland, OR 97520.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Equal Opportunity Employer
Equal Opportunity Employer
An Affirmative Action!
Equal Opportunity Institution
C-TRAN is seeking two part time Jani-
tor/Hostlers. Typical duties: clean
and fuel buses and support vehicles.
Workdays and shifts may vary, Mon.
thru Sat. Swing shift 6 p.m .-12:30
a.m.: Day shift 10 a.m .-4:30 p.m.,
Saturday shift 3:30 p.m .-9:00 p.m.
Start range $5.61/Hr.-$8.28/Hr. Must
possess a valid drivers license from
the state in which you reside with a
good driving record. Ability to
function in a non-smoking work
environm ent and pass a pre-em ­
ploym ent physical. Apply at:
Em ploym ent Security Department,
603 W. Evergreen Blvd., Vancou­
ver, W A. Closes 12/15/89.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Blue Cross and Blue Shield is accept­
ing applications for a Reim burse­
ment Management Specialist. Major
duties of this position include de­
veloping, analyzing and m aintain­
ing reports related to hospital reim ­
bursement. M ust act as liaison with
hospitals, providers, and health care
organizations to ensure success of
payment methodologies.
Qualified applicants should have:
* Experience in health care field.
* Knowledge o f reim bursem ent meth­
* Knowledge o f hospital and/or insur­
ance industry accounting systems
* Ability to work effectively with highly
technical team.
* Strong statistical abilities.
* Fam iliarity with SAS and Natural
programming languages very help­
Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon
offers an excellent em ployee bene­
fits package, flex-time work hours,
and competitive salary. Please apply
or send resume to:
Blue C ross an d
Blue Shield of O regon
H um an R esources D ept., 5th F ir.
100 S.W . M a rk e t
P o rtla n d , O R 97201
Equal Opportunity Employer
210 Days (24/Hr. Week)
Assuring that scheduled work is done
in order to accomplish routine clean­
ing and m aintenance o f assigned
Application Deadline: 12/21/89 by 2:00
Call 257-1501 Jeancen between the
hours o f 8:00 and 11:30, for
Multnomah Education Service
D istrict application form and addi­
tional information or com e to Re­
cruitm ent O ffice, 11611 NE Ains­
worth Circle, Portland.
Equal Opportunity Employer
The position requires a com m itm ent to
patient centered nursing care and a
team building management philoso­
phy. Must possess registered nurse
licensed and ability to problem solve.
Excellent benefits and salary. Reloca­
tion expenses paid. Send resume,
call or apply in person to:
Hazel Batchelor,
Administrator of Life Care Center
of Kennewick
1508 W. 7th Ave.
Kennewick, WA 99336
(509) 586-9185
Equal Opportunity Employer
Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon
is accepting applications for a Senior
Medical Underwriter. The Senior
Medical Underwriter will perform
the following duties:
* Determine underwriting risk on new
non-group enrollment.
* Review health statem ents to deter­
mine enrollm ent eligibility.
* Analyze medical data to elim inate
Q ualified applicants will have a m ini­
mum o f three years experience in
underwriting individual health and/
or life insurance with a strong
medical background or a degree in
Nursing, and will possess excellent
demonstrated communication skills.
Leadership and problem solving
background and the ability to handle
daily stressful situations in a pro­
fessional m anner is a m u st
Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon
offers an excellent em ployee bene­
fits package, flex-time work hours,
and competitive salary. Please apply
or send resume to:
Mental Health Center seeks a Program
Responsibilities include: Program de­
velopment, Im plem entation, C om ­
munity and agency liaison. M ust be
able to work with M ulti-Cultural
and Inter-Disciplinary Program.
Minimum Qualifications: P.H.D. in
Psychology or related field and 3
years. Post graduate experience in
clinical supervision andprogram
m anagem ent
W e offer com phensive salary and bene­
fits. Send Resume to:
Blue Cross and
Blue Shield of Oregon
Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir.
100 S.W. Market
Portland, OR 97201
Equal Opportunity Employer
C-TRAN is seeking a journeym an level
mechanic. Requires 3 years heavy
duty diesel or 5 years gas engine
experience supported by excellent
work references. Transit coach
experience desired. Shifts vary.
Salary range $9.13/hr.-$13.49/hr.
to start depending on experience.
Resume requested. Apply at: Em ­
ployment Security Department, 603
W. Evergreen Blvd., Vancouver,
WA. Closes with selection o f can­
Equal Opportunity Employer
Multi-Handicapped Program
To provide direct instruction to stu­
Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : Valid Oregon
Teaching Certificate. Handicapped
Learner or Severely H andicapped
Learner Endorsement preferred.
A P P L IC A T IO N D EA D L IN E : Open
Until Filled.
Call (503) 257-1501, Jeanecn between
the hours of 8:00 and 11:30, for
M ultnomah Education Service
District application form and addi­
tional information or com e to Per­
sonnel, 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle,
Portland, Oregon.
Equal Opportunity Employer
190 Days
Providing direct instruction to pupils.
A P P L IC A T IO N D E A D L IN E : 12/21/
90 by 2:00 p.m.
Call (503) 257-1501, Jcancen on 12/
05/89 between the hours o f 8:00
and 11:30, for M ultnomah Educa­
tion Service District application form
and additional information orcom c
to Recruitm ent Office, 11611 NE
Ainsworth Circle, Portland.
Equal Opportunity Employer
General cleaning andsanitation o f fit­
ness facility, offices, etc. Some heavy
lifting. Nights, full-time, includes
weekends. Very good wages and
benefits. Apply at Downtown
YW CA, 1111 SW 10th Ave., P o rt­
Atten,: Rodney R. Harry
N/NE Community
Mental Health, Inc.
4950 N.E. M.L.K. Jr. Blvd.
Portland, OR 97211
(503) 249-0066
Closing Date: 12/29/89
Equal Opportunity Employer!
Minorities are Encouraged to Apply
Office of Justice Planning
Salary: $39,797-$45,832/Annually
Direct the activities o f the O ffice of
Justice Planning including: develop
policy plans, prepare fiscal analy­
ses, develop data analyses, coordi­
nate crim inal justice planning with
various agencies, m onitor and co­
ordinate im plementation o f an in­
tegrated crim inal justice inform a­
tion system, evaluate and monitor
legislation and supervise staff;
requires a BS in a field and three
years o f increasingly responsible
experience in the crim inal justice
system and tw o years o f criminal
justice policy making and data
analysis experience; apply by Feb­
ruary 2, 1990.
WHERE T O A PPL Y : Multnomah
County Employee Services, Room
1430,1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Port­
land, O R 97204.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Salary Range: $l,974-$2,484/M o.
Supervises the daily operations o f the
C ity’s central printing/graphics
services, a self-funding, internal
service fund operation functioning
similar to a small business opera­
tion, and also the daily operations
of the C ity’s courier services. Re­
quires four years increasingly re­
sponsible experience in reprogra­
phics operations and one year of
supervisory experience. CLOSING
DATE: Decem ber 22, 1989. O b­
tain application andsupplem cntal
questionnaire at City o f Eugene,
HRRS, 1T1 Pearl Street, Rm. 101,
Eugene, OR 97401. (503) 687-5061.
Salary Range: $2,142-$2,732/M o.
Position will direct, oversee, and pro­
vide support in processing formal
work of the City Council including
meeting agendas, logistics, ordi-
nanccs/rcsolulions, minutes, and
goals sessions; also oversees the
b o a rd s/c o m m issio n s/c o rn m itte s
system and provides support to
individual City Councilors. Requites
2-3 years responsible professional
program development, development
& administration experience, pref­
erable in local governm ent and
equivalent to Bachelor’s degree in
business adm inistration, public
adm inistration, or related field.
CLOSING DATE: D cccm b cr2 2 ,1989.
Obtain application & supplemental
questionnaire at City o f Eugene,
HRRS, 777 Pearl Street, Rm. 101,
Eugene, OR 97401. (503) 687-5061.
An Affirmative Action!
Equal Opportunity Employer