Page H Portland Observer DECEMBER 6, 19X9 P rofessional S ervices D irectory A Phone 288-0033 - To Place Your A d PORTLAND OBSERVER M Halts; 5 Lines 1 Week - $7.50 4 Weeks - $25.00(8« $2.50 Per Urn) DMdNn« 5:00 P.M. - Tuosday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves The Eyes end Ears ot tha Community" 288-0033 the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) DONNIE JAMES McMurphy’s Men & Women;s Fashion " If you dare io be fashionable" Donnie Lewis (503)288-1721 James Williams M.D. W orking Or Not Optimum Family Health Clinic 288-3233 4722 N.E. Clisan Portland, Oregon B uying A p p lia n c es 517 NE Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 Dr. Jewell Crawford, (503) 232-5879 FL O R A L - S I L K S Bill Kelley's Upholstery 28 years experience Quality work, Fair prices Furniture, auto, & boats Earths's Floral C onnection 517-1/2 N X Killings worth Portland, Oragon 97211 RENT W A SH E R S & D R Y E R S 282*3875 • TP I* Coupon Good For Do Wtddtngs • Funerals Made-To-Order • Custom-Made 2403 NE Alberta, Portland, OR 281-1786 : ‘1 5 OFF • d elivfrya • INSTALLATION FFF PRINTING 'JO DefUrrs A /ntro/far Jon Klnko’s Poni.nd Open 7 Days A Wtek 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 Vancouver 231-7413 693-4000 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT/ EMOTIONALLY HANDICAPPED (3-3/4 H our Days) To assist in activities as planned and scheduled by the classroom teacher. Application Deadline: 12/13/89 by 2 P.M. Call 257-1501 Jeaneen after 12/05/89 between the hours of 8:00 and 11:30, for Multnomaah Education Serv­ ice District application form and additional information or come to Recruitment Office, 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland. Job offer will be contingent upon successful passage of a pre-employment physi­ cal exam. Equal Opportunity Employer ELIGIBILITY SPECIALIST Salary: $18,263-S27,831/Yearly Plus excellent benefit package This regular, full-time position deter­ mines applicants eligibility in The Private Industry Council programs and services; collects income and demographic information based on funding requirements and state and federal guidelines. Involves heavy contact with applicants and some trav el in W ash in g to n and Multnomah counties. •Preferred Qualifications: Two years post i secondary education and tw o years experience interpreting federal regulations and working with eco­ nomically disadvantaged popula­ tions; effective oral and written communication skills; good inter­ personal skills with culturally di­ verse populations; valid driver’s license and reliable transportation. Fluency in Spanish is desirable for this position. Closing date: 5:00 P.M., Friday, De­ cember 15, 1989. Applications available at The Private Industry Council, 520 SW 6th Ave., Suite 400, Portland, OR 97204. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer REPROGRAPHICS SUPERVISOR Salary Range: $1,974-52,484/Mo. Supervises the daily operations of the C ity’s central printing/graphics services, a self-funding, internal service fund operation functioning similar to a small business opera­ tion, and also the daily operations of the C ity’s courier services. Re­ quires four years increasingly re­ sponsible experience in reprogra­ phics operations and one year of supervisory experience. CLOSING DATE: December 22, 1989. O b­ tain application andsupplemcntal questionnaire at City of Eugene, HRRS, 111 Pearl Street, Rm. 101, Eugene, OR 97401. (503) 687-5061. COUNCIL COORDINATOR Salary Range: $2,142-52,732/Mo. Position will direct, oversee, and pro­ vide support in processing formal work of the City Council including meeting agendas, logistics, ordi- nances/resolutions, minutes, and goals sessions; also oversees the b o ard s/co m m issio n s/co m m ittes system and provides support to individual City Councilors. Requires 2-3 years responsible professional program development, development & administration experience, pref­ erable in local government and equivalent to Bachelor’s degree in business administration, public adm inistration, or related field. CLOSING DATE: D cccm bcr22,1989. Obtain application & supplemental questionnaire at City o f Eugene, HRRS, 777 Pearl Street, Rm. 101, Eugene. OR 97401. (503) 687-5061. An Affirm ative Action! Equal Opportunity Employer MULTNOMAH COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH PUBLIC SAFETY AIDE C-III DRUG TREATMENT SERVICES S7.95 per hour plus shift differential; provides security services and re­ lated law enforcem ent assistance; responses to emergency calls, alarms and requests for various services; coordinates activities with sworn officers; requires one year o f col­ lege course work or equivalent experience and driver’s license. Apply by December 15, 1989. S tartin g Salary: 51,232-51,300/ M onthly plus excellent benefits. CODA Inc. seeks applicants for a coun­ selor position providing structured intensive outpatient treatment to mandated pregnant women. Respon­ sibilities include diagnosis, evalu­ ation and treatment to clients; indi­ vidual, group, and family counsel­ ing. Consultation, coordination and liaison with community health nurses and case managers. Maintenance of client records, participation in mar­ keting and promotion activities. To qualify candidates will have a bache­ lor’s degree in health services and at least 2 years supervised human serv­ ices experience. Knowledge of chemi­ cal dependency and experience in the treatment of chemically depend­ ent women is very strongly desired. To apply: Complete and submit stan­ dard CODA application form includ­ ing answers to screening questions. Detailed position announcement, application forms and screening questions available at CODA INC., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232 - 239-8400. PLANNER AGING SER V IC ES D IVISION 512.59 per hour; responsibilities in­ clude analysis, development and drafting of policy statements and grant proposals; research, collec­ tion and analysis o f data and serv­ ing as information specialist for the Division; apply by December 15, 1989. COMMUNITY LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE 58.61-511.79 per hour; performs tech­ nical and clerical work assisting dental professionals in the provi­ sion of clinical dental care; requires one year o f experience or comple­ tion of a training program and a certificate of radiologic proficiency; apply by December 15, 1989. ACCOUNTING SENIOR ACCOUNTANT DENTIST I 533,951-544,140 annually; responsibili­ ties include the provision of care within all fields of dentistry, in­ cluding operative dentistry, endo­ dontics, oral surgery and periodon­ tics; requires one year o f experi­ ence and an Oregon license; apply by December 15, 1989. | CLINIC PHARMACIST I 529,775-538,712; dispenses medications in County clinics as assigned; fills medication orders, provides infor­ mation to patients and staff, main­ tains records and inventories; re­ quires one year o f experience and a current Oregon license; apply by December 15, 1989. W HERE TO APPLY: Multnomah County Employee Services, Room 1430,1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Port­ land, OR 97204. Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH RESIDENTIAL ON-CALL BACK UP WORKERS CODA Inc., seeks qualified applicants I for On-Call Back-Up W orkers to I Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon, a major health insurance company, has an opening for a Senior Ac­ countant. Responsibilities include preparation of monthly reports, reconciliation o f accounts and spe­ cial reports upon request Qualified applicants must have a Bache­ lor of Science degree in Account­ ing or Finance, with a min. o f 2 years work experience or an appro­ priate combination of education and experience. Strong background in financial state­ ment preparation using an auto­ mated system desirable. Background in personal computers with Lotus exp. desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee bene­ fits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue C ross and Blue Shield of Oregon H um an Resources Dept., 5th Elr. 100 S.W . M arket P o rtlan d , O R 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer ASSOCIATE PLANNER provide sole facility and client I Salary: 512.242-514.96/Hourly supcrvfision at adult residential I plus excellent fringe benefit pckg. treatment centers. (Alpha House & I Technical, professional planning work New Directions). involving preparing studies, reports, Variable shifts. Experience with r c s i- 1 proposals; developing, carry out dential or alcohol drug clients p r e - 1 technical/policy analyses in land ferred. 55.48/Hrly. Application I use planning, housing prog, devel­ materials available at CODA, Inc., I opment, annexation, zoning and 210 N.E. 20lh, Portland, OR 97232. other gen. planning areas. Exp. and 239-8400. 4 yr. degree in planning or equiv. An Affirmative Action/ Good oral & written communica­ Equal Opportunity Employer tion skills. Closes: 12/15/89. City of Salem, Pcrs., NURSING Rm. 225, 555 Liberty SE, Salem, STAFF NURSE OR 97301. - PHERESIS Equal Opportunity Employer 1 Full-time, 1 Per diem position for I licensed RN ’s to train in all phases I of pheresis procedures. Qualified I PRODUCTION/EDITORIAL applicants must have an interest in I Entry level editorial position available. Duties include operating optical operating and maintaining mecha- I scanner, on-screen editing. Hours: nized blood procedures. Med-surg I 5:30 p.m .-l a.m. Must have data or ICU nursing background pre- I entry/computer experience. Knowl­ ferred. Full-time position works four I edge of typesetting, some editing, 10 hr. days, 7 AM - 5:30 P.M. and helpful. Send resumc/cover letter every third weekend. Per diems work I to: 2-3 days per week and every third I A tten.: Maggi W hite weekend. RFD Inc. A m erican Red C ross 9600 S.W . Boeckm an Rd. H um an R esources Dept. W ilsonville, O regon 97070 3131 N. V aancouver Ave. Equal Opportunity Employer P o rtlan d , O R 97227 I Equal Opportunity Employer | DIRECT SALES RESPONSIBILITIES: Door-to-door Cable Television sales. Other du­ ties as needed. QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum: Must have a valid driver’s license. Must have a good driving record. Must have a clean neat appearance and a positive attitude. Must have depend­ able transportation. Must have a minimum or 5 years sales experi­ ence. Preferred: Previous Cable Television sales experience. LOCATION: Portland, Oregon. OPEN DATE: November 21,1989. CLOSING DATE: When filled. Send inquiries to: T C I W EST, Inc. A ttn.: Jo h n B. G rism ore 3500 S.W . Bond Street P ortland, O regon 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer STATE OF OREGON RECRUITMENT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Oregon Commission on Black Affairs Salary: 52,170 to 52,906/Monthly Plus benefits The Oregon Commission on Black Affairs is actively recruiting candi­ dates to fill the position of Execu­ tive Director. Interested individu­ als are encouraged to obtain a re­ cruiting announcement by calling or writing the address below: R ecruitm ent and C a re e r Services Executive D epartm ent, State of O regon 155 Cottage S treet, NE Salem, O regon 97310 Phone: (503) 378-3040 Closing date for applications: Decem­ ber 29, 1989. The State of Oregon is an affirmative action and equal opportunity em ­ ployer. POLICE OFFICER/ RECRUIT Applications are being accepted by the CITY OF GRESHAM (Pop. 65,000). Salary: 52,046/Monthly - Officer; 51,947/Monthly - Recruit. Excel­ lent benefits, include City-paid 15.8% PERS retirement. Requires H.S. grad or GED; 21 years old; U.S. Citizen; valid driver’s license; good driving record; no felony criminal record; excellent physical and menial health. CITY APPLICA TIO N FEE R E ­ QUIRED BY DEC. 22,1989. Resu­ mes not accepted. Apply at City of Gresham Police Dept., 1333 N.W. Eastman Parkway, Gresham, OR 97030. (503)669-2313. Equal Opportunity Employer NURSING Come Join The Challenging Field of C orrectional H ealth Services Oregon Department of Corrections is recruiting for: REGISTERED NURSE/ FAMILY NURSE PRACTITIONER 3 positions Registered Nurse and a half­ time Family Nurse Practitioner. The State of Oregon offers excellent retirement and other fringe bene­ fits, including tort liability. Flex­ ible scheduling is available. To inquire, contact Marian Page (503) 378-3446 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m„ Mon.- Fri. The State o f Oregon is an Equal Opportunity Employer A T T E N T IO N ! EARN MONEY TYPING AT HOME! 32,000/Yearly Incom e Potential Details, (1) 602-838-8885, Ext. T-12859. An Equal Opportunity Employer Notice of E m ploym ent O p p o rtu n ity CLASSIFIED/CLERICAL CLERK Part-Time Position With youth serving non-profit agency enthusiastic experienced profes­ sional to answer phone, brief pub­ lic, and perform clerical tasks. Letter or resume to 5311 S.E. Powell Blvd., Portland, OR 97206. M ainstream Y outh P rogram A ttn.: Sheila L a C hance (503) 777-4141 Equal Opportunity Employer COUNSELOR Counselor needed full-time to perform assessments, develop treatment plans and provide individual, group and family counseling in program for chemically dependent youth. Bache­ lors degree in related field plus two years related experience needed, or the equivalent. Masters degree in related field preferred. Individuals in recovery m ust have at least two years of continuous sobriety. Resu­ mes must be post marked no later than Dec. 11,1989. Send to: M orri­ son Center Breakthrough, 3390 SE Milwauakie Avenue, Portland, OR 97202. Equal Opportunity Employer CUSTODIAN General cleaning andsanitation of fit­ ness facility, offices, etc. Some heavy lifting. Nights, full-time, includes weekends. Very good wages and benefits. Apply at Downtown YWCA, 1111 SW 10th Ave., Port­ land. HOUSEKEEPER General cleaning, sanitation and laun­ dry responsibilities. Some heavy lifting. Full-time day position in­ cludes weekends. Very good wages and benefits. Apply at Downtown YW CA, 1111 SW 10th Ave., Port­ land. Equal Opportunity Employer RESIDENT MANAGER Seeking a resident manager or couple to manage & maintain a new facil­ ity occupied by CMI adults. A ppli­ cants must be mature personable and have a strong desire to work with the chronic mentally ill popu­ lation. One year property m anage­ ment experience necessary. H alf­ time salary & benefits plus the use of a two bedroom apartment. C los­ ing: 12/26/89. Resume to: Rodney R. Harry, Person­ nel Officer, N/NE Community Mental Health Center, Inc., 4950 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Port­ land, OR 97211. M inorities Encouraged to Apply Equal Opportunity Employer YOUTH PROGRAM COORDINATOR Salary: 56.50-57.50/Hourly Part-Time (full-time summer) Human Services and two years experi­ ence working with youth preferred. Will plan, coordinator and imple­ ment After School Program activi­ ties for children 6-11 years of age. Contact: Northeast YWCA Center, 5630 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland, Oregon, 282-0003. Ap­ plications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m., Decembe 11, 1989. Equal Opportunity Employer W ASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS CASE MONITOR Salary: $1,443-51,755/Monthly Call (503) 648-8607 for information. County application forms required. Apply by December 15, 1989 to W ashington County Personnel. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Northeast Club for Sale or Lease. Good location and am ple parking. Seri­ ous buyers need apply. Send quali­ fications to: P.O. Box 3137, Port­ land, Oregon 97208 RENTAL/REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR RENT NICE AND CLEAN, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Section 8 preferred. Nice fenced yard, 1 block from school bus. Ask for Mr. L.H. Harrison, after 5:00 P.M. at 281-8764,______________ QUAD MILL FITTER A minimum o f 2 years experience fit­ ting. Willing to work overtime when necessary. Ability to communicate well with co-workers. Wage, 510.10 per hour PLUS a unique production bonus. Please send resumes to Philo­ math Forest Products, P.O. Box 109, Philomath, Ore. 97370. Attn.: Shelly. GRAVEYARD MILLWRIGHT A minimum of 3 years Sawmill M illwright experience. Willing to work over-time when necessary. Ability to communicate well with co-workers. W age, 510.20 per hour PLUS a unique production bonus. Please send resumes to Philomath Forest Products, P.O. Box 109, Philomath, OR 97370. Attn.: Shelly. Equal Opportunity Employer f PU-LTC S E R V I C E A-N-N-O-U-N-C-E-M-E-N-T TRAINING REPRESENTATIVE Oregon Cutting Systems - The w orld’s largest manufacturer of saw chain and accessories- is looking for a unique training individual. The ideal candidate will be highly skilled in both training and communication. Training duties will include the design and delivery o f effective instruc­ tion: Need assessment, learning objectives, materials preparation, presentation and evaluation. As a communicator, you will edit and publish our division newsletter. Ideal experience will be 2+ years as a training/communicator in a m anu­ facturing setting that includes per­ formance based training plus SPC/ JIT/E1 and other quality tools. If you arc ianterested in this position, please send your resume to Carl Nelson, Human Resources Dept., P.O. Box 22127, Milwaukie, OR 9 7222. PR IN C IPL E S O N LY PLEASE. Equal Opportunity Employer POLICE OFFICER The Portland Police Bureau is now accepting applications for the position of Police O ffi­ cer. If you’re interested in making a positive change in your community and looking for a challenging, fulfilling career, with excellent salary and benefits, the Portland Police Bu­ reau can offer you that opportu­ nity. For more information contact the Portland Police Bureau’s Personnel Unit at 796- 3200. That’s 796-3200. Equal Opportunity Employer j RADIO ASSISTANT TRAFFIC MANAGER/NETWORK COORDINATOR Prefer at least two years radio traffic experience. Requires strong com ­ puter skills. Send resume to Per­ sonnel, Box 14957, Portland, OR 97213. Equal Opportunity Employer