* r * ’» v w v $ v ^ JOURNEY LEVEL MILLWRIGHT The James R ive r C orporation, Wauna ; • * • > ><- Portland Observer DECEMBER 6,1989 Page 7 m m i u Lii M IL L W R IG H T ; *■>*% * * * * * ■* *-• * 1 M ill, has an opening fo r a jo u rn e y level m illw rig h y t. Candidate m ust be able to prove jo u rn e y level status either by show ing that they have com pleted a 4 year apprenticeship program o r have at least 8 years' experience m illw rig h tin g . Prefer experience in pulp and paper in ­ dustry, or other heavy industry. Proof o f jo u rn e y level status and a resume m ust accompany the application. Journey level rate is 419.91 per hour plus frin g e benefits. Candidates m ust apply in person o nly at the Oregon E m ploym ent D iv i­ sion, 818 C om m ercial Street, A sto­ ria, o r at the W ashington E m p lo y ­ ment Service, 711 Vine Street, Kelso, beginning M onday, N ovem ber 27 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m . and closing December 11. FIXED ASSET ACCOUNTANT W e have an im m ediate opening fo r a fix e d asset accountant Duties w ill include m a intaining our com puterized fix e d asset records, preparing m o n th ly , quarterly and annual reports, p a rticip a tin g in budget preparation and filin g re­ quired property tax reports. I f you are a successful candidate you w ill have m in im u m tw o (2 ) years o f college education in accounting o r equivalent. Previous experience w ith fix e d assets is required; fa ­ m ilia rity w ith the M c C o rm ic k andDodge F ixed Asset System is a plus. I f you are interested in this p osition, please send yo u r resume to C arl N elson, Human Resources Dept., P.O. B ox 22127, M ilw a u k ie , O R 9 7 2 2 2 . P R IN C IP L E S O N L Y P LE A S E . ATTENTION: GOVERNMENT SEIZED VEHICLES From $100. Fords, Mercedes, Corvettes, Chevys. Surplus Buyers Guide. 1-602-838-8885, Ext. A 12859. ATTENTION! EARN MONEY READING BOOKS! EASY WORK EXCELLENT PAY! $32,000/Y e a rly In co m e P o te n tia l Details, (1) 602-838-8885, E x t B k -12859. Assemble products at home. D etails. (1) 602-838-8885, E xt. W -12859. An Equal Opportunity Employer An Equal Opportunity Employer AIRPORT INFORMATION SPECIALIST JO B O P P O R T U N IT Y Call our 24-Hour JobLine at 280-4727 for a listing of current openings at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. In addition to a starting salary o f $6.39 per hour and a fu ll range o f $6.39 to $9.07 per hour, the Port offe rs a comprehensive benefit package. EMANUEL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CENTER I f interested and q u a lifie d , apply in person at the Port o f Portland E m ploym ent O ffic e , 700 N.E. M ultnom ah, 14th flo o r, or ca ll (503) 231 -5000, ext. 700 fo r com plete application materials. A ll applications m ust be received by F riday, December 8, 1989, at 5 :00 p.m. XLuihera.t xAhaied Cerner >4Cwngfc A Legacy Member Equal Opportunity Employer, MEH. MENTAL HEALTH CHILDREN’S THERAPIST M .S .W . (o r m aster’ s degree in social service fie ld ) and counseling expe­ rience w ith ch ild re n required. Sal­ ary range $18,000 to $19,950 per year. Send resume by 12/15/89 to: C.C.M.H. 6329 N.E. Union P o rtla n d , O R 97211 Attn.: Personnel Equal Opportunity Employer PORTLAND OBSERVER 'The Eyes and Ears of the Community’ Office: (503)288-0033 Fax#: (503)288-0015 Support Our Advertisers! Say You Saw It In The I he Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer EXTRA CHRISTMAS $$$$$ We need women ages 25-54 to partici­ pate in a 4 hour opinion research session Monday afternoon, December 18. If you qualify, you may be invited to participate and you will receive $50.00. Please Call OMNI Research, 245-4014, before Friday, December 15. The Port o f Portland has an im m ediate opening fo r a part-tim e In fo rm a ­ tio n Specialist to provide tim e ly in fo rm a tio n and custom er services to the traveling and general pu b lic visitin g Portland International A irp o rt. Preferred q u a lifica tio n s include: * A v a ila b ility and w illin g n e ss to w o rk an average o f 28 hours per week, weekends, holidays and shifts from 6:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. * A b ility to understand and explain a irp o rt activities such as flig h t schedules, ground transportation in fo rm a tio n , etc. * Know ledge o f business telephone etiquelleand an a b ility to speak in a clear, d e fin itiv e telephone voice. * Know ledge o f fo re ig n languages helpful. * Demonstrated cooperative outgoing personality. * A b ility to w o rk in an isolated, independent situation. * Demonstrated a b ility to deal w ith emergencies in a calm , cle a r­ headed manner. & Equal Opportunity Employer JAMES RIVER CORPORATION Equal Opportunity Employer Minorities/Females Encouraged To Apply ATTENTION! 2 vJ & Season's greetings Portland Observer! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES N ortheast C l ub fo r Sale o r Lease. G ood location and ample parking. S eri­ ous buyers need apply. Send q u a li­ fications to: P.O. B ox 3137, P ort­ land, Oregon 97208 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Effective December 1,1989 Classified. Personal and Employ­ ment Advertisement will return to the orginal two column size rate. Sub-Bids, Bids, Propos­ als, and Public Notices will remain there three column rate. I K--: I II I ; . l i IM Ul REAL ESTATE CENTURY 21 Peninsula Realty North Portland 2 Bedroom , 1 B ath, Oversized Garage on a spacious 1-1/2 lot. O n ly $36,000 K I M \ l Iti M. ESTATE HOUSE FOR RENT N IC E A N D C L E A N , 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Section 8 preferred. N ice fenced yard, 1 b lo c k fro m school bus. A s k fo r M r. L .H . H arrison, after 5:00 P .M . at 281-8764. 1 Bedroom , Fireplace, D eck, N ice Y ard, Priced to S ell at $19,500. - Contract. Northeast Portland 1 Bedroom , D ouble Car Garage, Lo ts o f Space. Priced R ig h t at $17,000. W o n t'tL a s t!!!!! REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS 100 NEED FOUR BEDROOM ? $44,950. This home may be ju s t the ticke t. Cape C od style w ith tw o bedrooms on main flo o r andtw o upstairs. There's a large yard fo r the kids to play. The home is clean and ready fo r m ove-in area o f good homes. Frank 287 - 287-8989 o r 287-1476 (A gent). A Little Bit Country 3 Bedroom, 2-1/2 Baths, Ranch - Full Basement with Family Room and Oversize Lot. Contract Terms 5 Properties at LESS Than $25,000. 2 & 3 Bedrooms 283-4542 Ora Hart P rogressive R ealty , I nc . Pride Responsibility Before You Try The Rest, Why Not Try The Best! ' Integrity Sluggish Apartment Market Inches Toward Recovery Strong operations m anagem ent gave the n atio n 's sagging apartment m arket a m uch-needed financial boost in 1988, a new research study has concluded. But a com plete m arket recovery still has a long way to go. C om pared to 1987, operating ratios (total expenses as a percentage o f total collections) for m ulti-fam ily properties stabilized o r im proved, with costs now taking the sam e, or a slightly sm aller, bit from ow ners’ income. This reversal of the past three years' dow nw ard trend appears to be due to more aggressive m anagem ent in response to soft m arkets and overbuilding in several areas o f the country, reports the 1989 edition o f the Income/Expense Analysis: Conventional Apartm ents, published by the Interstate o f Real Estate M anagem ent (1REM). The annual survey analyzes operating data o f over 5,000 conventionally financed properties in the U.S. and Canada (high- rises, low -rises, and garden buildings). Changes in operating ratios ranged from only a 0.4 percent increase for garden pro j­ ects (i.e., costs consum ed only 0.4 percent more o f incom e in 1988 than in 1987) to a 0.8 percent decrease for 12-to-24-unit low- rises. A nother positive sign is that net o p er­ ating income for all building types increased slightly or held steady in 1988-- a m ajor im provem ent over 1987. The biggest in ­ crease was at high-rise com plexes (5.4 percent). H igh-rises also continued to gen­ erate the greatest operating revenues, at 43.69 per square foot. -** A lthough total operating costs were up from 1987, the rate o f increase slowed dramatically. Increases in 1988 ranged from only 2 percent to 3.5 percent, com pared to the previous y ear’s 3 percent to 8 percent. The apartment m arket still has plenty o f progress to make, how ever. Rental rates for all building types in 1988 rose only 3 percent or less from 1987. Com petition for tenants in some overbuilt m arkets held increases to a m inim um , while the trend in very soft m arkets was a lowering of rents. After two years of declines, utility costs suddenly soared for all building types. This was prim arily due to 1989's drought and extrem ely hot sum mer, w hich caused many tenants to increase their use of air condi­ tioners, hum idifiers, etc. at com plexes that pay for their residents' electricity. Elevator buildings were hardest hit, with a 10 percent increase (to $.87 per square foot). Low-rise and garden build­ ings reported utility cost hikes of 7 percent to 8.2 percent. M aintenance and repair costs also jum ped for all building types except larger low -rises. U ncollected income due to vacancies and other rent loss fell in 1988, but only negligibly (0.2 percent to 1 percent), while sm all low-rises reported a 0.5 percent in­ crease. Ranging from 5.1 percent to 8.7 percent o f income, rent loss is still squeez­ ing properties harder than it did tw o years earlier. V acancies and rent loss levels contin­ ued to vary around the country, depending on local m arket conditions. Soft markets such as Dallas, Kansas City (M O), and Service Can M eet All Your Real Estate Needs, We Specialize In Sales o f Residental and Commercial Properties. Come in for a FREE consultation for CONVENTIONAL, FHA, VA LOANS, including HUD properties. Heating Oils 104 N.E. Russell St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 317 N.E. Killingsworth St. Portland, Oregon Ora Hart President F ro m $1 (U -re p a ir) Delinquent tax property. Repossessions. Call 1-602-838-8885, Ext. GH12859 New Location: Portland Observer 4747 N X M artin Lather King, Jr. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 C entury 21 P eninsula R ealty "Home of the Week" St. Johns Area $36,900.00 2 Bedroom, Single Family Residence with attached garage, sculptured 1 & l-l!2 lot well maintained. Close to Shopping, Schools and Parks. Great Investment! ASSUMABLE EHA FINANCING A re you in te re ste d in s e llin g y o u r house and a re n t't sure o f w h a t the va lu e w o u ld be in to d a y 's m a rk e t ca ll fo r a free " C o m p e titiv e M a r k e t A n a ly s is ." A " C o m p e titiv e M a r k e t A n a ly s is " w ill give you a ra nge o f va lu e b y sh o w in g you w h a t homes are c u rr e n tly se llin g fo r, w h a t y o u r co m p e ­ titio n is in to d a y 's m a rk e t and w h a t bu ye rs are n o t w illin g to pay fo r hom es s im ilia r to yours. C a ll Rose M a rie D avis fo r y o u r Free " C o m p e titiv e M a rk e t A n a ly s is !" ATTENTION RENTERS R&R Management Can Help You! We have from one (1) to four (4) bedrooms. Newly remodeled Nice, clean for familys who care about how they live. Sec. 8 We Welcome you We Look Forward To Meeting YOU Soon. 283-4542 DAD’S OIL SERVICE ATTENTION! GOVERNMENT HOMES Denver reported rent loss levels as high as 15 percent of total income. Boston still boasts the lowest vacancy/rcnt loss rates (less than 3 percent). The Incom e/Expense Analysis breaks down apartm ent operating data into several categories, including building size, age, and geographical region. The new survey represents a 5.7 percent larger sample than last year’s. The book is designed as a handy re ­ source to help real estate professionals prepare or evaluate property budgets, appraisals, acquisition proposals, loan requests, etc. The 232-page study sells for $ 105, plus shipping and handling, from IR EM ’s Pub­ lications sales departm ent at 430 N. M ichi­ gan Avenue, P.O. Box 10925, Chicago, Illinois 60610-9025, (312)661-1953, FAX (312) 661-0217. ★ Best Cash Prices ★ Speedy H O M ES FOR S A LE Call 282-4696 2413 NE Martín Luther King Jr. Blvd. We Can Help 21 PENINSULA REALTY INC. 8040 N o rth L o m b a rd P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97203 Business: (503) 286-5826 F A X : (503) 286-8675 Residence: (503) 281-8976 Rose Marie Davis Sales Associate Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated 7 ?