Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 06, 1989, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4 Portland Observer DECEMBER 6, 1989
United Grocers, KOIN-TV And Z100 Radio Team For
Holiday Food Drive To Benefit Local Needy
'alendar of ‘Events
“Amahl and the Night Visitors” Set For
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
Amahl and the Night Visitors, a heart warming Christm as legend o f a poor
crippled boy, his protective m other, three stalely kings in search o f the C hrist Child
and a very unexpected m iracle, will be presented at St. M atthew Lutheran Church,
10390 SW Canyon Road in Beaverton. Performances are scheduled Dec. 8-10 and 15-
17; Fri.l & Sat. 8:00 p.m., Sun. 3:00 & 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $8.00 adults, $6.50
seniors, 45.00 children 12 and under with discounts for groups o f 10 or more.
Reservations 644-9148, M on.-Sat. 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
NPACE Sponsors Seminar, Dec. 9th
The North Portland Association of Christian Educators is sponsoring a sem inar,
“ Up with Sunday School," Dec. 9th, at Emmanuel Temple Church, 1032 N. Sumner
St., from 7:30 a.m .-12:15 p.m.
We are inviting you and your Sunday School teachers and any one else who
wishes to enhance their Sunday School to join us in our sem inar entitled ‘‘Up With
Sunday S chool."
For further inform ation contact Normal W illiams at 287-0624 or Beth Nance at
288-2919. Thank you in advance for announcing o u r seminar.
Work Tour To Dominican Republic
June 26 - July 10, 1990
$850.00 from Portland, OR
(subject to change if 1990 airfares are higher.)
We will be arriving at the Plata or Santo Domingo airports, depending on our
work assignm ent (w hich has not been determ ined to date). Arrangem ents will be
made for us to eat and sleep at the church where we will be working. Sightseeing and
tour opportunities will be scheduled to fit into our work schedule. Be sure to have a
current passport to ensure a sm ooth entrance and exit of the host country.
Registration deadline is Feb. 1, 1990.
Tour leaders: Bev Flood and W ayne Bridges. Contact: ABC o f Oregon, 0245 SW
Bancroft St., Suite G, Portland. OR 97201 -4270, (503) 228-8394. Initial contribution
is $150.00. AWAY TRAVEL - Ask Mr. Foster - Travel Service Since 1880,429 E.
Main Street., M onm outh, O R 97361, (503) 838-3313. Patricia O liver, Travel C oun­
Church Sponsors Toy and Game Drive
To Benefit Homeless Children
The Church o f Scientology Celebrity C enter will be giving a Christm as party for
homeless children at the Family Resource Center, a service o f Portland IMPACT.
Donations of toys and games are being collected from the public, and will be presented
to the children as gifts.
Dan W idger, volunteer coordinator for IM PACT, says that games and arts and
crafts materials are especially valuable, as they allow children to interact with each
other and with adults. Particularly needed are durable cassette players and body
m ovem ent cassettes for children.
Donations o f games, toys, and materials may be brought to the Church of
Scientology Celebrity Center, 709 SW Salm on, Portland, o r donors may call 228-
0116 to arrange for donations to be picked up.
fe U R C H
Holiday shoppers can help a good cause
w ithout leaving the com fort of their cars as
United G rocers, KOIN-TV andZlOO Radio
join to help the Portland Police Sunshine
Division's "Project: Happy Holidays" food
drive, Saturday, Dec. 9.
United G rocers, KOIN and Z 100 will
have a special cash and canned food collec­
tion area at the empty lot on the northeast
com er o f the Lloyd Center at N.E. 15th and
W eidler Streets. United Grocers, KOIN
and Z100 staff will be on hand from 8:45
a.m. to 6:30 p.m. to accept donations, and
KOIN and Z100 will broadcast live from
the lot during the day. Santa Claus will be
on hand to greet m otorists, and costum ed
characters and local singers and m usicians
will add to the festivities. M otorists can
drive by and hand cash or canned food
donations to volunteers without the worry
o f finding a parking spot.
United G rocers will also have food
collection containers located inside their
area m em ber stores through Dec. 9. In
addition to food donations. United G rocers
plans to donate more than 100 toy-filled
stockings to the Sunshine Division to be
distributed to needy fam ilies through Toy
and Joy Makers.
C ollected food will be placed in holi­
days food baskets and distributed to needy
fam ilies. “ Project: Happy H olidays” gar­
nered more than 15.5 tons of food and
$1,350 for local needy last year, enabling
the Sunshine Division to distribute baskets
to more than 1,000 families. They hope to
exceed that total this year.
United Grocers, Inc. is a retailer-owned
cooperative serving more than 350 mem
bers stores throughout O regon, W ashing­
ton and northern California. The company
operates distribution centers in Portland
and Medford. It is best known by the names
o f its advertising groups-Thriftw ay Stores,
Sentry Markets, Select Markets, Shop Smart/
Food W arehouse and Food C o n n eclio n -o r
by individual store names such as Kienow's,
Strohecker’s, W izer’s, G il’s, H ank’s,
H ow ard’s, M urphy's, and many other fine
independent grocers.
U ncollected income due to vacancies
and other rent loss fell in 1988, but only
negligibly (0.2 percent to 1 percent), w hile
sm all low-rises reported a 0.5 percent in­
crease. Ranging from 5.1 percent to 8.7
percent o f incom e, rent loss is still squeez­
ing properties harder than it did tw o years
Vacancies and rent loss levels contin­
ued to vary around the country, depending
on local m arket conditions. Soft markets
such as Dallas, Kansas City (M O), and
D enver reported rent loss levels as high as
15 percent o f total income. Boston still
boasts the low est vacancy/rent loss rates
(less than 3 percent).
Garfield Street Bible Club
“Serving (jod In (hfertfieast (Portland"
We are the Garfield Street Bible Club located in NE Portland. We are a non-
denominational bible club that serves youth grades K-5 on Sunday afternoons. We
are in need of transportation. We arc trying to cam a new van by participating in the
Campbell Soup Label for Education Program. Many neighbor agencies are support­
ing our cause we need soup
labels and product labels from
list attached. We have two
collection boxes in NE Port-
land. The Moore Street Salva-
tion Army and St. Vincent
DePaulon Killingsworth could
you please inform the commu-
nity of our need and let them
know we will be collecting labels
from now until Feb. 29, 1990.
We will use the van to help
transport children to the sum-
mer camp program and other
Union Gospel Mission/Child for
Christ Crusade outings in the
future. Please help us keep chil-
dren off the streets and drugs by
supporting our effort to nurture
our NE neighborhood child in a
positive spiritual vain. Thank you for your support. If more information is necessary
please contact me, Pamela McClendon, Volunteer Director, Mon.-Fri., 1 p.m-4:30
p.m., (503) 284-6267.
The Ineom e/Expense Analysis breaks
down apartment operating data into several
categories, including building size, age,
and geographical region. The new survey
represents a 5.7 percent larger sam ple than
last year’s.
The book is designed as a handy re­
source to help real estate professionals prepare
The Sunday School lesson for Decem ­
ber 10 in the uniform series will be John
The story is told about a young minister
who had been singularly blessed in his
revival preaching, with large crow ds and
many decisions. During one such revival,
the young man was introduced to a learned
doctor of theology in that city. The great
theologian asked the evangelist concerning
his birthplace, and he replied, " I was bom
in Seattle and in Los A ngeles.”
The puzzled doctor asked, "H o w can
that be?”
The young man paused only a moment,
and then replied, “ A re you a teacher of
Israel, and do not know these things?"
For the child o f God, the new birth is as
im portant as the first birth, for it makes all
the difference between eternal life, and
eternal suffering and regret. This w eek’s
text, one of the most fam iliar in the Gospel
of John, describes the new birth in way s that
appeal to the hearts of all well-meaning
Hear the declaration o f the Lord Jesus:
“ I tell you the truth, no one can see the
kingdom of G od unless he is bom again”
(John 3:3, NIV). W hat does this m ean, to be
bom again? Jesus explained to Nicodemus
that it is a different kind o f birth, not a
physical birth involving a m other's body
(verses 4-5). That is because it is adifferent
kind of life, which far surpasses the physi­
cal life given by the flesh. It is a life
energized by the Spirit of G od, and it ener­
gizes a part of the human existence which
nothing else can.
This is one reason I have a hard time
accepting the word of a man who says he is
bom again, but his life shows no signs of
godly spiritual life. W hen a person enters
the kingdom o f G od, he is accepting G od’s
right to rule in his life. Though there will be
many signs of the old life even in the true
believer, the Spirit will dem onstrate his
presence in the person’s life; there will be
4222 N.E. 12th Avenue
Portland Oregon
or evaluate property budgets, appraisals,
acquisition proposals, loan requests, etc.
The 232-page study sellsfo r$ 1 0 5 ,p lu s
shipping and handling, from IR E M ’s Pub
lications sales departm ent at 430 N. M ichi -
gan Avenue, P.O. Box 10925, Chicago,
Illinois 60610-9025, (312) 661 -1953, FAX
evidence of holiness in his words and ac­
Well then, how is a person bom again,
in the Spirit? The Lord teaches us two sides
of a great mystery in this sc rip tu re-b o th of
which are true, but hard to understand to­
gether. On one hand, C hrist com pares the
work o f the Holy Spirit to blow ing o f the
wind. (Indeed, the word “ w ind” in the
original can also be translated “ sp irit.")
“ The wind blows w herever it pleases. You
hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it
comes from or where it is going. So it is
with everyone bom of the S pirit” (verse 8).
To put it another way, no one on earth can
control the process by which the Holy Spirit
brings someone into the new birth, any
more than som eone can control the wind.
This is an im portant caution to us as we w it­
ness and call people to believe in Christ: our
human effort and skill do not guarantee that
a person will respond to Christ.
On the other hand, Christ clearly stresses
the necessity o f human response to the
gospel--in particular, to his own sacrifice
on the cross. This is what the Lord means
when he says, " J u st as M oses lifted up the
snake in the desert, so the Son of M an must
be lifted up, that everyone who believes in
him may have eternal life " (verses 14-15;
com pare Numbers 21:6-9). The offer of
salvation is m ade clearly and openly to all:
“ whoever believes in him shall not perish
but have eternal life” (verse 16). And this
same condition of salvation is declared
throughout the Gospel o f John; you can
read it in John 1:12, 2:1 l.k 22; 3:18, 36;
5:37-40; etc.
So let no one say he cannot com e to
Christ, and be bom again, until the Spirit
reveals the truth to him personally. The
Spirit who m oves like the wind among the
hearts of men, is the same Spirit w ho tells
us in the W ord that “ w hosoever w ill” may
com e and put their trust in C h ris t-a n d that
each one who does so will receive the gift of
eternal life, and entrance into the kingdom
of God.
(503) 282-3379
jk Ç H O ffD A Y S P f C M i m
Sunday Services
Sunday School
9:00 A.M.
Morning Workshop
10:30 A.M.
“ B e fo re Y o u M u s t’ ’
6:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
$25.00 5
$ 4 5 .0 0 ^
Children's Relaxers
^ C h ild r e n 's Curls
Maranatha School o f M inistry
Dudley Curls
— Make a Decision —
Mid-Week Services - Wednesday
Rev. Wendell H. Wallace
Senior Pastor
“ Inquire about the services we offer"
Cox Funeral Home, Inc.
24 Hr. Service
Regular $65.00
Regular $55.00
Now $ 5 5 .0 0 ^
now $55.00 J?
now $ 4 5.00 *
One of theNorthwest Largest Wig Displays
Wigs andHairpieces For All Nationalities
Eva Gabor • Naomi Sims • Renee of Paris
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W e are interested in your problems
Ha„ diyn»i. iv ii ii unu uoroiny
Barber Stylist: P.W. Wilborn
M anager: Gloria Tims
Albina Church of God
With A Bold New Vision . . .
Reaching Out Until He Comes . . .
Going Back When He Comes . . .
'Teaching Church W ith A Reaching (Ministry. ‘
-----1 CHURCH
Dean's Beauty Salon & Barber Shop
213-215 N.E. Hancock • Portland, Oregon
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
116 N.E. Schuyler
• (503) 284-1954
10:30 A.M. -12 NOON - WEDNESDAY
6:30 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. - WEDNESDAY
Radio Ministry Each Sunday, 8.00 A.M. - KBMS
10 A.M.-6 P.M.
Saturday 10 A.M.-5:30 P.M.
Cleaning & Re-Styling
Near Llovd Center
Sunday School - 9:45 A.M.
Sunday Service - Morning 11:00 A.M.
Sunday Service - Evening 6:00 P.M.
Tuesday Teaching - 7:30 P.M.
Thursday - Moments of Deliverance 7:30 P.M.
"The Friendliest Church In The City"
SeniorJ^astor Rev. Samuel Mr Irving
’« c