Page 10 Portland Observer DECEMBER 6, 1989 T here was o n e glaring < »missic >n in o u r Constitution and Thom as Jefferson d idn’t waste any tim e in picking up o n it. I lis feelings aliout die necessity ()l inc< )rp( »rating a bill o f rights w ere perhaps best expressed w hen he said in a letter to Jam es Madist >n “I have a right to nothing, which an o th er has a right to take away...” Clearly he was still sm arting from die injustices suffered under the Crown. Jefferson wasn’t alone. Many Americans w ere very vocal about die need to adopt a bill o f rights. And s i»began a long and involved am endm ent prt »cess. 1 w o h u n d re d years later w e celebrate the results o f all the com m ittee m eetings, all the debates, and all the voting. We celebrate die 200th anni­ versary of the Bill o f Rights— the w ritten guarantee o f o u r per­ sonal freedom s. It’s a guarantee that has already lasted m any lifetimes, and if w e keep o u r guard up it will last m any m ore. “...a bill o f rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth...” THOMAS Jl I I I RSON Philip Morris Companies Inc. KRAFT GENERAI FOODS • MILLER BREWING C O M PANY • PHILIP MORRIS U S A Join Philip Morris and the National Archives in celebrating the 200th anniversary of the Bill of Rights. For a free copy of this historic document, call 1-800-552-2222, or w rite Bill of Rights • Philip Morris Companies Inc. • 2020 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. • Suite 533 • Washington D.C. 20006 © Philip M urn* < lm I’* m W* *?<*** • » M ***»♦».«»*» • M <» A2.Í » > » « * » *. • , » 4 « * 4 4 4 4 4 » J •' ■ - MMM