Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 30, 1989, Page 6, Image 6

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Page 6 Portland Observer NOVEMBER 29, 1989
Michael Jordan Speak
Out On Basketball And
Gangs. . .
truths, wisdom, and a couple of autographs.
Whether this event or encounter with ‘‘A ir”
will help to change a decadent lifestyle or put
him on the right track is another story. Time
will tell.
“ They have to leant something more
positive than gang activities," said a very
serious Jordan. " I understand what a gang
might provide for an individual who might
not have a lot of friends or support. A gang
provides comradery. I think that it’s the
wrong type of comradery we w ant our kids to
be involved in. If we look at television, day
in and day out, we see all the bad new«
sunounding gangs. If you’re going to be in a
gang, let it be something positive like an
educational gang. Look for something pro­
ductive and positive, set goals for yourself,
and then strive for those goals. Be it educa­
tion or athletics, let it be something posi­
Bom Michael Jeffery Jordan on Febru­
ary 17, 1963, " A ir” was the third overall
draft pick by the Bulls in 1984. His resume
since: Rookie of the Year, 1985; Pivotal
Player Award, 1985, 1989; AU-NBA first
team, 1987-89; Slam Dunk Champion, 1987-
88; MVP, 1988; All-Star Game MVP, 1988;
Defensive Player of the Year, 1988; Scoring
Champion, 1987-89; and lastly, Jordan is the
only player other than W ilt Chamberlain to
score 3,000 points in a (1987) season. Still,
the big one eludes him, the NBA title.
“ I’ve achieved just about every individ­
ual honor possible,” he said in a post-game
interview while preparing for the Warriors.
“ Now, I want to win a league championship.
T hat’s what it’s all about.”
The game against Golden State marked
for the first time in basketball history, that
both leading scorers for Olympic Gold Medal-
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Cash Career Awards Escalate In
Miss Black America Pageant
(Continued From Page 1)
winning teams competed head to head in an
NBA game. Sarunas Marciulionis, the top
scorer for the ’88 Olympic Team champions
received a taste of “ Air” on national televi­
sion this past Sunday. Jordan led the 1984
USA team in scoring and to a gold medal.
Currently, Jordan is leading the NBA in
scoring and the Bulls in assists/steals. He has
scored on 50+ points in one game this sea­
son, over 40+ four times, and over 30 points
six times.
With the addition of draft picks B.J.
Armstrong, Stacy King, and Jeff Sanders--
Jordan is hoping that the scoring load will
not be his primary responsibility.
“ We have a real competitive team ," he
said. A graduate of the University of North
Carolina with a degree in Geography, Jor­
dan’s approximate income looks*like a MBA
graduate from the Harvard School of Busi­
ness. His annual income is close to $8 m il­
lion. That includes $2.25 million in the 1989-
90 season from his new eight year, $25.75
million contract with the Bulls and $5 m il­
lion from assorted endorsement contracts
with companies like Wilson Sporting Goods,
Coke, Wheaties, NIKE, McDonald’s and
Chevrolet to name a few.
When question about his friendships
with superstar filmmaker/director “ Spike”
Lee and whether or not (rumor has it) he has
been tabbed to play a superhero in an upcom­
ing film by Lee, Jordan could only smile.
“ Spike, is a real good friend of m ine,”
he said. “ He came to NIKE after he did his
first movie with the shoes (Air Jordan) in it.
He had some ideas for some commercials.
He approached NIKE and NIKE came to me
and asked me how I would feel about work­
ing with Spike. I said that it would be a thrill
and looked forward to it. Once we got to-
gether everything seemed to click from that
point on. I admire his work, what he repre­
sents to our race, and the goals he has for his
own life. H e’s really a deep individual and
very intelligent."
What about the movie rumor? "Spike
hasn’t spoke to me about any parts in his
movies and it’s just a rumor right now. In
fact, it's the first I ’ve heard of it. I ’ve never
really considered acting as something that 1
would want to do. Il’s a different challenge
and a different type o f entertainment. Who
knows, it may be something that I might have
to consider once I approach the situation."
Whether he knows it or not, Jordan is
already a “ superhero” in America. Night in
Helen Moore of American Airlines, congratulates Paula Gwynn, Miss Black
and night out, touching the hearts of young­
withy round trip tickets to Europe.
sters. He consistently dazzles the crowds
with his highwire act and gravity defying
J. Morris Anderson, who has produced
“ However, this year’,” Andersonsaid
dunks. After a steal and breakaway slam in
Black America Pageant for the last
from his Philadelphia offices “ Sponsors
the victory over Golden State, one fan stood
21 years, said “ The Miss black America
have commenced to adding fortune to the
up and shouted, “ that was three seconds
Pageant had reached a new plateau in terms
fame which the Miss Black America Pag­
ref,” in the air that is . . .
eant has amassed for the last twenty-one
When questioned about being a desig­ of offering cash awards and prizes to the
thousands of talented women who compete
nated role model for young people, the ar­
in the event each year.”
Anderson said, One of the high points
ticulate Jordan said that it was fun.
The Miss Black America Pageant was
of his career as the head of the Miss Black
“ I love the role,” he said. “ I feel an
founded in 1968 and has been aired on
America Pageant was to welcome Luster
obligation to give something back. To be a
National Television ever since as a means
Hair Products as a major sponsor of the
role model is a method of giving something
this year. Luster products donated
back and hopefully, I can set a good example,
platform for the performance of the Black
$10,000. in cash prizes to be split among
give good advice, and help our young people
Woman's talent, and the airing of her views.
the winners of the swim suit, talent and
face some o f the problems in society . . . ”
Next Week: A quick follow up with the
young gang member and some more per­
sonal notes gang member and some more
personal notes about "Air' ’ Jordan, a class
act and quality human being... Worst job in
theNBA.JackH aley o f the B ulls has a locker
next to Jordan. Haley: "The reporters crowd
me, set on my shoes, and push me out o f the
way just to get close to Michael. Everyone
wants to talk with him . . . Sometimes, I have
toprotect him .. ."Jordan: "Jack" sm y main
man . . . ”
Gov. Goldschmidt Selects Interim
Chief To Replace Duncan
Gov. Neil Goldschmidt announced today
that he had selected John Erickson, super­
intendent of the Lincoln County School
District, to fulfill the remainder of Vem
Duncan’s term as Superintendent of Public
Erickson, 44, of Newport, has served
/ *_
projection competition, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd
runners-up and Miss Black America. In
addition to offering prizes to the contest­
ants, Luster Products purchased 3 minutes
of Commercial Time on the Miss Black
America Pageant TV Special which is being
aired on the Black America Syndicated
Commercial Television Network culminat­
ing during Black History Month. Check
local listings for air dates.
" I am proud of the fact that Luster
Products made a real commitment to the
thousands of contestants who enter the Miss
Black America Pageant annually. Its the
first time a Black Company has stepped
forward with such vim and vigor,” Ander­
son said.
Jory Luster, Vice President of Luster
Products said, “ there can only be one major
Black Pageant in America, therefore we
must stand behind this one and make it the
best that it can be.”
Anderson also praised American Air­
lines for assuming a sponsorship role in this
year’s pageant in addition to providing two
round trips to and location in Europe in
which the winning contestant chooses to
Contestants wishing to enter the MBA
Pageant for 1990 may write P.O. Box 25668,
Philadelphia, PA 19144, or call (215) 844-
as superintendent of Lincoln County School
District since 1985. The District encom­
passes about 1,100 square miles and pro­
vides education to 6,200 students in 18
From 1981 to 1985 he was superinten­
dent of the Stayton Elementary School
District. He worked as director of curricu­
lum and instruction for Coquille Public
Schools from 1979 to 1981. Between 1967
and 1975 Erickson taught English at South
Salem and Sprague High Schools in Salem.
Goldschmidt praised Erickson’s expe­
rience and accomplishments in the field of
education, noting he is “ recognized in and
outside education circles as a proven and
respected leader.”
icappes workers
A.M. Afternoon & P.M. Shifts Available, No experience
necessary under new management. 1412 S.E. Morrison,
Portland, Oregon 235-3536.
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