■ / v ♦ * V 1 Page 4 Portland Observer NOVEMBER 22, 1989 A The Tabernacle Of God And The New Jerusalem by Michael Lindsey, Dean o f North Portland Bible College [The Sunday School lesson in the uni­ form series for N ovember 26 will be R evela­ tion 2 1 ] “ I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusa­ lem, com ing down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her h u sband" (Rev. 21:2, N1V). W ith these words, John presents a glorious vision of heaven come dow n to earth, the hope of saints o f all ages, all people, tongues and nations. The heart o f this prophecy is the cry from the throne o f God: "B ehold, the taber­ nacle of G od is with men, and he will dwell with th em ." (V erse 3, KJV). The tabernacle was a tentlike structure created by the people o f Israel, in accordance w ith the pattern the Lord showed Moses on M ount Sinai (Exodus 25:8). W henever it was set up, the glory of the Lord w ould fill the tabernacle, and the priests could offer sacrifices to the Lord. W hen the L ord’s glory was lifted from the tabernacle, in the form of a pillar o f Fire or cloud, the Levites would disassem ble the tabernacle and carry it to their next stop through the wilderness. Thus the tabernacle, and the ark o f the covenant within it, were visible sym bols that the Lord (Jehovah), the invisible C reator o f heaven and earth, actually dwelled among his people. The tabernacle continued to be the cen­ ter of worship for Israel after they entered the prom ised land for over four hundred years, till the time o f David. That great king brought the ark o f the covenant into his capital city, Jerusalem , and appointed His son Solomon, with G od’s perm ission and blessing, built a perm anent tem ple to replace the tabernacle, a place of m ajesty and glory in itself. The glory of the Lord then visibly filled the temple with smoke (read 1 Kings 6 and 8:1- 21). But the people of G od rebelled against their Lord, until finally in judgm ent God withdrew his glory from the tem ple (Ezekiel 10) and left it to be destroyed by the Babylo­ nians, and the people to be exiled and scat­ tered. Still, G od’s desire was to dem onstrate his love by dw elling among his people. And so, in the fullness of time, the Lord sent his Son into the world: “ And the W ord became flesh and dwelled among u s . . . ” (John 1:14). The basic meaning of “ dw elled” in the original is “ to pitch a ten t,” that is, to tabernacle. Jesus Christ put on a “ ten t” just like our human bodies, and lived with us for a time. He performed the work which the Father sent him to do, and provided the perfect sacrifice for our sins. And so now we eagerly await the return o f Christ in glory, and the establishm ent of “ a new heaven and a new earth ” (Rev. 21:1), in all perfection and glory. There will no longer need to be a tem ple to contain or represent the Glory o f the Lord need to be a tem ple to contain or represent the Glory of the Lord (verse 22), for the throne o f God will be visible, and so will the Person of the Lamb o f God, the Lord Jesus Christ. I ’m sure that if you love the Lord, you’ll be excited at the thought o f being able to w orship him anywhere, w ithout any distrac­ tion, and in all purity and righteousness (verse 27). If you aren’t sure that you are prepared for C hrist’s return, do n ’t put it off! The Lord is ready to be your G od, but you have to give your heart to him RELIGION United Church President’s Associate, Elect First Woman, First African-American In That Position CLAYTON, MO The Executive C oun­ cil of the 1.6 million mem ber United Church of Christ, meeting on Oct. 24, elected an official of the church’s racial justice com ­ m ission to become executive associate to the denom ination's new president. She is the first woman and the first A frican-Am erican to hold that position. Bernice F. Powell, New York City, leaves her post as deputy director o f the C om m is­ sion for Racial Justice to become executive associate to the Rev. Dr. Paul H. Sherry, who took office as president Oet. 1. As executive associate, Ms. Powell, 40, will serve as chief of operations for the denom ination’s executive offices and as Dr. S herry’s principal representative. Ms. Pow­ ell, Dr. Sherry and other officers o f the church will move from New York City to Cleveland when space is ready at the church’s new headquarters there, probably in January. In 1988, Ms. Powell becam e deputy director of the C om m ission for Racial Jus­ tice, which is charged with mobilizing members of the church to work for justice and recon­ ciliation among people of all races in the church and the wider society. Previously, in 1984 and 1985, she had been director of the com m ission’s “ Forgotten Woman Project,” focusing on the church’s work with women in prison. In between, from 1985 to 1988, she worked for The Phelps-Stokes Fund, New York City, as director of the Bishop Desmond Tutu Southern African Refugee Scholarship Fund, with primary responsibility for raising more than 41 m illion a year to help bring South African and Namibian refugees to the U.s. to attend college. Ms. Powell also has worked as a freelance consultant in public relations, w om en’s is­ sues and minority relations (1982-1984); as public information officer o f the w om en’s division in the office o f New York Governor How Safe Is Downtown Portland At Night Part II This is a continuation of M attie Ann Collier-Spears story running in the Nov. 2nd, 1989 issue o f the Portland Observer he may devour . . (I Peter 5:8) Yes! He's gonna get you. But, only if you let him. There are many, many young, unchurched, unsaved people wandering about with no direction. They make perfect prey. The devil is stockpiling with the anticipation that he is going to win and he is reaping the souls o f our children. Let's face it! If you destroy the nest and its contents, you've destroyed the spe­ cies (human race). Don't stand idly by. There is so much that needs to be done. #1.) Join the winning team. Accept Christ as your personal Savior. #2.) W ear the whole armour of God. (Ephesians 6:11-20). #3.) Stand steadfast in the Word. #4.) Don't be overwhelmed by what is taking place. that they live so that we may approve only what is pleasing in the sight of God. W hether the crimes are being com ­ mitted in downtown Portland or in the quiet com ers of our minds, we must all remember who rules and super-rules. God, in His infinite wisdom, has a mas­ ter plan. We have to decide in our hearts and minds whether or not we want to be a part of this plan. I have never seen or heard so much about Satan worship as I have heard in recent years. Scripture reveals that we should ", . . Be sober, be vigilant; be­ cause your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walkcth about, seeking whom SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK: R omans : C hapter 12 Do what the Lord wants you to do and be what your Heavenly Father wants you to be. Remember - always look to God, ”, . . from whence cometh my help.” We can't depend on the state and city officials, if they're not walking with the Lord. If you but ask him, God will supply your every need. Just continue to hold up the name of Jesus Christ. In the time o f trouble, call on H im . Praise ye the Lord! Hugh Carey (1979-1982); as associate m an­ ager o f public relations for The Equitable Life Assurance Society, New York City (1977- 1979), and as a com m unications specialist for the National Urban League (1975-1977). A resident of Harlem, Ms. Powell has served as president o f the New York C oali­ tion o f 100 B lack W omen (1981-1985) and on num erous boards of directors, including those of Associated Black Charities, the Carver Federal Savings Bank and the Frederick Douglass Creative Arts Center. She has been a member o f The Riverside Church, New York City, since 1977 and has served on its board o f deacons (1979-1981) and its com m unications comm ittee (1980- 1982). B om and reared in W ashington, D.C., Ms. Powell graduated from Theodore Roosev­ elt High School there in 1967. She received a B.A. degree in 1971 from W ilson College, Chambersburg, PA, and an M.S. degree in 1975 from Colum bia U niversity’s Graduate School of Journalism, New York City. She expects to complete her work tow ard an M.Div. degree at Union Theological Sem i­ nary, New York City, in M ay 1990. See What God Can Do! by M attie Ann C allier-Spears Today we ask ourselves m any, many questions, such as: W hy is all this happening to me? Why do I have to go through all of this? Is my life ever going to c h a n g e -fo r the better? Oh, w hat’s the use anyway? Some o f us go through life with so much bitterness inside and so many unsolved prob­ lems. We allow our trouble to actually bum a hole in the very fabric of our being. There are some who never have allowed them ­ selves to know what FAITH WAS. This is a story about a man and his wife w ho went on a journey with FAITH. The m an 's name is Kevin and his w ife’s nam e is Joyce. If you were to run into either of these persons on the street, you would see joy. And to speak to them, you would hear over­ whelming happiness. Now, m ind you, it was not always peaches and cream , in their lives. Only a short time, ago, Kevin was wrestling with an addiction to cocaine. Due to this addiction, he received treatm ent from the "STAY C lean” program. Kevin has nothing but " g o o d ” to say about the program , the personnel and the w onderful Savior he met while in the STAY CLEAN facilities. “ I was a drug addict for 27 years. I had an awful problem dealing with my addic­ tion” confesses Kevin. “ I entered the STAY CLEAN program because of what it was doing to my life and to my body!, he contin­ ues. ‘ ‘The program has a tw o-fold purpose. It’s a spiritural program based on the saving pow er of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The program directs you to the Lord. For now, I know that I am to look solely to G od for my help, instead o f ju st relying on just ‘gut level’ or just trying to work it out for m yself. The program deals w-th family concepts. Everyone in the program is able to talk openly about their problem s, how the drugs have affected them, how their problem has affected their fam ilies and so o n .” 1 can rem em ber, several m onths back, when I covered the stay on the STAY CLEAN, Kevin Howard INC. program, K evin was one o f those young m en I m entioned in my article. At that time, he was very thin. Face drawn and struggling to be ‘free’ from this monster that he was carrying on his back. He m entioned his wife and told m e that he was trying so very hard to get his life back in ord er-b ecau se he wanted to do right by his w ife. ” M s. Spears he said, “ I am going to stay in here as long as it takes. I love my wife and I am not acting like m uch-of-a-m an if 1 c a n 't take care of her and get my life back in order.” Kevin and Joyce were married four years ago. K evin’s first marriage and Joyce’s sec­ ond. W ell, Joyce was just about through with the entire situation. She was patient and kind and long suffering . . . she thought. But God Almighty had an entirely different outcome planned for these two individuals. January, 1989, Kevin and Joyce talked about divorce. Even though they were both against it. They felt this was the best way to deal with the problem. In Arpil, they got their divorce. All during this time, Joyce was talking to the Lord and wondering whether or not she was doing the right thing. She talked to one of her good friends, from church, and her friend told her “ Your m arriage has to be tom apart. Otherwise, how can som ething be restored if it has never been tom a p a r t” Joyce thought about what her friend had said to her. During the period of divorce Kevin and Joyce state that they never felt that they were divorced. "Joyce is my w ife” says Kevin. “ In my heart and deep down in my soul” said Joyce, “ I knew that Kevin and I were still husband and w ife.” So, they took their dilemm a to their pastor. Rev. W endell W allace, senior pastor of the M aranatha Church. Rekv. Wallace advised them, prayed w ith them and counseled them. He instructed them on the reason and the true meaning behind marriage. He told them about G od’s love for his children and the love that a man should have for his wife and the kind o f love a woman should have for her husband. He told them about the glue that was needed to hold their m arriage together forever and ever. Then, four years later and on the very sam e day, Kevin and Joyce repeated then- vows. On the second day of November, 1989, Kevin and Joyce Howard becam e man and wife for a second tim e—but this time their m arriage had a different meaning. The words had a different meaning. To them , life, now has a different meaning. AF’R/CA.VA.VEÂ/CAAÆ AND THE BIBLICAL HEBREWS (JEWS) Who are the Biblical Descendants of the tribes of Israel Today Are there 30 Million in America Are they Descendants of African American Slaves Thken into Every Corner of the Earth During European Slave Trade from West and Northwestern Africa Did Biblical Prophecy Predict African Americans Becoming Mayors of Every Major City in America; Governors of States, and Presidents of the United States Jesus Loves You! Allen Temóle CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenu», Did Biblical Prophecy Predict Europe Uniting as one People under one Idea called Democracy (comer of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) “ Before You Must” 287-0261 — Make a Decision — SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26,1989 - 12:45 PM “ Inquire about the services we offer’’ SL Paul Church o f God In Christ 2859 NE Rodney Portland, Oregon Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor Psalm 34:3 Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 24 Hr. Service The Albina Church of God 5522 N.Albina/283-1635 With A Bold New Vision Reaching out until He comes Going Back when He comes Sunday School Sunday Service 281 4891 C O M E - YO U A R E A B O U T TO L E A R N S O M E T H IN G G O O D A N D N E W !!! W e are interested in your problems T. West, who is the Edilor/Publishcr of the Gospel Echo Informant Publication will be speaking on all o f the above topics. He will also be available to answer questions. History is good to know, but it is better to know how to apply the lessons o f history to right now. If we were to consider, we would conclude that n o t h in g is really new. Therefore, there is a great prophetic message which we, as a people, have not considered. Maranatha Church 4222 N.E. 12th Ave. "A TEACHING CHURCH WITH A REACHING MINISTRY.” Rev. Wendell H. WAllace Senior Pastor MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH 9:45 a.m. morning 11:00 a.m. Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor Sunday Service evening 6:00 p.m. 116 NE. Schuyler Tuesday Teaching Thursday 7:30 p.m. Moments of Deliverance 7:30 The Friendliest Church in the city Senior Pastor Rev. Samuel M. Irving. 7:45 A.M. - W orship Service 9:30 A.M. - Sunday School 10:45 A.M. - W orship Service 6:30 P.M. - W orship Service Bible Study: 10:30 A.M. - 12 Noon - W ednesday 6:30 A.M. - 8:00 P.M . - W ednesday Sunday Servcices Sunday School 9:00 A.M. Morning Workshop 10:30 A.M. Radio Ministry each Sun. 8am KBMS 284-1954 Maranatha Schtxjl of Ministry 6:30P.M. Mid- week services - Wednesday 7:30 P.M. ■* • » - ; « f * '• • . . • ,V ’ ,» * • ‘ ■ " J