Portland Observer NOVEMBER 22, 1989 Page 3 News Around Town _____________________________________________________________________________________ I____________________________________________________________ __________________ Lecture Series Offered For Co-Dependents Of Substance Abusers “ You C an Do M ore Than W atch It H appen” is the lecture series for co-depend­ ents of substance abusers which will be held at 7:00 p.m., M onday evenings, N ov. 20 through Dec. 18. The lectures, w hich are free o f cost, will take place at the Project for Comm unity Recovery, 3924 N. W illiams Ave., Pre-registration is not required, and the lectures are free o f cost. The co-dependency lecture series is provided by the Project for Comm unity Recovery, a m ulti-cultural substance abuse treatm ent serv ice which focuses on the needs of black chem ically dependent individuals in Portland’s N orth/N ortheast Comm unity. Project forC om m unity Recovery is aservice of De Paul Treatm ent Centers and the Center for Comm unity M ental Health. Library Offers Activities For Kids ALBINA BRANCH 3605 N.E. 15th 221-7701 TUes.-Thurs.: 1-8:30 p.m. Wed.-Frl.: 1-5:30 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Sat., Dec. 9, 2:30 p.m .. Festivals of Light. The A balone Kids celebrate many traditions from Las Posadas in M exico to Chanukah, Christm as, and the welcoming of the New Year in Japan. Sensitive songs and stories o f the season. Film Series: Films for the week betw een Christm as and N ew Y ear’s at 2:30 p.m. (Each approx. 45 mins.) Preschool Storytimes: Thurs. at 11 a.m. for ages 2-1/2 to 6. Sto­ rytim e w ill begin again on Jan. 11, 1990. NORTH PORTLAND 512 N. Killingsworth 221-7702 Tues.-Thurs.: 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Frl.-Sat.: 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Sat., Dec. 2, 2:30 p.m ., films: “ F erdi­ nand,” “ Arrow to the S un,” “ Clowns: the Laugh M akers.” Also, Sat., Dec. 9, 2:30 p.m ., films: “ B rave Little T ailor,” “ Just Say H ie,” and “ M olly’s Pilgrim .” Preschool Storytimes: Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. for ages 3-5. Storytim e begin again on Jan. 9,1 9 9 0 . ST. JOHNS BRANCH 7510 N. Charleston 221-7716 Tues.-Thurs.: 12:30-8:30 p.m. Frl.-Sat.: 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Sat., Dec. 9, 2:30 p.m. A V isit from Santa Claus. C om e listen to C hristm as sto­ ries, talk to Santa and get a cookie! Preschool Storytim es: Fridays at 11 a.m. for ages 3-5. Storytim e will begin again on Jan. 12, 1990. Oregonians Continue To Change The Meaning Of “Tie One On” Some of the nicest people drink and d riv e . . . In 1988,307 people died and nearly 4,000 were seriously injured on O regon’s roadways in alcohol-related traffic crashes. The goal o f this cam paign is to reduce that number. Attorney General Dave Frohnmayer will kick-off this y ear’s “ Tie O ne O n ” campaign with a press conference/reception hosted by the Oregon/Idaho Division of 7-11 Stores to be held at 1 p.m .. W ed., Nov. 29 at the Lincoln II office com plex, 10220 SW G reenburg Road. For the fourth consecutive year. M oth­ ers A gainst Drunk Driving (M AD D) are asking all O regonians to “ tie o n e " for safety by displaying a red ribbon on the outside of their m otor vehicles indicating their pledge not to drink and drive this holiday season. In addition to 7-11 stores, MADD has been joined in their effort to increase public awareness of the dangers o f drinking and driving by A ckerley Com m unications, State Farm Insurance agents, Fred Meyer, The Oregonian, US Bank, T routm an’s Em po­ rium stores, SAFECO Insurance C om pa­ nies, D om ino’s Pizza and m any more. Ribbons arc available to the public through any 7-11 store, US Bank, or Emporium store statewide. In the Portland-M etro area, rib­ bons arc also available from any State Farm Insurance agent. Art Reidel Is Again Playing Santa Claus Art Reidel, ow ner of Reidel Interna­ tional is again playing Santa Claus for Port­ land. He has donated the historic O ld Post O ffice in Portland for the site o f the 11 th annual Portland Christm as M arket. The M arket, featuring gifts and decora­ tions by over 300 crafters from O regon and W ashington will be open Nov. 17-Dec. 23. It is located at 8720 N. Ivanhoe In St. John’s. The M arket is open daily Mon. through Sat., 9:30 a.m .-5:30 p.m ., Fridays until 9 p.m . and Sundays, Noon until 5 p.m. It attracts visitors from O regon, W ashington and as far away as South Carolina, Hawaii and Texas. KGW-TV Invites Viewers To “Toy With Us” During Eighth Annual Channel 8 Toy Drive Each year the holidays bring joy to thou­ sands o f children in our area. But for many children, Christm as comes and goes without a single present under the tree. In hopes of m eeting the needs o f local fam ilies this holi­ day season, KGW-TV will kick off it's eighth annual Channel 8 Toy Drive on Nov. 27. This year, the Channel 8 Toy Drive is in conjunc­ tion with M attel Kids Care Too. Viewers can bring donations of new, unw rapped toys to KGW -TV studios located at 1501 SW Jefferson, weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Contributions to the C han­ nel 8 Toy Drive can also be made at G .1. Jo e’s stores throughout the Portland area. While gifts for young people o f all ages are appre­ ciated, a shortage o f gifts for older children is often reported. Last year view ers generously donated over 17,000 toys. The toys will be distributed by the seven organizations listed below. To inquire about receiving toys for a needy child, Channel 8 suggests contacting the organizations directly. Clackam as County: C lackam as County Toy & Joy - 652-2605; Clark County: Salva­ tion Army - (206) 892-9050; Multnomah County: Toy & Joy Makers - 281-TOYS; The Salvation Army -231 -GIVE; D istrict 10 Toy & Joy - 256-1546; W ashington County: T ualatin Valley Fire & R escue’s Toy & Joy - 649-8577; Beaverton Elks Lodge: 646- 6116. Weekly Family Education/Support Class A nnouncement o f weekly fam ily educa- tion/support class beginning Tucs., Nov. 28 at 6 p.m til 7:30 p.m. This is for fam ily/friends/caregivers o f people with a m ental illness. This is a FREE service provided by your com m unity mental health center. Topics o f Discussion: Causes and sym p­ tom s o f mental illness. M edications, A lco­ hol and drug problem s, and Individual con­ cerns are welcome. If you have any questions. Please call G ary Oberg or B arbara Kolim ar at N/NE Community Mental Health Center, 249-0066. Federal Alzheimer’s Study Ready To Accept Patients Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical C enter is ready to begin accepting 600 pa­ tients with A lzehim er’s disease from the Portland area for a federally funded study to determ ine w hat kind o f services will best allow patients to be eared for at h o m e-an d w hether that care is cost-effective. The Medicare Alzheimer’s Project (MAP) will officially begin serving patients and their fam ilies on Dec. 1st with the help o f a tJirec-year, $3.5 million grant from the Health C are Financing Administration (M edicare), G ood Samaritan was one o f eight sites in the U.S. selected for the grant. The tri-county area is estim ated by the A lzheim er’s A sso­ ciation to have at least 30,000 A lzheim er’s patients. For information about enrolling, please call 229-7999 or write the M edicare Alz­ h eim er’s Project at Good Sam aritan, 1015 NW 22nd Ave., Portland, OR 97210. Union Gospel Ministries Help Serving The Needs Of Portland’s Needy And Homeless Three Canine Heroes From Portland Honored By The American Humane Association Please help us at Thanksgiving provide traditional, hom e-cooked Thanksgiving din­ ners with all the trim mings for the hungry and shelter for the homeless during this Thanksgiving season. Send your gift today to: U nion Gospel M inistries, Dept. 11139, 3212 SE Ankeny St., Portland, OR 97214. Thank you for sharing your blessings so generously. The trio o f canine heroes that saved the life of three-year-old Joseph Leffler after he became lost in the woods in July were recently recognized by the American Humane Association. Seven-year-old Dan, five-year- old Jack, and six-m onth-old Peggy, dingo- Australian shepherd mixes, were honored with American H um ane’s prestigious Still­ man Award. The dogs were nom inated for the award by Portland’s O regon Humane Society. “ The Stillman Award recognizes the very special bond which exists between humans and anim als by honoring animals who save the lives o f people, or people who, risking personal injuries or death, save the lives of animals,” explains Dennis J White, Director of American H um ane’s Animal Protection D ivision, which is headquar­ tered in Denver, Colo. The Stillman Award, named after a form er president of American Humane, was first awarded in 1928. St. Andrew Catholic Church To Host Free Thanksgiving Dinner St. Andrew Catholic Church will host a free Thanksgiving dinner from N oon to 3 p.m ., Thurs., Nov. 23 at the St. Andrew Comm unity Center, 4940 NE 8th Ave., The dinner is open to everyone, accord­ ing to Bob Ferguson, St. A ndrew ’s Em er­ gency Services. Ferguson said donations of prepared foods and volunteer workers would be welcomed for the third annual T hanks­ giving Day meal. 1989 Festival of Lights Seeks Musical Performers The Second Annual Festival o f Lights is expanding its musical presentation to in­ clude alm ost 50 perform ing groups ranging from C hristm as carolers, church and school choirs, string ensem bles, gospel singers, and more. The ev en t’s coordinators are seeking perform ing groups willing to volunteer their talents to this ecum enical C hristm as cele­ bration. W hile perform ances need not con­ sist exclusively o f seasonal m usic, all m usi­ cal presentations m ust reflect the traditional Christm as m essage, and this y ear’s Festival o f Lights them , o f “ Hope, Peace, Love.” The festival, which runs nightly from Dec. 14 through Dec. 24 at the G rotto on N.E. Sandy Blvd. at 85th Ave., also features spec­ tacular lighting displays, a nativity scene, a live animal peuing manger, and puppet shows. Production o f this Christm as celebra­ tion is only possible through a broad spec­ trum o f comm unity support in the staffing of the Festival o f Lights. For further inform a­ tion please contact Elizabeth Cebula, volun­ teer coordinator, or Peter M ott, Festival of Lights coordinator, at 254-7371. For You And The Community Inform ation about holiday volunteer opportunities in Clackam as, M ultnom ah and W ashington counties will be available at the Volunteer Bureau from Nov. 10th through Dec. 22nd. In past years, groups and individuals have enjoyed delivering meals and wrapping gifts, visiting and providing entertainm ent, donating toys, clothing, food baskets and craft item s—the list goes on and on! Call the Bureau at 222-1355 to explore the many daytim e, evening or weekend possibilities our 1989 holiday season holds! Annual Holly Sale Once again, The Friends o f Tryon Creek State Park are offering Holly w reaths, bags or boxes of Holly, and Evergreen wreaths in two sizes for your holiday enjoym ent. Or take this opportunity to delight family and friends in the South, M idwest and East or right here at hom e with a beautiful wreath. All wreaths are professionally made, and the Holly is dipped to assure freshness. A 2 lb. bag o f Holly is only 45 when picked up. Or a 2-1/2 box o f Holly can be shipped anyw here in the United States for only $12. Pick up order forms at the Nature house at Tryon Creek State Park, 11321 SW Ter- w illiger blvd., Portland, one mile south of Lewis and Clark College. O r call 636-4398. O rders m ust be received no later than Dec. 1. Tony Hopson and Ray Leary Are Gold Schmidty Award Winners St. Mary’s Will Host Annual Open House St. M ary’s Academy will host its annual Open house for all prospective students on Sun., Dec. 3, from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. All interested students and their parents are invited to attend an afternoon at St. M ary’s Academy to leant about the school and have the opportunity to m eet students, faculty, staff and coaches. The afternoon features school tours, classroom dem onstra­ tions, basketball and dram a practice, and presentations by the administration. St. M ary’s Academy, a college prepara­ tory high school for young women, is the only school in O regon to be nationally recog­ nized twice for its standards o f excellence by the United States D epartm ent of Education. The school is located in Downtown Portland at 1615 SW Fifth Ave. For more information contact Tammy G illey at 228- 7181. First Aid Class Learn standard first aid from American Red Cross instructors in a tw o-part certifica­ tion program M onday, Dec. 4 and W ed., Dec. 6 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Mt. Hood M edical Center. Fee is $25, and attendance is required both evenings. To register call 661- 9287. Also CPR - A Level C class including adult, child and infant CPR w ill be offered M onday, Dec. 11 from 7-10 p.m. at Mount Hood Medical Center. Certification is through the Oregon Affiliate o f the A m erican Heart A ssociation. Fee is $12. For m ore inform a­ tion call 661-9187. New Chief Of Legal Medicine Named A t Kaiser Per ma- T ony H opson an d Ray L eary founded the S elf-E nhancem ent P ro g ram in 1981, u n d e r the auspices o f the A lbina M in isterial A lliance. A lthough the p ro g ram initially focused on a one-w eek su m m er eam p for high school b ask etb all players, it h as since expanded to serve m iddle school stu d e n ts an d no n -ath letes as well. T he focus o f the p ro g ra m has been to im prove the s tu d e n ts’ expectations, a n d p re p a re them fo r college. In 1988, the p ro g ra m served 600 kid s—up from 80 in the first y ear o f the p ro g ram . MacLaren Boys Forge New Trails Support Group Provides Coping Skills In 10 years of wilderness projects, M acLaren School has had only one runaway from this program. M ost o f these youths have never been in the wilderness, but have helped construct trails and bridges, w alk­ ways for the handicapped and many other projects at Fisherm an’s Bend, Champoeg Park and in the Mt. Hood National F o rest O ver 1,780 M acLaren students have partici­ pated. Contact: Rick Hill, 981-9531. Alzheimers Support Groups provide coping skills for the caregiver, the ability to share problem s, and the opportunity to get in touch with personal feelings. Facts on state- of-the-art treatm ent and local comm unity resources are offered to provide caregiver support. Adult care for patients is som etim es available for a small fee during support group sessions, call 692-2161. The sessions will be held at M eridian Park H ospital, M ondays, Dec 4th and 18th from 7-8:30 p.m . For m ore inform ation call the Tualatin H ospital at 692-2193. 55 Alive/Mature Driving An accident prevention course devel­ oped for senior citizens by the American A ssociation of Retired Persons, will be of­ fered at M eridian Park Hospital on Tues., Dec. 5 and Thurs., Dec. 7. Each session is four hours and attendance is required for both days, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The fee is $7 and pre-registration is required. Persons aged 50 and older are eligible to participate in the program. Seating is lim ­ ited. For more inform ation, and to register call the Com m unity Education Dept. at the Tualatin Hospital at 692-2656. nente Robert M iller, M.D., has been nam ed the new chief of legal m edicine for Kaiser Permancnte. He replaces Jack Emery, M.D., w ho earlier accepted another position in Kaiser Perm anente's North Carolina Re­ gion. Dr. M iller left a private practice in G resham , O regon, to begin practicing emergency m edicine at K aiser Permancnte in 1973. He was named a distinguished physician by the program 's m edical group in 1980. He transferred to K aiser Perma- nente’s Alcohol and Drug R ecovery Serv­ ices in 1985, and two years later becam e chief of that departm ent. Since 1986, Dr. M iller has been physieian-in-charge at the Health Center East Medical Office in North­ east Portland. Dr. M iller is a graduate o f the O regon Health Sciences University, where he com pleted his m edical residency. He did his internship at G ood Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center. He is certified by the American Society of Addictions Medicine. Volunteers Are Needed Christm as is the season o f giving - an extremely im portant time for the American Lung Association o f Oregon. The Lung Association depends on donations from Christm as Seals to m aintain the fight against lung disease in Oregon. Volunteers are needed to process C hrist­ mas Seal mail. Anyone interested in finding out m ore about volunteering should contact Karen Beasley at 224-5145 or 1-800-545- 5864. Support Our Advertisers! Say You Saw It In The Portland O bserver! Heathman Hotel Announces Holiday Festivities Portland’s historic H eathman Hotel has scheduled an array o f holiday events reflect­ ing the m agic o f the season. Chef George Tate’s extraordinary Thanks­ giving m enu launches the season Thurs., Nov. 23 in the h otel’s aw ard winning restau­ rant. Dinner is $23.95 for adults, $14.95 for children under 12. B reakfast and a special holiday afternoon tea also will be served on Thanksgiving Day. The Elizabeth Leach G allery will pres­ ent a mixed m edia show "Im ag es o f H om e’ ’ in the hotel's M ezzanine G allery from Nov. 13 through the holidays. Friday, Nov. 29 through Dec. 24, volun­ teers from the Salvation Army w ill offer gift w rapping from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily on the mezzanine. Proceeds benefit the Salvation Army W hite Shield Center. Gift certificates are available in the hotel’s executive office and at the front desk. B. M oloch/H eathm an B akery & Pub also offers gift certificates and will have gourm et food baskets for sale throughout December. Reservations are suggested for all holi­ day activities and may be arranged by calling 241-4100. Unity o f Love 6720 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd. (Formerly Union Ave.) 283-5440 Limited Time ONLY SPECIAL ON CURLS Relaxers $10.00 Off All Curls Wave Noveau $55.00 Care Free Designer Curl $45.00 $45.00 Touch Up $25.00 Ask for Daryl For Discount! h